PACKET eumel coder (* Autor: U. Bartling *)
DEFINES coder on, coder off, (* 1.8.0-Korr. M.St. *)
declare, define, apply, identify, (* 21.11.86 *)
:=, =, (* EXTERNAL 10...Nummern*)
dump, (* und coderon-flags *)
(* inspector/coder1 weg *)
gosub, goret,
complement condition code,
ref length,
is global, is local, is ref,
type class, type name,
void type, int type, real type, text type, bool type,
dataspace type, undefined type,
row type, struct type, proc type, end type,
set length of local storage,
begin module, end module,
is proc, is eumel 0 instruction,
address, operation,
init op codes,
next param,
access ,
dtype ,
param address,
same type ,
reserve storage,
allocate denoter ,
allocate variable,
data allocation by coder ,
data allocation by user :
(* *)
(* E U M E L - C O D E R *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* Zur Beschreibung des Coders siehe *)
(* U.Bartling, J. Liedtke: EUMEL-Coder-Interface *)
(* *)
(* Stand der Dokumentation : 13.02.1986 *)
(* Stand der Implementation : 21.03.1986 *)
(* *)
(* *)
(***** Globale Variable *****)
TEXT VAR object name;
FILE VAR bulletin file;
INT VAR memory management mode, global address offset,
nt link, permanent pointer, param link, index, mode, field pointer;
BOOL VAR found, end of params;
(* *)
(* 1. Interface zum ELAN-Compiler 12.03.1986 *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* Beschreibung der Tabellen (-groessen), *)
(* internen Vercodung von Typen *)
(* und Kennungen . *)
(* Initialisieren und Beenden des Compilers, *)
(* Lesen aus und Schreiben in Namens- bzw. Permanent-Tabelle *)
(* *)
LET begin of hash table = 0 ,
end of hash table = 1023 ,
begin of permanent table = 22784 ,
(* before first pt entry = 22784 , *)
(* first permanent entry = 22785 , *)
(* end of permanent table = 32767 , *)
wordlength = 1 , (* compile u n d run time *)
two word length = 2 ,
three word length = 3 ,
four word length = 4 ,
permanent param const = 10000 ,
permanent param var = 20000 ,
permanent proc op = 30000 ,
permanent type = 30000 ,
permanent row = 10 ,
permanent struct = 11 ,
permanent param proc = 12 ,
(* permanent param proc end marker = 0 , *)
permanent type field = 0 ,
ptt limit = 10000 ,
begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 ,
offset to row size = 12785 ,
void = 0 ,
int = 1 ,
real = 2 ,
string = 3 ,
bool = 5 ,
bool result = 6 ,
dataspace = 7 ,
undefined = 9 ,
row = 10 ,
struct = 11 ,
end = 0 ,
const = 1 ,
var = 2 ,
(* proc = 3 , *)
(* denoter = 5 , *)
(* bold = 2 , *)
ins = TRUE ,
no ins = FALSE ,
no lst = FALSE ,
sermon = TRUE ,
no sermon = FALSE ,
(* run again mode = 0 , *)
(* compile file mode = 1 , *)
prep coder mode = 5 ,
(* warning message = 2 , *)
(* error message = 4 , *)
point line = "..............." ;
INT CONST permanent packet := -2 ,
permanent end := -3 ;
BOOL VAR coder active := FALSE ;
INT VAR run again mod nr := 0 ;
(***** Start/Ende *****)
LET invalid coder off = "CODER not active" ;
PROC coder on (INT CONST data allocation mode) :
mark coder on ;
init memory management ;
init opn section ;
init compiler .
mark coder on :
coder active := TRUE .
init memory management :
memory management mode := data allocation mode ;
prep pbase (global address offset) .
init compiler :
no do again ;
elan (prep coder mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
no ins, prot, check, no sermon) (* prot, check f.test, M.St. *)
ENDPROC coder on;
PROC coder off (BOOL CONST insert, sermon, OPN CONST start proc) :
IF coder active
THEN mark coder off ;
end coder (insert, sermon, start mod nr if no insert)
ELSE errorstop (invalid coder off)
FI .
start mod nr if no insert :
IF insert THEN run again mod nr := 0
ELSE run again mod nr := start proc.mod nr
FI ;
run again mod nr .
mark coder off :
reset memory management mode ;
init opn section ;
coder active := FALSE
ENDPROC coder off ;
PROC end coder (BOOL CONST insert wanted, sermon wanted, INT CONST mod) :
ENDPROC end coder ;
PROC elan (INT CONST mode, FILE VAR source, TEXT CONST line,
INT VAR start module number, BOOL CONST ins, lst, rtc, ser) :
ENDPROC elan ;
(***** Hash/Namenstabelle *****)
. yet another nt entry :
nt link := cdb int (nt link) ;
nt link <> 0 . ;
PROC declare object (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR nt link, pt pointer) :
ENDPROC declare object ;
PROC to object (TEXT CONST searched object) :
hash ;
search nt entry .
hash :
hash code := 0 ;
FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH searched object REP
addmult cyclic
addmult cyclic :
hash code INCR hash code ;
IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ;
hash code := (hash code + code (searched object SUB index)) MOD 1024 .
wrap around :
hash code DECR end of hash table .
hash code : nt link .
search nt entry :
found := FALSE ;
WHILE yet another nt entry REP
read current entry ;
IF object name = searched object
THEN found := TRUE ;
LEAVE to object
read current entry :
permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length)
ENDPROC to object ;
(***** Permanent Tabelle *****)
next procedure :
permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer) . ;
PROC next pt param :
mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ;
param link INCR wordlength ;
IF mode = permanent row THEN skip over permanent row
ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN skip over permanent struct
FI ;
set end marker if end of list .
skip over permanent row :
param link INCR wordlength ;
next pt param .
