PACKET tracer DEFINES breakpoint handler , (* M. Staubermann *)
handlers module nr , (* 20.04.86 *)
list breakpoints ,
set breakpoint ,
reset breakpoint ,
source file ,
trace ,
reset breakpoints :
LET local base field = 25 ,
packet data segment = 0 ,
local data segment = 1 ,
begin of module nr link table = 512 ,
previous local base offset = 0 ,
return address offset = 1 ,
return segment offset = 2 ,
c8k offset = 3 ,
opcode mask = 31744 ,
bt opcode = 0 ,
btlong opcode = 1024 ,
bf opcode = 28672 ,
bflong opcode = 29696 ,
br opcode = 28672 ,
brlong opcode = 29696 ,
ln opcode = 0 ,
ln long opcode = 1024 ,
call opcode = 30720 ,
pcall opcode = 32543 ;
LET nr of breakpoints = 2 ,
INT segment,
saved word) ;
ROW nr of breakpoints BREAKPOINT VAR breakpoints ;
BREAKPOINT CONST init breakpoint :: BREAKPOINT:(FALSE, 3, -5, 0) ;
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
breakpoints (i) := init breakpoint
BOOL VAR auto trace := FALSE ,
zweizeilig ;
INT VAR next instruction address ,
next instruction segment ,
next instruction ,
return segment,
return address,
breakpoint address ,
breakpoint segment ,
breakpoint nr ,
lbas ,
this local base ,
branch address ,
c8k ,
packet base ,
op word,
saved word ,
i, x, y ,
actual line number := -1 ,
handler module := 395 ; (* PROC stop *)
TEXT VAR key := "" ,
previous key := "" ,
statement line := "" ,
source line := "" ,
source file name := "" ;
FILE VAR source ;
PROC trace (BOOL CONST b) :
auto trace := b
ENDPROC trace ;
PROC source file (TEXT CONST file name) :
IF exists (file name)
THEN source := sequentialfile (modify, file name)
FI ;
IF actual line number >= 0 CAND actual line number <= lines (source)
THEN toline (source, actual line number) ;
readrecord (source, source line)
ELSE source line := ""
ENDPROC source file ;
TEXT PROC source file :
source file name
ENDPROC source file ;
PROC breakpoint handler :
determine return address ;
determine breakpoint nr ;
reset breakpoints ;
getcursor (x, y) ;
ueberschrift schreiben ;
IF auto trace
THEN IF incharety = ""
THEN key := "s"
ELSE auto trace := FALSE
FI ;
IF NOT auto trace
inchar (key)
UNTIL pos (""13"acdefgst", key) > 0 PER ;
IF key = "a"
THEN auto trace := TRUE ;
key := "s"
ELIF key = "f"
THEN out (""13""5"Sourcefile:") ;
getline (source file name) ;
out (""3"") ;
source file (source file name)
ELIF key = ""13""
THEN key := "s"
FI ;
previous key := key
UNTIL pos ("gst", key) > 0 PER ;
cursor (1, 7) ;
out (""5"") ;
IF key <> "t"
THEN execute saved instruction
FI ;
IF key = "t"
THEN resetbreakpoints ;
ELIF key = "s"
THEN singlestep
FI ;
cursor (x, y) .
ueberschrift schreiben :
feld loeschen ;
put (""1"Breakpoint") ; put (breakpoint nr) ;
put ("lbas:") ; put (hex16 (lbas)) ;
put ("pbas:") ; put (hex8 (packet base)) ;
put ("c8k:") ; put (hex8 (c8k)) ;
IF valid source
THEN out ("""") ; out (source file name) ; put ("""")
FI ;
line ;
IF valid source AND source line <> ""
THEN put (text (actual line number, 5)) ; put ("|") ;
outsubtext (source line, 1, 71) ;
line ;
IF LENGTH source line < 72
THEN put (text (actual line number +1, 5)) ; put ("|") ;
toline (source, actual line number +1) ;
out (subtext (source, 1, 71)) ;
toline (source, actual line number) ;
ELSE put ("______|") ;
outsubtext (source line, 72, 143) ;
ELSE line (2)
FI ;
out (text (return segment AND 3)) ;
put (hex16 (return address)) ;
put ("|") ;
seg (breakpoint segment) ;
addr (breakpoint address) ;
zweizeilig := TRUE ;
disassemble one statement ;
IF auto trace
THEN pause (5)
FI ;
next instruction segment := breakpoint segment ;
next instruction address := addr ADD 1 ;
next instruction := getword (next instruction segment,
next instruction address) ;
line ;
put ("a)uto, s)tep, g)o, t)erm, d)stop, e)stop, c)lrerr, f)ile:") .
