; EUMEL-SHard Graphikroutinen fuer 6502-Teil.
; Anfang: 20.05.86, Michael Staubermann
; Version 1.2, Mit Incremental-Fill, dicke Striche, COPY-Modus
; Stand: 12.01.87
.printx 'GRAFIK65.MAC'
; V A R I A B L E
; Konstante
bit_a EQU 2C ; Skip 2 Bytes
; Switches
graphic_mode EQU $C050
text_mode EQU $C051
full_graphics EQU $C052
page_1 EQU $C054
hires_mode EQU $C057
lc_00 EQU $C083
lc_01 EQU $C08B
; G R A P H I K Einsprung fuer alle Graphiksubtasks
; Eingang: $81 Subtasknummer
; 0 = Move (x, y)
; 1 = Draw (x, y)
; 2 = Testbit (x, y) --> $81
; 3 = Control (on/off, bank, page, or/and/xor,
; patternsource, colour, pattern)
; 4 = Clear (page)
; 5 = Fill (muster)
; 6 = Trans (page a) to (page b)
; Ausgang: $81 (Nur bei Testbit)
lda subtask ; 0 - 6
cmp #7
bcc grafik1
rts ; unerlaubt
asl a
lda gfunct,x
sta 1
lda gfunct+1,x
sta 2 ; 1/2 Sprungadressen
jmp (1) ; Funktion aurufen
dw gmove, gdraw, gtest, gctrl, gclr, gfill, gtrans
; G M O V E
; Graphikcursor auf Position (x, y) setzen
; Eingang: param1 = xpos
; param2 = ypos
lda param1
sta xpos ; LOW xpos
lda param1+1
sta xpos+1 ; HIGH xpos
lda param2
sta ypos ; LOW ypos
lda param2+1
sta ypos+1 ; HIGH ypos
lda savepattern
sta pattern
lda savepattern+1
sta pattern+1 ; Linetypepattern auf Anfangswert
; G D R A W
; Linie zur Position (x, y) zeichen
; Eingang: param1 = xpos
; param2 = ypos
IF 0
lda param1
pha ; 'to' Parameter retten
lda param1+1
lda param2
lda param2+1
jsr draw ; draw (xpos,ypos TO param1,param2)
IF 0
sta ypos+1
sta ypos
sta xpos+1
sta xpos
; G T E S T
; Punkt (x, y) testen
; Eingang: param1 = xpos
; param2 = ypos
; Ausgang: param = result = Flags
lda param2+1 ; HIGH y
bne ytohigh ; Carry is set
lda param1+1 ; HIGH x
ldx param1 ; LOW x
ldy param2 ; LOW y
jsr calcaddr ; Byteaddresse des Punktes berechnen
ytohigh: lda #$FF ; 255 = Falsche Punktposition
bcs testrts ; Return mit Ergebnis
ldy #00
lda (address),y
php ; Farbbit merken
and bitmask,x ; Pixel ausmaskieren
beq testcolor
lda #01 ; Bit 0 : Zustand des gesuchten Pixels
testcolor: plp
bpl testrts
ora #80 ; Bit 7 : Farbe
testrts: sta result
; G C T R L
; Verschiede Steuerfunktionen
; Eingang: param1 s.u.
; Steuerbits:
; 0: 0 = graphik off
; 1 = graphik on
; 1: 0 = Sichtbare Seite 0
; 1 = Sichtbare Seite 1
; 2: 0 = Bearbeitete Seite 0 (2000..3FFF)
; 1 = Bearbeitete Seite 1 (4000..5FFF)
; 3,4: 0 = OR (Setzen)
; 1 = AND (Loeschen)
; 2 = XOR (Invertieren)
; 3 = COPY (kopieren = loeschen/setzen)
; 5: 0 = Full Graphics display
; 1 = Mixed Graphics display (4 Zeilen Text)
; 6: 0 = param2 ist Linetypepattern
; 1 = savepattern ist Linetypepatt.
