PACKET wordperfect conversion DEFINES convert to wp :
LET type1 = 1,
linefeed = 3,
limit = 4,
free = 5,
page cmd0 = 6,
page cmd1 = 7,
on = 8,
off = 9,
page nr = 10,
pagelength = 11,
start = 12,
foot = 13,
end = 14,
head = 15,
headeven = 16,
headodd = 17,
bottom = 18,
bottomeven = 19,
bottomodd = 20,
block = 21,
material = 22,
columns = 23,
columnsend = 24,
ib0 = 25,
ib1 = 26,
ib2 = 27,
ie0 = 28,
ie1 = 29,
ie2 = 30,
topage = 31,
goalpage = 32,
count0 = 33,
count1 = 34,
setcount = 35,
value0 = 36,
value1 = 37,
table = 38,
table end = 39,
r pos = 40,
l pos = 41,
c pos = 42,
d pos = 43,
b pos = 44,
clear pos0 = 45,
clear pos1 = 46,
right = 47,
center = 48,
skip = 49,
skip end = 50,
u cmd = 51,
d cmd = 52,
e cmd = 53,
head on = 54,
head off = 55,
bottom on = 56,
bottom off = 57,
count per page=58,
fillchar = 59,
mark cmd = 60,
mark end = 61,
pageblock = 62,
bsp = 63,
counter1 = 64,
counter2 = 65,
setcounter = 66,
putcounter0 = 67,
putcounter1 = 68,
storecounter = 69,
ub = 70,
ue = 71,
fb = 72,
fe = 73,
region = 74,
region end = 75;
LET eumel line display pos = 1,
dos line display pos = 10,
default tab insert pos = 21;
LET cont paper width = 20.88,
cont paper length = 30.48,
minimal margin = 0.5;
LET eumel modifications = "ibur";
LET wp cmd start = "<|",
wp cmd end = "|>";
ROW 6 TEXT VAR wp types on off := ROW 6 TEXT :
ROW 4 TEXT CONST wp mods on off := ROW 4 TEXT :
ROW 2 TEXT CONST wp scripts on off := ROW 2 TEXT :
("p\K11", "p\K12");
TEXT VAR cosmetic cmds :=
cosmetic cmds CAT
cosmetic cmds CAT
cosmetic cmds CAT
TEXT VAR font number string,
users tabs cmd, no users tabs cmd,
param1, param2,
act l, next l, dos l,
eumel chunk,
wp cmd, buffer, index buffer, paired move cmd;
TEXT CONST wp enter tab menu := wp cmd start + "s\318",
wp clear tabs := "0\\rt\\ri\\el",
wp quit tab menu := "\&00" + wp cmd end,
wp return := "\\rt",
global tabs cmd := wp enter tab menu + wp clear tabs
+ "0,0.5c" + wp return + wp quit tab menu,
page no cmd := wp cmd start + "s\3263" + wp cmd end;
INT VAR cmd index, no of params,
base font index, base font offset,
current wp size, current script value,
mod flags,
current index number,
act l no,
dos l length,
first cross pos, second cross pos,
act text start, next text start,
act indent level, next indent level,
current tab insert pos,
current font,
cursor x, cursor y;
REAL VAR paper width,
paper length,
current top margin,
current bottom margin,
current left margin,
current right margin,
current limit,
current pagelength,
current indent pitch;
BOOL VAR in footnote,
in table,
in index,
in header,
in bottom,
in enum,
is last line of paragraph,
text in dos l,
line contains number sign
PROC convert to wp (TEXT CONST eumel file name) :
TEXT VAR wp file name, file fonttable, users fonttable := "";
BOOL VAR errors found := FALSE;
IF word wrap (eumel file name)
ELSE refuse nonwrapped file
IF NOT errors found
THEN line;
say ("Schrifttypen werden analysiert ...");
analyze fonts (eumel file name, file fonttable,
font number string, base font index);
say ("Fu"251"noten werden plaziert ...");
move footnotes (eumel file name);
wp file name := dos file name (eumel file name, "wpf");
forget (wp file name, quiet);
say ("Datei wird konvertiert ...");
IF file fonttable <> ""
THEN users fonttable := fonttable;
fonttable (file fonttable)
convert to wp file (eumel file name, wp file name);
forget (eumel file name, quiet);
rename (eumel file name + ".orig", eumel file name);
IF users fonttable <> ""
THEN fonttable (users fonttable)
END PROC convert to wp;
PROC convert to wp (THESAURUS CONST th) :
do (PROC (TEXT CONST) convert to wp, th)
END PROC convert to wp;
PROC convert to wp :
convert to wp (std)
END PROC convert to wp;
PROC move footnotes (TEXT CONST file name) :
copy (file name, file name + ".orig");
FILE VAR f := sequential file (modify, file name);
INT VAR count line no, count col no,
