PACKET apple laser writer printer
(* Stand : 24.02.88 *)
(* APPLE LaswerWriter (PostScript) Verison : 4 *)
(* Autor : Rudolf Ruland *)
paper size,
paper x size,
paper y size,
load positioning procs,
load underline procs,
load italics procs,
load encoding,
read ps input,
box commands,
insert box command,
delete box command,
print error,
(* underline = 1,
bold = 2,
italics = 4,
reverse = 8,
underline linetype = 1,
c document = 1,
c page = 2,
c write text = 1,
c write cmd = 2,
c carriage return = 3,
c move = 4,
c draw = 5,
c on = 6,
c off = 7,
c type = 8,
ps input name = "PostScript.input",
ps error = 999,
tag type = 1;
INT VAR paper length, font no, underline no, symbol type;
REAL VAR x size, y size;
BOOL VAR is landscape;
TEXT VAR record, char, command, symbol;
FILE VAR ps input;
THESAURUS VAR box cmds := empty thesaurus;
paper size (21.0, 29.7);
PROC paper size (REAL CONST x, y) :
x size := x;
y size := y;
END PROC paper size;
PROC paper size :
putline ("Papierbreite = " + text (x size, 5, 2) + " cm = " + text (x size / 2.54, 5, 2) + " Zoll");
putline ("Papierlaenge = " + text (y size, 5, 2) + " cm = " + text (y size / 2.54, 5, 2) + " Zoll");
END PROC paper size;
REAL PROC paper x size : x size END PROC paper x size;
REAL PROC paper y size : y size END PROC paper y size;
THESAURUS PROC box commands : box cmds END PROC box commands;
PROC insert box command (TEXT CONST new command) :
command := new command;
change all (command, " ", "");
insert (box cmds, command)
END PROC insert box command;
PROC delete box command (TEXT CONST old command) :
INT VAR dummy;
command := old command;
change all (command, " ", "");
delete (box cmds, command, dummy)
END PROC delete box command;
PROC open (INT CONST op code, INT VAR param1, param2) :
SELECT op code OF
CASE c document : open document
CASE c page : open page
. x steps : param1
. y steps : param2
open document :
IF pos (material, "landscape") > 0 OR pos (material, "quer") > 0
THEN is landscape := TRUE;
x steps := x step conversion ( y size );
y steps := y step conversion ( x size );
ELSE is landscape := FALSE;
x steps := x step conversion ( x size );
y steps := y step conversion ( y size );
forget (ps input name, quiet);
ps input := sequential file (output, ps input name);
paper length := y steps;
font no := 0;
underline no := 0;
disable stop;
out (""4"");
read ps input (ps input, 18000, ""4"");
clear error;
enable stop;
out ("initgraphics erasepage statusdict /waittimeout 3000 put ");
load positioning procs;
load underline procs;
load italics procs;
load encoding;
read ps input (ps input, 0, "");
. x start : param1
. y start : param2
open page :
x start := 0;
y start := 0;
IF pos (material, "tray") > 0
THEN out ("statusdict /manualfeed false put ");
ELIF pos (material, "manual") > 0
THEN out ("statusdict /manualfeed true put statusdict /manualfeedtimeout 3600 put ");
IF material contains a number
THEN out ("/#copies "); out (number); out ("def ");
IF is landscape
THEN out (paper length);
out ("ys 0 translate 90 rotate ");
read ps input (ps input, 0, "");
. material contains a number :
INT VAR number := pos (material, "0", "9", 1);
IF number = 0
ELSE number := max (1, int (subtext (material, number, number + 1)));
END PROC open;
PROC close (INT CONST op code, INT CONST param1) :
SELECT op code OF
CASE c document : close document
CASE c page : close page
OTHERWISE : put (param1)
close document :
disable stop;
out (""4"");
read ps input (ps input, 18000, ""4"");
(*. remaining y steps : param1*)
close page :
outline ("showpage");
read ps input (ps input, 0, "");
END PROC close;
PROC execute (INT CONST op code, TEXT CONST string, INT CONST param1, param2) :
SELECT op code OF
CASE c write text : write text
CASE c write cmd : write cmd