; 7: 0 = Violett
; 1 = Gelb
; 8..11 = Strichdicke
; param2 ist 16Bit Pattern (falls Bit 6 = 0)
lda param1 ; Steuerbits
and #80 ; Bit 7 = Farbe
sta colormask
lsr param1 ; Bit 0 = Graphik on/off
bcs graphon
lda text_mode
lda page_1
bcc bit12
graphon: lda graphic_mode
lda hires_mode
lda param1 ; Bit 2 = Page
and #01
sta page_1,x ; Page Select
bit12: lsr param1 ; Bit 1 ins Carry
lsr param1 ; Bit 2 ins Carry
bcs page2sel
lda #20
db bit_a
page2sel: lda #40
sta pagebase
lda param1
and #03 ; Bit 3,4 = Bitmode
sta bitmode
lsr param1 ; Bit 3 ins Carry
lsr param1 ; Bit 4 ins Carry
lda param1+1
and #0F
bne setthick
lda #1 ; Default 0: 1 Strich
sta thick ; Strichdicke in 8..11
lda param1 ; Bit 5 = full (0) or mixed (1) Graph.
and #01
sta full_graphics,x
lsr param1 ; Bit 5 ins Carry
lsr param1 ; Bit 6 ins Carry
bcs saved
lda param2 ; Parameter 2 (Word) Pattern
sta pattern ; in interne Linepattern kopieren
sta savepattern
lda param2+1
sta pattern+1
sta savepattern+1
bcc ctrlret
lda pattern ; Internes Savepattern als Workpattern
sta savepattern ; benutzen
lda pattern+1
sta savepattern+1
ctrlret: rts
; G C L R
; Graphikseite loeschen, bzw. mit einem Bitmuster fuellen
; Eingang: param1 = Seite (0..3)
; param2 = Byte (0..255)
lda param1
jsr page_addr ; Anfangsaddresse der Page --> A
; y := 0
sta address+1
sty address
ldx #20 ; 32 Pages
lda param2
sta (address),y
bne gclr1
inc address+1
bne gclr1
and #3
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
adc #20 ; + Offset fuer erste Grafikseite
ldy #0
; G F I L L
; Umrandete Flaeche Fuellen
; Eingang: param1 = Nummer des Fuellmusters
lda lc_01
lda lc_01 ; Select Page 1 D000..DFFF (Stack)
lda param1
jsr fill
lda lc_00
lda lc_00 ; Select Page 0 D000..DFFF (Spooler)
; G T R A N S
; Graphikseite in eine andere Grafikseite kopieren
; Eingang: param1 = 'from'-Page (0..3)
; param2 = 'to'-Page (0..3)
lda param1
jsr page_addr
sta address+1 ; 'from' - Pagebase
sty address
lda param2
jsr page_addr
sta param1+1
sty param ; 'to' - Pagebase
ldx #20 ; 32 Pages
lda (address),y
sta (param1),y
bne gtrans1
inc address+1
inc param1+1
bne gtrans1
; Umrandete Graphikflaeche (xpos, ypos) ausfuellen
; Musternummer in A
and #0F ; 16 Muster a 64 Bit
asl a ; *8 (8 Bytes pro Muster)
asl a
asl a ; Offset auf Muster
sta olderror+1
lda pagebase
sta olderror ; Merken
lda #wrkpage ; Workpage (alter Inhalt geloescht!)
sta pagebase
jsr fill1 ; ggf POP Returnaddress
lda olderror
sta pagebase ; restoren
lda bitmode
and #1
sta creg
lda #2
sta areg+1 ; stackpointer
lda ypos+1
bne fill1d ; Out of Window
ldx xpos
stx xa ; xpos low (fuer Muster)
lda xpos+1
sta xb
ldy ypos
sty ya ; yposlow (fuer Muster)
jsr startxy
bcc fill1c
fill1d: rts ; Ausserhalb oder auf Punkt
ldx #wrkpage
stx address+1
ldx olderror ; Echte Seite
stx link+1
ldx #20 ; 8k
ldy #0
sty address
sty link
fill1b: lda (link),y ; Echte Seite in Arbeitsseite kopieren
sta (address),y ; Arbeitsseite loeschen
bne fill1b
inc address+1
inc link+1
bne fill1b
lda xpos+1
ldx xpos
ldy ypos
jsr startxy
ldy creg+1 ; Byte Offset
ldx breg+1 ; Bit Offset
jsr testquick ; Bei (x,y) Punkt gesetzt ?