foot line no, foot col no,
end line no, end col no,
value line no, value col no,
footnote lines, line length;
TEXT VAR count line tail;
toline (f, 1);
cout (line no (f));
down (f, "#count#");
IF pattern found
THEN process note
process note :
count line no := line no (f);
count col no := col (f);
down (f, "#foot#");
IF pattern found
THEN foot line no := line no (f);
foot col no := col (f);
IF foot line no - count line no > 20
THEN LEAVE process note
isolate foot cmd if necessary;
down (f, "#end#");
IF pattern found
THEN end line no := line no (f);
check for value;
isolate end cmd if necessary;
remove note;
split count line;
replace count by note
ELSE LEAVE process note
ELSE LEAVE process note
check for value :
toline (f, foot line no);
col (f, foot col no);
down (f, "#value#");
IF pattern found
THEN value line no := line no (f);
value col no := col (f);
IF value line no >= end line no
THEN LEAVE process note
ELSE delete value cmd
ELSE LEAVE process note
toline (f, end line no)
delete value cmd :
read record (f, act l);
change (act l, "#u##value##e#", "");
change (act l, "#value#", "");
write record (f, act l)
isolate foot cmd if necessary :
read record (f, act l);
IF foot col no > 1
THEN next l := subtext (act l, foot col no);
IF (act l SUB (foot col no - 1)) = " "
THEN act l := subtext (act l, 1, foot col no - 2)
ELSE act l := subtext (act l, 1, foot col no - 1)
write record (f, act l);
down (f, 1);
insert record (f);
write record (f, next l)
isolate end cmd if necessary :
read record (f, act l);
end col no INCR 5;
next l := subtext (act l, end col no);
IF next l > " "
THEN act l := subtext (act l, 1, end col no - 1);
write record (f, act l);
down (f, 1);
insert record (f);
write record (f, next l);
up (f, 1)
remove note :
footnote lines := end line no - foot line no + 1;
remove (f, footnote lines)
split count line :
toline (f, count line no);
read record (f, act l);
cmd start := pos (act l, "#u##count##e#", count col no - 3);
IF cmd start = count col no - 3
THEN cmd end := cmd start + 12
ELSE cmd start := count col no;
cmd end := cmd start + 7
count line tail := subtext (act l, cmd end + 1);
IF (count line tail SUB LENGTH count line tail) = " "
CAND (only command line (count line tail) COR
LENGTH count line tail = 1)
THEN count line tail CAT " "
act l := subtext (act l, 1, cmd start - 1);
write record (f, act l)
replace count by note :
toline (f, count line no + 1);
reinsert (f);
append count line tail;
toline (f, count line no + 1);
read record (f, next l);
delete record (f);
up (f, 1);
read record (f, act l);
act l CAT next l;
line length := LENGTH act l;
IF pos (act l, "#foot#") = line length - 6 CAND
(act l SUB line length) = " "
THEN act l := subtext (act l, 1, line length - 1)
write record (f, act l)
append count line tail :
read record (f, act l);
end col no := pos (act l, "#end#");
act l := subtext (act l, 1, end col no + 4);
IF count line tail <> ""
THEN act l CAT count line tail
ELSE append next line
write record (f, act l)
append next line :
down (f, 1);
read record (f, next l);
IF next l > " "
THEN delete record (f);
up (f, 1);
act l CAT " ";
act l CAT next l;
write record (f, act l)
ELSE up (f, 1)
cmd start : first cross pos
cmd end : second cross pos
END PROC move footnotes;
PROC initialize values :
act l no := 0;
current wp size := 3;
current script value := 0;
mod flags := 0;
current index number := 0;
current tab insert pos:= default tab insert pos;
paper length := cont paper length;
paper width := cont paper width;
current top margin := 2.5;
current bottom margin := 2.5;
current left margin := 3.0;
current right margin := 2.0;
current pagelength := paper length - current top margin - current bottom margin;
current limit := paper width - current left margin - current right margin;
current font := 1;
current indent pitch := xstep conversion (indentation pitch (current font));
