PACKET lisp heap maintenance (* Autor: J.Durchholz *)
(* Datum: 09.05.1984 *)
DEFINES (* Version 1.7.2 *)
(* Testhilfe *)
create lisp system, (* hey, 02.3.83 : 121,334,542,732 *)
dump oblist:
PROC create lisp system (FILE VAR f, DATASPACE CONST new heap):
initialize lisp system (new heap);
input (f);
TEXT VAR name;
get (f, name);
SYM CONST s :: new atom (name);
get (f, name);
SYM CONST property name :: new atom (name);
IF NOT null (property name) THEN
SYM VAR property;
get (f, property);
add property (s, property name, property)
END PROC create lisp system;
PROC dump oblist (FILE VAR f):
begin oblist dump;
SYM CONST actual atom :: next atom;
put line (f, name (actual atom));
dump property list
UNTIL null (actual atom) PER.
dump property list:
begin property list dump (actual atom);
SYM VAR id, value;
next property (id, value);
write (f, " ");
write (f, name (id));
write (f, " ");
write (f, name (value));
line (f)
UNTIL null (id) AND null (value) PER.
END PROC dump oblist;
PROC dump oblist:
begin oblist dump;
SYM CONST actual atom :: next atom;
put line (name (actual atom));
dump property list
UNTIL null (actual atom) PER.
dump property list:
begin property list dump (actual atom);
SYM VAR id, value;
next property (id, value);
out (" ");
out (name (id));
out (" ");
put line (name (value));
UNTIL null (id) AND null (value) PER.
END PROC dump oblist;
END PACKET lisp heap maintenance;
PACKET lisp interpreter (* Autor: J.Durchholz *)
(* Datum: 27.12.1982 *)
DEFINES (* Version 3.1.7 *)
(* SYM-objects used by the interpreter. They all point to constant structure
within the heap. As their address may change during garbage collection,
it must be possible to correct the references to them made by the
SYM-objects. That is the reason why they are declared VAR instead of CONST*)
SYM VAR lambda constant,
label constant,
quote constant,
function constant,
indefinite constant,
apval constant,
true constant,
false constant;
SYM VAR errors;
BOOL VAR trace :: FALSE;
PROC initialize constants:
lambda constant := new atom ("LAMBDA");
label constant := new atom ("LABEL");
quote constant := new atom ("QUOTE");
function constant := new atom ("FUNCTION");
indefinite constant := new atom ("INDEFINITE");
apval constant := new atom ("APVAL");
true constant := new atom ("T");
false constant := new atom ("F");
errors := new atom ("ERRORS")
END PROC initialize constants;
SYM PROC evalquote (SYM CONST expr): (*hey*)
enable stop;
initialize constants;
x apply ( head (expr), quote (tail (expr)), nil )
END PROC evalquote;
IF eq (x,nil) THEN nil
ELSE set head (x, new head); set tail (x, quote (tail(x))); x
FI .
new head:
cons (quote constant, cons (head(x), nil) )
END PROC quote;
SYM PROC apply (SYM CONST function, argument list, alist):
enable stop;
initialize constants;
x apply (function, argument list, alist)
END PROC apply;
SYM PROC x apply (SYM CONST function, argument list, alist):
IF trace THEN line;
put ("a p p l y :"); put (function); line;
put ("arguments :"); put (argument list); line;
SYM VAR new alist;
initialize for alist insertion;
reduce actual fn to lambda expression;
insert parameter evaluated argument pairs in reversed order in new alist;
function body evaluation.
reduce actual fn to lambda expression:
SYM VAR actual fn :: function;
IF is named atom (actual fn) THEN
get function from property list of actual fn
or from functional alist entry
ELIF atom (actual fn) THEN
error stop ("Eine Funktion darf kein unbenanntes Atom sein")
IF eq (head (actual fn), lambda constant) THEN
LEAVE reduce actual fn to lambda expression
ELIF eq (head (actual fn), label constant) THEN
get function from label expression and update alist
error stop ("Funktion ist weder Atom noch LAMBDA-/LABEL-Ausdruck")
get function from property list of actual fn or from functional alist entry:
IF property exists (actual fn, function constant) THEN
get function from property list of actual fn
get function from functional alist entry
get function from property list of actual fn:
actual fn := property (actual fn, function constant).
get function from functional alist entry:
SYM VAR actual alist entry;
begin alist retrieval;
IF end of alist THEN
error stop ("Die Funktion " + name (actual fn) +
" ist nicht definiert")
search for next functional alist entry;
UNTIL eq (head (actual functional alist entry), actual fn) PER;
actual fn := tail (actual functional alist entry).