skip over permanent struct :
next pt param ;
mode := cdb int (param link)
UNTIL mode = permanent type field PER ;
param link INCR wordlength
ENDPROC next pt param ;
PROC set end marker if end of list :
mode := cdb int (param link) ;
end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0
ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ;
PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) :
mode := cdb int (param link) ;
IF mode = permanent param proc THEN type of param proc
ELSE type of object
FI .
type of param proc :
param link INCR wordlength ;
get type and mode (type) ;
mode := permanent param proc .
type of object :
IF mode < 0 THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ;
mode := 0
ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ;
mode DECR type ;
translate type if necessary ;
translate mode if necessary
FI .
translate type if necessary :
IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI .
translate type :
type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit .
translate mode if necessary :
IF mode = permanent param const THEN mode := const
ELIF mode = permanent param var THEN mode := var
FI .
permanent row or struct :
type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct
ENDPROC get type and mode ;
(***** Allgemeine Zugriffsprozeduren *****)
INT PROC cdb int (INT CONST index) :
ENDPROC cdb int ;
TEXT PROC cdb text (INT CONST index) :
ENDPROC cdb text ;
(* *)
(* 2. Spruenge und Marken 07.03.1986 *)
(* *)
(* Definition des Datentyps LABEL *)
(* *)
(* Deklaration, Definition und Applikation von Marken *)
(* *)
BOOL VAR invers :: FALSE ;
PROC declare (LABEL VAR label) :
CONCR (label) := 0
ENDPROC declare ;
PROC define (LABEL VAR label) :
ENDPROC define ;
PROC complement condition code :
invers := TRUE
ENDPROC complement condition code ;
PROC apply (LABEL VAR label) :
ENDPROC apply ;
PROC apply (LABEL VAR label, BOOL CONST condition) :
IF condition xor invers THEN branch true (label)
ELSE branch false (label)
FI ;
invers := FALSE .
condition xor invers :
IF condition THEN NOT invers
ELSE invers
ENDPROC apply ;
OP := (LABEL VAR global label, local label) : (* EQUATE ! *)
ENDOP := ;
TEXT PROC dump (LABEL CONST label) :
"LAB " + text (CONCR (label))
ENDPROC dump ;
PROC gosub (LABEL VAR label) :
ENDPROC gosub ;
PROC goret :
s0 (q goret code)
ENDPROC goret ;
PROC branch true (LABEL VAR label) :
ENDPROC branch true ;
PROC branch false (LABEL VAR label) :
ENDPROC branch false ;
(* *)
(* 3. Datenaddressen 21.03.1986 *)
(* *)
(* Definition des Datentyps ADDRESS *)
(* *)
(* Aufbau von Datenaddressen (Vercodung) *)
(* Fortschalten und Ausrichten von Adressen *)
(* Bereitstellen der Fehlermeldung "address overflow" (Coder-intern) *)
(* *)
TYPE ADDRESS = STRUCT (INT kind, value) ;
LET global = 0 ,
local = 1 ,
ref mask = 2 ,
global ref = 2 ,
local ref = 3 ,
module nr = 4 ,
immediate value = 5 ,
eumel0 stack offset = 4 ,
local address limit = 16 384 ,
illegal ref operation = "REF not allowed" ,
deref on non ref = "DEREF on non-ref address" ,
global ref not allowed = "GLOBAL REF not allowed" ,
unknown kind = "Unknown address kind" ,
address overflow = "Address Overflow" ,
illegal plus operation = "+ not allowed" ;
ADDRESS VAR result addr;
INT CONST ref length :: 2 ;
CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
ENDOP := ;
ADDRESS OP GLOB (INT CONST address level) :
result addr.kind := global ;
result addr.value := address level ;
IF memory management mode = data allocation by user
THEN result addr.value INCR global address offset
FI ;
result addr
ADDRESS OP LOC (INT CONST address level) :
result addr.kind := local ;
result addr.value := address level + eumel0 stack offset ;
result addr
CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
IF result addr.kind = local THEN result addr.kind INCR ref mask
ELIF result addr.kind = global THEN errorstop (global ref not allowed)
ELSE errorstop (illegal ref operation)
FI ;
result addr
CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (ref address) ;
IF is not local ref THEN errorstop (deref on non ref) FI ;
result addr.kind DECR ref mask ;
result addr .
is not local ref :
result addr.kind <> local ref
CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
SELECT result addr.kind OF
CASE global :
CASE local : set bit (result addr.value, 15)
CASE global ref : errorstop (global ref not allowed)
CASE local ref : prep local ref
OTHERWISE errorstop (unknown kind)
result addr.value .
prep local ref :
IF address limit exceeded THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI ;
set bit (result addr.value, 14) ;
set bit (result addr.value, 15) .
address limit exceeded :
result addr.value < eumel0 stack offset OR
result addr.value > local address limit
addr.kind = local ref
ENDPROC is ref ;
BOOL PROC is global (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
addr.kind = global
ENDPROC is global ;
BOOL PROC is local (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
addr.kind = local
ENDPROC is local ;
CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
SELECT result addr.kind OF
CASE global : inc global
CASE local : inc local
OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal plus operation)
result addr .
inc global :
result addr.value INCR offset ;
IF result addr.value < 0 THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI .
inc local :
result addr.value INCR offset ;
IF result addr.value < eumel 0 stack offset OR
result addr.value > local address limit
THEN errorstop (address overflow)
PROC adjust (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST adjust length) :
IF is local or global THEN adjust to length FI .
is local or global :
addr.kind <= local .
adjust to length :
mode := addr.value MOD adjust length ;
IF mode <> 0 THEN addr.value INCR (adjust length-mode) FI
ENDPROC adjust ;
kind + text (addr.value) .