in enum := FALSE;
in table := FALSE;
in footnote := FALSE;
in header := FALSE;
in bottom := FALSE;
in index := FALSE;
text in dos l := FALSE;
base font offset := base font index - 3;
wp cmd := "";
dos l := "";
dos l length := 0;
next indent level := 0;
no users tabs cmd := no users tabs command;
users tabs cmd := no users tabs cmd
END PROC initialize values;
TEXT PROC no users tabs command :
TEXT VAR t := wp enter tab menu;
t CAT wp clear tabs;
t CAT text (current limit - 2.0);
t CAT ",0.2c\\rt";
t CAT wp quit tab menu;
END PROC no users tabs command;
INT PROC indent level (INT CONST text start pos) :
LET tab distance = 0.5;
IF text start pos < 3
ELSE positive indent level
positive indent level :
REAL VAR left margin distance
:= real (text start pos - 1) * current indent pitch;
INT VAR ind level := int (round (left margin distance / tab distance, 0));
IF ind level = 0
ELSE ind level
END PROC indent level;
PROC convert to wp file (TEXT CONST eumel file name, wp file name) :
get cursor (cursor x, cursor y);
FILE VAR eumel f := sequential file (input, eumel file name),
dos f := sequential file (output, wp file name);
max line length (dos f, max text length);
INT CONST file lines := lines (eumel f);
BOOL VAR is last file line := FALSE;
set file defaults;
getline (eumel f, next l);
next text start := pos (next l, ""33"", ""255"", 1);
act l := next l;
act l no INCR 1;
cursor (eumel line display pos, cursor y);
cout (act l no);
act text start := next text start;
IF act l no >= file lines
THEN next l := "";
next text start := 1;
is last file line := TRUE
ELSE getline (eumel f, next l);
get next text start
act indent level := next indent level;
next indent level := indent level (next text start);
process act line;
IF is last line of paragraph
THEN IF is last file line
THEN complement pending paired commands
putline (dos f, dos l);
dos l := "";
dos l length := 0;
text in dos l := FALSE;
cursor (dos line display pos, cursor y);
cout (line no (dos f))
UNTIL act l no >= file lines PER
END PROC convert to wp file;
PROC set file defaults :
initialize values;
set endnote options;
no pagination;
wp cmd CAT global tabs cmd
set endnote options :
cat to wp command ("s\J243\J22\\rt\&")
no pagination :
cat to wp command ("s\32649\&")
END PROC set file defaults;
PROC get next text start :
next text start := pos (next l, ""33"", ""255"", 1);
IF next text start = 2
THEN next text start := 1
END PROC get next text start;
PROC process act line :
LET tab code = "<|s\\tb|>",
indent code = "<|s\\in|>",
margin rel code = "<|s\^|>";
INT VAR enum blanks, past enumerator pos;
trim end of line (act l, is last line of paragraph, in table);
replace eumel special characters (act l, line contains number sign);
trim start of line;
IF in table CAND NOT text in dos l
THEN replace multiple blanks by tab stops (act l, tab code)
transfer line in chunks
trim start of line :
IF NOT (text in dos l COR only command line (act l))
THEN IF NOT is last line of paragraph CAND
next indent level < act indent level
THEN cat to dos l (next indent level * indent code);
cat to dos l ((act indent level - next indent level) * tab code)
ELSE cat to dos l (act indent level * indent code)
enum blanks := enumeration offset (act l, next l, in enum, act text start);
IF enum blanks <> 0
THEN in enum := TRUE;
past enumerator pos := pos (act l, " ", act text start);
change (act l, past enumerator pos, enum blanks, indent code)
ELSE in enum := FALSE;
IF NOT is last line of paragraph CAND
next indent level > act indent level
THEN cat to dos l (indent code);
cat to dos l (margin rel code)
END PROC process act line;
PROC complement pending paired commands :
reset modifications;
IF current wp size <> 3
THEN cat to wp command (wp types on off [current wp size]);
cat to dos l (wp cmd)
END PROC complement pending paired commands;
