PACKET font store (* Autor : Rudolf Ruland *)
(* Stand : 18.02.86 *)
DEFINES font table,
list font tables,
list fonts,
x step conversion,
y step conversion,
on string,
off string,
font exists,
next larger font exists,
next smaller font exists,
font lead,
font height,
font depth,
indentation pitch,
char pitch,
extended char pitch,
extended replacement,
font string,
y offsets,
bold offset,
get font,
get replacements :
LET font task = "configurator";
LET ack = 0,
fetch code = 11,
all code = 17,
underline = 1,
bold = 2,
italics = 4,
reverse = 8,
first font = 1,
max fonts = 50,
max extensions = 120,
font table type = 3009,
THESAURUS font names,
TEXT replacements, font name links,
extension chars, extension indexes,
ROW 4 TEXT on strings, off strings,
REAL x unit, y unit,
ROW 256 INT replacements table,
INT last font, last extension
ROW max fonts STRUCT (
TEXT font string, font name indexes, replacements,
extension chars, extension indexes, y offsets,
ROW 256 INT pitch table, replacements table,
INT indentation pitch, font lead, font height, font depth,
next larger font, next smaller font, bold offset ) fonts ,
ROW max extensions STRUCT (
TEXT replacements,
ROW 256 INT pitch table, replacements table,
INT std pitch ) extensions ,
INT VAR font nr, help, reply, list index, last font,
index, char code 1, link nr, font store replacements length;
TEXT VAR fo table := "", old font table, font name links, buffer;
THESAURUS VAR font tables, font names;
INITFLAG VAR in this task := FALSE,
init font ds := FALSE,
init ds := FALSE;
BOUND STRUCT (TEXT name, write pass, read pass) VAR msg;
BOUND TEXT VAR error msg;
DATASPACE VAR font ds, ds;
PROC font table (TEXT CONST new font table) :
disable stop;
get font table (new font table);
in this task := NOT (font table = "" OR type (font ds) <> font table type);
END PROC font table;
PROC get font table (TEXT CONST new font table) :
enable stop;
buffer := new font table;
change all (buffer, " ", "");
IF exists (buffer) CAND type (old (buffer)) = font table type
THEN get font table from own task
ELIF exists task (font task)
THEN get font table from font task
ELSE errorstop ("Fonttabelle """ + buffer + """ gibt es nicht")
. get font table from own task :
IF NOT initialized (init ds) THEN ds := nilspace FI;
forget (ds); ds := old (buffer);
new font store;
. get font table from font task :
fetch font table (buffer);
IF type (ds) <> font table type
THEN forget (ds);
errorstop ("Fonttabelle """ + buffer + """ gibt es nicht")
new font store;
. new font store :
disable stop;
IF NOT initialized (init font ds) THEN font ds := nilspace FI;
forget (font ds);
font ds := ds;
forget (ds);
font store := font ds;
fo table := buffer;
font names := font store. font names;
font name links := font store. font name links;
last font := font store. last font;
font store replacements length := LENGTH font store. replacements;
END PROC get font table;
TEXT PROC font table :
fo table
END PROC font table;
PROC list font tables :
enable stop;
font tables := empty thesaurus;
font tables in own task;
font tables in font task;
note font tables;
note edit;
. font tables in own task :
list index := 0;
REP get (all, buffer, list index);
IF buffer = "" THEN LEAVE font tables in own task FI;
IF type (old (buffer)) = font table type
AND NOT (font tables CONTAINS buffer)
THEN insert (font tables, buffer) FI;
. font tables in font task :
all file names from font task;
THESAURUS CONST names := all msg;
list index := 0;
REP get (names, buffer, list index);
IF buffer = ""
THEN forget (ds);
LEAVE font tables in font task
fetch font table (buffer);
IF type (ds) = font table type
AND NOT (font tables CONTAINS buffer)
THEN insert (font tables, buffer) FI;
. note font tables :
list index := 0;
REP get (font tables, buffer, list index);
IF buffer = ""
THEN LEAVE note font tables;
ELSE note (buffer); note line;
END PROC list font tables;
PROC list fonts (TEXT CONST name):
initialize if necessary;
disable stop;
old font table := font table;
font table (name);
list fonts;
font table (old font table);
END PROC list fonts;
PROC list fonts :
enable stop;
initialize if necessary;
note font table;
FOR font nr FROM first font UPTO last font REP note font PER;
note edit;
. note font table :
note ("FONTTABELLE : """); note (font table); note (""";"); noteline;
note (" x einheit = "); note (text (font store. x unit)); note (";"); noteline;
note (" y einheit = "); note (text (font store. y unit)); note (";"); noteline;
. note font :
cout (font nr);
note (" FONT : "); note font names; note (";"); noteline;
note (" einrueckbreite = "); note (text(font. indentation pitch)); note (";"); noteline;
note (" durchschuss = "); note (text(font. font lead)); note (";"); noteline;
note (" fonthoehe = "); note (text(font. font height)); note (";"); noteline;
note (" fonttiefe = "); note (text(font. font depth)); note (";"); noteline;
note (" groesserer font = """); note (next larger); note (""";"); noteline;
note (" kleinerer font = """); note (next smaller); note (""";"); noteline;