feld loeschen :
out (""1"") ;
7 TIMESOUT ""5""10"" ;
79 TIMESOUT "-" .
valid source :
exists (source file name) .
disassemble one statement :
statement line := hex16 (get word (breakpoint segment, addr)) ;
statement line CAT " " ;
code word line (statement line) ;
(* local base (lbas + offset) ; *)
statement line := opcode ;
local base (-1) ;
put (code word line) ;
(* i := max (0, 26 - length (code word line)) ;
i TIMESOUT " " ; *)
i:=0; i := 71 - LENGTH codeword line - i ;
outsubtext (statement line, 1, i) ;
line ;
IF zweizeilig
THEN put (" |") ;
outsubtext (statement line, i + 1, i + 72) ;
FI ;
codeword line ("") .
singlestep :
IF is return opcode
THEN set breakpoint behind previous call
ELIF bool result
THEN set first breakpoint behind branch instruction ;
set second breakpoint at branch address ;
bool result (FALSE) ;
ELIF is bool return opcode
THEN set first breakpoint behind branch instruction at return address ;
set second breakpoint at branch address of branch instruction at
return address ;
ELIF is branch instruction
THEN set breakpoint at branch address
ELIF is call opcode AND NOT auto trace CAND segment 3 module CAND
yes (""3"Subroutine Trace")
THEN out (""3""13""5"") ;
calculate subroutine segment and address ;
set breakpoint behind next instruction
ELSE set breakpoint behind next instruction
FI .
is call opcode :
(saved word AND opcode mask) = call opcode OR
(* saved word = pcall opcode OR //einbauen, wenn local zugriffe ok sind// *)
saved word = -136 . (* LONGA CALL *)
is line number :
(saved word AND opcode mask) = ln opcode OR
(saved word AND opcode mask) = lnlong opcode .
is branch instruction :
(saved word AND opcode mask) = br opcode OR
(saved word AND opcode mask) = brlong opcode .
is return opcode :
saved word = 32512 .
is bool return opcode :
saved word = 32513 OR saved word = 32514 .
read source line :
actual line number := ((saved word AND 768) * 2) OR (saved word AND 255);
IF saved word < 0
THEN actual line number INCR 256
FI ;
IF (saved word AND opcode mask) = lnlong opcode
THEN actual line number INCR 2048
FI ;
actual line number DECR 1 ;
IF valid source
THEN IF lineno (source) = actual line number CAND source line <> ""
THEN (* nichts*)
ELIF actual line number >= 0 AND actual line number <= lines(source)
THEN toline (source, actual line number) ;
readrecord (source, source line)
ELSE source line := ""
ELSE source line := ""
FI .
set first breakpoint behind branch instruction :
op word := next instruction AND opcode mask ;
IF op word = bf opcode OR op word = bflong opcode OR
op word = bt opcode OR op word = btlong opcode
THEN seg (next instruction segment) ;
addr (next instruction address) ;
out (""3"") ;
out (text (next instruction segment)) ;
put (hex16 (next instruction address)) ;
put ("|") ;
zweizeilig := FALSE ;
bool result (TRUE) ;
disassemble one statement ; (* Branch instruction *)
IF NOT auto trace
THEN pause (30)
ELSE pause (5)
FI ;
next free breakpoint ;
set breakpoint (i, next instruction segment,
next instruction address ADD 1) ;
ELSE putline (""3""7"Interner Fehler: Nach BOOL-Result folgt kein Branch");
LEAVE singlestep
FI .
