
Raw file
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PACKET setup DEFINES setup :         (* 02.03.86, M.Staubermann *) 
LET separator  = "|" , 
    old option mark = " " , (* ""16"" , *)
    choice mark = ""15"" , 
    end mark   = ""14"" , 
    left       = ""8"" , 
    right      = ""2"" , 
    bottom     = ""6""21""0"" , 
    clr line   = ""13""5"" ,
    home       = ""1"" ;
PROC selektor (TEXT CONST options, INT VAR option number,BOOL CONST warten) :
 TEXT VAR zeichen ;
 INT VAR i , 
         last separator pos , 
         new separator pos := 0 ,
         old option := option number , 
         max options := 0 ;
  new separator pos := pos (options, separator, new separator pos +1) ; 
  max options INCR 1 
 UNTIL new separator pos = 0 PER ;
 out (""13"") ; 
  i := 0 ; 
  last separator pos := 0 ;
   i INCR 1 ;
   new separator pos := pos (options, separator, last separator pos + 1) ; 
   IF new separator pos = 0 
      THEN new separator pos := LENGTH options + 1 
   FI ;
   IF i = option number
      THEN out (choice mark) 
   ELIF i = old option 
      THEN out (old option mark) 
   ELSE out (end mark) 
   FI ; 
   out subtext (options, last separator pos + 1, new separator pos - 1) ; 
   out (end mark) ;
   last separator pos := new separator pos 
  UNTIL last separator pos = LENGTH options + 1 PER ;
  out (""13"") ;
  IF warten 
     THEN inchar (zeichen) ; 
          IF zeichen = ""27"" 
             THEN option number := old option 
          ELIF zeichen = left AND option number = 1 
             THEN option number := max options 
          ELIF zeichen = left 
             THEN option number DECR 1 
          ELIF zeichen = right AND option number = max options 
             THEN option number := 1 
          ELIF zeichen = right 
             THEN option number INCR 1 
  ELSE zeichen := ""13"" 
 UNTIL zeichen = ""13"" OR zeichen = ""27"" PER 
ENDPROC selektor ; 
LET std datenbits = 4 , (* 8 *) 
    std stopbits  = 1 , (* 1.0 *) 
    std flowmode  = 1 , (* xon/xoff *) 
    std parity    = 1 , (* no parity *) 
    std fixed     = 4 , (* RTS ON, DTR ON *) 
    setup text    = "Ende|Kanal|Baudrate|Datenbits|Stopbits|Parity|Flußkontrolle", 
    ende text     = "Ändern|Abbruch" , 
    kanal text    = "2|3" , 
    datenbits text= "5|6|7|8" , 
    stopbits text = "1.0|1.5|2.0" , 
    parity text   = "no|even|odd" , 
    flowmode text = "xon/xoff|dtr|rts/cts|dtr/rts/cts|fixed" ; 
INT VAR old session := 0 ; 
ROW 2 INT VAR datenbits, stopbits, parity, flowmode , fixed ; 
ROW 2 REAL VAR baudrates ; 
PROC init params : 
 datenbits := ROW 2 INT:(std datenbits , std datenbits) ; 
 stopbits  := ROW 2 INT:(std stopbits , std stopbits) ; 
 parity    := ROW 2 INT:(std parity , std parity) ; 
 flowmode  := ROW 2 INT:(std flowmode , std flowmode) ; 
 fixed     := ROW 2 INT:(std fixed, std fixed) ; 
 baudrates := ROW 2REAL:(baudrate (channelb), baudrate (channela)) ;
ENDPROC init params ; 
PROC setup :
 INT VAR kanal := aktueller kanal , 
         setup choice := 1 ; 
 BOOL VAR x dtr, x rts, x auto dtr, x cts ; 
 page ;
 init setup (kanal, setup choice) ; 
 select setup choice ; 
 cursor (1, 19) ; 
 setup choice := 2 ; 
 selektor (ende text, setup choice, TRUE) ; 
 out (bottom) ;
 IF setup choice = 1 
    THEN kanal := 1 ; 
         x flowmode ; 
         setup (kanal bool, x parity, x stopbits, x datenbits, 
                x dtr, x rts, x auto dtr, x cts) ; 
         baudrate (kanal bool, baudrates (kanal)) ; 
         kanal := 2 ; 
         x flowmode ; 
         setup (kanal bool, x parity, x stopbits, x datenbits, 
                x dtr, x rts, x auto dtr, x cts) ; 
         baudrate (kanal bool, baudrates (kanal)) 
 FI . 