kind :
SELECT addr.kind OF
CASE global : "GLOBAL "
CASE local : "LOCAL "
CASE immediate value : "IMMEDIATE "
CASE module nr : "PARAM PROC "
CASE global ref : "GLOBAL REF "
CASE local ref : "LOCAL REF "
OTHERWISE "undef. Addr:"
(* *)
(* 4. Datentypen Teil I 03.12.1985 *)
(* *)
(* Definition des Datentyps DTYPE *)
(* *)
(* Interne Repraesentation der primitiven Datentypen *)
(* Identifikation von DTYPEs *)
(* *)
CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
ENDOP := ;
CONCR (l) = CONCR (r)
DTYPE PROC void type : DTYPE :(void) ENDPROC void type ;
DTYPE PROC int type : DTYPE :(int ) ENDPROC int type ;
DTYPE PROC real type : DTYPE :(real) ENDPROC real type ;
DTYPE PROC text type : DTYPE :(string) ENDPROC text type ;
DTYPE PROC bool type : DTYPE :(bool) ENDPROC bool type ;
DTYPE PROC dataspace type : DTYPE :(dataspace) ENDPROC dataspace type ;
DTYPE PROC undefined type : DTYPE :(undefined) ENDPROC undefined type ;
DTYPE PROC row type : DTYPE :(row) ENDPROC row type ;
DTYPE PROC struct type : DTYPE :(struct) ENDPROC struct type ;
DTYPE PROC proc type : DTYPE :(permanent param proc) ENDPROC proc type ;
DTYPE PROC end type : DTYPE :(end) ENDPROC end type ;
INT PROC type class (DTYPE CONST type) :
SELECT type id OF
CASE int, real, bool, string, dataspace, undefined : 1
CASE void : 0
CASE row : 3
CASE struct : 4
CASE permanent param proc : 5
pt type :
IF type id > ptt limit THEN permanent row or struct
ELSE abstract type
FI .
abstract type : 2 .
permanent row or struct :
mode := cdbint (type link into pt) MOD ptt limit ;
IF mode = struct THEN 4
ELIF mode = row THEN 3
FI .
type link into pt :
type id + begin of pt minus ptt limit .
type id : CONCR (type)
ENDPROC type class ;
PROC identify (TEXT CONST name,INT VAR size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
SELECT type pos OF
CASE 1 : size := 0; align := 0; type id := void
CASE 6 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := int
CASE 10 : size := 4; align := 4; type id := real
CASE 15 : size := 8; align := 4; type id := string
CASE 20 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := bool
CASE 25 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := dataspace
OTHERWISE search for type in permanent table
type pos :
enclose in delimiters ;
pos (".VOID.INT.REAL.TEXT.BOOL.DATASPACE.", object name) .
enclose in delimiters :
object name := "." ;
object name CAT name ;
object name CAT "." .
search for type in permanent table :
to object (name) ;
IF NOT found THEN size := 0; align := 0; type id := undefined
ELSE size := cdbint (permanent pointer + two wordlength) ;
type id := permanent pointer - begin of permanent table ;
IF size < two wordlength THEN align := 1
ELIF size < four wordlength THEN align := 2
ELSE align := 4
FI .
type id : CONCR (type)
ENDPROC identify ;
(* *)
(* 5. Operationen Teil I 21.03.1986 *)
(* *)
(* Definition des Datentyps OPN *)
(* Primitive Operationen (:= etc.) *)
(* Bereitstellen dee Fehlermeldung 'proc op expected' (coder-intern) *)
(* *)
TYPE OPN = STRUCT (INT kind, mod nr, top of stack) ;
LET proc op = 0 ,
param proc = 1 ,
eumel 0 = 2 ,
nil = 3 ,
param proc at non ref = "PARAM PROC at non-ref address" ,
proc op expected = "PROC expected" ;
OPN VAR eumel0 opn;
eumel0 opn.kind := eumel0 ;
eumel0 of stack := 0 ;
eumel0 opn.mod nr := q pp ;
OPN CONST pp :: eumel0 opn ,
nop code :: OPN :(nil, 0, 0) ;
THESAURUS VAR eumel 0 opcodes :: empty thesaurus ;
PROC init op codes (FILE VAR eumelcodes) :
eumel 0 opcodes := empty thesaurus ;
WHILE NOT eof (eumelcodes) REP
getline (eumelcodes, object name) ;
delete trailing blanks ;
IF object name <> "" CAND NOT (eumel 0 opcodes CONTAINS object name)
THEN insert (eumel 0 opcodes, object name)
delete trailing blanks :
WHILE (object name SUB LENGTH object name) = " " REP
object name := subtext (object name, 1, LENGTH object name - 1)
ENDPROC init op codes ;
ADDRESS PROC address (OPN CONST opn) :
IF opn.kind <> proc op THEN errorstop (proc op expected) FI ;
result addr.kind := module nr ;
result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
result addr
ENDPROC address ;
OPN PROC operation (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
IF addr.kind <> local ref THEN errorstop (param proc at non ref) FI ;
OPN VAR opn ;
opn.kind := param proc ;
opn.mod nr :=addr.value ; of stack := 0 ;
ENDPROC operation ;
TEXT PROC mnemonic (OPN CONST op code) :
name (eumel 0 opcodes, op code.mod nr)
ENDPROC mnemonic ;
OPN PROC nop :
nop code
OP := (OPN VAR r, OPN CONST l) :
CONCR (r) := CONCR (l)
ENDOP := ;
BOOL PROC is proc (OPN CONST operation) :
operation.kind = proc op
ENDPROC is proc ;
BOOL PROC is eumel 0 instruction (TEXT CONST op code name) :
link (eumel 0 opcodes, op code name) <> 0
ENDPROC is eumel 0 instruction ;
(* *)
(* 6. Parameterfeld 10.01.1986 *)
(* *)
(* Bereitstellen des Parameterfeldes *)
(* Schreiben und Lesen von Eintraegen im Parameterfeld *)
(* Fortschalten von Zeigern in das Parameterfeld *)
(* Bereitstellen der Konstanten 'size of param field' (Coder-intern) *)
(* *)
ADDRESS addr, OPN push opn) ,
size of param field = 100 ,
param field exceeded = "Param Field Overflow",
param nr out of range = "Illegal Param Number" ;
ROW size of param field PARAMDESCRIPTOR VAR param field ;
(***** Schreiben *****)
PROC test param pos (INT CONST param nr) :
IF param nr < 1 OR param nr > size of param field
THEN errorstop (param nr out of range)
ENDPROC test param pos ;
PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
test param pos (param nr) ;
enter type .
