app/mpg/2.2/src/DATAGRAPH 3-7.GCONF

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PLOTTER "DATAGRAPH",3,7,511,241,25.0,16.5; 
COLORS "000999900029490000990751";
LET csi = ""27"[?"; 
PROC datagraph palette: 
   INT VAR coln, rgb; 
   REAL VAR anteil; 
   FOR coln FROM 0 UPTO colors - 1 REP
      rgb := color (coln);
      IF rgb <> maxint
         THEN out (csi + text (coln) + ";"); 
              anteil := real (rgb DIV 100) / 9.0; 
              out (text (int (7.0 * anteil + 0.5)) + ";"); 
              anteil := real ((rgb MOD 100) DIV 10) / 9.0; 
              out (text (int (7.0 * anteil + 0.5)) + ";"); 
              anteil := real (rgb MOD 10) / 9.0; 
              out (text (int (3.0 * anteil + 0.5)) + "m"); 
END PROC datagraph palette; 

PROC prepare:
       disable stop;
       continue (channel(plotter)); 
       clear error;
       enable stop; 
       IF NOT online 
          THEN pause (300)
    UNTIL online PER
END PROC prepare;
PROC clear: 
   out (csi + "2D"); 
   foreground (1)
END PROC clear; 

PROC initplot: 
   out (csi + "1a"); 
   out (csi + "0j");
   out (csi + "3j"); 
   out (csi + "4j") 
END PROC initplot; 
PROC endplot: 
   out (csi + "0a");
   out (csi + "3;7;5;1m"); 
   out (csi + "0;0;0;0m");
   out (""27"[33m") 
END PROC endplot;

PROC home: 
   move to (0,0); 
END PROC home; 
PROC moveto (INT CONST x,y): 
   out (csi + "1;"+text(y)+";"+text(x)+"C") 
END PROC moveto; 
PROC drawto (INT CONST x,y): 
   out (csi + "0V"); 
   out (csi + "1V"); 
   out (csi + "3;"+text(y)+";"+text(x)+"V") 
END PROC drawto; 
PROC setpixel (INT CONST x,y): 
   out (""27"[?0;"+text(y)+";"+text(x)+"P") 
END PROC setpixel;

PROC foreground (INT VAR type): 
   IF type >= 0 AND type <= 7
      THEN out (csi + text (type) + ";f") 
      ELSE type := 1;out (csi + "1;f")
END PROC foreground;

PROC background (INT VAR type):
   IF color (type) <> maxint
      THEN set color (0,color (type))
      ELSE type := 0;set color (0,000) 
   set palette
END PROC back ground; 
PROC set palette: 
   datagraph palette 
END PROC set palette;

PROC circle (INT CONST x,y,rad,from,to): 
   move to (x, y);
   IF from = 0 AND to = 360 
      THEN out (csi + "0;" + text(y) + ";" + text (x) + ";" + 
                text (y) + ";" + text (x+rad) + "K") 
      ELSE out (csi + "2;" + text (y) + ";" + text (x+rad) +"C"); 
           out (csi + "2;" + text (to-from) + "S") 
END PROC circle; 
PROC box (INT CONST x1,y1,x2,y2,pattern):                      
   move to (x1, y1); 
   out (csi + text (pattern + 3 * sign(pattern)) + ";" + 
              text (y1) + ";" + text (x1) + ";" + 
              text (y2) + ";" + text (x2) + "R") 
END PROC box; 
PROC fill (INT CONST x,y,pattern): 
    move to (x,y); 
    IF pattern > 6 OR pattern = 0
       THEN out (csi + "0I") 
       ELSE out (csi + text (pattern+3) + "I") 
END PROC fill;