get function from label expression and update alist:
actual fn := tail (actual fn);
IF atom (actual fn) COR
(NOT atom (head (actual fn)) OR atom (tail (actual fn))) COR
NOT null (tail (tail (actual fn))) THEN
error stop ("Ungueltiger LABEL-Ausdruck")
SYM VAR new alist entry;
prepare new functional alist entry;
set head (new alist entry, head (actual fn));
actual fn := head (tail (actual fn));
set tail (new alist entry, actual fn).
insert parameter evaluated argument pairs in reversed order in new alist:
actual fn := tail (actual fn);
IF atom (actual fn) THEN
error stop ("Ungueltiger LAMBDA-Ausdruck")
SYM VAR parameter list rest :: head (actual fn),
argument list rest :: argument list;
actual fn := tail (actual fn);
WHILE NOT null (parameter list rest) REP
add next parameter argument pair to alist
check wether no arguments are left over.
add next parameter argument pair to alist:
IF atom (parameter list rest) THEN
error stop ("Parameterliste endet falsch")
SYM VAR param pointer :: head (parameter list rest);
parameter list rest := tail (parameter list rest);
IF is named atom (param pointer) AND NOT null (param pointer) THEN
add parameter evaluated argument pair to alist;
advance argument list rest
ELIF atom (param pointer) THEN
error stop ("Unbenannte Atome und NIL koennen nicht Parameter sein")
IF eq (head (param pointer), indefinite constant) THEN
check wether is last param;
advance param pointer;
IF eq (head (param pointer), quote constant) THEN
advance param pointer;
move param pointer to parameter;
add parameter indefinite quoted argument pair to alist
move param pointer to parameter;
add parameter indefinite evaluated argument pair to alist
argument list rest := nil
ELIF eq (head (param pointer), quote constant) THEN
advance param pointer;
move param pointer to parameter;
add parameter quoted argument pair to alist;
advance argument list rest
ELIF eq (head (param pointer), function constant) THEN
advance param pointer;
move param pointer to parameter;
add parameter functional argument pair to alist;
advance argument list rest
error stop ("Ungueltiger Parameter")
advance param pointer:
param pointer := tail (param pointer);
IF atom (param pointer) THEN
error stop ("Ungueltiger Parameter")
move param pointer to parameter:
IF NOT null (tail (param pointer)) THEN
error stop ("Ungueltiger Parameter")
param pointer := head (param pointer);
IF NOT atom (param pointer) OR null (param pointer) THEN
error stop ("Unbenannte Atome und NIL koennen nicht Parameter sein")
advance argument list rest:
argument list rest := tail (argument list rest).
add parameter evaluated argument pair to alist:
prepare new alist entry;
set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
set tail (new alist entry, x eval (actual argument, alist)).
check wether is last param:
IF NOT null (parameter list rest) THEN
error stop ("Ein INDEFINITE-Parameter muss der letzte sein")
add parameter indefinite quoted argument pair to alist:
prepare new alist entry;
set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
set tail (new alist entry, argument list rest);
WHILE NOT atom (argument list rest) REP
argument list rest := tail (argument list rest)
IF NOT null (argument list rest) THEN
error stop ("Argumentliste endet falsch")
add parameter indefinite evaluated argument pair to alist:
prepare new alist entry;
set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
last evaluated argument := new alist entry;
WHILE NOT atom (argument list rest) REP
set tail (last evaluated argument,
cons (x eval (head (argument list rest), alist), nil));
last evaluated argument := tail (last evaluated argument);
advance argument list rest
IF NOT null (argument list rest) THEN
error stop ("Argumentliste endet falsch")
last evaluated argument:
param pointer.
(* The value of param pointer is not used further, so the *)
(* variable can be "reused" in this manner. *)
add parameter quoted argument pair to alist:
prepare new alist entry;
set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
set tail (new alist entry, actual argument).
add parameter functional argument pair to alist:
prepare new functional alist entry;
set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
set tail (new alist entry, actual argument).
actual argument:
IF atom (argument list rest) THEN
IF null (argument list rest) THEN
error stop ("Zuwenig Argumente")
error stop ("Argumentliste endet falsch")
head (argument list rest).
