system/multiuser/1.7.5/src/basic archive

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(* ------------------- VERSION 11     06.03.86 ------------------- *)
PACKET basic archive DEFINES 

  archive blocks ,
  block number ,
  check read ,
  format archive ,
  read block ,
  read ,
  rewind ,
  search dataspace ,
  seek ,
  size ,
  skip dataspace ,
  write block ,
  write :

INT VAR blocknr  := 0 ,
        rerun    := 0 ,
        page     := -1 ,
        bit word := 1 ,
        unreadable sequence length := 0 ;
INT CONST all ones :=-1 ;

DATASPACE VAR label ds ;

LET write normal            = 0 ,
    archive version         = 1 ,
    first page stored       = 2 ,
    dr size                 = 3 ,
    first bit word          = 4 ,
(*  write deleted data mark = 64 , *)
    inconsistent            = 90 ,
    read error              = 92 ,
    label size              = 131 ;

BOUND STRUCT (ALIGN dummy for page1,
              (* Page 2 begins: *)
              ROW label size INT lab) VAR label;

INT PROC block number :
  block nr
ENDPROC block number ;

PROC seek (INT CONST block) :
  block nr := block
ENDPROC seek ;

PROC rewind :
  forget (label ds);
  label ds := nilspace;
  label := label ds;
  block nr := 0;
  rerun := session 
END PROC rewind; 
PROC skip dataspace:
  check rerun;
  get label; 
  IF is error
  ELIF olivetti
    THEN block nr INCR label.lab (dr size+1)
    ELSE block nr INCR label.lab (dr size)
END PROC skip dataspace; 
  read (ds, 30000, FALSE)
ENDPROC read ;

PROC read (DATASPACE VAR ds, INT CONST max pages, BOOL CONST error accept) :
  enable stop ;
  check rerun;
  get label; 
  init next page;
  INT VAR i ;
  FOR i FROM 1 UPTO max pages REP
    next page;
    IF no further page THEN  LEAVE read FI;
    check storage ;
    check rerun ;
    read block ;
    block nr INCR 1;
  PER .

read block :
  disable stop ;
  get external block (ds, page, block nr) ;
  ignore read error if no errors accepted ;
  enable stop .

ignore read error if no errors accepted :
  IF is error CAND error code = read error CAND NOT error accept
    THEN clear error
  FI .

check storage :
  INT VAR size, used ;
  storage (size, used) ;
  IF used > size
    THEN forget (ds) ;
         ds := nilspace ;
         errorstop ("Speicherengpass") ;
         LEAVE read
  FI .

check rerun :
    IF rerun <> session
      THEN errorstop ("RERUN beim Archiv-Zugriff") ;
           LEAVE read
    FI .

END PROC read;

PROC check read :

  enable stop ;
  get label ;
  INT VAR pages, i;
  IF olivetti
    THEN pages := label.lab (dr size+1)
    ELSE pages := label.lab (dr size)
  FI ;
  FOR i FROM 1 UPTO pages REP
    get external block (label ds, 2, block nr) ;
    block nr INCR 1
  PER .

ENDPROC check read ;

  enable stop ;
  check rerun;
  INT VAR label block nr := block nr;
  block nr INCR 1;init label;
  INT VAR page := -1,i;
  FOR i FROM 1 UPTO ds pages (ds) REP
    check rerun ;
    page := next ds page(ds,page);
    put external block (ds, page, block nr) ;
    reset archive bit;
    label.lab(dr size) INCR 1;
    block nr INCR 1
  put label.

  init label:
  label.lab(archive version) := 0 ;
  label.lab(first page stored) := 0 ;
  label.lab(dr size) := 0;
  INT VAR j;
  FOR j FROM first bit word UPTO label size REP
    label.lab (j) := all ones

  put label:
  put external block (label ds, 2, label block nr).

  reset archive bit:
  reset bit (label.lab (page DIV 16+first bit word), page MOD 16).

END PROC write;

PROC get label:

  enable stop ;
  get external block (label ds, 2, block nr)  ;
  block nr INCR 1;
  check label.

check label:
  IF may be z80 format label OR may be old olivetti format label
    ELSE errorstop (inconsistent, "Archiv inkonsistent")

may be z80 format label :
  z80 archive AND label.lab(dr size) > 0 .

may be old olivetti format label :
  olivetti AND label.lab(first page stored)=0 AND label.lab(dr size+1) > 0 .