bcc fill2h ; Punkt gesetzt
jsr poppos
jmp fill2
; (x-1, y) testen
fill2h: lda breg+1
sta dx
lda creg+1
sta dx+1
lda xa
sta xa+1 ; Save xpos
lda xb
sta xb+1
lda xa
bne fill2d2
dec xb
fill2d2: dec xa
jsr decx ; x-1, y bleibt
bcs fill2d
jsr testquick
bcc fill2h
fill2d: lda dx ; Altes x wiederherstellen
sta breg+1 ; (Der letzte Punkt vorm linken
lda dx+1 ; Rand)
sta creg+1
lda xa+1
sta xa
lda xb+1
sta xb
fill4: ; (x, y-1) testen
lda address ; ypos retten
sta dy
lda address+1
sta dy+1
lda breg
sta yb
lda ya ; ypos low
sta ya+1
dec ya
jsr decy ; y-1
bcs fill2a
jsr testquick
bcs fill2a
jsr clrstack ; Hier auch 'pushpos'
fill2a: ; (x, y+1) testen
jsr incy
bcs fill2e
jsr incy
bcs fill2e
inc ya
inc ya
jsr testquick
bcs fill2e
jsr clrstack ; Hier auch 'pushpos'
fill2e: ; Altes y wiederherstellen
lda dy
sta address ; ypos widerherstellen
lda dy+1
sta address+1
lda yb
sta breg
lda ya+1
sta ya
jsr pointquick
inc xa
bne fill2g
inc xb
fill2g: jsr incx
bcs fill2i
jsr testquick
bcc fill4 ; Punkt bei (x+1, y) ?
fill2i: jsr poppos ; Gerettete x/y Pos vom Stack
jmp fill2 ; Damit nochmal (pseudorekursion)
; Hilfsroutinen fuer 'GFILL'
lda (address),y
and bitmask,x
beq testquick1 ; Kein Punkt gesetzt
lda #1
testquick1: eor creg ; umdrehen, falls AND/COPY
lsr a ; SEC/CLC
lda ya ; ypos low
and #7
ora olderror+1 ; Offset auf Muster
lda xa
and #7
lda bitmask,x ; xpos Bit
and muster,y ; ypos Byte
sta yb+1 ; 0, wenn kein Punkt gesetzt
ldx breg+1
ldy creg+1
lda (address),y
eor bitmask,x ; Bei OR loeschen, bei AND setzen!
sta (address),y ; Zum Merken in Workpage
; Test, ob auch in echter Seite Punkt
lda yb+1
beq pointquick1 ; Nicht mehr in echter Seite setzen
lda address+1
and #$1F ; Nur 8k Bits
ora olderror ; Echte pagebase
sta address+1
lda (address),y
and #$7F
ora colormask
eor bitmask,x
sta (address),y ; In echter Seite setzen
sta address+1
pointquick1: rts
poppos: ; x/y Pos vom Stack holen
ldx areg+1 ; stackpointer
cpx #2
beq poppos1
dex ; ? ggf beq poppos1
beq poppos1
lda stack+000,x ; xpos
sta breg+1
lda stack+100,x
sta creg+1
lda stack+200,x ; ypos
sta address
lda stack+300,x
sta address+1
lda stack+400,x
sta breg
lda stack+500,x ; xpos low
sta xa
lda stack+600,x ; xpos high
sta xb
lda stack+700,x ; ypos low
sta ya
stx areg+1 ; stackpointer
rts ; Fill verlassen
clrstack: ; Stack aufraeumen und pushpos
ldx #$FE ; creg+1, da Neues startxy gegeben wird
stx yb+1 ; Flag, ob zweites mal clrstack
ldx areg+1 ; stackpointer
clrstack4: dex
lda stack+700,x
cmp ya
bne clrstack3
lda stack+600,x ; (stack)+1 --> temp (in A/Y)
ldy stack+500,x
bne clrstack2
adc #1
clrstack2: cmp xb ; Stacktop = xpos-1 ?