PROC transfer line in chunks :
WHILE act text start <= LENGTH act l REP
next text command pos (act l, act text start, first cross pos, second cross pos);
IF first cross pos <> 0
THEN IF first cross pos <> act text start
THEN process text chunk (act text start, first cross pos - 1)
process eumel command (first cross pos, second cross pos);
act text start := second cross pos + 1
ELSE process text chunk (act text start, LENGTH act l);
LEAVE transfer line in chunks
END PROC transfer line in chunks;
PROC process text chunk (INT CONST start pos, end pos) :
eumel chunk := subtext (act l, start pos, end pos);
IF in header COR in bottom
THEN change all (eumel chunk, "%", page no cmd)
IF line contains number sign
THEN change all (eumel chunk, ""222"", "#")
cat to dos l (eumel chunk);
text in dos l := TRUE;
IF in index
THEN index buffer CAT eumel chunk
END PROC process text chunk;
PROC process eumel command (INT CONST start pos, end pos) :
eumel chunk := subtext (act l, start pos + 1, end pos - 1);
IF (eumel chunk SUB 1) = "-"
THEN process comment (eumel chunk)
ELSE process command
cat to dos l (wp cmd);
wp cmd := ""
process command :
analyze command (cosmetic cmds, eumel chunk, 3, cmd index, no of params,
param1, param2);
customized command processing;
IF in index
THEN index buffer CAT wp cmd
customized command processing :
SELECT cmd index OF
CASE type1 : process type cmd (param1)
CASE linefeed : cat to wp command ("s\316" + param1 + "\\rt\&")
CASE limit : process limit (param1)
CASE free : process free (param1)
CASE page cmd0 : cat to wp command ("s\_")
CASE page cmd1 : cat to wp command ("s\_\3261" + param1 + "\\rt\&")
CASE on : process mod on (param1)
CASE off : process mod off (param1)
CASE page nr :
CASE pagelength : process pagelength (param1)
CASE start : process start (param1, param2)
CASE foot : process footnote
CASE end : process end
CASE head,
headodd : process head (cmd index)
CASE bottom,
bottomodd : process bottom (cmd index)
CASE block : cat to wp command ("s\3134\&")
CASE material :
CASE columns : process columns
CASE columnsend : cat to wp command ("s\>12")
CASE ib0,
ib2 : process index on (param1, param2)
CASE ie0, ie1, ie2 : process index off (param 1)
CASE topage : cat to wp command ("s\<111" + param1 + wp return)
CASE goalpage : cat to wp command ("s\<12" + param1 + wp return)
CASE count0 : cat to wp command ("s\051\\rt")
CASE count1 : process reference target (param1)
CASE setcount : cat to wp command ("s\J13" + param1 + wp return)
CASE value0 :
CASE value1 : cat to wp command ("s\<114" + param1 + wp return)
CASE table : process table
CASE table end : process table end
CASE r pos, l pos, c pos, d pos,
b pos : process tab stop (eumel chunk SUB 1, param1)
CASE clear pos0 : process clear all tabs
CASE clear pos1 : process clear tab (param1)
CASE right : cat to wp command ("s\=")
CASE center : cat to wp command ("s\1")
CASE skip :
CASE skip end :
CASE u cmd : process script cmd (1)
CASE d cmd : process script cmd (2)
CASE e cmd : process e cmd
CASE head on :
CASE head off : cat to wp command ("s\32311\&")
CASE bottom on :
CASE bottom off : cat to wp command ("s\32411\&")
CASE count per page : cat to wp command ("s\J146y\&")
CASE fillchar :
CASE mark cmd :
CASE mark end :
CASE pageblock :
CASE bsp :
CASE counter1 :
CASE counter2 :
CASE setcounter :
CASE putcounter0:
CASE putcounter1:
CASE storecounter:
CASE ub : process mod on ("u")
CASE ue : process mod off ("u")
CASE fb :
CASE fe :
CASE region, region end : cat to wp command ("p\3y")
END PROC process eumel command;
PROC process comment (TEXT CONST t) :
buffer := "p\Hy";
cat to wp command (buffer);
wp cmd CAT subtext (t, 2);
cat to wp command (buffer)
END PROC process comment;
PROC cat to dos l (TEXT CONST t) :
LET mtl = 32000;
INT CONST t length := LENGTH t;
IF mtl - t length < dos l length
THEN report ("Absatz ist zu lang")
