(* ------------------- VERSION 11 02.06.86 ------------------- *)
PACKET configuration manager DEFINES
configurate ,
exec configuration ,
setup ,
define collector ,
configuration manager :
LET baudrates = ""1"50"2"75"3"110"4"134.5"5"150"6"300"7"600
parities = ""0"no"1"odd"2"even"3"" ,
bits per char = ""0"1"1"2"2"3"3"4"4"5"5"6"6"7"7"8"8"" ,
stopbits = ""0"1"1"1.5"2"2"3"" ,
flow modes = ""0"ohne Protokoll"1"XON/XOFF"2"RTS/CTS
"3""4""5"XON/XOFF - ausgabeseitig"6"RTS/CTS - ausgabeseitig"7""8"
"9"XON/XOFF - eingabeseitig"10"RTS/CTS - eingabeseitig"11"" ,
ok = "j" ,
esc = ""27"" ,
cr = ""13"" ,
right = ""2"" ,
psi = "psi" ,
transparent = "transparent" ,
std rate = 14 ,
std bits = 22 ,
std flow = 0 ,
std inbuffer size = 16 ,
device table = 32000 ,
max edit terminal = 15 ,
configuration channel = 32 ,
fetch code = 11 ,
save code = 12 ,
erase code = 14 ,
system start interrupt = 100 ,
CONF = STRUCT (TEXT dev type,
INT baud, bits par stop, flow control, inbuffer size) ;
BOUND STRUCT (TEXT name, write pass, read pass) VAR msg ;
BOUND ROW max edit terminal CONF VAR conf ;
INT VAR channel no ;
TEXT VAR prelude , last feature , answer , collector := "" ;
BOOL PROC shard permits (INT CONST code, key) :
INT VAR reply ;
IF key > -128
THEN control (code, channel no, key, reply)
ELSE control (code, channel no, -maxint-1, reply)
FI ;
reply = 0 .
ENDPROC shard permits ;
PROC ask user (TEXT CONST feature, question) :
last feature := feature ;
put question ;
skip pretyped chars ;
get valid answer .
put question :
clear line ;
out (prelude) ;
out (feature) ;
out (question) ;
out (" (j/n) ") .
clear line :
out (cr) ;
79 TIMESOUT " " ;
out (cr) .
skip pretyped chars :
REP UNTIL incharety = "" PER .
get valid answer :
inchar (answer)
UNTIL pos ("jJyYnN"27"", answer) > 0 PER ;
IF answer > ""31""
THEN out (answer)
FI ;
out (cr) ;
normalize answer .
normalize answer :
IF pos ("jJyY", answer) > 0
THEN answer := ok
FI .
ENDPROC ask user ;
BOOL PROC yes (TEXT CONST question) :
ask user ("", question) ;
answer = ok
PROC chose key (INT VAR old key, INT CONST max key, TEXT CONST key string,
key entity, BOOL PROC (INT CONST) shard permits):
IF shard permits at least one standard key
THEN try all keys
FI .
shard permits at least one standard key :
INT VAR key ;
FOR key FROM 0 UPTO max key REP
IF shard permits (key)
THEN LEAVE shard permits at least one standard key WITH TRUE
try all keys :
key := old key ;
examine this key ;
next key
examine this key :
IF shard permits (key) CAND key value <> ""
THEN ask user (key value, key entity) ;
IF answer = ok
THEN chose this key
ELIF answer = esc
THEN key := -129
FI .
key value :
IF key >= 0
THEN subtext (key string, key pos + 1, next key pos - 1)
ELSE text (key)
FI .
key pos : pos (key string, code (key)) .
next key pos : pos (key string, code (key+1)) .
chose this key :
remember calibration ;
old key := key ;
LEAVE chose key .
next key :
IF key < max key
ELSE key := 0
FI .
remember calibration :
prelude CAT last feature ;
prelude CAT ", " .
