PACKET eumel coder part 1 m DEFINES bulletin m : (* Author: U.Bartling *)
(* modif'd by G.Szalay*)
(* 87-03-31 *)
(* *)
(* This program generates a file "bulletin" containing procedure heads *)
(* and the module numbers, to be used by the debugging packet 'trace'. *)
(* *)
(***** Globale Variable *****)
TEXT VAR object name;
FILE VAR bulletin file;
INT VAR hash table pointer, nt link, permanent pointer, param link,
index, mode, word, packet link;
BOOL VAR found, end of params;
(* *)
(* 1. Interface zum ELAN-Compiler 04.08.1986 *)
(* 1.8.0 *)
(* *)
(* Beschreibung der Tabellen (-groessen), *)
(* internen Vercodung von Typen *)
(* und Kennungen . *)
(* Initialisieren und Beenden des Compilers, *)
(* Lesen aus und Schreiben in Namens- bzw. Permanent-Tabelle *)
(* *)
LET begin of hash table = 0 ,
end of hash table = 1023 ,
begin of permanent table = 22784 ,
before first pt entry = 22784 ,
first permanent entry = 22785 ,
end of permanent table = 32767 ,
wordlength = 1 , (* compile u n d run time *)
two word length = 2 ,
three word length = 3 ,
permanent param const = 10000 ,
permanent param var = 20000 ,
permanent proc op = 30000 ,
permanent type = 30000 ,
permanent row = 10 ,
permanent struct = 11 ,
permanent param proc = 12 ,
(* permanent param proc end marker = 0 , *)
permanent type field = 0 ,
ptt limit = 10000 ,
begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 ,
void = 0 ,
int = 1 ,
real = 2 ,
string = 3 ,
bool = 5 ,
bool result = 6 ,
dataspace = 7 ,
row = 10 ,
struct = 11 ,
const = 1 ,
var = 2 ,
(* proc = 3 , *)
(* denoter = 5 , *)
bold = 2 ;
INT CONST permanent packet := -2 ,
permanent end := -3 ;
(***** Hash/Namenstabelle *****)
next hash entry :
hash table pointer INCR wordlength .
end of hash table reached :
hash table pointer > end of hash table .
yet another nt entry :
nt link := cdb int (nt link) ;
nt link <> 0 . ;
PROC to object (TEXT CONST searched object) :
hash ;
search nt entry .
hash :
hash code := 0 ;
FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH searched object REP
addmult cyclic
addmult cyclic :
hash code INCR hash code ;
IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ;
hash code := (hash code + code (searched object SUB index)) MOD 1024 .
wrap around :
hash code DECR end of hash table .
hash code : nt link .
search nt entry :
found := FALSE ;
WHILE yet another nt entry REP
read current entry ;
IF object name = searched object
THEN found := TRUE ;
LEAVE to object
read current entry :
permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length)
ENDPROC to object ;
(***** Permanent Tabelle *****)
next procedure :
permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer) . ;
PROC next pt param :
mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ;
param link INCR wordlength ;
IF mode = permanent row THEN skip over permanent row
ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN skip over permanent struct
FI ;
set end marker if end of list .
skip over permanent row :
param link INCR wordlength ;
next pt param .
skip over permanent struct :
next pt param ;
mode := cdb int (param link)
UNTIL mode = permanent type field PER ;
param link INCR wordlength
ENDPROC next pt param ;
PROC set end marker if end of list :
mode := cdb int (param link) ;
end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0
ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ;
PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) :
mode := cdb int (param link) ;
IF mode = permanent param proc THEN type of param proc
ELSE type of object
FI .
type of param proc :
param link INCR wordlength ;
get type and mode (type) ;
mode := permanent param proc .
type of object :
IF mode < 0 THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ;
mode := 0
ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ;
mode DECR type ;
translate type if necessary ;
translate mode if necessary
FI .
translate type if necessary :
IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI .
translate type :
type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit .
translate mode if necessary :
IF mode = permanent param const THEN mode := const
ELIF mode = permanent param var THEN mode := var
FI .
permanent row or struct :
type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct
ENDPROC get type and mode ;
(***** Allgemeine Zugriffsprozeduren *****)
INT PROC cdb int (INT CONST index) :
ENDPROC cdb int ;
TEXT PROC cdb text (INT CONST index) :
ENDPROC cdb text ;
(* *)
(* 10. Inspector 01.08.1986 *)
(* *)
INT VAR line number, begin of packet,
last packet entry, indentation;
TEXT VAR type and mode, pattern, buffer;
PROC name of type (INT CONST type) :
CASE void :
CASE int : type and mode CAT "INT"
CASE real : type and mode CAT "REAL"
CASE string : type and mode CAT "TEXT"
CASE bool, bool result : type and mode CAT "BOOL"
CASE dataspace : type and mode CAT "DS"
CASE row : type and mode CAT "ROW "
CASE struct : type and mode CAT "STRUCT"
OTHERWISE : complex type
complex type :
IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row
ELSE get complex type
FI .
perhaps permanent struct or row :
index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ;
IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row
ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct
ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
FI .
get complex type :
index := type + begin of permanent table ;
IF is complex type THEN get name
ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
FI .
is complex type :
permanent type definition mode = permanent type .
get name :
type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + two word length) .
link to type name :
cdb int (index + three word length) .
permanent type definition mode :
cdb int (index + wordlength) .
get permanent row :
type and mode CAT "ROW " ;
type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + wordlength)) ;
type and mode CAT " " ;
param link := index + two wordlength ;
get type and mode (t) ;
name of type (t) .
