PACKET eumel printer DEFINES
***** EUMEL - DRUCKER ** Author: A. Reichpietch **
***** ** R. Nolting **
***** ** Date: 30.09.81 Vers. 0 **
***** ** 15.03.82 Vers. 1.0 **
***** ** 22.07.82 Vers. 1.1 **
***** ** 01.10.82 Vers. 1.2 **
***** reelle Werte fuer limit etc. ** 15.01.83 Vers. 2.0 **
***** direkte Druckerkommandos (Hardware) ** 15.08.83 Vers. 2.1 **
***** ** 15.12.83 Vers. 2.2 **
***** alle Zeilen-/Spaltenprocs entfernt ** 9.1.84 Vers. 2.3 **
***** neue 'print text' prozedur ** 04.03.84 Vers. 2.4 **
reset print,
print line,
pages printed,
is elan source , (* dummy Prozeduren , koennen von *)
elan list : (* 'elan lister' ueberdeckt werden *)
LET blank = " " ,
backspace = ""8"" ,
begin mark underline = ""15"" ,
end mark underline = ""14"" ;
LET paragraph end = " ";
TEXT VAR inline := blank,
outline := blank,
type := blank,
command char,
help := blank;
TEXT VAR command,
par 1, par 2,
skip end text;
REAL VAR y position, y step, y max, y factor;
INT VAR pagenr, from, to;
INT VAR printed pages;
BOOL VAR not skipped, lines to be skipped,
first text line, end of paragraph,
linefeed needed;
LET std pagelength = 25.4;
INT VAR print mode set := left adj, collumn print possible;
LET left adj= 0;
LET right adj= 1;
LET centre adj= 2;
LET block line= 3;
LET left col= 4;
LET right col= 5;
LET centre col= 6;
LET block col= 7;
LET collumn print = 4;
PROC print (FILE VAR f):
enable stop;
reset printer;
reset print;
print (f, from, to);
END PROC print;
PROC print (FILE VAR f, INT CONST first page, last page):
enable stop;
from := first page;
to := last page;
IF from > 1 THEN not skipped := FALSE FI;
WHILE (NOT eof(f)) AND (pagenr <= to) REP
getline (f, inline);
print input line;
start(0.0, 0.0); make page;
ENDPROC print;
PROC reset print:
first text line := TRUE;
not skipped := TRUE;
lines to be skipped := FALSE;
command char := "#";
print mode set := left adj;
end of paragraph := TRUE;
inline := "";
y max := stdpagelength ;
y position := 10000.0;
y step := lf height of current font;
y factor := 1.0;
pagenr := 0;
from := 1; to := maxint;
printed pages := -1; (* move to top of first page will set to 0 *)
ENDPROC reset print;
INT PROC pages printed:
printed pages
END PROC pages printed;
PROC print line (TEXT CONST in):
inline := in;
print input line;
END PROC print line;
PROC print input line:
(* debug out ("print line:"); out (in); out (""10""13""); debug *)
INT VAR compos;
INT VAR endpos := 0, tpos := 1;
IF lines to be skipped
THEN IF pos (inline, skip end text) > 1 AND (inline SUB 1) = command char
THEN lines to be skipped := FALSE
LEAVE print input line
linefeed needed := FALSE;
IF end of paragraph
THEN collumn print possible := collumn print
ELSE collumn print possible := 0
compos := LENGTH inline;
IF (inline SUB compos) = paragraph end
THEN end of paragraph := TRUE;
inline := subtext (inline, 1, compos -1)
ELSE end of paragraph := FALSE;
compos := pos (inline, command char);
IF compos <= 0
THEN print the line (inline);
new line;
LEAVE print input line
outline := "";
extract commands from input;
IF outline <> ""
THEN print the line (outline); new line
ELIF linefeed needed
THEN new line FI;
extract commands from input:
WHILE compos > 0 REP
outline CAT subtext (inline, tpos, compos-1);
endpos := pos ( inline, command char, compos +1);
IF endpos <= compos
THEN endpos := compos - 1;
compos := 0
ELSE command := subtext ( inline, compos +1, endpos -1);
analyze command ( command);
tpos := endpos +1;
compos := pos(inline, command char, tpos);
outline CAT subtext (inline, endpos + 1);
ENDPROC print input line;
TEXT VAR comlist:="ub:1.0ue:2.0type:4.1linefeed:5.1limit:6.1free:7.1page:8.01
LET com list 2 =
comlist CAT comlist 2;
PROC analyze command (TEXT CONST command):
(* debug out ("analyze command:"); out (command); out (""10""13""); debug *)
IF pos (command, "-") = 1
THEN LEAVE analyze command
ELIF pos (command, "/") = 1
THEN help := subtext (command, 2);
print line so far;
printer cmd (help);
LEAVE analyze command
INT VAR comindex := -1, number := 0;
par 1 := ""; par 2 := "";
disable stop;
analyze command ( com list, command, 3, comindex, number, par 1, par 2);
IF is error
THEN clear error
ELSE select command
enable stop;
select command :
SELECT comindex OF