bne clrstack3
cpy xa
bne clrstack3
lda breg+1 ; xpos replacen
sta stack+000,x
lda creg+1
sta stack+100,x
lda xa
sta stack+500,x
lda xb
sta stack+600,x
clrstack3: inc yb+1 ; Flag fuer 2. Durchlauf
bne clrstack4
pushpos: ; xpos/ypos auf Stack bringen
ldx areg+1 ; stackpointer
lda breg+1
sta stack+000,x
lda creg+1
sta stack+100,x
lda address
sta stack+200,x
lda address+1
sta stack+300,x
lda breg
sta stack+400,x
lda xa
sta stack+500,x
lda xb
sta stack+600,x
lda ya
sta stack+700,x
beq pushpos1 ; Stackoverflow
stx areg+1 ; stackpointer
pushpos1: rts
; Incremental Adresses
; Belegt breg = rowstartoffset, breg+1 = x-reg = bitoffset
; creg+1 = y-reg = xbyte offset,
; address/address+1 = Byteaddresse
; Fuer jede Routine gilt:
; Ausgang: X = Bitoffset, Y = Byteoffset, SEC = Out of Window
; Trat SEC auf, ist die aktuelle Position unveraendert (!)
; Beispiel: jsr incy
; bcs fehler
; lda (address),y
; and bitmask,x
; Start Scan
; Eingang: A: HIGH xpos
; X: LOW xpos
; Y: LOW ypos
cmp #02 ; xpos >= 512 ?
bcc startxy1
startxy2: rts ; Carry is Set
startxy1: cmp #01
bne startxy3 ; xpos < 256
cpx #18 ; xpos >= 280 ?
bcs startxy2 ; Bereichsfehler
startxy3: cpy #$C0 ; ypos >= 192 ?
bcs startxy2
pha ; xpos (HIGH) retten
; adr := rowstart [ypos DIV 8] + (ypos MOD 8) * 1024 + xpos DIV 7
lsr a ; ypos DIV 8
lsr a
lsr a
asl a ; Fuer Tabellenzugriff * 2 (Bit 0 = 0)
sty breg ; rowstart Offset
lda rowstart,y ; Tabelle der Zeilenanfaenge
sta address
lda rowstart+1,y
adc pagebase
sta address+1
pla ; ypos
and #07 ; MOD 8
eor #07 ; y = 0 ist unten links
asl a ; * 4 (* 256)
asl ; Carry is cleared
adc address+1 ; Mikrozeile addieren
sta address+1
pla ; xpos (HIGH) --> Y
txa ; xpos (LOW) --> A
jsr divide7 ; A/Y --> A (Quotient), X (Remainder)
sta creg+1
tay ; y-reg = Byteoffset
stx breg+1 ; Bitoffset
clc ; Carry cleared = ok
; Increment actual y
lda address+1
and #1C
beq incy1 ; naechste Mikrozeile
lda address+1
sbc #4
sta address+1
clc ; ok
incy2: ldy creg+1
ldx breg+1
incy1: ldy breg
iny ; naechste Makrozeile
cpy #30 ; tabellenende ?
bcs incy2 ; Fehler, nichts veraendert
sty breg
lda rowstart,y
sta address ; Carry war cleared
lda rowstart+1,y
adc pagebase
adc #1C ; 7. Mikrozeile
sta address+1
bcc incy2 ; Always
; Decrement actual y
lda address+1
and #1C
cmp #1C ; 7. Mikrozeile ?
beq decy1 ; naechste Mikrozeile
lda address+1
adc #4
sta address+1
decy2: ldy creg+1
ldx breg+1
decy1: ldy breg ; naechste Makrozeile
beq decy2 ; Out of Window ?
sty breg
lda rowstart,y
sta address
lda rowstart+1,y
adc pagebase
sta address+1
bcc decy2 ; Always
; Increment actual x
ldy creg+1
ldx breg+1
cpx #6
bcs incx1
incx2: stx breg+1 ; y schon = creg+1
incx1: inc creg+1
ldx creg+1
cpx #28 ; Out of Window ?
ldx #0
bcc incx2 ; CLC: ok
dec creg+1 ; Wieder Rueckgaengig
; Decrement actual x
ldy creg+1
ldx breg+1
beq decx1
decx2: stx breg+1 ; y schon creg+1
decx1: ldx #6
dec creg+1
bpl decx2 ; < 0 ?
sec ; Out of Window !
inc creg+1 ; Alter Zustand
; Absolute Adresses
; C A L C A D D R
; Berechnet die Addresse eines Pixels
; Eingang: A: HIGH xpos
; X: LOW xpos
; Y: ypos
; Ausgang: address,address+1: Addresse des Bytes mit Pixel
; Carry: Set = Pixelpos ausserhalb des Fensters
; X: Bitnummer im addressierten Byte (0..6)
cmp #02 ; xpos >= 512 ?