CASE c carriage return : carriage return
CASE c move : move
CASE c draw : draw
CASE c on : on
CASE c off : off
CASE c type : type
. from : param1
. to : param2
write text :
out ("(");
out subtext (string, from, to);
out (") show ");
write cmd :
command := subtext (string, from, to);
IF is box cmd
THEN disable stop;
do (command);
clear error;
ELSE out (command);
out (" ");
. is box cmd :
scan (command);
next symbol (symbol, symbol type);
(symbol type = tag type) CAND (box cmds CONTAINS symbol)
(*. x steps to left margin : param1*)
carriage return :
move to (0, y pos);
read ps input (ps input, 0, "");
. x steps : param1
. y steps : param2
move :
move to (x pos, y pos);
draw :
IF y steps <> 0 COR x steps < 0 COR linetype <> underline linetype
THEN stop
ELSE IF underline no <> font no THEN out ("lu ") FI;
out (x steps);
out ("ul ");
. modification : param1
on :
IF on string (modification) <> ""
THEN out (on string (modification));
out (" ");
ELSE stop
off :
IF off string (modification) <> ""
THEN out (off string (modification));
out (" ");
ELSE stop
. font nr : param1
type :
font no := font nr;
out (fontstring (font nr));
out (" /af exch def af setfont ");
END PROC execute;
PROC move to (INT CONST x, y) :
out (x); out ("xs ");
out (paper length - y); out ("ys moveto ");
END PROC move to;
PROC line : out (""13""10"") END PROC line;
PROC outline (TEXT CONST string) : out (string); out (""13""10"") END PROC outline;
PROC out (INT CONST value) : out (text (value)); out (" ") END PROC out;
PROC out (REAL CONST value) : out (text (value)); out (" ") END PROC out;
PROC load positioning procs :
out ("/xs {"); out (72.0 / 2.54 * x step conversion (1)); out ("mul} def ");
out ("/ys {"); out (72.0 / 2.54 * y step conversion (1)); out ("mul} def ");
END PROC load positioning procs;
PROC load underline procs :
out ("/ul {xs ut setlinewidth 0 up rmoveto dup gsave 0 rlineto stroke grestore up neg rmoveto} def ");
out ("/lu {af /FontMatrix get 3 get af /FontInfo get 2 copy /up 3 1 roll /UnderlinePosition get mul 3 mul def /ut 3 1 roll /UnderlineThickness get mul def} def ");
END PROC load underline procs;
PROC load italics procs :
out ("/iton {/m matrix def m 2 12 sin 12 cos div put af m makefont setfont} def ");
out ("/itoff {af setfont} def ");
END PROC load italics procs;
PROC load encoding :
out ("/reencsmalldict 12 dict def ");
out ("/ReEncodeSmall {reencsmalldict begin ");
out ("/newcodesandnames exch def /newfontname exch def /basefontname exch def ");
out ("/basefontdict basefontname findfont def /newfont basefontdict maxlength dict def ");
out ("basefontdict {exch dup /FID ne {dup /Encoding eq {exch dup length array copy newfont 3 1 roll put} {exch newfont 3 1 roll put} ifelse} {pop pop} ifelse} forall ");
out ("newfont /FontName newfontname put newcodesandnames aload pop newcodesandnames length 2 idiv {newfont /Encoding get 3 1 roll put} repeat ");
out ("newfontname newfont definefont pop ");
out ("end} def ");
out ("/eumelencoding[10#128 /Ccedilla 10#129 /udieresis 10#128 /Ccedilla 10#129 /udieresis ");
out ("10#130 /eacute 10#131 /acircumflex 10#132 /adieresis 10#133 /agrave 10#134 /aring 10#135 /ccedilla 10#136 /ecircumflex 10#137 /edieresis 10#138 /egrave 10#139 /idieresis ");
out ("10#140 /icircumflex 10#141 /igrave 10#142 /Adieresis 10#143 /Aring 10#144 /Eacute 10#145 /ae 10#146 /AE 10#147 /ocircumflex 10#148 /odieresis 10#149 /ograve ");
out ("10#150 /ucircumflex 10#151 /ugrave 10#152 /ydieresis 10#153 /Odieresis 10#154 /Udieresis 10#155 /cent 10#156 /sterling 10#157 /yen 10#158 /currency 10#159 /florin ");
out ("10#160 /aacute 10#161 /iacute 10#162 /oacute 10#163 /uacute 10#164 /ntilde 10#165 /Ntilde 10#166 /ordfeminine 10#167 /ordmasculine 10#168 /questiondown 10#169 /quotedblleft ");