ENDPROC chose key ;
BOOL PROC rate ok (INT CONST key) :
shard permits (8, key)
ENDPROC rate ok ;
BOOL PROC bits ok (INT CONST key) :
IF key < 0
THEN shard permits (9, key)
ELSE some standard combination ok
FI .
some standard combination ok :
INT VAR combined := key ;
IF shard permits (9, combined)
FI ;
combined INCR 8
UNTIL combined > 127 PER ;
ENDPROC bits ok ;
BOOL PROC parity ok (INT CONST key) :
INT VAR combined := 8 * key + data bits ;
key >= 0 AND (shard permits (9, combined) OR
shard permits (9, combined + 32) OR
shard permits (9, combined + 64) )
ENDPROC parity ok ;
BOOL PROC stopbits ok (INT CONST key) :
key >= 0 AND shard permits (9, 32 * key + 8 * parity + data bits)
ENDPROC stopbits ok ;
BOOL PROC flow mode ok (INT CONST key) :
shard permits (6, key)
ENDPROC flow mode ok ;
INT VAR data bits ,
parity ,
stop ;
INT VAR old session := 0 ;
TEXT VAR table name, dummy ;
PROC configurate :
new configuration ;
access configuration table ;
show all device types ;
channel no := 1 ;
IF channel hardware exists
THEN try this channel ;
setup this channel
FI ;
channel no INCR 1
UNTIL channel no > 15 PER ;
prelude := "" ;
IF yes ("Koennen unbenutzte Geraetetypen geloescht werden")
THEN forget unused device tables
FI .
access configuration table :
IF exists ("configuration")
THEN conf := old ("configuration")
ELSE conf := new ("configuration") ;
initialize configuration
FI .
initialize configuration :
FOR channel no FROM 1 UPTO max edit terminal REP
conf (channel no) :=
CONF:(transparent, std rate, std bits, std flow, std inbuffer size)
conf (1).dev type := psi .
show all device types :
show prelude ;
begin list ;
get list entry (table name, dummy) ;
WHILE table name <> "" REP
IF dataspace is device table
THEN show table name
FI ;
get list entry (table name, dummy)
line (2) .
show prelude :
line (30) ;
outtext (psi, 1, 20) ;
outtext (transparent, 1, 20) .
dataspace is device table :
type (old (table name)) = device table .
show table name :
outtext (table name, 1, 20) .
try this channel :
prelude := "Kanal " ;
ask user ("", text (channel no)) ;
IF answer = ok
THEN prelude CAT text (channel no) + ": " ;
get configuration from user (conf (channel no)) ;
FI .
channel hardware exists :
operators channel := channel ;
INT VAR channel type ;
disable stop ;
continue (channel no) ;
IF is error
THEN IF error message = "kein Kanal"
THEN channel type := 0
ELSE channel type := inout mask
ELSE get channel type from shard
FI ;
clear error ;
disable stop ;
continue operators channel ;
(channel type AND inout mask) <> 0 .
get channel type from shard :
control (1, 0, 0, channel type) .
inout mask : 3 .
forget unused device tables :
begin list ;
get list entry (table name, dummy) ;
WHILE table name <> "" REP
IF type (old (table name)) = device table
THEN forget if unused
FI ;
get list entry (table name, dummy)
forget if unused :
FOR channel no FROM 1 UPTO max edit terminal REP
IF conf (channel no).dev type = table name
THEN LEAVE forget if unused
forget (table name, quiet) .
setup this channel :
operators channel := channel ;
disable stop ;
continue (configuration channel) ;
set up channel (channel no, conf (channel no)) ;
continue operators channel .
continue operators channel :
continue (operators channel) ;
IF is error
THEN clear error ;
break (quiet) ;
LEAVE configurate
FI ;
enable stop .