. font : font store. fonts (font nr)
. next larger : name (font store. font names, font. next larger font)
. next smaller : name (font store. font names, font. next smaller font)
. note font names :
INT VAR index;
note ("""");
note (name (font names, font. font name indexes ISUB 1));
note ("""");
FOR index FROM 2 UPTO LENGTH font. font name indexes DIV 2
REP note (", """);
note (name (font names, font. font name indexes ISUB index));
note ("""");
END PROC list fonts;
INT PROC x step conversion (REAL CONST cm) :
initialize if necessary;
IF cm >= 0.0
THEN int (cm * font store. x unit + 0.5 )
ELSE int (cm * font store. x unit - 0.5 )
END PROC x step conversion;
REAL PROC x step conversion (INT CONST steps) :
initialize if necessary;
real (steps) / font store. x unit
END PROC x step conversion;
INT PROC y step conversion (REAL CONST cm) :
initialize if necessary;
IF cm >= 0.0
THEN int (cm * font store. y unit + 0.5 )
ELSE int (cm * font store. y unit - 0.5 )
END PROC y step conversion;
REAL PROC y step conversion (INT CONST steps) :
initialize if necessary;
real (steps) / font store. y unit
END PROC y step conversion;
TEXT PROC on string (INT CONST modification) :
initialize if necessary;
SELECT modification OF
CASE underline : font store. on strings (1)
CASE bold : font store. on strings (2)
CASE italics : font store. on strings (3)
CASE reverse : font store. on strings (4)
OTHERWISE : errorstop ("unzulaessige Modifikation"); ""
END PROC on string;
TEXT PROC off string (INT CONST modification) :
initialize if necessary;
SELECT modification OF
CASE underline : font store. off strings (1)
CASE bold : font store. off strings (2)
CASE italics : font store. off strings (3)
CASE reverse : font store. off strings (4)
OTHERWISE : errorstop ("unzulaessige Modifikation"); ""
END PROC off string;
INT PROC font (TEXT CONST font name) :
initialize if necessary;
buffer := font name;
change all (buffer, " ", "");
INT CONST link nr := link (font names, buffer)
IF link nr <> 0
THEN font name links ISUB link nr
END PROC font;
TEXT PROC font (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN name (font names, fonts. font name indexes ISUB 1)
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC font;
BOOL PROC font exists (TEXT CONST font name) :
font (font name) <> 0
END PROC font exists;
BOOL PROC next larger font exists(INT CONST font number,
INT VAR next larger font) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN next larger font := fonts. next larger font;
IF next larger font <> 0
THEN next larger font := font name links ISUB next larger font;
next larger font <> 0
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht");
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC next larger font exists;
BOOL PROC next smaller font exists (INT CONST font number,
INT VAR next smaller font) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN next smaller font := fonts. next smaller font;
IF next smaller font <> 0
THEN next smaller font := font name links ISUB next smaller font;
next smaller font <> 0
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht");
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC next smaller font exists;
INT PROC font lead (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN fonts. font lead
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); 0
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC font lead;
INT PROC font height (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN fonts. font height
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); 0
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC font height;
INT PROC font depth (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN fonts. font depth
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); 0
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC font depth;
INT PROC indentation pitch (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN fonts. indentation pitch
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); 0
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC indentation pitch;
INT PROC char pitch (INT CONST font number,
TEXT CONST char ) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN INT CONST pitch := font. pitch table (code (char SUB 1) + 1);
IF pitch = maxint
THEN extended char pitch (font number, char SUB 1, char SUB 2)
ELIF pitch < 0
THEN pitch XOR (-maxint-1)
ELSE pitch
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); 0
. font : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC char pitch;
INT PROC extended char pitch (INT CONST font number,
TEXT CONST esc char, char) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN extension. pitch table (code (char) + 1)
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); 0
. font : font store. fonts (font number)
. extension : font store. extensions (extension number)
. extension number :
INT CONST index := pos (font. extension chars, esc char);
IF index = 0
