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PACKET emulator 16 multi DEFINES               (* Autor:  J.Liedtke *)
                                               (* Stand:  11.10.83  *)
  killer ,                                     (* F. Klapper, 16.05.84 *)
  file names ,
  out ,
  command handler ,
  set command ,
  call ,
  read , 
  to archive, 
  from archive, 
  load archive, 
  save archive, 
  list archive, 
  release archive, 
  to eof,
  to first record, 
  is first record: 
PROC list archive: 
  list (archive) 
END PROC list archive; 
PROC release archive: 
  release (archive) 
END PROC release archive; 
PROC to archive: 
  save (last param, archive) 
END PROC to archive; 
PROC to archive (TEXT CONST t): 
  save (t, archive) 
END PROC to archive; 
PROC from archive (TEXT CONST t): 
  fetch (t, archive) 
END PROC from archive; 
PROC load archive: 
  fetch all (archive) 
END PROC load archive; 
PROC save to archive (THESAURUS CONST thes): 
  disable stop; 
  all to archive (thes); 
  IF is error 
  THEN put error; 
       clear error; 
       IF yes ("naechste Archivfloppy eingelegt") 
       THEN save to archive (remainder) 
   enable stop 
END PROC save to archive; 
PROC all to archive (THESAURUS CONST thes): 
  enable stop; 
  save (thes, archive) 
END PROC all to archive; 
PROC save archive: 
  save to archive (ALL myself) 
END PROC save archive; 
PROC save archive (TEXT CONST liste): 
  save to archive (ALL liste) 
END PROC save archive; 

PROC killer :
  forget (ALL myself)
ENDPROC killer ;

TEXT VAR file name ;

PROC file names (FILE VAR f) :
  file names (f, name (myself))
ENDPROC file names ;

PROC file names (FILE VAR f, TEXT CONST manager name) :
  INT VAR index := 0 ;
  cat := ALL task (manager name) ;
    get (cat, file name, index) ;
    IF file name = ""
      THEN LEAVE file names
    FI ;
    putline (f, file name)
ENDPROC file names ;

  write (f,t)

TEXT VAR command line;
INT VAR permitted type := 0 ;

PROC set command (TEXT CONST command text, INT CONST type) :
  command line := command text;
  permitted type := type
ENDPROC set command ;

PROC command handler (TEXT CONST command list, 
                      INT VAR command index , number of params ,
                      TEXT VAR param 1, param 2) :
  analyze command (command list, command line, permitted type, command index,
                   number of params, param 1, param 2) 
ENDPROC command handler ;
PROC command handler (TEXT CONST command list, 
                      INT VAR command index , number of params ,
                      TEXT VAR param 1, param 2,
                      TEXT CONST command text) :
  get command (command text, command line) ;
  analyze command (command list, command line, 0,
                   command index, number of params, param 1, param 2) 

ENDPROC command handler ;

PROC call (TEXT CONST dest name, INT CONST order code, 
           DATASPACE VAR ds, INT VAR reply code) :

  call (task (dest name), order code, ds, reply code)

ENDPROC call ;

PROC read (TEXT CONST file name) :
  fetch (file name)
ENDPROC read ;

PROC read (TEXT CONST file name, manager name) :
  fetch (file name, task(manager name))
ENDPROC read ;

PROC forward (FILE VAR f): 
  down (f) 
END PROC forward; 
PROC backward (FILE VAR f): 
  up (f) 
END PROC backward; 
PROC to first record (FILE VAR f): 
  to line (f, 1) 
END PROC to first record; 
BOOL PROC is first record (FILE VAR f): 
  line no (f) = 1 
END PROC is first record; 
PROC to eof (FILE VAR f): 
  to line (f, lines (f)) 
END PROC to eof;
ENDPACKET emulator 16 multi ;