ELSE dos l CAT t;
dos l length INCR t length
END PROC cat to dos l;
PROC cat to wp command (TEXT CONST t) :
IF t <> ""
THEN wp cmd CAT wp cmd start;
wp cmd CAT t;
wp cmd CAT wp cmd end
END PROC cat to wp command;
PROC process mod on (TEXT CONST kind of mod) :
TEXT CONST mod char := kind of mod SUB 1;
INT CONST mod no := pos (eumel modifications, mod char);
cat to wp command (wp mods on off [mod no]);
set bit (mod flags, mod no)
END PROC process mod on;
PROC process mod off (TEXT CONST kind of mod) :
TEXT CONST mod char := kind of mod SUB 1;
INT CONST mod no := pos (eumel modifications, mod char);
process mod off (mod no)
END PROC process mod off;
PROC process mod off (INT CONST mod no) :
cat to wp command (wp mods on off [mod no]);
reset bit (mod flags, mod no)
END PROC process mod off;
PROC reset modifications :
INT VAR mod no;
IF mod flags > 0
IF bit (mod flags, mod no)
THEN process mod off (mod no)
END PROC reset modifications;
PROC process type cmd (TEXT CONST wanted type) :
reset modifications;
current wp size off;
process type change (wanted type)
current wp size off :
cat to wp command (wp types on off [current wp size])
END PROC process type cmd;
PROC process type change (TEXT CONST eumel type) :
current font := font (eumel type);
current indent pitch := xstep conversion (indentation pitch (current font));
TEXT CONST eumel type no := code (current font);
INT CONST eumel size := pos (font number string, eumel type no);
current wp size := eumel size - base font offset;
IF current wp size < 1
THEN current wp size := 1
ELIF current wp size > 6
THEN current wp size := 6
cat to wp command (wp types on off [current wp size])
END PROC process type change;
PROC process script cmd (INT CONST script value) :
current script value := script value;
cat to wp command (wp scripts on off [script value])
END PROC process script cmd;
PROC process e cmd :
cat to wp command (wp scripts on off [current script value]);
current script value := 0
END PROC process e cmd;
PROC process free (TEXT CONST cm) :
IF NOT in header COR in bottom
THEN buffer := "s\3412";
buffer CAT cm;
buffer CAT "c\\rt\&";
cat to wp command (buffer)
END PROC process free;
PROC process limit (TEXT CONST t limit) :
current limit := real (t limit);
current limit := min (current limit, paper width - 2.0 * minimal margin);
process horizontal margins
END PROC process limit;
PROC process horizontal margins :
current right margin := paper width - current limit - current left margin;
IF current right margin - minimal margin < 0.0
THEN current right margin := minimal margin;
current left margin := paper width - current limit - current right margin
wp cmd := wp cmd start;
wp cmd CAT "s\317";
wp cmd CAT text (current left margin);
wp cmd CAT "c\\rt";
wp cmd CAT text (current right margin);
wp cmd CAT "c\\rt\&";
wp cmd CAT wp cmd end;
END PROC process horizontal margins;
PROC process pagelength (TEXT CONST t length) :
current pagelength := real (t length);
current pagelength
:= min (current pagelength, paper length - 2.0 * minimal margin);
process vertical margins
END PROC process pagelength;
PROC process vertical margins :
current bottom margin := paper length - current pagelength - current top margin;
IF current bottom margin - minimal margin < 0.0
THEN current bottom margin := minimal margin;
current top margin
:= paper length - current pagelength - current bottom margin
wp cmd := wp cmd start;
wp cmd CAT "s\325";
wp cmd CAT text (current top margin);
wp cmd CAT "c\\rt";
wp cmd CAT text (current bottom margin);
wp cmd CAT "c\\rt\&";
wp cmd CAT wp cmd end;
END PROC process vertical margins;
PROC process start (TEXT CONST t x, t y) :
current left margin := real (t x);
process horizontal margins;
current top margin := real (t y);
process vertical margins
END PROC process start;
PROC process footnote :
IF in footnote