enter type :
CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type)
ENDPROC declare ;
PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, access) :
test param pos (param nr) ;
enter access .
enter access :
param field [param nr].access := access
ENDPROC declare ;
PROC define (INT CONST param nr, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
test param pos (param nr) ;
enter address .
enter address :
CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr)
ENDPROC define ;
PROC define (INT CONST param nr, value) :
result addr.kind := immediate value ;
result addr.value := value ;
define (param nr, result addr)
ENDPROC define ;
PROC apply (INT CONST param nr, OPN CONST opn) :
test param pos (param nr) ;
enter push opn .
enter push opn :
CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (opn)
ENDPROC apply ;
PROC parameter (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type,
test param pos (param nr) ;
enter type ;
enter access ;
enter address ;
enter pp as default .
enter type :
CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type) .
enter access :
param field [param nr].access := access .
enter address :
CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr) .
enter pp as default :
CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (pp)
ENDPROC parameter ;
(***** Lesen *****)
ADDRESS PROC param address (INT CONST param nr) :
test param pos (param nr) ;
param field [param nr].addr
ENDPROC param address ;
DTYPE PROC dtype (INT CONST param nr) :
test param pos (param nr) ;
param field [param nr].type
ENDPROC dtype ;
INT PROC access (INT CONST param nr) :
test param pos (param nr) ;
param field [param nr].access
ENDPROC access ;
(***** Fortschalten *****)
test param pos (param nr) ;
IF long entry THEN read until end FI ;
param nr INCR 1 .
long entry :
type class (param field [param nr].type) > 2 .
read until end :
param nr INCR 1 ;
NEXTPARAM param nr
UNTIL end marker read or end of field PER .
end marker read or end of field :
param nr > size of param field OR
CONCR (param field [param nr].type) = end
INT PROC next param (INT CONST p) :
index := p ;
ENDPROC next param ;
IF p > 0 AND p <= 100 THEN dump entry (param field (p))
ELSE param nr out of range
ENDPROC dump ;
object name := dump (id.type) ;
object name CAT text (id.access) ;
object name CAT dump (id.addr) ;
object name CAT dump (id.push opn) ;
object name
ENDPROC dump entry ;
(* *)
(* 7. Datentypen Teil II 20.01.1986 *)
(* *)
(* Deklaration neuer Datentypen *)
(* Vergleich von DTYPEs im Parameterfeld und in der Permanent-Tabelle *)
(* *)
DTYPE VAR pt type ;
PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
entry into name table ;
put next permanent (permanent type) ;
put next permanent (size) ;
put next permanent (nt link) ;
mark no offsets of text elements .
entry into name table :
declare object (name, nt link, CONCR (type)) .
mark no offsets of text elements :
put next permanent (0)
ENDPROC declare ;
BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param 1, param 2) :
INT CONST left type :: CONCR (param field [param 1].type) ;
IF left type = right type
THEN same fine structure if there is one
ELSE left type = undefined OR right type = undefined
FI .
right type : CONCR (param field [param 2].type) .
same fine structure if there is one :
IF left type = row THEN compare row
ELIF left type = struct THEN compare struct
FI .
compare row :
equal sizes AND same type (param1 + 1, param2 + 1) .
equal sizes :
param field [param1+1].access = param field [param2+1].access .
compare struct :
INT VAR p1 :: param1+1, p2 :: param2+1 ;
IF NOT same type (p1, p2) THEN LEAVE same type WITH FALSE
ELIF end type found THEN LEAVE same type WITH TRUE
FI ;
UNTIL end of field PER ;
end type found :
CONCR (param field [p1].type) = end .
end of field :
p1 > size of param field OR p2 > size of param field
ENDPROC same type ;
BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
field pointer := param nr ;
CONCR (pt type) := CONCR (type) ;
equal types
ENDPROC same type ;
BOOL PROC equal types :
identical types OR one type is undefined .
one type is undefined :
type of actual field = undefined OR CONCR(pt type) = undefined .
identical types :
SELECT type class (pt type) OF
CASE 0, 1, 2 : type of actual field = CONCR (pt type)
CASE 3 : perhaps equal rows
CASE 4 : perhaps equal structs
perhaps equal rows :
is row AND equal row sizes AND equal row types .
is row :
type of actual field = row .
perhaps equal structs :
is struct AND same type fields .
is struct :
type of actual field = struct .
equal row sizes :
pt row size = row size within param field .
equal row types :
same type (field pointer + 1, pt row type) .
pt row size :
cdb int (CONCR(pt type) + offset to row size) .
pt row type :
CONCR (pt type) INCR 2 ;
pt type .
row size within param field :
param field [field pointer].access .
same type fields :
field pointer INCR 1 ;
CONCR (pt type) INCR 1 ;
IF NOT equal types THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH FALSE FI ;
IF type of actual field = end
THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH TRUE
FI ;
NEXTPARAM field pointer
UNTIL end of field PER ;
end of field :
field pointer > size of param field .
type of actual field :
CONCR (param field [field pointer].type) .