out ("10#170 /quotedblright 10#171 /guilsinglleft 10#172 /guilsinglright 10#173 /exclamdown 10#174 /guillemotleft 10#175 /guillemotright 10#176 /atilde 10#177 /otilde 10#178 /Oslash 10#179 /oslash ");
out ("10#180 /oe 10#181 /OE 10#182 /Agrave 10#183 /Atilde 10#184 /Otilde 10#185 /section 10#186 /daggerdbl 10#187 /dagger 10#188 /paragraph 10#189 /space ");
out ("10#190 /space 10#191 /space 10#192 /quotedblbase 10#193 /ellipsis 10#194 /perthousand 10#195 /bullet 10#196 /endash 10#197 /emdash 10#198 /space 10#199 /Aacute ");
out ("10#200 /Acircumflex 10#201 /Egrave 10#202 /Ecircumflex 10#203 /Edieresis 10#204 /Igrave 10#205 /Iacute 10#206 /Icircumflex 10#207 /Idieresis 10#208 /Ograve 10#209 /Oacute ");
out ("10#210 /Ocircumflex 10#211 /Scaron 10#212 /scaron 10#213 /Ugrave 10#214 /Adieresis 10#215 /Odieresis 10#216 /Udieresis 10#217 /adieresis 10#218 /odieresis 10#219 /udieresis ");
out ("10#220 /k 10#221 /hyphen 10#222 /numbersign 10#223 /space 10#224 /grave 10#225 /acute 10#226 /circumflex 10#227 /tilde 10#228 /dieresis 10#229 /ring ");
out ("10#230 /cedilla 10#231 /caron 10#232 /Lslash 10#233 /Oslash 10#234 /OE 10#235 /ordmasculine 10#236 /Uacute 10#237 /Ucircumflex 10#238 /Ydieresis 10#239 /germandbls ");
out ("10#240 /Zcaron 10#241 /zcaron 10#242 /fraction 10#243 /ae ");
out ("10#251 /germandbls 10#252 /section] def ");
out ("/Helvetica /EHelvetica eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Helvetica-Bold /EHelvetica-Bold eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Helvetica-Oblique /EHelvetica-Oblique eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Helvetica-BoldOblique /EHelvetica-BoldOblique eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Times-Roman /ETimes-Roman eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Times-Bold /ETimes-Bold eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Times-Italic /ETimes-Italic eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Times-BoldItalic /ETimes-BoldItalic eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Courier /ECourier eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Courier-Oblique /ECourier-Oblique eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Courier-BoldOblique /ECourier-BoldOblique eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
out ("/Courier-Bold /ECourier-Bold eumelencoding ReEncodeSmall ");
END PROC load encoding;
PROC read ps input (FILE VAR input file, INT CONST timeout, TEXT CONST ok) :
BOOL VAR was cr;
record := "";
was cr := FALSE;
char := incharety (timeout);
REP IF char = ""10"" CAND was cr
THEN put record;
was cr := FALSE;
ELIF char = ""13"" CAND NOT was cr
THEN was cr := TRUE;
ELSE IF was cr
THEN record CAT """13""";
was cr := FALSE;
IF char = ""4""
THEN IF record <> "" THEN put record FI;
putline (input file, "-- EOF --");
line (input file);
ELIF char >= " "
THEN record CAT char
ELIF char >= ""0""
THEN record CAT """";
record CAT text (code (char));
record CAT """";
ELSE IF record <> "" THEN put record FI;
LEAVE read ps input;
IF pos (ok, char) > 0
THEN IF record <> "" THEN put record FI;
LEAVE read ps input;
cat input (record, char);
IF char = "" THEN char := incharety (min (5, time out)) FI;
. put record :
putline (input file, record);
IF NOT is error CAND pos (record, "%%[ Error:") > 0
THEN errorstop (ps error, record) FI;
record := "";
END PROC read ps input;
PROC print error (TEXT CONST error message, INT CONST error line) :
REAL CONST pl := y size * 72.0 / 2.54,
ys := 56.69291,
xs := 51.02362,
h := 12.0;
REAL VAR x := xs, y := ys + h;
outline ("/Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont");
move to x and y;
out ("(FEHLER : ");
out (error message);
IF error line > 0
THEN out (" in Zeile ");
out (error line);