set second breakpoint at branch address :
calculate branch address ;
next free breakpoint ;
set breakpoint (i, next instruction segment, branch address) .
set breakpoint at branch address :
next instruction := saved word ;
next instruction address := breakpoint address ;
calculate branch address ;
set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, next instruction segment, branch address) .
set first breakpoint behind branch instruction at return address :
next instruction address := getword (local data segment,
lbas + return address offset) ;
next instruction segment := getword (local data segment,
lbas + return segment offset) AND 3 ;
next instruction := getword (next instruction segment,
next instruction address) ;
IF next instruction segment = 3
THEN set first breakpoint behind branch instruction
ELSE putline ("Trace beendet.")
FI .
set second breakpoint at branch address of branch instruction at return address :
set second breakpoint at branch address .
determine return address :
pause (0) ; (* Local Base fixieren *)
this local base := getword (local data segment, pcb (local base field)) ;
pause (0) ;
lbas := getword (local data segment, this local base +
previous local base offset) ;
c8k := getword (local data segment, this local base +
c8k offset) AND 255 ;
return segment := getword (local data segment, this local base +
return segment offset) ;
return address := getword (local data segment, this local base +
return address offset) ;
packet base := HIGH return segment ;
arith 16 ;
return address DECR 1 ;
arith 15 .
segment 3 module :
IF saved word = -136 (* LONGA CALL *)
THEN op word := getword (breakpoint segment, breakpoint address ADD 1)
ELSE op word := saved word AND 1023 ;
IF saved word < 0
THEN op word INCR 1024
FI ;
FI ;
op word >= 1280 .
calculate subroutine segment and address :
next instruction segment := 3 ; (* Laeuft nur in Segment 3 ! *)
next instruction address := getword (packet data segment,
begin of module nr link table + op word) ADD 1.
determine breakpoint nr :
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
IF breakpoints (i).set CAND
breakpoints (i).segment = (return segment AND 3) CAND
breakpoints (i).address = return address
THEN breakpoint nr := i ;
breakpoint address := breakpoints (i).address ;
breakpoint segment := breakpoints (i).segment ;
saved word := breakpoints (i).saved word ;
LEAVE determine breakpoint nr
put ("Returnaddresse:") ;
out (text (return segment AND 3)) ;
putline (hex16 (return address)) ;
list breakpoints ;
reset breakpoints ;
enablestop ;
errorstop ("Falsche Returnaddresse") .
calculate branch address :
IF lowbyte replacement possible
THEN branch address := (next instruction address AND -256) OR
(next instruction AND 255) ;
LEAVE calculate branch address
FI ;
branch address := next instruction AND 768 ;
IF branch long
THEN branch address INCR 2048
FI ;
branch address INCR branch address ;
IF next instruction < 0
THEN branch address INCR 256
FI ;
arith 16 ;
branch address INCR (next instruction address AND -256) ;
IF HIGH branch address >= c8k
THEN branch address DECR 4096
FI ;
arith 15 ;
branch address := (branch address AND -256) OR (next instruction AND 255) .
lowbyte replacement possible :
(next instruction AND -32000) = 0 .
branch long :
bit (next instruction, 10) .
execute saved instruction :
perhaps change error flags ;
putword (local data segment, this local base + return address offset,
return address) ;
putword (local data segment, this local base + return segment offset,
return segment) .
perhaps change error flags :
IF bit (return segment, 7) AND previous key = "c"
THEN reset bit (return segment, 7)
FI ;
IF bit (return segment, 6) AND previous key = "e"
THEN reset bit (return segment, 6)
ELIF NOT bit (return segment, 6) AND previous key = "d"
THEN set bit (return segment, 6)
FI .
set breakpoint behind next instruction :
IF is linenumber
THEN read source line
FI ;
set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, next instruction segment,
next instruction address) .
set breakpoint behind previous call :
return segment := getword (local data segment,
lbas + return segment offset) AND 3 ;
return address := getword (local data segment,
lbas + return address offset) ;
IF return segment = 3
THEN set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, return segment, return address)
ELSE putline ("Trace beendet.")