bcc less512
rangeerr: rts ; Carry is Set
less512: cmp #01
bne xposok ; xpos < 256
cpx #18 ; xpos >= 280 ?
bcs rangeerr ; Bereichsfehler
xposok: cpy #$C0 ; ypos >= 192 ?
bcs rangeerr
pha ; xpos (HIGH) retten
; adr := rowstart [ypos DIV 8] + (ypos MOD 8) * 1024 + xpos DIV 7
lsr ; ypos DIV 8
asl ; Fuer Tabellenzugriff * 2 (Bit 0 = 0)
lda rowstart,y ; Tabelle der Zeilenanfaenge
sta address
lda rowstart+1,y
adc pagebase
sta address+1
pla ; ypos
and #07 ; MOD 8
eor #07 ; y = 0 ist unten links
asl ; * 4 (* 256)
asl ; Carry is cleared
adc address+1
sta address+1
pla ; xpos (HIGH) --> Y
txa ; xpos (LOW) --> A
jsr divide7 ; A/Y --> A (Quotient), X (Remainder)
adc address
sta address
bcc calcret
inc address+1
clc ; Carry cleared = ok
calcret: rts
; N E G
; Vorzeichenwechsel
; Eingang/Ausgang: A/X (HIGH/LOW)
NEG: pha
eor #$FF
adc #01
eor #$FF
adc #00
; D I V I D E 7
; Division durch 7 mit Rest
; Eingang: A: Low, Y: High (Nur 0 oder 1)
; Ausgang: A: Quotient (Auch in quotient)
; X: Rest
ldx #00 ; Quotient Schieberegister loeschen
stx quotient
ldx #$E0 ; 224 = 7 * 2^5 als Startwert
stx divmask
ldx #06 ; Anzahl Verschiebungen
cpy #01 ; Zahl > 255 ?
bne shiftloop ; Carry is set
inc quotient
adc #1F ; (Zahl MOD 256) + 32
bne shift2loop ; Erste Subtraktion ueberspringen
shiftloop: sec
sbc divmask ; Probeweise subtrahieren
php ; Borrow merken
rol quotient ; Borrow in quotient rotieren
bcs shift2loop
adc divmask ; Falls zuviel subtrahiert wieder add.
shift2loop: lsr divmask ; Dann nur noch die Haelfte subtr.
bne shiftloop
tax ; Rest der Division
lda quotient ; Quotient
; P O I N T
; Setzt/Loescht Punkt an bestimmter Position
; Eingang: Position in xpos/ypos
; Linepattern in pattern
; Farbmaske in colormask
; Bitmodus in bitmode
; ldy bitmode
; bpl patternres ; Always
ldy bitmode
asl pattern
rol pattern+1
bcs patternset
cpy #03 ; Copymodus
bne pointret ; Keine Aktion
ldy #01 ; Loeschen
bne patternres ; Always
patternset: inc pattern ; 1 links im pattern setzen
patternres: sty tempmode
lda ypos+1
bne pointret
lda xpos+1
ldx xpos
ldy ypos
jsr calcaddr ; Punktaddresse berechnen
bcs pointret ; Ausserhalb des Bildschirms
ldy #00
lda (address),y
ldy tempmode
bne mode1
mode0: ora bitmask,x ; Modus 0 = setzen
bcc setcolor
mode1: dey
bne mode2
and notbitmask,x ; Modus 1 = loeschen
bcc setcolor
mode2: dey
bne mode0 ; Modus 3 (copy) wie Modus 0
eor bitmask,x ; Modus 2 = invertieren
bcc setcolor
setcolor: ldy #00
and #7F ; Altes Farbbit loeschen
ora colormask ; Farbbit neu setzen
sta (address),y ; Graphikbyte zurueckschreiben
pointret: rts