END PROC get label; 
PROC next page:
  IF z80 archive 
    WHILE labelbits = all ones REP
      bitword INCR 1;
      IF bitword >= label size THEN
      no further page := true; LEAVE next page FI
    INT VAR p := lowest reset (labelbits);
    set bit (labelbits, p);
    page := 16*(bitword-first bit word)+p 
    WHILE oli bits = 0 REP 
      bitword INCR 1; 
      IF bitword >= labelsize-64 THEN
      no further page := true; LEAVE next page FI 
    p := lowest set (oli bits); 
    reset bit (olibits, p); 
    page := 16*(bitword-firstbitword)+p; 
  label bits : label.lab (bitword).
  oli bits : label.lab (bitword+1). 
END PROC next page;
olivetti : label.lab (archive version) = -1. 
z80 archive : label.lab (archive version) = 0. 
init next page:
   BOOL VAR no further page := false;
   bitword := first bit word.

check rerun :
    IF rerun <> session
      THEN errorstop ("RERUN beim Archiv-Zugriff")
    FI .

PROC get external block (DATASPACE VAR ds, INT CONST page,
                         INT CONST block nr): 

  INT VAR error ;
  read block (ds, page, block nr, error) ;
  SELECT error OF
    CASE 0: read succeeded
    CASE 1: error stop ("Lesen unmoeglich (Archiv)")
    CASE 2: read failed
    CASE 3: error stop ("Archiv-Ueberlauf") 
    OTHERWISE error stop ("??? (Archiv)")

read succeeded :
  unreadable sequence length := 0 .

read failed :
  unreadable sequence length INCR 1 ;
  IF unreadable sequence length >= 30
    THEN errorstop ("30 unlesbare Bloecke hintereinander")
    ELSE error stop (read error, "Lesefehler (Archiv)")
  FI .

END PROC get external block; 
PROC put external block (DATASPACE CONST ds, INT CONST page, 
                         INT CONST block nr):
  INT VAR error;
  write block (ds, page, write normal, block nr, error) ;
  SELECT error OF
    CASE 0: 
    CASE 1: error stop ("Schreiben unmoeglich (Archiv)")
    CASE 2: error stop ("Schreibfehler (Archiv)")
    CASE 3: error stop ("Archiv-Ueberlauf") 
    OTHERWISE error stop ("??? (Archiv)") 

END PROC put external block;

PROC read block (DATASPACE VAR ds,
                 INT CONST ds page no, 
                 INT CONST block no,
                 INT VAR return code) :
  read block; 
  retry if read error.
read block: 
  block in (ds, ds page no, 0, block no, return code). 
retry if read error: 
  INT VAR retry;
  FOR retry FROM 1 UPTO 10 WHILE return code = 2 REP 
    reset to block 0 if fifth try; 
    read block 
reset to block 0 if fifth try: 
  IF retry = 5 
    THEN block in (ds, ds page no, 0, 0, return code) 
END PROC read block;
PROC write block (DATASPACE CONST ds,
                 INT CONST ds page no, 
                 INT CONST mode,
                 INT CONST block no,
                 INT VAR return code):
  write block; 
  retry if write error. 
write block: 
  block out (ds, ds page no, mode * 256, block no, return code) .

retry if write error: 
  INT VAR retry;
  FOR retry FROM 1 UPTO 10 WHILE return code = 2 REP 
    reset to block 0 if fifth try; 
    write block 
reset to block 0 if fifth try: 
  IF retry = 5 
    THEN disable stop;
         DATASPACE VAR dummy ds := nilspace;
         block in (dummy ds, 2, 0, 0, return code);
         forget (dummy ds);
         enable stop
END PROC write block;
INT PROC size (INT CONST key) :

  INT VAR return code ;
  control (5, key, 0, return code) ;
  return code .

ENDPROC size ;

INT PROC archive blocks :
  size (0)
ENDPROC archive blocks ;

PROC search dataspace (INT VAR ds pages) :

  disable stop ;
  ds pages := -1 ;
  INT CONST last block := archive blocks ;
  WHILE block nr < last block REP
    IF block is dataspace label
      THEN ds pages := pages counted ;
           LEAVE search dataspace
    FI ;
    block nr INCR 1
  UNTIL is error PER .

block is dataspace label :
  look at label block ;
  IF is error
    THEN IF error code = read error OR error code = inconsistent
           THEN clear error
         FI ;
    ELSE count pages ;
         pages counted = number of pages as label says
  FI .

look at label block :
  old block nr := block nr ;
  get label ;
  block nr := old block nr.

count pages :
  pages counted := 0 ;
  init next page ;
  next page ;
  WHILE NOT no further page REP
    pages counted INCR 1 ;
    next page
  PER .

number of pages as label says :   label.lab (dr size) .

ENDPROC search dataspace ;

PROC format archive (INT CONST format code) :

  IF format is possible
    THEN format
    ELSE errorstop ("'format' ist hier nicht implementiert")
  FI .

format is possible :
  INT VAR return code ;
  control (1,0,0, return code) ;
  bit (return code, 4) .

format :
  control (7, format code, 0, return code) ;
  IF return code = 1
    THEN errorstop ("Formatieren unmoeglich")
  ELIF return code > 1
    THEN errorstop ("Schreibfehler (Archiv)")
  FI .

ENDPROC format archive ;

END PACKET basic archive;