get permanent struct :
type and mode CAT "STRUCT ( ... )"
ENDPROC name of type ;
BOOL PROC not end of chain :
permanent pointer <> 0
ENDPROC not end of chain ;
PROC put specifications (TEXT CONST proc name) :
put obj name (proc name) ;
to first param ;
IF NOT end of params THEN put param list FI ;
put result ;
write bulletin line (text(cdb int(param link+wordlength),5)) ;
writeline .
to first param :
param link := permanent pointer + word length ;
set end marker if end of list .
put result :
INT VAR type;
get type and mode (type) ;
IF type <> void THEN type and mode := " --> " ;
name of type (type) ;
write bulletin line (type and mode)
ENDPROC put specifications ;
PROC put param list :
write bulletin line (" (") ;
INT VAR type, param mode;
get type and mode (type) ;
param mode := mode ;
put type and mode ;
maybe param proc ;
next pt param ;
IF end of params THEN write bulletin line (")") ;
LEAVE put param list
FI ;
write bulletin line (", ") ;
put type and mode :
type and mode := "" ;
name of type (type) ;
type and mode CAT name of mode ;
write bulletin line (type and mode) .
name of mode :
IF param mode = const THEN " C"
ELIF param mode = var THEN " V"
FI .
maybe param proc :
IF mode = permanent param proc THEN put virtual params FI .
put virtual params :
skip over result type if complex type ;
IF NOT end of virtual params THEN put param list FI.
skip over result type if complex type :
next pt param .
end of virtual params :
end of params
ENDPROC put param list ;
PROC to packet (TEXT CONST packet name) :
to object ( packet name) ;
IF found THEN find start of packet objects FI .
find start of packet objects :
last packet entry := 0 ;
packet link := before first pt entry ;
packet link INCR wordlength ;
word := cdb int (packet link) ;
IF word < 0 THEN IF word = permanent packet THEN packet found
ELIF word = permanent end THEN return
packet found :
IF cdb int (packet link + wordlength) = nt link
THEN last packet entry := packet link FI .
return :
IF last packet entry <> 0 THEN found := TRUE ;
packet link := last packet entry
ELSE found := FALSE
FI ;
LEAVE to packet
ENDPROC to packet ;
PROC next packet :
packet link INCR wordlength ;
word := cdb int (packet link) ;
IF word = permanent packet THEN true return
ELIF end of permanents THEN false return
FI ;
true return :
found := TRUE ;
LEAVE next packet .
false return :
found := FALSE ;
LEAVE next packet .
end of permanents :
word = permanent end OR packet link > end of permanent table
ENDPROC next packet ;
PROC prep bulletin :
IF exists ("bulletin")
THEN IF yes("overwrite old file ""bulletin""")
THEN command dialogue (FALSE);
forget ("bulletin");
command dialogue (TRUE);
bulletin file := sequential file (output, new ("bulletin"))
ELSE bulletin file := sequential file (output, old ("bulletin"))
ELSE bulletin file := sequential file (output, new ("bulletin"))
putline ("GENERATING ""bulletin"" ...");
line number := 0 ;
buffer := ""
ENDPROC prep bulletin ;
PROC write bulletin line (TEXT CONST line) :
(* IF LENGTH buffer + LENGTH line > 75 THEN writeline FI ; *)
buffer CAT line
ENDPROC write bulletin line ;
PROC writeline :
write (bulletin file, buffer) ;
line (bulletin file) ;
line number INCR 1 ;
cout (line number) ;
buffer := ""
ENDPROC writeline ;
PROC writeline (INT CONST times) :
IF LENGTH compress(buffer) <> 0 THEN index := times - 1 ;
ELSE index := times
FI ;
line (bulletin file, index) ;
line number INCR index;
indentation := 0 ;
cout (line number)
ENDPROC writeline ;
PROC bulletin m (TEXT CONST packet name) :
prep bulletin ;
scan (packet name) ;
next symbol (pattern) ;
to packet (pattern) ;
IF found THEN list packet
ELSE error stop (packet name + " ist kein Paketname")
FI .
ENDPROC bulletin m;
PROC list packet :
begin of packet := packet link + word length ;
find end of packet ;
run through nametab and list all packet objects .
find end of packet :
last packet entry := begin of packet ;
last packet entry INCR wordlength ;
word := cdb int (last packet entry) ;
UNTIL end of packet entries PER .
end of packet entries :
word = permanent packet OR word = permanent end .
run through nametab and list all packet objects :
hashtable pointer := begin of hashtable ;
nt link := hashtable pointer ;
list objects of current packet in this chain ;
next hash entry
UNTIL end of hashtable reached ENDREP .
list objects of current packet in this chain :
WHILE yet another nt entry REP
permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
put objects of this name
put objects of this name :
IF there is at least one object of this name in the current packet
THEN into bulletin FI .
there is at least one object of this name in the current packet :
IF permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
permanent pointer < last packet entry
THEN LEAVE there is at least one object of this name
in the current packet WITH TRUE FI ;
next procedure
UNTIL permanent pointer = 0 PER ;
into bulletin :
object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length) ;
object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC within packet)
ENDPROC list packet ;
BOOL PROC within packet :
permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
permanent pointer < last packet entry
ENDPROC within packet ;
PROC object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC link ok) :
scan (object name) ;
next symbol (object name, mode) ;
IF NOT type definition THEN put object definitions FI .
type definition :
mode = bold AND no params .
no params :
cdb int (permanent pointer + word length) >= permanent type .
put object definitions :
WHILE link ok REP
put specifications (object name) ;
next procedure
ENDPROC object names into bulletin ;
PROC bulletin m:
prep bulletin ;
packet link := first permanent entry ;
list packet ;
next packet
ENDPROC bulletin m;
PROC put obj name (TEXT CONST name) :
buffer := name.
ENDPROC put obj name ;
bulletin m;
ENDPACKET eumel coder part 1 m;