check wether no arguments are left over:
IF NOT null (argument list rest) THEN
error stop ("Zuviele Argumente")
function body evaluation:
IF is int pair (actual fn) THEN
predefined function evaluation
ELIF atom (actual fn) COR NOT null (tail (actual fn)) THEN
error stop ("Ungueltiger LAMBDA-Ausdruck"); nil
x eval (head (actual fn), new alist)
predefined function evaluation:
SELECT int 1 (actual fn) OF
CASE 0: call eval cond
CASE 1: call begin oblist dump
CASE 2: call next atom
CASE 3: call add property
CASE 4: call alter property
CASE 5: call delete property
CASE 6: call property exists
CASE 7: call property
CASE 8: call add flag
CASE 9: call flag
CASE 10: call delete flag
CASE 11: call begin property list dump
CASE 12: call next property
CASE 13: call apply
CASE 14: call eval
CASE 15: call try
CASE 16: give association list
CASE 17: call error stop
CASE 18: call head
CASE 19: call set head
CASE 20: call tail
CASE 21: call set tail
CASE 22: call cons
CASE 23: call eq
CASE 24: call get sym
CASE 25: call put sym
CASE 26: call null
CASE 27: call is atom
CASE 28: call is named atom
CASE 29: call get named atom
CASE 30: call put named atom
CASE 31: call is text
CASE 32: call get text
CASE 33: call put text
CASE 34: call is character
CASE 35: call get character
CASE 36: call put character
CASE 37: call is int
CASE 38: call get int
CASE 39: call put int
CASE 40: call sum
CASE 41: call difference
CASE 42: call product
CASE 43: call quotient
CASE 44: call remainder
CASE 45: call equal
CASE 46: call trace
CASE 47: call define
CASE 48: call set
OTHERWISE error stop("Es gibt (noch) keine LISP-Funktion mit der Nummer"
+ text (int 1 (actual fn)) ); nil
call eval cond:
x eval condition (arg 1, alist).
call begin oblist dump:
begin oblist dump; nil.
call next atom:
next atom.
call add property:
add property (arg 3, arg 2, arg 1); arg 1.
call alter property:
alter property (arg 3, arg 2, arg 1); arg 1.
call delete property:
delete property (arg 2, arg 1); nil.
call property exists:
IF property exists(arg 2,arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call property:
property (arg 2, arg 1).
call add flag:
add flag (arg 2, arg 1); nil.
call flag:
IF flag (arg 2, arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call delete flag:
delete flag (arg 2, arg 1); nil.
call begin property list dump:
begin property list dump (arg 1); nil.
call next property:
SYM VAR s1, s2; next property (s1, s2); cons (s1, s2).
call apply:
x apply (arg 3, arg 2, arg 1).
call eval:
x eval (arg 2, arg 1).
call try:
x try (arg 4, arg 3, arg 2, arg 1).
give association list:
call error stop:
error stop (text (arg 1)); nil.
call head:
head (arg 1).
call set head:
set head (arg 2, arg 1); arg 2.
call tail:
tail (arg 1).
call set tail:
set tail (arg 2, arg 1); arg 2.
call cons:
cons (arg 2, arg 1).
call eq:
IF eq (arg 2, arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call get sym:
get (s1); s1.
call put sym:
put (arg 1); arg 1.
call null:
IF null (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call is atom:
IF atom (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call is named atom:
IF is named atom (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call get named atom:
TEXT VAR t; get (t); new atom (t).
call put named atom:
put (name (arg 1)); arg 1.
call is text:
IF is text (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call get text:
get (t); sym (t).
call put text:
put (text (arg 1)); arg 1.
call is character:
IF is character (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call get character:
inchar (t); sym character (code (t)).
call put character:
out (code (character (arg 1))); arg 1.
call is int:
IF is int pair (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call get int:
INT VAR i; get (i); sym (i, -1).
call put int:
put (int 1 (arg 1)); arg 1.
call sum:
sum (arg 1).
call difference:
difference (arg 2, arg 1).
call product:
product (arg 1).
call quotient:
quotient (arg 2, arg 1).
call remainder:
remainder(arg 2, arg 1).
call equal:
IF equal (arg 2, arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
call trace:
trace := NOT trace;
IF trace THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI .
call define: (*hey*)
define (arg 1) .
call set: (*hey*)
add property (new atom ( name (arg 2)), apval constant, arg 1); arg 1 .
arg 1:
tail (head (new alist)).
arg 2:
tail (head (tail (new alist))).
arg 3:
tail (head (tail (tail (new alist)))).
arg 4:
tail (head (tail (tail (tail (new alist))))).
END PROC x apply;
SYM PROC define (SYM CONST x): (*hey*)
IF eq (x, nil) THEN nil
ELSE add property (new atom (name (head (head (x)))),
function constant, tail (head (x)) );
cons (head (head (x)), define (tail (x)) )
FI .
