EUMuLator ========= EUMuLator is a reimplementation of the EUMEL0 machine in PureScript_. Currently it is compatible with the EUMEL0 BIT-A-encoded instruction set as of version 1.8. For an introduction to the EUMEL operating system, see `this page `__. .. Yes, this is my first PureScript project. .. _PureScript: .. _EUMuLator: Project status -------------- Works: - Disassembler Work-in-progress: - EUMEL0 virtual machine implementation Future work: - Browser intergation Usage ----- First `install PureScript`_. Then you’ll need a *Hintergrund* from EUMEL version 1.8. Currently only `the base disk set’s Hintergrund version 1.8.7 `__ is extractable by the script ````, found in the `tools repository`_. Extract the dataspaces and run the disassembler: .. _tools repository: .. _install PureScript: .. code:: bash 03_eumel0.img 03_eumel0.img.linear 03_eumel0.img.linear pulp run -- 0002_0004.ds Note that running the disassembler makes sense only for dataspace four, the default dataspace, which contains each task’s code section.