FI .
next free breakpoint :
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
IF NOT breakpoints (i).set
THEN LEAVE next free breakpoint
putline (""3""7"Alle " + text(nr of breakpoints) + " Breakpoints sind belegt") ;
LEAVE singlestep .
ENDPROC breakpoint handler ;
TEXT VAR t := " " ;
replace (t, 1, word) ;
code (t SUB 2)
PROC reset breakpoints :
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
IF breakpoints (i).set
THEN reset breakpoint (i)
ELSE breakpoints (i) := init breakpoint
ENDPROC reset breakpoints ;
PROC reset breakpoint (INT CONST nr) :
IF nr < 1 OR nr > nr of breakpoints
THEN errorstop ("Unzulaessige Breakpoint Nummer")
ELIF NOT breakpoints (nr).set
THEN display ("Warnung: Breakpoint " + text (nr) + " war nicht gesetzt")
ELSE putword (breakpoints (nr).segment, breakpoints (nr).address,
breakpoints (nr).saved word) ;
breakpoints (nr) := init breakpoint
ENDPROC reset breakpoint ;
PROC set breakpoint (INT CONST nr, segment, address) :
INT VAR new word ;
IF nr < 1 OR nr > nr of breakpoints
THEN errorstop ("Unzulaessige Breakpoint Nummer")
ELIF breakpoints (nr).set
THEN errorstop ("Breakpoint " + text (nr) + " ist bereits gesetzt")
ELIF segment < 2 OR segment > 3
THEN errorstop ("Segment " + text (segment) + " ist kein Codesegment")
ELSE breakpoints (nr).segment := segment ;
breakpoints (nr).address := address ;
breakpoints (nr).saved word := get word (segment, address) ;
new word := call opcode + (handler module AND 1023) ;
IF handler module >= 1024
THEN setbit (new word, 15)
FI ;
putword (segment, address, new word) ;
IF getword (segment, address) <> new word
THEN errorstop ("Addresse Schreibgeschuetzt")
ELSE breakpoints (nr).set := TRUE
ENDPROC set breakpoint ;
PROC handlers module nr (INT CONST module nr) :
handler module := module nr
ENDPROC handlers module nr ;
INT PROC handlers module nr :
handler module
ENDPROC handlers module nr ;
PROC set breakpoint :
handlers module nr (module number ("breakpointhandler", 1)) ;
auto trace := FALSE ;
source file name := "" ;
actual line number := -1 ;
page ;
TEXT VAR object ;
INT VAR object nr ;
put ("Object Name:") ;
getline (object) ;
changeall (object, " ", "") ;
putline ("Objekt von Anfang an abzaehlen") ;
pause (5) ;
help (object) ;
put ("Objekt Nr:") ;
get (object nr) ;
INT VAR code address := code start (object, object nr) ADD 1 ;
naechsten freien breakpoint setzen ;
put ("Breakpoint") ;
put (i) ;
putline ("wurde gesetzt.") .
naechsten freien breakpoint setzen :
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
IF NOT breakpoints (i).set
THEN set breakpoint (i, code segment, code address) ;
LEAVE naechsten freien breakpoint setzen
errorstop ("Alle " + text (nr of breakpoints) + " Breakpoints sind belegt").
ENDPROC set breakpoint ;
PROC list breakpoints :
line ;
putline (" No Set Address Word") ;
FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
put (text (i, 3)) ;
IF breakpoints (i).set
THEN put (" Y ")
ELSE put (" N ")
FI ;
out (text (breakpoints (i).segment)) ;
put (hex16 (breakpoints (i).address)) ;
put(" ") ;
put (hex16 (breakpoints (i).saved word)) ;
ENDPROC list breakpoints ;