THEN errorstop ("""" + esc char + char + """ hat keine Erweiterung") FI;
font. extension indexes ISUB index
END PROC extended char pitch;
TEXT PROC replacement (INT CONST font number,
TEXT CONST char ) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN link nr := font. replacements table (code (char SUB 1) + 1);
IF link nr = maxint
THEN extended replacement (font number, char SUB 1, char SUB 2)
ELSE process font replacement
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); ""
. font : font store. fonts (font number)
. process font replacement :
IF link nr < 0 THEN link nr := link nr XOR (-maxint-1) FI;
IF link nr = 0
THEN char
ELIF link nr > font store replacements length
THEN link nr DECR font store replacements length;
replacement text (font. replacements)
ELSE replacement text (font store. replacements)
END PROC replacement;
TEXT PROC extended replacement (INT CONST font number,
TEXT CONST esc char, char ) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN process extension replacement
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); ""
. process extension replacement :
determine extension link nr;
IF link nr = 0
THEN char
ELIF link nr > font store extension replacements length
THEN link nr DECR font store extension replacements length;
replacement text (font extension. replacements)
ELSE replacement text (font store extension. replacements)
. determine extension link nr :
INT CONST index 1 := pos (font. extension chars, esc char);
INT CONST index 2 := pos (font store. extension chars, esc char);
IF index 1 <> 0
THEN link nr := font extension. replacements table (code (char) + 1);
ELIF index 2 <> 0
THEN link nr := font store extension. replacements table (code (char) + 1);
ELSE errorstop ("""" + esc char + char + """ hat keine Erweiterung")
. font extension : font store. extensions (font extension number)
. font extension number : font. extension indexes ISUB index 1
. font : font store. fonts (font number)
. font store extension : font store. extensions (font store extension number)
. font store extension number : font store. extension indexes ISUB index 2
. font store extension replacements length :
IF index 2 = 0
ELSE LENGTH font store extension. replacements
END PROC extended replacement;
TEXT PROC replacement text (TEXT CONST replacements) :
buffer := subtext (replacements, link nr + 1,
link nr + code (replacements SUB link nr));
END PROC replacement text;
TEXT PROC font string (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN fonts. font string
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); ""
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC font string;
TEXT PROC y offsets (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN fonts. y offsets
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); ""
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC y offsets;
INT PROC bold offset (INT CONST font number) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN fonts. bold offset
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht"); 0
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC bold offset;
PROC get font (INT CONST font number,
INT VAR indentation pitch, font lead, font height, font depth,
ROW 256 INT VAR pitch table ) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN indentation pitch := fonts. indentation pitch;
pitch table := fonts. pitch table;
font lead := fonts. font lead;
font height := fonts. font height;
font depth := fonts. font depth;
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht");
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC get font;
PROC get replacements (INT CONST font number,
TEXT VAR replacements,
ROW 256 INT VAR replacements table) :
initialize if necessary;
IF font number >= first font AND font number <= last font
THEN replacements := font store. replacements;
replacements CAT fonts. replacements;
replacements table := fonts. replacements table;
ELSE errorstop ("Font " + text (font number) + " gibt es nicht");
. fonts : font store. fonts (font number)
END PROC get replacements;
PROC initialize if necessary :
IF NOT initialized (in this task)
THEN IF font table = ""
THEN in this task := FALSE;
errorstop ("Fonttabelle noch nicht eingestellt");
ELSE font table (font table);
END PROC initialize if necessary;
PROC fetch font table (TEXT CONST font table name) :
enable stop;
IF NOT initialized (init ds) THEN ds := nilspace FI;
forget (ds); ds := nilspace;
msg := ds;
msg. name := font table name;
msg. write pass := "";
msg. read pass := "";
call (task (font task), fetch code, ds, reply);
IF reply <> ack
THEN errorstop ("Fonttabelle """ + font table name + """ gibt es nicht")
END PROC fetch font table;
PROC all file names from font task :
enable stop;
IF NOT initialized (init ds) THEN ds := nilspace FI;
forget (ds); ds := nilspace;
call (task (font task), all code, ds, reply);
IF reply <> ack
THEN error msg := ds;
errorstop (error msg);
ELSE all msg := ds
END PROC all file names from font task;
END PACKET font store;