PACKET picture DEFINES (*Autor: H.Indenbirken *)
PICTURE, (*Stand: 23.02.1985 *)
:=, CAT, nilpicture,
draw, draw r, draw cm, draw cm r,
move, move r, move cm, move cm r,
bar, circle,
length, dim, pen, where,
extrema, rotate, stretch, translate,
text, picture, plot:
LET draw key = 1,
move key = 2,
text key = 3,
move r key = 4,
draw r key = 5,
move cm key = 6,
draw cm key = 7,
move cm r key = 8,
draw cm r key = 9,
bar key = 10,
circle key = 11,
max 2 dim = 31983,
max 3 dim = 31975,
max text = 31974,
max bar = 31982,
max circle = 31974,
max length = 32000;
TYPE PICTURE = STRUCT (INT dim, pen, TEXT points);
INT VAR i, read pos, key;
REAL VAR x, y, z;
TEXT VAR t, r2 :: 16*""0"", r3 :: 24*""0"", i1 :: ""0""0"", i2 :: ""0""0""0""0"";
CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
END OP :=;
IF l.dim <> r.dim
THEN errorstop ("OP CAT : left dimension <> right dimension")
ELIF length (l.points) > max length - length (r.points)
THEN errorstop ("OP CAT : Picture overflow") FI;
l.points CAT r.points
PICTURE PROC nilpicture :
PICTURE : (0, 1, "")
END PROC nilpicture;
draw (p, text, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
END PROC draw;
PROC draw (PICTURE VAR p, TEXT CONST text, REAL CONST angle, height, bright):
write (p, text, angle, height, bright, text key)
END PROC draw;
PROC draw (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
check dim (p, 3);
write (p, x, y, z, draw key)
END PROC draw;
check dim (p, 2);
write (p, x, y, draw key)
END PROC draw;
PROC draw r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
check dim (p, 3);
write (p, x, y, z, draw r key)
END PROC draw r;
PROC draw r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
check dim (p, 2);
write (p, x, y, draw r key)
END PROC draw r;
PROC draw cm (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
write (p, x, y, draw cm key)
END PROC draw cm;
PROC draw cm r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
write (p, x, y, draw cm r key)
END PROC draw cm r;
PROC move (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
check dim (p, 3);
write (p, x, y, z, move key)
END PROC move;
check dim (p, 2);
write (p, x, y, move key)
END PROC move;
PROC move r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
check dim (p, 3);
write (p, x, y, z, move r key)
END PROC move r;
PROC move r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
check dim (p, 2);
write (p, x, y, move r key)
END PROC move r;
PROC move cm (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
write (p, x, y, move cm key)
END PROC move cm;
PROC move cm r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
write (p, x, y, move cm r key)
END PROC move cm r;
PROC bar (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST width, height, INT CONST pattern):
write (p, width, height, pattern, bar key)
PROC circle (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST radius, from, to, INT CONST pattern):
write (p, radius, from, to, pattern, circle key)
END PROC circle;
PROC write (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z, INT CONST key) :
IF length (p.points) < max 3 dim
THEN p.points CAT code (key);
replace (r3, 1, x);
replace (r3, 2, y);
replace (r3, 3, z);
p.points CAT r3
ELSE errorstop ("Picture overflow") FI
END PROC write;
IF length (p.points) < max 2 dim
THEN p.points CAT code (key);
replace (r2, 1, x);
replace (r2, 2, y);
p.points CAT r2
ELSE errorstop ("Picture overflow") FI
END PROC write;
PROC write (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, INT CONST n, key) :
IF length (p.points) < max bar
THEN p.points CAT code (key);
replace (r2, 1, x);
replace (r2, 2, y);
p.points CAT r2;
replace (i1, 1, n);
p.points CAT i1
ELSE errorstop ("Picture overflow") FI
END PROC write;
PROC write (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z, INT CONST n, key) :
IF length (p.points) < max circle
THEN p.points CAT code (key);
replace (r3, 1, x);
replace (r3, 2, y);
replace (r3, 3, z);
p.points CAT r3;
replace (i1, 1, n);
p.points CAT i1
ELSE errorstop ("Picture overflow") FI
END PROC write;
PROC write (PICTURE VAR p, TEXT CONST t, REAL CONST angle, height, bright,
INT CONST key) :
IF max text - length (p.points) >= length (t)
THEN p.points CAT code (key);
replace (i1, 1, length (t));
p.points CAT i1;
p.points CAT t;
replace (r3, 1, angle);
replace (r3, 2, height);
replace (r3, 3, bright);
p.points CAT r3
END PROC write;
PROC check dim (PICTURE VAR p, INT CONST dim):
IF p.dim = 0
THEN p.dim := dim
ELIF p.dim <> dim
THEN errorstop ("Picture is " + text (p.dim) + " dimensional") FI
END PROC check dim;
length (p.points)
END PROC length;
IF pen < 0 OR pen > 16
THEN errorstop ("pen out of range [0-16]") FI;
p.pen := pen
IF p.dim = 0
THEN x := 0.0; y := 0.0
ELIF p.dim = 3
THEN errorstop ("Picture is 3 dimensional")
ELSE x := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-15, length (p.points)-8) RSUB 1;
y := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-7, length (p.points)) RSUB 1
END PROC where;
PROC where (PICTURE CONST p, REAL VAR x, y, z) :
IF p.dim = 0
THEN x := 0.0; y := 0.0; z := 0.0
ELIF p.dim = 2