ENDPROC equal types ;
BOOL PROC is not void bool or undefined (DTYPE CONST dtype) :
type <> void AND type <> bool AND type <> undefined .
type : CONCR (dtype)
ENDPROC is not void bool or undefined ;
(* *)
(* 8. Operationen Teil II 07.03.1986 *)
(* *)
(* Definition der Opcodes *)
(* Deklaration, Definition, Identifikation und Applikation *)
(* Eroeffnen und Schliessen eines Moduls *)
(* *)
LET module not opened = "Module not opened" ,
define missing = "DEFINE missing" ,
wrong nr of params = "Wrong Nr. of Params:" ,
illegal kind = "Opcode expected" ,
nested module = "Nested Modules" ,
no mod nr = "Param Proc expected" ,
no immediate value = "Value expected" ,
type error = "Type Error" ,
q ln = 1 ,
q move = 2 , q move code = 2 048 ,
q inc1 = 3 , q inc1 code = 3 072 ,
q dec1 = 4 , q dec1 code = 4 096 ,
q inc = 5 , q inc code = 5 120 ,
q dec = 6 , q dec code = 6 144 ,
q add = 7 , q add code = 7 168 ,
q sub = 8 , q sub code = 8 192 ,
q clear = 9 , q clear code = 9 216 ,
q test = 10 ,
q equ = 11 , q equ code = 11 264 ,
q lsequ = 12 , q lsequ code = 12 288 ,
q fmove = 13 , q fmove code = 13 312 ,
q fadd = 14 , q fadd code = 14 336 ,
q fsub = 15 , q fsub code = 15 360 ,
q fmult = 16 , q fmult code = 16 384 ,
q fdiv = 17 , q fdiv code = 17 408 ,
q flsequ = 18 , q flsequ code = 18 432 ,
q tmove = 19 , q tmove code = 19 456 ,
q tequ = 20 , q tequ code = 20 480 ,
q accds = 21 , q access ds code = 22 528 ,
q ref = 22 , q ref code = 23 552 ,
q subscript = 23 , q subscript code = 24 576 ,
q select = 24 , q select code = 25 600 ,
q ppv = 25 ,
q pp = 26 ,
q make false = 27 , (* q make false code = 65 513 *)
q movex = 28 ,
(* q longa subs q longa subs code = 65 376 *)
q return = 29 , q return code = 32 512 ,
q true return = 30 , q true return code = 32 513 ,
q false return = 31 , q false return code = 32 514 ,
q goret code = 32 519 ,
q esc mult = 32 , q esc mult code = 32 553 ,
q esc div = 33 , q esc div code = 32 554 ,
q esc mod = 34 , q esc mod code = 32 555 ,
q pproc = 35 ,
q compl int = 36 , q compl int code = 32 551 ,
q compl real = 37 , q compl real code = 32 550 ,
(* q alias ds = 38 , *)
q movim = 39 , q esc movim code = 32 547 ,
q fequ = 40 , q fequ code = 32 548 ,
q tlsequ = 41 , q tlsequ code = 32 549 ,
(* q case = 42 , *)
q plus = 43 ,
q minus = 44 ,
q mult = 45 ,
q int div = 46 ,
q real div = 47 ,
q equal = 48 ,
q lessequal = 49 ;
INT CONST q make false code :: - 1 022 ,
q longa subs code :: - 159 ;
(***** Deklaration *****)
PROC declare (OPN VAR operation) :
operation.kind := proc op ;
get module nr (operation.mod nr) ; of stack := 0
ENDPROC declare ;
PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation) :
declare (operation) ;
entry into name and pt table if necessary ;
enter params ;
enter result ;
enter module number .
entry into name and pt table if necessary :
declare object (name, nt link, permanent pointer) .
enter params :
field pointer := first ;
FOR index FROM 1 UPTO params REP
enter param (param field [field pointer]) ;
NEXTPARAM field pointer
enter result :
enter param (param field[field pointer].type, permanent proc op) .
enter module number :
put next permanent (operation.mod nr)
ENDPROC declare ;
PROC enter param (PARAMDESCRIPTOR CONST param) :
IF param.access = const
THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param const)
ELIF param.access = var
THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param var)
ELSE errorstop ("Unknown Access")
ENDPROC enter param ;
PROC enter param (DTYPE CONST type, INT CONST permanent mode) :
SELECT type class (type) OF
CASE 0, 1, 2 : put next permanent (CONCR(type) + permanent mode)
OTHERWISE errorstop ("Illegal Type")
ENDPROC enter param ;
(***** Definition *****)
PROC define (OPN VAR opn) :
IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened)
ELSE proc head (opn.mod nr, of stack)
ENDPROC define ;
PROC set length of local storage (OPN VAR opn, INT CONST size) :
IF size < 0 OR size > local address limit
THEN errorstop (address overflow)
ELIF of stack = 0
THEN errorstop (define missing)
ELIF opn.kind <> proc op
THEN errorstop (proc op expected)
FI ;
set length ( of stack, size + eumel0 stack offset)
ENDPROC set length of local storage ;
PROC define (OPN VAR operation, INT CONST size) :
define (operation) ;
set length of local storage (operation, size)
ENDPROC define ;
(***** Identifikation *****)
INT VAR counter, result index, result type repr;
PROC identify (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation,
BOOL VAR object exists) :
find result entry ;
to object (name) ;
IF found THEN first fit and leave if found FI ;
IF eumel0 THEN identify eumel0 instruction
ELSE yield undefined operation
FI .
find result entry :
result index := first;
counter := 0 ;
WHILE counter < params REP
NEXTPARAM result index ;
counter INCR 1
check on param field exceeded .
check on param field exceeded :
IF result index > size of param field
THEN errorstop (param field exceeded)
FI .
yield undefined operation :
declare (result index, undefined type) ;
apply (result index, nop) ;
object exists := FALSE .
first fit and leave if found :
WHILE yet another procedure exists REP
check one procedure and leave if match ;
next procedure
yet another procedure exists :
permanent pointer <> 0 .