x flowmode : 
 x dtr := FALSE ; 
 x rts := FALSE ; 
 SELECT flowmode (kanal) OF 
  CASE 1 : x auto dtr := FALSE ; (* XON/XOFF *) 
           x cts      := FALSE 
  CASE 2 : x auto dtr := TRUE ;  (* DTR *)
           x cts      := FALSE 
  CASE 3 : x auto dtr := FALSE ; (* RTS/CTS *)
           x cts      := TRUE 
  CASE 4 : x auto dtr := TRUE  ; (* RTS/CTS/DTR *) 
           x cts      := TRUE 
  CASE 5 : x auto dtr := FALSE ; (* fixed *) 
           x cts      := FALSE ; 
           SELECT fixed (kanal) OF 
            CASE 1 : x dtr := FALSE ; (* wie XON/XOFF *)
                     x rts := FALSE 
            CASE 2 : x dtr := FALSE ; (* RTS=1 *) 
                     x rts := TRUE 
            CASE 3 : x dtr := TRUE ;  (* DTR=1 *)
                     x rts := FALSE 
            CASE 4 : x dtr := TRUE ;  (* RTS=1,DTR=1 *) 
                     x rts := TRUE 
x parity : 
 SELECT parity (kanal) OF 
  CASE 2 : even parity 
  CASE 3 : odd parity 
  OTHERWISE no parity 
x stopbits : 
 SELECT stopbits (kanal) OF 
  CASE 2 : 1.5 
  CASE 3 : 2.0 
x datenbits : 
 datenbits (kanal) + 4. 
select setup choice : 
  cursor (1, 5) ; 
  selektor (setup text, setup choice, TRUE) ; 
  SELECT setup choice OF 
   CASE 1 : LEAVE select setup choice 
   CASE 2 : select kanal choice 
   CASE 3 : select baudrate choice 
   CASE 4 : select datenbits choice 
   CASE 5 : select stopbits choice 
   CASE 6 : select parity choice 
   CASE 7 : select flowmode choice 
 PER . 
select kanal choice : 
 INT VAR save kanal := kanal ; 
 cursor (1, 7) ; 
 selektor (kanal text, kanal, TRUE) ; 
 init setup (kanal, setup choice) .
select baudrate choice : 
 cursor (1, 9) ; 
 TEXT VAR t := text (baudrates (kanal)) + "    " ; 
 out (" ") ;
 editget (t) ; 
 baudrates (kanal) := real (t) . 
select datenbits choice : 
 cursor (1, 11) ; 
 selektor (datenbits text, datenbits (kanal), TRUE) . 
select stopbits choice : 
 cursor (1, 13) ; 
 selektor (stopbits text, stopbits (kanal), TRUE) . 
select parity choice : 
 cursor (1, 15) ; 
 selektor (parity text, parity (kanal), TRUE).
select flowmode choice : 
 cursor (1, 17) ; 
 selektor (flowmode text, flowmode (kanal), TRUE) ; 
 IF flowmode (kanal) = 5 
    THEN cursor (1, 19) ; 
         selektor (fixed text, fixed (kanal), TRUE) ; 
         out (clr line) 
 FI . 
aktueller kanal : 
 IF channel = 2 THEN 1 
 ELIF channel = 3 THEN 2 
 ELSE 1 
 FI . 
kanal bool : 
 IF kanal = 1 THEN channel b ELSE channel a FI . 
ENDPROC setup ; 
PROC init setup (INT VAR kanal, setup choice) :
 IF session <> old session 
    THEN init params ; 
         old session := session 
 FI ;
 out (home) ; 
 putline (" ----------------------------- V 2 4 - S E T U P ---------------------------") ; 
 line ; 
 putline (" Verlassen 'ESC', Aussuchen 'LEFT' und 'RIGHT', Einstellen 'RETURN'") ; 
 line ; 
 selektor (setup text, setup choice, FALSE) ; 
 line ; 
 line ; 
 selektor (kanal text, kanal, FALSE) ; 
 line ; 
 line ; 
 out (" ") ; put (baudrates (kanal)) ; out ("     ") ;
 line ; 
 line ; 
 selektor (datenbits text, datenbits (kanal), FALSE) ; 
 line ; 
 line ; 
 selektor (stopbits text, stopbits (kanal), FALSE) ; 
 line ; 
 line ; 
 selektor (parity text, parity (kanal), FALSE) ; 
 line ; 
 line ; 
 selektor (flowmode text, flowmode (kanal), FALSE) ; 
 line ; 
 line ; 
 line ; 
 line ;
 putline (" --------------------------------------------------------------------------") ; 
 out (home) . 
ENDPROC init setup ;