PACKET basis plot DEFINES (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken*)
(* Stand: 12.04.85 *)
(*Änderung: 06.08.86/10:03 *)
(* ****************** Hardwareunabhängiger Teil ********************* *)
(* *)
(* *)
(* Im Harwareunabhängigen Paket 'basis plot' werden folgende *)
(* Prozeduren definiert: *)
(* Procedure : Bedeutung *)
(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* move : Positioniert auf (x, y,[z]) in Weltkoordinaten*)
(* draw : Zeichnet eine Linie bis zum Punkt (x, y, [z]).*)
(* move r : Positioniert (x, y, [z]) weiter *)
(* draw r : Zeichnet (x, y, [z]) weiter *)
(* *)
(* draw : Zeichnet einen Text *)
(* *)
(* mark : Marker mit (no, size) *)
(* bar : Balken mit (width, height, pattern) *)
(* bar : Balken mit (from, to, width, pattern) *)
(* circle : Kreis(segment) mit (radius, from, to, pattern)*)
(* *)
(* where : Gibt die aktuelle Stiftposition (x, y, [z]) *)
(* *)
move, draw,
move r, draw r,
mark, bar, circle,
LET POS = STRUCT (REAL x, y, z);
POS VAR pos :: POS : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
INT VAR h :: 0, v :: 0;
PROC move (REAL CONST x, y) :
transform (x, y, 0.0, h, v);
move (h, v);
pos := POS : (x, y, 0.0)
END PROC move;
PROC move (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
transform (x, y, z, h, v);
move (h, v);
pos := POS : (x, y, z)
END PROC move;
PROC draw (REAL CONST x, y) :
transform (x, y, 0.0, h, v);
draw (h, v);
pos := POS : (x, y, 0.0)
END PROC draw;
PROC draw (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
transform (x, y, z, h, v);
draw (h, v);
pos := POS : (x, y, z)
END PROC draw;
PROC move r (REAL CONST x, y) :
transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z, h, v);
move (h, v);
pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z)
END PROC move r;
PROC move r (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z, h, v);
move (h, v);
pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z)
END PROC move r;
PROC draw r (REAL CONST x, y) :
transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z, h, v);
draw (h, v);
pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z)
END PROC draw r;
PROC draw r (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z, h, v);
draw (h, v);
pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z)
END PROC draw r;
PROC where (REAL VAR x, y) :
x := pos.x; y := pos.y
END PROC where;
PROC where (REAL VAR x, y, z) :
x := pos.x; y := pos.y; z := pos.z
END PROC where;
PROC draw (TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, height percent, width percent):
draw (msg, angle, height (height percent), width (width percent)) .
END PROC draw;
PROC mark (REAL CONST size, INT CONST no):
marker (h, v, no, diagonal (size))
END PROC mark;
PROC bar (REAL CONST width, height, INT CONST pattern):
INT VAR diff, up, zero x, zero y;
transform (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, zero x, zero y);
transform (width*0.5, height, 0.0, diff, up);
bar (h-(diff-zero x), v, h+(diff-zero x), v+(up-zero y), pattern);
move (h, v)
PROC bar (REAL CONST from, to, height, INT CONST pattern):
INT VAR from h, to h, up;
transform (from, height, 0.0, from h, up);
transform (to, height, 0.0, to h, up);
bar (from h, v, to h, up, pattern);
move (h, v)
PROC circle (REAL CONST rad, from, to, INT CONST pattern):
circle (h, v, diagonal (rad), from, to, pattern) .
END PROC circle;
ENDPACKET basis plot;
PACKET plot DEFINES plot: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
(*Stand: 13.10.89/22:31 *)
LET draw key = 1,
move key = 2,
text key = 3,
move r key = 4,
draw r key = 5,
bar 2 key = 6,
bar 3 key = 7,
circle key = 8,
mark key = 9;
LET dim error = "PICTURE not initialized",
key error = "wrong key code: ";
TEXT VAR points;
INT VAR pic length, pic pen, pic dim, read pos;
init plot;
IF pic dim = 2
THEN plot two dim pic
ELIF pic dim = 3
THEN plot three dim pic
ELIF NOT (pic dim = 0 AND pic length = 0)
THEN errorstop (dim error) FI;
points := "" .
init plot:
picture (pic, points, pic dim, pic pen);
pic length := length (points);
read pos := 0 .
plot two dim pic:
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP plot two dim position PER .
plot two dim position :
read pos INCR 1;
CASE draw key: draw (next real, next real)
CASE move key: move (next real, next real)
CASE move r key: move r (next real, next real)
CASE draw r key: draw r (next real, next real)
CASE text key: draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
CASE bar 2 key: bar (next real, next real, next int)
CASE bar 3 key: bar (next real, next real, next real, next int)
CASE circle key: circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
CASE mark key: mark (next real, next int)
OTHERWISE errorstop (key error + text (key)) END SELECT .
plot three dim pic:
WHILE read pos < pic length
REP plot three dim position PER .
plot three dim position :
read pos INCR 1;
CASE draw key: draw (next real, next real, next real)
CASE move key: move (next real, next real, next real)
CASE move r key: move r (next real, next real, next real)
CASE draw r key: draw r (next real, next real, next real)
CASE text key: draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
CASE bar 2 key: bar (next real, next real, next int)
CASE bar 3 key: bar (next real, next real, next real, next int)
CASE circle key: circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
CASE mark key: mark (next real, next int)
OTHERWISE errorstop (key error + text (key)) END SELECT .
code (points SUB read pos) .
END PROC plot;
REAL PROC next real:
read pos INCR 8;
subtext (points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
END PROC next real;
INT PROC next int:
read pos INCR 2;
subtext (points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
END PROC next int;
TEXT PROC next text:
INT CONST text length :: next int;
read pos INCR text length;
subtext (points, read pos-text length+1, read pos) .
END PROC next text;
PROC plot (TEXT CONST name) :
PICFILE VAR p :: old (name);
plot (p);
END PROC plot;
set projektion;
disable stop;
begin plot;
clear screen;
plot pictures (p);
end plot .
set projektion:
ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL VAR size;
ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL VAR limit;
ROW 4 REAL VAR angles;
ROW 2 REAL VAR oblique;
ROW 3 REAL VAR perspective;
get values (p, size, limit, angles, oblique, perspective);
set values (size, limit, angles, oblique, perspective) .
clear screen:
INT VAR x0, y0, x1, y1, h max, v max;
REAL VAR x cm, y cm;
IF background (p) > -1
THEN clear
ELSE drawing area (x cm, y cm, h max, v max);
new values (x cm, y cm, h max, v max, x0, x1 , y0, y1);
set range (max (0, x0), max (0, y0), min (h max, x1), min (v max, y1))
FI .
IF is error
THEN line;
put line ("Erorr at PICTURE No " + text (picture no (p)));
FI .
END PROC plot;
PROC plot pictures (PICFILE VAR p):
INT VAR back :: abs (background (p)), no;
enable stop;
FOR no FROM 1 UPTO pictures (p)
REP to pic (p, no);
read picture (p, pic);
IF this picture is ok
THEN set pen of pic;
plot (pic)
this picture is ok:
pen (pic) <> 0 AND length (pic) > 0 .
set pen of pic:
INT VAR colour, thick, type;
selected pen (p, pen (pic), colour, thick, type);
set pen (back, colour, thick, type) .
END PROC plot pictures;