check one procedure and leave if match:
param link := permanent pointer + wordlength ;
set end marker if end of list ;
counter := params ;
field pointer := 1 ;
IF end of params AND counter = 0
THEN procedure found
ELIF end of params OR counter = 0
THEN LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
ELSE check next param
check next param :
get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
IF same types THEN set param mode ;
counter DECR 1 ;
field pointer INCR 1 ;
next pt param
ELSE LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
FI .
same types : (* inline version ! *)
equal types .
set param mode :
param field [field pointer].access := mode .
procedure found :
get result ;
operation.kind := proc op ;
operation.mod nr := module number ; of stack := 0 ;
object exists := TRUE ;
LEAVE identify .
get result :
get type and mode (result type) ;
declare (result index, mode) .
module number :
cdbint (param link + 1) .
result type :
CONCR (param field [result index].type) .
eumel0 :
eumel0 opn.mod nr := link (eumel 0 opcodes, name) ;
eumel0 opn.mod nr <> 0 .
identify eumel 0 instruction :
init result type with void ;
CONCR (operation) := CONCR (eumel0 opn) ;
object exists := check params and set result ;
declare (result index, DTYPE:(result type repr)) ;
declare (result index, const) .
init result type with void :
result type repr := void .
check params and set result :
SELECT operation.mod nr OF
CASE q return, q false return, q true return : no params
CASE q inc1, q dec1 : one int param yielding void
CASE q pproc, q pp, q ln : one param yielding void
CASE q test : one param yielding bool
CASE q clear, q ppv : one int or bool param yielding void
CASE q make false : one bool param yielding void
CASE q move : two int or bool params yielding void
CASE q compl int, q inc, q dec : two int params yielding void
CASE q compl real, q fmove : two real params yielding void
CASE q equ, q lsequ : two int params yielding bool
CASE q fequ, q flsequ : two real params yielding bool
CASE q tequ, q tlsequ : two text params yielding bool
CASE q tmove : two text params yielding void
CASE q accds, q ref : two params yielding void
CASE q add, q sub, q esc mult,
q esc div, q esc mod : three int params yielding void
CASE q fadd, q fsub, q fmult, q fdiv : three real params yielding void
CASE q select, q movex : three params
CASE q subscript : five params
CASE q plus, q minus, q mult : two intreals yielding intreal
CASE q int div : two int params yielding int
CASE q real div : two real params yielding real
CASE q equal, q lessequal : two intrealtexts yielding bool
no params :
params = 0 .
one int param yielding void :
p1 void (int type, first, params) .
one param yielding void :
params = 1 .
one param yielding bool :
IF params = 1 THEN result type repr := bool ;
FI .
one int or bool param yielding void :
p1 void (int type, first, params) OR p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
one bool param yielding void :
p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
two int or bool params yielding void :
p2 (int type, first, params, void) OR
p2 (bool type, first, params, void) .
two int params yielding void :
p2 (int type, first, params, void) .
two real params yielding void :
p2 (real type, first, params, void) .
two text params yielding void :
p2 (text type, first, params, void) .
two int params yielding bool :
p2 (int type, first, params, bool) .
two real params yielding bool :
p2 (real type, first, params, bool) .
two text params yielding bool :
p2 (text type, first, params, bool) .
two params yielding void :
params = 2 .
three int params yielding void :
p3 void (int type, first, params) .
three real params yielding void :
p3 void (real type, first, params) .
three params :
params = 3 .
five params :
params = 5 .
two intreals yielding intreal :
two int params yielding int OR two real params yielding real .
two intrealtexts yielding bool :
two int params yielding bool OR two real params yielding bool OR
two text params yielding bool .
two int params yielding int :
p2 (int type, first, params, int) .
two real params yielding real :
p2 (real type, first, params, real)
ENDPROC identify ;
BOOL PROC p1 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
param nr = 1 AND param type is requested plain type .
param type is requested plain type :
CONCR (param field [first].type) = CONCR (requested type)
ENDPROC p1 void ;
BOOL PROC p2 (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr,
INT CONST result type) :
IF param nr = 2 AND param types equal requested plain type
THEN result type repr := result type ;
FI .
param types equal requested plain type :
CONCR (param field [first] .type) = CONCR (requested type) AND
CONCR (param field [first+1].type) = CONCR (requested type)
BOOL PROC p3 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
param nr = 3 AND param types ok .
param types ok :
FOR index FROM first UPTO first+2 REP
IF different param types THEN LEAVE p3 void WITH FALSE FI
different param types :
CONCR (param field [index].type) <> CONCR (requested type)
ENDPROC p3 void;
(***** Applikation *****)
INT VAR address representation, left repr, right repr, result repr;
PROC apply (INT CONST first, nr of params, OPN CONST opn) :
IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened) FI ;
SELECT opn.kind OF
CASE eumel 0 : generate eumel0 instruction
CASE proc op : call operation
CASE param proc : call param proc
CASE nil :
OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal kind)
call operation :
push params if necessary (first, nr of params, opn.mod nr) ;
call (opn.mod nr) .
call param proc :
result addr.kind := local ref ;
result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
address representation := REPR result addr ;
push params if necessary (first, nr of params, address representation) ;
call param (address representation) .
generate eumel0 instruction :
SELECT real nr of params OF
CASE 0 : p0 instruction
CASE 1 : apply p1 (opn, first addr)
CASE 2 : apply p2 (opn, first addr, second addr)
CASE 3 : apply p3 (opn, left type, first addr, second addr, third addr)
CASE 5 : subscript operation
OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
real nr of params :
IF operator denotation THEN nr of params + 1
ELSE nr of params
FI .
operator denotation :
opn.mod nr >= q plus .
p0 instruction :
IF opn.mod nr = q return THEN s0 (q return code)
ELIF opn.mod nr = q true return THEN s0 (q true return code)
ELIF opn.mod nr = q false return THEN s0 (q false return code)
ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params +
mnemonic (opn))
FI .
subscript operation :
IF opn.mod nr = q subscript
THEN subscription
ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
FI .