END PROC define;
SYM VAR old alist :: nil;
SYM PROC eval (SYM CONST expression, alist):
enable stop;
initialize constants;
x eval (expression, alist)
END PROC eval;
SYM PROC x eval (SYM CONST expression, alist): (*hey*)
IF trace THEN line;
put ("e v a l :"); put (expression); line;
IF NOT equal (alist, old alist) THEN
put ("bindings :"); old alist := alist; put (alist); line FI
IF atom (expression) THEN
IF is named atom (expression) THEN
value from property list of expression or from alist entry
x apply (head (expression), tail (expression), alist)
value from property list of expression or from alist entry:
IF property exists (expression, apval constant) THEN
value from property list of expression
value from alist entry
value from property list of expression:
property (expression, apval constant).
value from alist entry:
SYM VAR actual alist entry;
begin alist retrieval;
IF end of alist THEN
error stop ("Das Atom " + name (expression) + " hat keinen Wert")
search for next alist entry
UNTIL eq (head (actual alist entry), expression) PER;
tail (actual alist entry).
END PROC x eval;
SYM PROC try (SYM CONST expression list, alist,
error output, break possible):
enable stop;
initialize constants;
x try (expression list, alist, error output, break possible)
SYM PROC x try (SYM CONST expression list, alist,
error output, break possible):
BOOL CONST output :: bool (error output),
halt enabled :: bool (break possible);
SYM VAR expr list rest :: expression list;
IF null (expr list rest) THEN
LEAVE x try WITH nil
ELIF atom (expr list rest) THEN
error stop ("Ausdrucksliste fuer 'try' endet falsch")
try evaluation of actual expression
expr list rest := tail (expr list rest)
try evaluation of actual expression:
disable stop;
SYM VAR result :: x eval (head (expr list rest), alist);
IF is error THEN
IF error message = "halt from terminal" AND halt enabled THEN
enable stop
ELIF output THEN
put error
add property (errors, apval constant, sym (error message));
clear error
LEAVE x try WITH result
enable stop.
END PROC x try;
SYM PROC x eval condition (SYM CONST pair list, alist):
enable stop;
SYM VAR cond pair list rest :: pair list;
IF atom (cond pair list rest) THEN
error stop ("Keine 'T'-Bedingung in bedingtem Ausdruck gefunden")
check wether is correct pair;
IF true condition found THEN
LEAVE x eval condition WITH x eval (head (tail (actual pair)), alist)
cond pair list rest := tail (cond pair list rest)
check wether is correct pair:
IF atom (actual pair) COR
atom (tail (actual pair)) COR
NOT null (tail (tail (actual pair))) THEN
error stop ("Ungueltiges Paar im bedingten Ausdruck")
true condition found:
bool (x eval (head (actual pair), alist)).
actual pair:
head (cond pair list rest).
END PROC x eval condition;
IF eq (sym, true constant) THEN
ELIF eq (sym, false constant) THEN
error stop ("'T' oder 'F' erwartet"); TRUE
END PROC bool;
(******* a-list handling refinements used in 'x apply' and 'x eval' *******)
(* declared within 'x apply' and 'x eval': 'actual alist entry' *)
initialize for alist insertion:
new alist := alist.
begin alist retrieval:
SYM VAR actual alist pos :: alist.
search for next alist entry:
WHILE NOT end of alist REP
IF atom (actual alist pos) THEN
error stop ("Bindeliste endet falsch")
actual alist entry := head (actual alist pos);
actual alist pos := tail (actual alist pos);
UNTIL is non functional alist entry PER.
is non functional alist entry:
NOT is functional alist entry.
search for next functional alist entry:
WHILE NOT end of alist REP
IF atom (actual alist pos) THEN
error stop ("Bindeliste endet falsch")
actual alist entry := head (actual alist pos);
actual alist pos := tail (actual alist pos);
UNTIL is functional alist entry PER;
actual alist entry := tail (actual alist entry).
is functional alist entry:
check wether is alist entry;
null (head (actual alist entry)).
check wether is alist entry:
IF atom (actual alist entry) THEN
error stop ("Bindelisteneintrag ist kein Paar")
end of alist:
null (actual alist pos).
actual functional alist entry:
actual alist entry.
prepare new alist entry:
new alist := cons (cons (nil, nil), new alist);
new alist entry := head (new alist).
prepare new functional alist entry:
new alist := cons (cons (nil, cons (nil, nil)), new alist);
new alist entry := tail (head (new alist)).
END PACKET lisp interpreter;