PACKET free channel DEFINES (* Autor: J.Liedtke *)
(* Stand: 10.06.86 *)
:= ,
free channel ,
open ,
close ,
out ,
in ,
dialogue ,
save ,
fetch :
LET ack = 0 ,
nak = 1 ,
error nak = 2 ,
empty message code = 256 ,
long message code = 257 ,
file send code = 1024 ,
file receive code = 2048 ,
open code = 1000 ,
close code = 1001 ,
file type = 1003 ;
INT CONST task not existing := - 1 ;
TYPE FCHANNEL = STRUCT (TASK server, TEXT input buffer, server name) ;
INT VAR message code , response code ;
TASK VAR partner ;
TEXT VAR response, char, esc char , record ;
FILE VAR file ;
dest.server := source.server ;
dest.input buffer := "" ;
dest.server name := source.server name ;
open (dest)
ENDOP := ;
FCHANNEL PROC free channel (TEXT CONST channel name) :
FCHANNEL:(niltask,"", channel name)
ENDPROC free channel ;
PROC open (FCHANNEL VAR channel) :
INT VAR receipt ;
initialize message dataspace ;
send open code ;
IF receipt <> ack
THEN errorstop ("channel not free")
FI .
initialize message dataspace :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace .
send open code :
ping pong (channel.server, open code, ds, receipt) ;
IF receipt = task not existing
THEN channel.server := task (channel.server name) ;
ping pong (channel.server, open code, ds, receipt)
FI .
ENDPROC open ;
PROC close (FCHANNEL VAR channel) :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
call (channel.server, close code, ds, response code)
ENDPROC close ;
PROC close (TEXT CONST channel server) :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
call (task (channel server), close code, ds, response code)
ENDPROC close ;
PROC out (FCHANNEL VAR channel, TEXT CONST message) :
send message ;
get response .
send message :
IF message = ""
THEN call (channel.server, empty message code, ds, response code)
ELSE msg := ds ;
CONCR (msg) := message ;
call (channel.server, long message code, ds, response code)
FI .
get response :
IF response code < 0
THEN errorstop ("channel not ready")
ELIF response code < 256
THEN channel.input buffer CAT code (response code)
ELIF response code = long message code
THEN msg := ds ;
channel.input buffer CAT CONCR (msg)
FI .
PROC in (FCHANNEL VAR channel, TEXT VAR response) :
out (channel, "") ;
response := channel.input buffer ;
channel.input buffer := ""
PROC save (FCHANNEL VAR channel, TEXT CONST file name, control chars) :
prepare ds ;
call (channel.server, file send code, ds, response code) ;
IF response code = error nak
THEN BOUND TEXT VAR error msg := ds ;
errorstop (error msg)
FI .
prepare ds :
forget (ds) ;
ds := old (file name, file type) ;
FILE VAR f := sequential file (modify, ds) ;
headline (f, control chars) .
ENDPROC save ;
PROC fetch (FCHANNEL VAR channel, TEXT CONST file name, control chars) :
IF NOT exists (file name) COR yes ("""" + file name + """ loeschen")
THEN fetch first part ;
WHILE more to fetch REP
fetch next part
FI .
fetch first part :
INT VAR part := 0 ;
receive file (channel, file name, control chars) .
fetch next part :
part INCR 1 ;
receive file (channel, file name + "." + text (part), control chars) .
more to fetch : response code = file receive code .
ENDPROC fetch ;
PROC receive file (FCHANNEL VAR channel,TEXT CONST file name, control chars):
prepare ds ;
call (channel.server, file receive code, ds, response code);
IF response code = error nak
THEN BOUND TEXT VAR error msg := ds ;
errorstop (error msg)
ELSE forget (file name, quiet) ;
copy (ds, file name) ;
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
FI .
prepare ds :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
BOUND TEXT VAR ctl := ds ;
ctl := control chars .
ENDPROC receive file ;
PROC dialogue (FCHANNEL CONST channel, TEXT CONST esc) :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
partner := channel.server ;
esc char := esc ;
enable stop ;
response code := empty message code ;
get and send message charety ;
out response option
get and send message charety :
IF response code = empty message code
THEN char := incharety (10)
ELSE char := incharety
FI ;
IF char = ""
THEN call (partner, empty message code, ds, response code)
ELIF char = esc char
THEN LEAVE dialogue
ELSE call (partner, code (char), ds, response code)
FI .
out response option :
IF response code < 256
THEN out (code (response code))
ELIF response code = long message code
THEN msg := ds ;
out (CONCR (msg))
FI .