subscription :
ADDRESS CONST element length :: param field [first+2].addr ,
limit :: param field [first+3].addr ;
check on immediates ;
IF element length.value < 1024
THEN s0 (q subscript code + element length.value)
ELSE s0 (q longa subs code) ;
s0 (element length.value)
FI ;
s3 (limit.value - 1, subs index, base addr, subs result) .
check on immediates :
IF element length.kind <> immediate value OR
limit.kind <> immediate value
THEN errorstop (no immediate value)
FI .
subs index : REPR param field [first+1].addr .
base addr : REPR param field [first].addr .
subs result : REPR param field [first+4].addr .
first addr :
param field [first].addr .
left type :
param field [first].type .
second addr :
param field [nextparam (first)].addr .
third addr :
param field [nextparam(nextparam(first))].addr
ENDPROC apply ;
PROC push params if necessary (INT CONST first, nr of params, mod nr) :
init param push (mod nr) ;
IF nr of params > 0 THEN push params ;
push result if there is one
FI .
push params :
field pointer := first ;
FOR index FROM 1 UPTO nr of params REP
apply p1 (push code, param addr) ;
NEXTPARAM field pointer
push code :
param field [field pointer].push opn .
param addr :
param field [field pointer].addr .
push result if there is one :
IF push result necessary
THEN push result address (REPR param field [field pointer].addr)
FI .
push result necessary :
param field [field pointer].push opn.kind <> nil AND
is not void bool or undefined (param field [field pointer].type)
ENDPROC push params if necessary ;
PROC apply p1 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
IF opn.mod nr = q ln THEN generate line number
ELIF opn.mod nr = q pproc THEN push module nr
ELSE gen p1 instruction
FI .
gen p1 instruction :
address representation := REPR addr ;
SELECT opn.mod nr OF
CASE q inc1 : t1 (q inc1 code, address representation)
CASE q dec1 : t1 (q dec1 code, address representation)
CASE q clear : t1 (q clear code,address representation)
CASE q test : test bool object (address representation)
CASE q pp : push param (address representation)
CASE q make false : s1 (q make false code, address representation)
OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
generate line number :
IF addr.kind = immediate value THEN mark line (addr.value)
ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
FI .
push module nr :
IF addr.kind = module nr THEN push param proc (addr.value)
ELSE errorstop (no mod nr)
ENDPROC apply p1;
PROC apply p2 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr):
left repr := REPR left addr ;
IF opn.mod nr = q movim THEN move immediate
ELSE gen p2 instruction
FI .
gen p2 instruction :
right repr := REPR right addr ;
SELECT opn.mod nr OF
CASE q move : t2 (q move code, right repr, left repr)
CASE q inc : t2 (q inc code, right repr, left repr)
CASE q dec : t2 (q dec code, right repr, left repr)
CASE q equ : compare (q equ code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q lsequ : compare (q lsequ code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q fmove : t2 (q fmove code, right repr, left repr)
CASE q flsequ : compare (q flsequ code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q tmove : t2 (q tmove code, right repr, left repr)
CASE q tequ : compare (q tequ code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q compl int : s2 (q compl int code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q compl real : s2 (q compl real code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q fequ : compare (q fequ code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q tlsequ : compare (q tlsequ code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q accds : t2 (q access ds code, left repr, right repr)
CASE q ref : t2 (q ref code, left repr, right repr)
OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
move immediate :
IF right addr.kind = immediate value
THEN s0 (q esc movim code) ;
s1 (left repr, right addr.value)
ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
ENDPROC apply p2;
PROC apply p3 (OPN CONST opn, DTYPE CONST left dtype,
ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr, result addr ):
left repr := REPR left addr ;
result repr := REPR result addr ;
IF opn.mod nr = q select THEN gen select instruction
ELIF opn.mod nr = q movex THEN gen long move
ELSE gen p3 instruction
FI .
gen p3 instruction :
right repr := REPR right addr ;
SELECT opn.mod nr OF
CASE q add : int add
CASE q sub : int sub
CASE q fadd : real add
CASE q fsub : real sub
CASE q fmult : real mult
CASE q fdiv, q real div : real div
CASE q esc mult : int mult
CASE q esc div, q int div : int div
CASE q esc mod : int mod
CASE q plus : int real add
CASE q minus : int real sub
CASE q mult : int real mult
CASE q equal, q lessequal : compare (comp code, left repr, right repr)
OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
gen select instruction :
IF right addr.kind = immediate value
THEN t1 (q select code, left repr) ;
s1 (right addr.value, result repr)
ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
FI .
gen long move :
IF right addr.kind = immediate value
THEN long move (left repr, result repr, right addr.value)
ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
FI .
int add : compute (q add code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
int sub : compute (q sub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
real add : compute (q fadd code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
real sub : compute (q fsub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
real mult : compute (q fmult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
real div : compute (q fdiv code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
int mult : s3 (q esc mult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
int div : s3 (q esc div code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
int mod : s3 (q esc mod code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
int real add :
IF left type = int THEN int add
ELSE real add
FI .
int real sub :
IF left type = int THEN int sub
ELSE real sub
FI .
int real mult :
IF left type = int THEN int mult
ELSE real mult
FI .