outline (") show");
IF exists (ps input name)
THEN ps input := sequential file (input, ps input name);
y INCR 3.0 * h;
move to x and y;
outline ("(PostScript - Input :) show");
y INCR h;
WHILE NOT eof (ps input)
REP getline (ps input, record);
y INCR h;
move to x and y;
out ("(");
out (record);
outline (") show");
output (ps input);
outline ("showpage");
out (""4"");
read ps input (ps input, 18000, ""4"");
. move to x and y :
out (x); out (pl - y); out ("moveto ");
END PROC print error;
END PACKET apple laser writer printer;
PACKET apple laserwriter box commands
(* *)
(* Kommandos zum Zeichen von Boxen, Linien und Schraffuren *)
(* für den Apple LaserWriter *)
(* *)
(* Autor : Rudolf Ruland *)
(* Stand : 24.02.88 *)
x line,
y line,
box frame,
box shade,
cake frame,
cake shade,
INT VAR x, y, h, w;
WHILE highest entry (box commands) > 0
REP delete box command (name (box commands, highest entry (box commands))) PER;
insert box command ("line");
insert box command ("xline");
insert box command ("yline");
insert box command ("box");
insert box command ("boxshade");
insert box command ("boxframe");
insert box command ("cake");
insert box command ("cakeshade");
insert box command ("cakeframe");
PROC line (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, width, height, line width) :
IF line width > 0.0
THEN graph on (x offset, y offset, width, height);
out (text (line width / 300.0 * 72.0));
out (" setlinewidth ");
out (text (w));
out (" xs ");
out (text (-h));
out (" ys rlineto stroke ");
graph off;
END PROC line;
PROC x line (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, width, line width) :
line (x offset, y offset, width, 0.0, line width);
END PROC x line;
PROC y line (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, height, line width) :
line (x offset, y offset, 0.0, height, line width);
END PROC y line;
PROC box (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, width, height, line width, pattern):
box shade (x offset, y offset, width, height, pattern);
box frame (x offset, y offset, width, height, line width);
PROC box shade (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, width, height, pattern) :
graph on (x offset, y offset, width, height);
box path;
out (text (pattern));
out (" setgray fill ");
graph off;
END PROC box shade;
PROC box frame (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, width, height, line width) :
IF line width <> 0.0
THEN graph on (x offset, y offset, width, height);
box path;
out (text (line width / 300.0 * 72.0));
out (" setlinewidth stroke ");
graph off;
END PROC box frame;
PROC box path :
out (text (w));
out (" xs 0 rlineto 0 ");
out (text (-h));
out (" ys rlineto ");
out (text (-w));
out (" xs 0 rlineto closepath ");
END PROC box path;
PROC cake (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, radius, start angle, sweep angle, line width, pattern) :
cake shade (x offset, y offset, radius, start angle, sweep angle, pattern);
cake frame (x offset, y offset, radius, start angle, sweep angle, line width);
END PROC cake;
PROC cake shade (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, radius, start angle, sweep angle, pattern) :
graph on (x offset, y offset, radius, 0.0);
cake path (start angle, sweep angle);
out (text (pattern));
out (" setgray fill ");
graph off;
END PROC cake shade;
PROC cake frame (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, radius, start angle, sweep angle, line width) :
IF line width <> 0.0
THEN graph on (x offset, y offset, radius, 0.0);
cake path (start angle, sweep angle);
out (text (line width / 300.0 * 72.0));
out (" setlinewidth stroke ");
graph off;
END PROC cake frame;
PROC cake path (REAL CONST start angle, sweep angle) :
out (text (start angle));