THEN errorstop ("Picture is 2 dimensional")
ELSE x := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-23, length (p.points)-16) RSUB 1;
y := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-15, length (p.points)-8) RSUB 1;
z := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-7, length (p.points)) RSUB 1;
END PROC where;
PROC extrema (PICTURE CONST p, REAL VAR x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max) :
x min := max real; x max :=-max real;
y min := max real; y max :=-max real;
z min := max real; z max :=-max real;
read pos := 0;
INT CONST pic length := length (p.points);
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP check position PER .
check position :
read pos INCR 1;
SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
CASE draw key : calc extrema
CASE move key : calc extrema
CASE move r key : calc rel extrema
CASE draw r key : calc rel extrema
CASE move cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE move cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
CASE bar key : read pos INCR 18
CASE circle key : read pos INCR 26
OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong key code") END SELECT .
calc extrema :
x := next real; y := next real; z := next real;
x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y);
z min := min (z min, z); z max := max (z max, z) .
calc rel extrema :
x INCR next real; y INCR next real; z INCR next real;
x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y);
z min := min (z min, z); z max := max (z max, z) .
next real :
read pos INCR 8;
subtext (p.points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
next int :
read pos INCR 2;
subtext (p.points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
END PROC extrema;
PROC extrema (PICTURE CONST p, REAL VAR x min, x max, y min, y max):
x min := max real; x max :=-max real;
y min := max real; y max :=-max real;
read pos := 0;
INT CONST pic length := length (p.points);
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP check position PER .
check position :
read pos INCR 1;
SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
CASE draw key : calc extrema
CASE move key : calc extrema
CASE move r key : calc rel extrema
CASE draw r key : calc rel extrema
CASE move cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE move cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
CASE bar key : read pos INCR 18
CASE circle key : read pos INCR 26
OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong key code") END SELECT .
calc extrema :
x := next real; y := next real;
x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y) .
calc rel extrema :
x INCR next real; y INCR next real;
x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y) .
next real :
read pos INCR 8;
subtext (p.points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
next int :
read pos INCR 2;
subtext (p.points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
END PROC extrema;
PROC rotate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST angle) :
REAL CONST s :: sind( angle ), c := cosd( angle );
transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
(ROW 3 REAL : ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0, c , s ),
ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0, -s , c ),
ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )))
END PROC rotate;
PROC rotate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST phi, theta, lambda ) :
REAL CONST s :: sind ( theta ), c :: cosd ( theta ),
s p :: sind ( phi ), s l :: sind ( lambda ),
ga :: cosd ( phi ), c l :: cosd ( lambda ),
be :: s p * s l, al :: s p * c l, c1 :: 1.0 - c;
transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
(ROW 3 REAL : ( al*al*c1 + c , be*al*c1+ga*s, ga*al*c1-be*s ),
ROW 3 REAL : ( al*be*c1-ga*s, be*be*c1 + c , ga*be*c1+al*s ),
ROW 3 REAL : ( al*ga*c1+be*s, be*ga*c1-al*s, ga*ga*c1 + c ),
ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )))
END PROC rotate;
PROC stretch (PICTURE VAR pic, REAL CONST sx, sy) :
stretch (pic, sx, sy, 1.0)
END PROC stretch;
PROC stretch (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST sx, sy, sz) :
transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
(ROW 3 REAL : ( sx, 0.0, 0.0),
ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, sy, 0.0),
ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, sz),
ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
END PROC stretch;
PROC translate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST dx, dy) :
translate (p, dx, dy, 0.0)
END PROC translate;
PROC translate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST dx, dy, dz) :
transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
(ROW 3 REAL : (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
ROW 3 REAL : ( dx, dy, dz)))
END PROC translate;
PROC transform (PICTURE VAR p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL CONST a) :
INT CONST pic length := length (p.points);
INT VAR begin pos;
read pos := 0;
x := 0.0; y := 0.0; z := 0.0;
IF p.dim = 2
THEN transform 2 dim pic
ELSE transform 3 dim pic FI .