ENDPROC dialogue ;
PROC free channel (INT CONST nr) :
INT CONST my channel := nr ;
break ;
disable stop ;
wait (ds, message code, partner) ;
IF message code = open code
THEN connect to my channel ;
use channel ;
break (quiet)
ELIF message code >= 0
THEN send (partner, nak, ds)
use channel :
ping pong (partner, ack, ds, message code) ;
WHILE message code <> close code AND message code >= 0 REP
IF message code <= long message code THEN dialogue
ELIF message code = file receive code THEN receive file
ELIF message code = file send code THEN send file
ELIF message code = open code THEN ignore open
ELSE errorstop ("falsche Sendung")
UNTIL is error PER ;
IF is error
THEN send error message
ELSE send handshake ack
FI .
dialogue :
IF message code < 256
THEN out (code (message code))
ELIF message code = long message code
THEN msg := ds ;
out (CONCR (msg))
FI ;
response := incharety (1) ;
IF response = ""
THEN ping pong (partner, empty message code, ds, message code)
ELSE short or long response
FI .
short or long response :
char := incharety ;
IF char = ""
THEN short response
ELSE long response
FI .
short response :
ping pong (partner, code (response), ds, message code) .
long response :
msg := ds ;
response CAT char ;
msg := response ;
cat input (msg, char) ;
msg CAT char
UNTIL char = "" OR LENGTH msg > 500 PER ;
ping pong (partner, long message code, ds, message code) .
connect to my channel :
continue (my channel) ;
WHILE is error REP
clear error ;
pause (100) ;
continue (my channel)
send handshake ack :
send (partner, ack, ds) .
send error message :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
BOUND TEXT VAR error msg := ds ;
error msg := error message ;
clear error ;
send (partner, error nak, ds) .
ignore open :
ping pong (partner, ack, ds, message code) .
ENDPROC free channel ;
PROC send file :
enable stop ;
file := sequential file (input,ds) ;
get control chars ;
skip chars ;
getline (file, record) ;
out (record) ;
end of line
UNTIL eof (file) PER ;
end of transmission ;
send ack reply .
get control chars :
control chars := headline (file) ,
end of file char := control chars SUB 1 ,
end of line char := control chars SUB 2 ,
handshake char := control chars SUB 3 .
end of line :
out (end of line char) ;
IF handshake char <> ""
THEN wait for handshake
FI .
wait for handshake :
char := incharety (300) ;
IF char = ""
THEN errorstop ("timeout")
UNTIL char = handshake char PER .
end of transmission :
skip chars ;
out (end of file char) .
skip chars :
WHILE incharety (3) <> "" REP PER .
send ack reply :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
ping pong (partner, ack, ds, message code) .
ENDPROC send file ;
PROC receive file :
enable stop ;
get control chars ;
open file ;
INT VAR line no := 0 ;
receive line ;
IF eof received
THEN ping pong (partner, ack, ds, message code) ;
LEAVE receive file
FI ;
putline (file, record) ;
line no INCR 1
UNTIL near file overflow PER ;
ping pong (partner, file receive code, ds, message code) .
get control chars :
BOUND TEXT VAR control chars := ds ;
end of file char := control chars SUB 1 ,
end of line char := control chars SUB 2 ,
handshake char := control chars SUB 3 ,
handshake prompt := control chars SUB 4 .
open file :
forget (ds) ;
ds := nilspace ;
file := sequential file (output, ds) .
receive line :
record := "" ;
cat input (record, char) ;
IF char = ""
THEN wait for char
FI ;
IF char = handshake prompt THEN out (handshake char)
ELIF char = ""9"" THEN expand tabs
ELIF char = ""12"" THEN page
UNTIL char = end of line char OR char = end of file char PER .
wait for char :
char := incharety (300) ;
IF char = ""
THEN errorstop ("timeout")
ELIF char >= ""32""
THEN record CAT char
FI .
expand tabs:
record CAT (8-(LENGTH record MOD 8)) * " " .
record := "#page# " .
eof received :
char = end of file char OR (record SUB LENGTH record ) = end of file char .
near file overflow :
line no > 3999 OR (line no > 3800 AND record = "#page# ") .
ENDPROC receive file ;
ENDPACKET free channel ;