; Drawthick zeichnet eine dicke Linie
lda param1
lda param1+1
pha ; to-pos retten
lda param2
lda param2+1
lda savepattern
lda savepattern+1
lda pattern ; Linetype auf Startwert
sta savepattern
lda pattern+1
sta savepattern+1
dec thick
; x- oder y- Richtung feststellen:
; x direction := abs (xto - xfrom) > abs (yto - yfrom)
lda param1
sbc xpos
lda param1+1
sbc xpos+1
bcs drawthick1
jsr NEG ; Absolutwert (A/X)
drawthick1: sta dx+1
stx dx
lda param2
sbc ypos
lda param2+1
sbc ypos+1
bcs drawthick2
jsr NEG ; Absolutwert (A/X)
drawthick2: pha
sbc dx
sbc dx+1 ; Nur das Vorzeichen wichtig
pha ; xdirection, wenn A < 0
; Start- und Endpunkt der mittleren Linie berechnen
bpl drawthick3 ; y direction
; start.x := xfrom - thick x ; to.x := xto + thick x
; start.y := yfrom ; to.y := yto
; thick x : IF xto < xfrom THEN -thick ELSE +thick FI
lda param1
sbc xpos ; xto - xfrom
lda param1+1
sbc xpos+1
bcs drawthick4 ; xto >= xfrom (xto-xfrom >= 0)
; xto < xfrom
lda xpos ; Carry is cleared
adc thick
sta xa ; start.x
lda xpos+1
adc #0
sta xa+1
lda param1 ; to.x
sbc thick
sta xb
lda param1+1
sbc #0
sta xb+1
jmp drawthick5
lda xpos ; Carry is set
sbc thick
sta xa
lda xpos+1
sbc #0
sta xa+1
lda param1
adc thick
sta xb
lda param1+1
adc #0
sta xb+1
; start.y := ypos ; to.y := param2
lda ypos
sta ya
lda ypos+1
sta ya+1
lda param2
sta yb
lda param2+1
sta yb+1
jmp drawthick8
drawthick3: ; x direction
; start.x := xfrom ; to.x := xto
; start.y := yfrom - thick y ; to.y := yto + thick y
; thick y : IF yto < yfrom THEN -thick ELSE +thick FI
lda param2
sbc ypos ; yto - yfrom
lda param2+1
sbc ypos+1
bcs drawthick6 ; yto >= yfrom (yto-yfrom >= 0)
; yto < yfrom
lda ypos ; Carry is cleared
adc thick
sta ya ; start.y
lda ypos+1
adc #0
sta ya+1
lda param2 ; to.y
sbc thick
sta yb
lda param2+1
sbc #0
sta yb+1
jmp drawthick7
lda ypos ; Carry is set
sbc thick
sta ya
lda ypos+1
sbc #0
sta ya+1
lda param2
adc thick
sta yb
lda param2+1
adc #0
sta yb+1
; start.x := xpos ; to.x := param1
lda xpos
sta xa
lda xpos+1
sta xa+1
lda param1
sta xb
lda param1+1
sta xb+1
; FOR diff FROM -thick TO thick REP drawsingl PER
ldx thick
lda #0
jsr NEG ; -thick
sta areg+1
stx areg ; = diff
ldx areg
lda areg+1
bne drawthick9
cpx thick ; > +thick ?
beq drawthick9
bcc drawthick9
; PER ; restore pattern
pla ; x direction
inc thick
sta savepattern+1
sta pattern+1
sta savepattern
sta pattern
sta param2+1 ; To-Pos restoren
sta param2
sta param1+1
sta param1
lda param1
sta xpos
lda param1+1
sta xpos+1
lda param2
sta ypos
lda param2+1
sta ypos+1
; singlevector:
pha ; xdirection ?