transform 2 dim pic:
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP transform 2 dim position PER .
transform 2 dim position:
read pos INCR 1;
SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
CASE draw key : transform 2 dim point
CASE move key : transform 2 dim point
CASE move r key : transform 2 dim point
CASE draw r key : transform 2 dim point
CASE move cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE move cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
CASE bar key : read pos INCR 18
CASE circle key : read pos INCR 26
OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong key code") END SELECT .
transform 2 dim point:
begin pos := read pos+1;
x := next real; y := next real;
transform (a, x, y, z);
replace (r2, 1, x);
replace (r2, 2, y);
replace (p.points, begin pos, r2) .
transform 3 dim pic:
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP transform 3 dim position PER .
transform 3 dim position :
read pos INCR 1;
SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
CASE draw key : transform 3 dim point
CASE move key : transform 3 dim point
CASE move r key : transform 3 dim point
CASE draw r key : transform 3 dim point
CASE move cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm key : read pos INCR 16
CASE move cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE draw cm r key : read pos INCR 16
CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
CASE bar key : read pos INCR 18
CASE circle key : read pos INCR 26
OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong key code") END SELECT .
transform 3 dim point:
begin pos := read pos+1;
x := next real; y := next real; z := next real;
transform (a, x, y, z);
replace (r3, 1, x);
replace (r3, 2, y);
replace (r3, 3, z);
replace (p.points, begin pos, r3) .
next real :
read pos INCR 8;
subtext (p.points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
next int :
read pos INCR 2;
subtext (p.points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
END PROC transform;
PROC transform (ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL CONST a, REAL VAR x, y, z) :
REAL CONST ox :: x, oy :: y, oz :: z;
x := ox*a(1)(1) + oy*a(2)(1) + oz*a(3)(1) + a(4)(1);
y := ox*a(1)(2) + oy*a(2)(2) + oz*a(3)(2) + a(4)(2);
z := ox*a(1)(3) + oy*a(2)(3) + oz*a(3)(3) + a(4)(3)
END PROC transform;
replace (i2, 1, pic.dim);
replace (i2, 2, pic.pen);
i2 + pic.points
END PROC text;
PICTURE : (text ISUB 1, text ISUB 2, subtext (text, 5))
END PROC picture;
INT CONST pic length := length (p.points);
read pos := 0;
IF p.dim = 2
THEN plot two dim pic
ELSE plot three dim pic FI .
plot two dim pic:
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP plot two dim position PER .
plot two dim position :
read pos INCR 1;
SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
CASE draw key : draw (next real, next real)
CASE move key : move (next real, next real)
CASE move r key : move r (next real, next real)
CASE draw r key : draw r (next real, next real)
CASE move cm key : move cm (next real, next real)
CASE draw cm key : draw cm (next real, next real)
CASE move cm r key : move cm r (next real, next real)
CASE draw cm r key : draw cm r (next real, next real)
CASE text key : draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
CASE bar key : bar (next real, next real, next int)
CASE circle key : circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong key code") END SELECT .
plot three dim pic:
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP plot three dim position PER .
plot three dim position :
read pos INCR 1;
SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
CASE draw key : draw (next real, next real, next real)
CASE move key : move (next real, next real, next real)
CASE move r key : move r (next real, next real, next real)
CASE draw r key : draw r (next real, next real, next real)
CASE move cm key : move cm (next real, next real)
CASE draw cm key : draw cm (next real, next real)
CASE move cm r key : move cm r (next real, next real)
CASE draw cm r key : draw cm r (next real, next real)
CASE text key : draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
CASE bar key : bar (next real, next real, next int)
CASE circle key : circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong key code") END SELECT .
next real :
read pos INCR 8;
subtext (p.points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
next int :
read pos INCR 2;
subtext (p.points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
next text :
INT CONST text length :: next int;
read pos INCR text length;
subtext (p.points, read pos-text length+1, read pos) .
END PROC plot;
END PACKET picture