out (" rotate ");
out ("currentpoint ");
out (text (w));
out (" xs 0 ");
out (text (sweep angle));
out (" ");
IF sweep angle < 360.0
THEN out ("2 setlinejoin arc closepath ");
ELSE out (text (w));
out (" xs 0 rmoveto arc ");
END PROC cake path;
PROC graph on (REAL CONST x offset, y offset, width, height) :
x := x step conversion (x offset);
y := y step conversion (y offset);
w := x step conversion (width);
h := y step conversion (height);
out ("gsave ");
out (text (x));
out (" xs ");
out (text (-y));
out (" ys rmoveto ");
END PROC graph on;
PROC graph off :
out ("grestore ");
END PROC graph off;
END PACKET apple laserwriter box commands;
(*** ***)
(*** Generierung des Printers ***)
(*** ***)
LET up = ""3""13""5"";
LET printer name = "";
TEXT VAR fonttab name := "";
BOOL CONST multi user := (pcb (9) AND 255) <> 1;
INT VAR pr channel;
TEXT VAR buffer;
command dialogue (TRUE);
IF NOT multi user
THEN errorstop ("Dieser Treiber arbeitet nur mit Multi-Tasking-EUMEL")
ask for print channel;
load font table;
forget (printer name, quiet);
IF multi user THEN generate printer spool FI;
command dialogue (TRUE);
check on;
ask for print channel :
put ("gib Druckerkanal:");
get (pr channel);
do ("serverchannel(" + text (pr channel) + ")" ) ;
load font table :
IF NOT exists (fonttab name)
THEN REP line (2);
putline ("Bitte Archiv mit der Fonttabelle """ +
fonttab name + """ einlegen!");
UNTIL yes ("Archiv eingelegt") PER;
reserve archive;
fetch (fonttab name, archive);
release (archive);
font table (fonttab name);
IF multi user
THEN command dialogue (FALSE);
do ("save(""" + font tab name + """,task(""configurator""))")
forget (fonttab name, quiet);
. reserve archive :
INT VAR p1, p2;
archive (" "31" ");
disable stop;
list (archive);
IF is error
THEN buffer := errormessage;
p1 := pos (buffer, """", 1 ) + 1;
p2 := pos (buffer, """", p1) - 1;
IF p1 > 0 AND p2 > 0
THEN clear error;
buffer := subtext (buffer, p1, p2);
archive (buffer);
enable stop;
. generate printer spool :
eumel must advertise;
cursor (1, 12);
putline ("In allen bestehenden Tasks - insbesondere in der Task ""PUBLIC"" - muß");
putline ("die Fonttabelle mit dem Kommando");
putline (" font table (""" + font tab name + """)");
putline ("eingestellt werden!!!");
line (4);
putline ("Generierung beendet, weiter mit 'SV'");
generate printer server;
do (buffer);
. generate printer server :
buffer := "break (quiet);";
buffer CAT "spool manager (PROC printer);";
buffer CAT "INT VAR reply; DATASPACE VAR ds; FILE VAR file;";
buffer CAT "PROC printer:";
buffer CAT " disable stop;";
buffer CAT " continue (server channel);";
buffer CAT " check error (error message);";
buffer CAT " ds := nilspace;";
buffer CAT " REP forget (ds);";
buffer CAT " execute print;";
buffer CAT " IF is error AND online THEN clear error; print error (error message, 0); clear error FI;";
buffer CAT " PER;";
buffer CAT "END PROC printer;";
buffer CAT "PROC execute print:";
buffer CAT " LET ack = 0, fetch code = 11, file type = 1003;";
buffer CAT " enable stop;";
buffer CAT " ds := nilspace;";
buffer CAT " call (father, fetch code, ds, reply);";
buffer CAT " IF reply = ack CAND type (ds) = file type";
buffer CAT " THEN file := sequential file (input, ds);";
buffer CAT " print (file,";
buffer CAT " PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, INT VAR) open,";
buffer CAT " PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) close,";
buffer CAT " FI;";
buffer CAT "END PROC execute print;";
buffer CAT "PROC check error(TEXT CONST message):";
buffer CAT " IF is error";
buffer CAT " THEN clear error; rename myself (message);";
buffer CAT " IF is error THEN end(myself) FI;";
buffer CAT " pause (9000); end(myself);";
buffer CAT " FI;";
buffer CAT "END PROC check error;";