ENDPROC configurate ;
PROC get configuration from user (CONF VAR conf) :
get device type ;
get baud rate ;
get bits and parity and stopbits ;
get protocol ;
get buffer size .
get device type :
begin list ;
table name := conf.dev type ;
IF NOT is valid device type
THEN next device type
FI ;
IF NOT (table name = transparent AND channel no = 1)
THEN ask user ("", table name) ;
IF answer = ok COR was esc followed by type table name
THEN IF is valid device type
THEN remember device type ;
LEAVE get device type
ELSE out (""7" unbekannter Typ"); pause (20)
FI ;
next device type
was esc followed by type table name :
IF answer = esc
put ("Typ:") ;
editget (table name) ;
FI .
is valid device type :
table name = psi OR table name = transparent OR
(exists (table name) CAND type (old (table name)) = device table) .
remember device type :
prelude CAT table name ;
conf.dev type := table name ;
prelude CAT ", " .
next device type :
IF table name = psi
THEN table name := transparent
ELSE IF table name = transparent
THEN begin list
FI ;
search next device type space
FI .
search next device type space :
get list entry (table name, dummy)
UNTIL table name = "" COR type (old (table name)) = device table PER;
IF table name = ""
THEN table name := psi
FI .
get baud rate :
chose key (conf.baud, 16, baudrates, " Baud", PROC rate ok) .
get bits and parity and stopbits :
data bits := conf.bits par stop MOD 8 ;
parity := (conf.bits par stop DIV 8) MOD 4 ;
stop := (conf.bits par stop DIV 32) MOD 4 ;
chose key (data bits, 7, bits per char, " Bits", PROC bits ok) ;
IF data bits >= 0
THEN chose key (parity, 2, parities, " parity", PROC parity ok) ;
chose key (stop, 2, stopbits, " Stopbits", PROC stopbits ok);
conf.bits par stop := data bits + 8 * parity + 32 * stop
ELSE conf.bits par stop := data bits
FI .
get protocol :
chose key (conf.flow control, 10, flow modes,
"", PROC flow mode ok) .
get buffer size :
IF dev type is transparent
THEN chose buffer size
ELSE conf.inbuffer size := std inbuffer size
FI .
dev type is transparent :
conf.dev type = "transparent" .
chose buffer size :
IF conf.inbuffer size = 16 CAND yes ("normaler Puffer")
THEN LEAVE chose buffer size
FI ;
conf.inbuffer size := 512 ;
IF yes ("grosser Puffer")
THEN LEAVE chose buffer size
FI ;
conf.inbuffer size := 16
ENDPROC get configuration from user ;
PROC exec configuration :
ENDPROC exec configuration ;
PROC setup :
conf := old ("configuration") ;
continue (configuration channel) ;
FOR channel no FROM 1 UPTO max edit terminal REP
set up channel (channel no, conf (channel no))
set up collector task ;
break but do not forget error message if any .
set up collector task :
IF collector <> "" CAND collector <> "-" CAND exists task (collector)
THEN define collector (task (collector))
FI .
break but do not forget error message if any :
IF is error
THEN dummy := error message ;
clear error ;
break (quiet) ;
errorstop (dummy)
ELSE break (quiet)
FI .
ENDPROC set up ;
PROC set up channel (INT CONST channel no, CONF CONST conf) :
link (channel no, conf.dev type) ;
baudrate (channel no, conf.baud) ;
bits (channel no, conf.bits par stop) ;
flow (channel no, conf.flow control) ;
input buffer size (channel no, conf.inbuffer size) .
ENDPROC setup channel ;
PROC configuration manager (DATASPACE VAR ds, INT CONST order, phase,
TASK CONST order task) :
enable stop ;
IF order <> system start interrupt
THEN font manager
FI ;
IF session <> old session
THEN disable stop ;
set up ;
clear error ;
old session := session ;
set autonom
FI .
font manager :
IF (order <> save code AND order <> erase code ) OR order task < supervisor
THEN delete password if there is one;
free manager (ds, order, phase, order task)
ELSE errorstop ("kein Zugriffsrecht auf Task """ + name (myself) + """")
FI .
delete password if there is one :
IF order >= fetch code AND order <= erase code AND phase = 1
THEN msg := ds;
msg. write pass := "";
msg. read pass := "";
FI .
ENDPROC configuration manager ;
PROC configuration manager :
configurate ;
break ;
global manager
ENDPROC configuration manager ;
PROC define collector (TEXT CONST task table name) :
collector := task table name ;
IF exists task (collector)
THEN define collector (task (collector))
ENDPROC define collector ;
ENDPACKET configuration manager ;