THEN report ("Fu"251"notenschachtelung")
paired move cmd := "f\J11 \\rt\&";
cat to wp command (paired move cmd);
in footnote := TRUE
END PROC process footnote;
PROC process head (INT CONST index) :
IF in header
THEN report ("Header-Schachtelung")
paired move cmd := "f\323";
IF index <= headeven
THEN paired move cmd CAT "1";
IF index = head
THEN paired move cmd CAT "2"
ELSE paired move cmd CAT "4"
ELSE paired move cmd CAT "23"
paired move cmd CAT "\\rt\&00";
cat to wp command (paired move cmd);
in header := TRUE
END PROC process head;
PROC process bottom (INT CONST index) :
IF in bottom
THEN report ("Bottom-Schachtelung")
paired move cmd := "f\324";
IF index <= bottomeven
THEN paired move cmd CAT "1";
IF index = bottom
THEN paired move cmd CAT "2"
ELSE paired move cmd CAT "4"
ELSE paired move cmd CAT "23"
paired move cmd CAT "\\rt\&00";
cat to wp command (paired move cmd);
in bottom := TRUE
END PROC process bottom;
PROC process end :
reset types and mods;
cat to wp command (paired move cmd);
IF in header
THEN in header := FALSE
ELIF in bottom
THEN in bottom := FALSE
ELIF in footnote
THEN in footnote := FALSE
ELSE report ("Unmotivierte End-Anweisung")
reset types and mods :
reset modifications;
IF current wp size <> 3
THEN cat to wp command (wp types on off [current wp size]);
current wp size := 3;
END PROC process end;
PROC process columns :
INT VAR fcp, scp;
cat to wp command ("s\>1301");
next text command pos (act l, act text start, fcp, scp);
IF fcp = second cross pos + 1
THEN eumel chunk := subtext (act l, fcp + 1, scp - 1);
analyze command (cosmetic cmds, eumel chunk, 3, cmd index,
no of params, param1, param2);
IF cmd index = limit
THEN second cross pos := scp
END PROC process columns;
PROC process index on (TEXT CONST index number, registered text) :
IF in index
THEN report ("Kann Indexschachtelung nicht verarbeiten")
current index number := int (index number);
index buffer := "<|s\<3";
IF registered text <> ""
THEN index buffer CAT registered text
ELSE in index := TRUE
END PROC process index on;
PROC process index off (TEXT CONST index number) :
INT CONST index off number := int (index number);
IF current index number = index off number
THEN current index number := 0
ELSE report ("Kann Indexschachtelung nicht verarbeiten")
wp cmd := index buffer;
wp cmd CAT "\\rt\ |>";
in index := FALSE
END PROC process index off;
PROC process reference target (TEXT CONST marker) :
buffer := "s\J21\&\<12";
buffer CAT marker;
buffer CAT wp return;
cat to wp command (buffer)
END PROC process reference target;
PROC process table :
IF users tabs cmd <> no users tabs cmd
THEN wp cmd := users tabs cmd
in table := TRUE
END PROC process table;
PROC process table end :
wp cmd := global tabs cmd;
in table := FALSE
END PROC process table end;
PROC process tab stop (TEXT CONST tab type, tab pos) :
buffer := tab pos;
buffer CAT wp return;
IF pos ("rcd", tab type) <> 0
THEN buffer CAT tab type
insert new tab stop;
IF in table
THEN wp cmd CAT users tabs cmd
insert new tab stop :
insert char (users tabs cmd, buffer, current tab insert pos);
current tab insert pos INCR LENGTH buffer
END PROC process tab stop;
PROC process clear all tabs :
users tabs cmd := no users tabs cmd;
current tab insert pos := default tab insert pos;
END PROC process clear all tabs;
PROC process clear tab (TEXT CONST tab pos) :
INT VAR del start, del end;
del start := pos (users tabs cmd, tab pos);
IF del start <> 0
THEN clear pos
clear pos :
del end := pos (users tabs cmd, wp return, del start) + 4;
buffer := users tabs cmd SUB del end + 1;
IF pos ("rcd", buffer) <> 0
THEN del end INCR 1
change (users tabs cmd, del start, del end, "");
IF in table
THEN wp cmd CAT users tabs cmd
END PROC process clear tab;
PROC report (TEXT CONST t) :
errorstop ("Zeile " + text (act l no) + ": " + t)
END PROC report;
END PACKET wordperfect conversion;