bpl drawthick10 ; y direction
; move (start.x, start.y-diff) ;
; draw (to.x, to.y-diff) ;
lda xa
sta xpos
lda xa+1
sta xpos+1 ; xpos := start.x
lda ya
sbc areg
sta ypos
lda ya+1
sbc areg+1
sta ypos+1 ; ypos := start.y - diff
jsr move_x
lda xb ; xto := to.x
sta param1
lda xb+1
sta param1+1
lda yb ; yto := to.y - diff
sbc areg
sta param2
lda yb+1
sbc areg+1
sta param2+1
jsr drawsglvec ; Linie von x/ypos nach param1/2
jmp drawthick12
; move (start.x + diff, start.y) ;
; draw (to.x + diff, to.y) ;
lda xa
adc areg
sta xpos ; xpos := start.x + diff
lda xa+1
adc areg+1
sta xpos+1
lda ya ; ypos := start.y
sta ypos
lda ya+1
sta ypos+1
jsr move_x
lda xb
adc areg ; xto := to.x + diff
sta param1
lda xb+1
adc areg+1
sta param1+1
lda yb
sta param2
lda yb+1 ; yto := to.y
sta param2+1
jsr drawsglvec ; Linie von x/ypos nach param1/2
; NEXT diff
inc areg
bne drawthick13
inc areg+1
drawthick13: jmp drawthick11 ; diff INCR 1
; D R A W
; Linie zwischen zwei Punkten zeichnen
; Eingang: FROM-Position in xpos/ypos
; TO-Position in param1/param2
; Attribute in bitmode,pattern,colormask
; X-Vektorrichtung bestimmen
; dx := xto - xfrom ; right := sign (dx) ; dx := ABS dx
lda thick
bne draw1
rts ; Unsichtbare Linie
cmp #1
beq drawsglvec ; Eine Linie Zeichnen
jmp drawthick
ldy #00 ; Vorzeichen fuer right: positiv
lda param1 ; xto (LOW)
sbc xpos ; xfrom (LOW)
lda param1+1 ; xto (HIGH)
sbc xpos+1 ; xfrom (HIGH)
bpl dxpositiv
jsr NEG ; dx := -dx
dey ; Vorzeichen fuer right: negativ
dxpositiv: sta dx+1
stx dx
sty right
; Y-Vektorrichtung bestimmen
; dy := yto - yfrom ; up := sign (dy) ; dy := ABS dy
ldy #00 ; Vorzeichen fuer up: positiv
lda param2 ; yto
sbc ypos ; yfrom
lda param2+1
sbc ypos+1
bpl dypositiv
jsr NEG ; dy := -dy
dey ; Vorzeichen fuer up: negativ
dypositiv: sta dy+1
stx dy
sty up
; init vectorloop
ldx #00
stx olderror
stx olderror+1 ; olderror := 0
ldx #xpos ; xpointer zeigt auf xpos
stx xpointer
ldx #ypos
stx ypointer ; ypointer zeigt auf ypos
; dy > dx ==> dx - dy < 0 ==> Parameter vertauschen
lda dx
sbc dy ; Ergebnis unwichtig, nur Carry
lda dx+1 ; dx (HIGH)
sbc dy+1 ; dy (HIGH)
bpl dy_lsequal_dx
; Parameter vertauschen
lda xpointer ; xpointer und ypointer vertauschen
ldx ypointer
stx xpointer
sta ypointer
lda up ; up und right vertauschen
ldx right
stx up
sta right
lda dx ; dx (LOW) und dy (LOW) vertauschen
ldx dy
stx dx
sta dy
lda dx+1 ; dx (HIGH) und dy (HIGH) vertauschen
ldx dy+1
stx dx+1
sta dy+1
dy_lsequal_dx: ; vector(xpos, ypos, dx, dy, right, up)
; uprighterror := dy - dx ; righterror = dy
lda dy
sbc dx
sta uprighterror
lda dy+1
sbc dx+1
sta uprighterror+1
; Schleife: dx DECR 1
nextpixel: jsr POINT ; POINT (xpos, ypos)
lda dx ; dx = counter = 0 ?
ora dx+1
bne do_one_step
rts ; Ende der Vektorloop
ldx xpointer ; Referenz auf xpos oder ypos
bit right ; right < 0 ?