comp code :
SELECT left type OF
CASE int : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q equ ELSE q lsequ FI
CASE real : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q fequ ELSE q flsequ FI
CASE string : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q tequ ELSE q tlsequ FI
OTHERWISE errorstop (type error); q equ
left type : CONCR (left dtype)
ENDPROC apply p3;
(***** Modul *****)
BOOL VAR module open ;
.init opn section :
module open := FALSE .;
PROC begin module :
IF module open THEN errorstop (nested module)
ELSE begin modul ;
module open := TRUE
ENDPROC begin module ;
PROC end module :
IF NOT module open
THEN errorstop (module not opened)
ELSE end modul ;
module open := FALSE
ENDPROC end module ;
TEXT PROC dump (OPN CONST operation) :
IF operation.kind = proc op THEN " PROC" + text (operation.mod nr, 5)
ELIF operation.kind = eumel 0 THEN " EUMEL0: " + mnemonic (operation)
ELSE " undef. Opn"
ENDPROC dump ;
PROC begin modul :
ENDPROC begin modul ;
PROC end modul :
ENDPROC end modul ;
PROC proc head (INT VAR mod nr, top of stack) :
ENDPROC proc head ;
PROC set length (INT CONST top of stack, size) :
ENDPROC set length ;
PROC get module nr (INT VAR module nr) :
ENDPROC get module nr ;
PROC compute (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr, result address) :
ENDPROC compute ;
PROC compare (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr) :
ENDPROC compare ;
PROC long move (INT CONST to, from, length) :
ENDPROC long move ;
PROC put next permanent (INT CONST permanent value) :
ENDPROC put next permanent ;
PROC call (INT CONST mod nr) :
ENDPROC call ;
PROC call param (INT CONST mod nr) :
ENDPROC call param ;
PROC push param (INT CONST addr) :
ENDPROC push param ;
PROC push param proc (INT CONST mod nr) :
ENDPROC push param proc ;
PROC init param push (INT CONST mod nr) :
ENDPROC init param push ;
PROC push result address (INT CONST addr) :
ENDPROC push result address ;
PROC test bool object (INT CONST addr) :
ENDPROC test bool object ;
PROC mark line (INT CONST line number) :
ENDPROC mark line ;
PROC s0 (INT CONST op code) :
PROC s1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
PROC s2 (INT CONST op code , addr1, addr2) :
PROC s3 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2, addr3) :
PROC t1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
PROC t2 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2) :
(* *)
(* 9. Speicherverwaltung 21.03.1986 *)
(* *)
(* Ablage der Paketdaten *)
(* *)
INT VAR address value;
INT CONST data allocation by coder := 1 ,
data allocation by user := 2 ;
LET not initialized = 0 ,
wrong mm mode = "Wrong MM Mode" ,
define on non global = "Define for GLOB only" ,
text too long = "TEXT too long" ;
TEXT VAR const buffer :: point line ;
.reset memory management mode :
memory management mode := not initialized . ;
PROC reserve storage (INT CONST size) :
IF memory management mode <> data allocation by user
THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
FI ;
allocate var (address value, size) ;
memory management mode := not initialized
ENDPROC reserve storage ;
PROC allocate variable (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST size) :
IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
FI ;
allocate var (addr.value, size) ;
addr.kind := global
ENDPROC allocate variable ;
PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST value) :
IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
FI ;
allocate int denoter (addr.value) ;
put data word (value, addr.value) ;
addr.kind := global
ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, REAL CONST value) :
IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
FI ;
allocate real denoter (addr.value) ;
addr.kind := global ;
define (addr, value)
ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, TEXT CONST value) :
IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
FI ;
allocate text denoter (addr.value, (LENGTH value+1) DIV 2 + 2) ;
addr.kind := global ;
skip heaplink;
define (addr, value) ;
reset heaplink .
skip heaplink :
addr.value INCR 1 .
reset heaplink :
addr.value DECR 1
ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, INT CONST value) :
IF addr.kind <> global
THEN errorstop (define on non global)
FI ;
put data word (value, addr.value)
ENDPROC define ;
PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, REAL CONST value) :
IF addr.kind <> global
THEN errorstop (define on non global)
FI ;
replace (const buffer, 1, value) ;
address value := addr.value ;
put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
address value INCR 1
ENDPROC define ;
PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, TEXT CONST value) :
IF addr.kind <> global THEN errorstop (define on non global)
ELIF LENGTH value > 255 THEN errorstop (text too long)
FI ;
address value := addr.value ;
const buffer := code (LENGTH value) ;
const buffer CAT value ;
const buffer CAT " " ;
FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH const buffer DIV 2 REP
put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
address value INCR 1
const buffer := point line
ENDPROC define ;
PROC prep pbase (INT VAR offset) :
ENDPROC prep pbase;
PROC allocate var (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
ENDPROC allocate var ;
PROC allocate int denoter (INT VAR addr) :
ENDPROC allocate int denoter ;
PROC allocate real denoter (INT VAR addr) :
ENDPROC allocate real denoter ;
PROC allocate text denoter (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
ENDPROC allocate text denoter ;
PROC put data word (INT CONST value, INT CONST addr) :
ENDPROC put data word ;
(* *)
(* 10. Inspector 08.01.1986 *)
(* *)
TEXT VAR type and mode ;
TEXT PROC type name (DTYPE CONST type) :
type and mode := "" ;
name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
type and mode
ENDPROC type name ;
type and mode := "TYPE " ;
name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
type and mode
ENDPROC dump ;
PROC name of type (INT CONST type) :
CASE void :
CASE int : type and mode CAT "INT"
CASE real : type and mode CAT "REAL"
CASE string : type and mode CAT "TEXT"
CASE bool, bool result : type and mode CAT "BOOL"
CASE dataspace : type and mode CAT "DATASPACE"
OTHERWISE : complex type
complex type :
IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row
ELSE get complex type
FI .
perhaps permanent struct or row :
index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ;
IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row
ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct
ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
FI .
get complex type :
index := type + begin of permanent table ;
IF is complex type THEN get name
ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
FI .
is complex type :
permanent type definition mode = permanent type .
get name :
type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + two word length) .
link to type name :
cdb int (index + three word length) .
permanent type definition mode :
cdb int (index + wordlength) .
get permanent row :
type and mode CAT "ROW " ;
type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + wordlength)) ;
type and mode CAT " " ;
param link := index + two wordlength ;
get type and mode (t) ;
name of type (t) .
get permanent struct :
type and mode CAT "STRUCT ( ... )"
ENDPROC name of type ;
ENDPACKET eumel coder ;