PACKET scanner DEFINES (* Autor: J.Liedtke *)
(* Stand: 30.12.81 *)
scan ,
continue scan ,
next symbol ,
fix scanner ,
reset scanner :
LET tag = 1 ,
bold = 2 ,
integer = 3 ,
text = 4 ,
operator= 5 ,
delimiter = 6 ,
end of file = 7 ,
within comment = 8 ,
within text = 9 ;
TEXT VAR line := "" ,
char := "" ;
INT VAR position := 0 ,
reset position ,
comment depth ;
BOOL VAR continue text ;
PROC scan (TEXT CONST scan text) :
comment depth := 0 ;
continue text := FALSE ;
continue scan (scan text)
ENDPROC scan ;
PROC continue scan (TEXT CONST scan text) :
line := scan text ;
position := 0 ;
next non blank char ;
reset position := position
ENDPROC continue scan ;
PROC fix scanner :
reset position := position
ENDPROC fix scanner ;
PROC reset scanner :
position := reset position ;
char := line SUB position
ENDPROC reset scanner ;
PROC next symbol (TEXT VAR symbol) :
INT VAR type ;
next symbol (symbol, type)
ENDPROC next symbol ;
PROC next symbol (TEXT VAR symbol, INT VAR type) :
skip blanks ;
symbol := "" ;
IF is niltext THEN eof
ELIF is comment THEN process comment
ELIF is text THEN process text
ELIF is lower case letter THEN process tag
ELIF is upper case letter THEN process bold
ELIF is digit THEN process integer
ELIF is delimiter THEN process delimiter
ELSE process operator
FI .
skip blanks :
IF char = " "
THEN next non blank char
FI .
process comment :
read comment ;
IF comment depth = 0
THEN next symbol (symbol, type)
ELSE type := within comment
FI .
process tag :
type := tag ;
symbol CAT char ;
next non blank char
UNTIL NOT (is lower case letter OR is digit) ENDREP .
process bold :
type := bold ;
symbol CAT char ;
next char
UNTIL NOT is upper case letter ENDREP .
process integer :
type := integer ;
symbol CAT char ;
next non blank char
UNTIL NOT (is digit OR char = ".") ENDREP .
process text :
type := text ;
IF continue text
THEN continue text := FALSE
ELSE next char
FI ;
WHILE not end of text REP
symbol CAT char ;
next char
not end of text :
IF is niltext
THEN continue text := TRUE ; type := within text ; FALSE
ELIF is quote
THEN end of text or exception
FI .
end of text or exception :
next char ;
IF is quote
ELIF is digit
THEN get special char ; TRUE
FI .
get special char :
TEXT VAR special symbol ;
next symbol (special symbol) ;
char := code ( int (special symbol ) ) .
process delimiter :
type := delimiter ;
symbol := char ;
next non blank char .
process operator :
type := operator ;
symbol := char ;
nextchar ;
IF symbol = ":"
THEN IF char = "=" OR char = ":"
THEN symbol := ":=" ;
ELSE type := delimiter
ELIF is relational double char
THEN symbol CAT char ;
ELIF symbol = "*" AND char = "*"
THEN symbol := "**" ;
next char
FI .
eof :
type := end of file ;
symbol := "" .
is lower case letter : char lies in (97, 122) .
is upper case letter : char lies in (65, 90) .
is digit : char lies in (48, 57) .
is delimiter : pos ( "()[].,;" , char ) > 0 AND char <> "" .
is relational double char :
TEXT VAR double := symbol + char ;
double = "<>" OR double = "<=" OR double = ">=" .
is text : is quote OR continue text .
is quote : char = """" .
is niltext : char = "" .
is comment :
IF comment depth = 0
THEN char = "{" OR char = "(" AND ahead char = "*"
ELSE comment depth DECR 1 ; TRUE
FI .
ENDPROC next symbol ;
PROC next char :
position INCR 1 ;
char := line SUB position
ENDPROC next char ;
PROC next non blank char :
position INCR 1
UNTIL (line SUB position) <> " " ENDREP ;
char := line SUB position
ENDPROC next non blank char ;
TEXT PROC ahead char :
line SUB position+1
ENDPROC ahead char ;
BOOL PROC char lies in (INT CONST lower bound, upper bound) :
lower bound <= code(char) AND code(char) <= upper bound
ENDPROC char lies in ;
PROC read comment :
TEXT VAR last char ;
comment depth INCR 1 ;
last char := char ;
nextchar ;
IF is begin comment
THEN read comment
FI ;
IF char = ""
THEN LEAVE read comment
UNTIL is end comment PER ;
comment depth DECR 1 ;
next nonblank char .
is end comment :
char = "}" OR char = ")" AND last char = "*" .
is begin comment :
char = "{" OR char = "(" AND ahead char = "*" .
ENDPROC read comment ;
ENDPACKET scanner ;