bpl rightstep ; sonst leftstep
lda 0,x ; xpos-Referenz DEC 1
bne xposdec1
dec 1,x ; Highbyte von xpos
xposdec1: dec 0,x ; Lowbyte von xpos
jmp detdirection
inc 0,x
bne detdirection
inc 1,x
; IF abs (olderror + righterror) < abs (olderror + uprighterror)
; THEN do_right_step ELSE do_upright_step FI
; abs (olderror + uprighterror) = abs1
lda olderror
adc uprighterror
lda olderror+1
adc uprighterror+1
bpl abs1positiv
jsr NEG ; abs1 := -abs1 (A=HIGH, Y=LOW)
abs1positiv: stx temporary ; Fuer spaetere Subtraktion merken
sta temporary+1
; abs (olderror + righterror) = abs2
lda olderror
adc righterror
lda olderror+1
adc righterror+1
bpl abs2positiv
jsr NEG ; abs2 := -abs2 (A=HIGH, X=LOW)
tay ; abs2 (HIGH) retten
txa ; abs2 (LOW) --> A
sbc temporary ; abs1 (LOW)
tya ; Nur Carrybit wesentlich
sbc temporary+1 ; abs1 (HIGH)
bmi do_right_step
; ypos INCR up
ldx ypointer
bit up ; Vorzeichen von up
bpl yposinc1
lda 0,x ; ypointer enthaelt Offset ab xpos
bne yposdec1
dec 1,x
yposdec1: dec 0,x
jmp xyerror
yposinc1: inc 0,x
bne xyerror
inc 1,x
; olderror INCR uprighterror
lda olderror
adc uprighterror
sta olderror
lda olderror+1
adc uprighterror+1
sta olderror+1
jmp dxdec1
; olderror INCR righterror
lda olderror
adc righterror
sta olderror
lda olderror+1
adc righterror+1
sta olderror+1
lda dx
bne dxdec
dec dx+1
dxdec: dec dx
jmp nextpixel ; zum Schleifenanfang
; Muster fuer GFILL:
DB 11111111 ; 0: gefuellt
DB 11111111
DB 11111111
DB 11111111
DB 11111111
DB 11111111
DB 11111111
DB 11111111
DB 10101010 ; 1: Halb
DB 01010101
DB 10101010
DB 01010101
DB 10101010
DB 01010101
DB 10101010
DB 01010101
DB 11111111 ; 2: Waagerecht (grob)
DB 00000000
DB 00000000
DB 00000000
DB 11111111
DB 00000000
DB 00000000
DB 00000000
DB 11111111 ; 3: Waagerecht (fein)
DB 00000000
DB 11111111
DB 00000000
DB 11111111
DB 00000000
DB 11111111
DB 00000000
DB 10001000 ; 4: Senkrecht (grob)
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10101010 ; 5: Senkrecht (fein)
DB 10101010
DB 10101010
DB 10101010
DB 10101010
DB 10101010
DB 10101010
DB 10101010
DB 11111111 ; 6: Gerades Raster (grob)
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 11111111
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 11111111 ; 7: Gerades Raster (fein)
DB 10101010
DB 11111111
DB 10101010
DB 11111111
DB 10101010
DB 11111111
DB 10101010
DB 10001000 ; 8: Links Schraffur
DB 00010001
DB 00100010
DB 01000100
DB 10001000
DB 00010001
DB 00100010
DB 01000100
DB 10001000 ; 9: Rechts Schraffur
DB 01000100
DB 00100010
DB 00010001
DB 10001000
DB 01000100
DB 00100010
DB 00010001
DB 10001000 ; 10: Schraeges Gitter
DB 01010101
DB 00100010
DB 01010101
DB 10001000
DB 01010101
DB 00100010
DB 01010101
DB 10101010 ; 11: Punktraster
DB 00000000
DB 10101010
DB 00000000
DB 10101010
DB 00000000
DB 10101010
DB 00000000
DB 11111111 ; 12: Mauer
DB 01000000
DB 01000000
DB 01000000
DB 11111111
DB 00000100
DB 00000100
DB 00000100
DB 00100010 ; 13: Korb
DB 01010101
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 10001000
DB 01010101
DB 00100010
DB 00100010
DB 00000000 ; 14: Wellenlinie
DB 00100010
DB 01010101
DB 10001000
DB 00000000
DB 00100010
DB 01010101
DB 10001000
DB 10000000 ; 15: User (Default: Zickzack)
DB 01000001
DB 00100010
DB 00010100
DB 00001000
DB 00000000
DB 00000000
DB 00000000
; T A B E L L E N
bitmask: db $01, $02, $04, $08, $10, $20, $40, $80
notbitmask: db $FE, $FD, $FB, $F7, $EF, $DF, $BF, $7F
; Graphikzeilenanfaenge, Ypos 0 ist unten
dw 03D0, 0350, 02D0, 0250
dw 01D0, 0150, 00D0, 0050
dw 03A8, 0328, 02A8, 0228
dw 01A8, 0128, 00A8, 0028
dw 0380, 0300, 0280, 0200
dw 0180, 0100, 0080, 0000
.printx 'Ende'