CASE 1 : print line so far; on ("u");
CASE 2 : print line so far; off ("u");
CASE 4 : print line so far; set type (par 1)
CASE 5 : set linefeed ( par 1)
CASE 6 : set limit (par 1)
CASE 7 : print line so far; free (par 1)
CASE 8 : print line so far; make page
CASE 9 :
CASE 10 : set pagelength (par 1)
CASE 11 : set start (par 1, par 2)
CASE 12 : (* skip text ("end") *)
CASE 15,16,17 : (* skip text ("end") *)
CASE 19,20,21 : (* skip text ("end") *)
CASE 22 : print line so far; on (par1)
CASE 23 : print line so far; off (par1)
CASE 24 : print line so far; print mode set := block line;
CASE 25 : print line so far; print mode set := left adj;
CASE 26 : print line so far; print mode set := right adj
CASE 27 : print line so far; print mode set := centre adj
CASE 28 : comindex := print mode set MOD 4;
IF comindex = block line
THEN inline CAT "#block#"
ELIF comindex = left adj
THEN inline CAT "#left#"
ELIF comindex = right adj
THEN inline CAT "#right#"
print mode set := centre adj;
(* the following commands must appear before any text *)
CASE 31 : IF first text line THEN material (par1) FI
CASE 32 : IF first text line THEN do papersize (par1, par2) FI
CASE 33 : IF first text line THEN print from page till page (par1, par2) FI
print line so far:
IF outline <> ""
THEN print the line (outline);
outline := "";
linefeed needed := TRUE
ENDPROC analyze command;
PROC do papersize (TEXT CONST s, t):
REAL VAR w, l;
IF ok (par1, w) AND ok (par2, l)
THEN papersize (w, l)
END PROC do papersize;
PROC print from page till page(TEXT VAR s, t):
INT VAR i, j;
IF ok (par1, i) AND ok (par2, j)
THEN from := i;
to := j;
END PROC print from page till page;
PROC set type (TEXT CONST new type):
change type (new type);
y step := lf height of current font;
ENDPROC set type;
PROC make page :
IF y position > 0.0 CAND NOT first text line
THEN y position := y max + 1.0; new line
end of paragraph := TRUE;
inline := ""; (* this stops further processing of the input line *)
ENDPROC make page;
PROC skip text (TEXT CONST endword):
lines to be skipped := TRUE;
skip end text := endword;
inline := ""; (* possible rest of the line is not examined *)
END PROC skip text;
PROC set linefeed ( TEXT CONST lf):
REAL VAR l:= real (lf);
IF last conversion ok THEN y factor := l FI;
ENDPROC set linefeed;
PROC set limit ( TEXT CONST l):
IF ok (l, len)
THEN limit (len)
ENDPROC set limit;
BOOL PROC ok ( TEXT CONST param, INT VAR number):
number := int (param) ;
last conversion ok
BOOL PROC ok ( TEXT CONST param, REAL VAR number):
number := real (param) ;
last conversion ok
PROC set pagelength (TEXT CONST y):
IF ok (y, iy )
THEN y max := iy;
ENDPROC set pagelength;
PROC set start (TEXT CONST x, y):
REAL VAR rx, ry;
IF ok (x, rx) AND ok (y, ry)
THEN start (rx, ry)
ENDPROC set start;
REAL VAR x, y := y factor;
IF ok (p, x)
THEN advance
y factor := y;
end of paragraph := TRUE;
inline := ""; (* this stops further processing of the input line *)
y factor := x / y step;
IF outline <> ""
THEN print the line (outline);
outline := ""
IF first text line
THEN new line FI;
new line;
END PROC free;
PROC print the line ( TEXT CONST in):
(* debug out ("print the line:"); out (in); out (print mode set);
out (""10""13""); debug *)
IF first text line
THEN first text line := FALSE; new line FI;
IF not skipped
THEN IF print mode set = blockline
THEN IF end of paragraph
THEN print text (in, left adj + collumn print possible)
ELSE print text (in, blockline + collumn print possible)
ELSE print text (in, print mode set + collumn print possible)
ENDPROC print the line;
PROC new line:
(* debug out ("new line: lf="); out (text(yfactor)); out (""10""13""); debug *)
IF page is full
THEN pagenr INCR 1;
IF not skipped
THEN printed pages INCR 1;
new page
check printmodes;
y position := 0.0
ELSE IF not skipped
THEN line (y factor)
y position INCR yfactor * y step
ENDPROC new line;
PROC check printmodes:
not skipped := ( pagenr >= from) AND ( pagenr <= to);
ENDPROC check printmodes;
BOOL PROC page is full:
y position + yfactor * y step > y max
ENDPROC page is full;
(********** dummys ************)
BOOL PROC is elan source (FILE VAR source) :
ENDPROC is elan source ;
PROC elan list (FILE VAR source) :
print (source)
ENDPROC elan list ;
ENDPACKET eumel printer;