path: root/Main.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Main.hs')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 8b0229c..8d65915 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -42,25 +42,6 @@ data Feature = Feature {
, fdescription :: Maybe String
} deriving Show
-data JQData = JQData {
- jname :: String
- , jlongname :: Maybe String
- , jdescription :: Maybe String
- , jdoi :: Maybe String
- , jyear :: Maybe String
- , jtitle :: Maybe String
- } deriving Show
-instance ToJSON JQData where
- toJSON d = object [
- "name" .= jname d
- , "longname" .= jlongname d
- , "description" .= jdescription d
- , "doi" .= jdoi d
- , "year" .= jyear d
- , "title" .= jtitle d
- ]
type FeatureList = M.Map String Feature
instance FromJSON Protocol where
@@ -116,32 +97,31 @@ head' (x:_) = Just x
scholarSearch q = "" ++ escapeURIString isReserved q
resolveDoi q = "" ++ q
-maybeLink :: Html () -> Maybe T.Text -> Html ()
-maybeLink text href = maybe text (\x -> a_ [href_ x] text) href
protoentry :: Database -> (String, Protocol) -> Html ()
protoentry db (ident, p) =
- pubs = protoPublications db p
- firstpub = join (head' pubs)
+ pubs = catMaybes $ protoPublications db p
+ firstpub = head' pubs
field key = firstpub >>= (return . E.fields) >>= lookup key
- jdata = JQData {
- jname = pname p
- , jlongname = plongname p
- , jdescription = pdescription p
- , jdoi = field "doi"
- , jyear = field "year"
- , jtitle = field "title"
- }
- tr_ [
- id_ $ T.pack ident
- , data_ "proto" ((decodeUtf8 . BS.toStrict . A.encode) jdata)
+ section_ [
+ id_ $ T.pack ident
+ , class_ "protocol"
+ , data_ "name" (T.pack $ pname p)
+ , data_ "year" (maybe "" T.pack $ field "year")
] $ do
- td_ $ maybeLink (toHtml $ pname p) (field "doi" >>= return . T.pack . resolveDoi)
- td_ $ maybeToHtml $ plongname p
- td_ $ maybeToHtml $ field "year"
- td_ [class_ "features"] $ ul_ $ forM_ (sort $ M.keys $ pfeatures p) (\x -> li_ $ toHtml $ maybe ("" :: String) fname $ M.lookup x (dfeatures db))
+ h3_ $ do
+ toHtml $ pname p
+ " "
+ maybe "" (small_ . toHtml) $ plongname p
+ " "
+ small_ $ a_ [href_ (T.pack $ '#':ident), title_ "permalink", class_ "permalink"] "ΒΆ"
+ dl_ $ do
+ dt_ "Published in"
+ dd_ $ if length pubs == 1 then (p_ $ bibentry $ head pubs)
+ else ol_ $ forM_ pubs (li_ . bibentry)
+ dt_ "Features"
+ dd_ $ ul_ [class_ "features"] $ forM_ (sort $ M.keys $ pfeatures p) (\x -> li_ $ toHtml $ maybe ("" :: String) fname $ M.lookup x (dfeatures db))
extcss url = link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", type_ "text/css", href_ url]
@@ -178,27 +158,24 @@ introduction = section_ $ do
-- | The list of protocols
protocols :: Database -> Html ()
-protocols db = table_ [id_ "algo", class_ "table table-striped"] $ do
- thead_ $ do
- tr_ $ do
- th_ "Name"
- th_ ""
- th_ "Year"
- th_ "Features"
- tbody_ $ forM_ (M.toList $ dalgos db) (protoentry db)
+protocols db = section_ [id_ "protocols"] $ do
+ h2_ "Protocols"
+ div_ [id_ "protosort"] $ do
+ label_ [for_ "sort"] "Sort by"
+ " "
+ select_ [id_ "sort"] $ do
+ option_ [value_ "name"] "Name"
+ option_ [value_ "year"] "Year"
+ forM_ (M.toList $ dalgos db) (protoentry db)
page db attrib = doctypehtml_ $ do
head_ $ do
title_ "comatose"
meta_ [charset_ "utf-8"]
- extjs ""
+ extjs ""
extcss ""
extcss ""
extjs ""
- extcss ""
- extjs ""
- extcss ""
- extjs ""
extcss "style.css"
body_ $ do
div_ [class_ "container"] $ do
@@ -207,16 +184,6 @@ page db attrib = doctypehtml_ $ do
protocols db
references (sortBy (compare `on` lookup "year" . E.fields) attrib)
- div_ [id_ "background"] ""
- div_ [id_ "popup"] $ do
- h2_ ""
- p_ [class_ "longname"] ""
- ul_ [class_ "ref"] $ do
- li_ [class_ "title"] ""
- li_ [class_ "year"] ""
- li_ $ a_ [class_ "doi"] ""
- li_ $ a_ [class_ "scholar"] "Scholar"
- p_ [class_ "description"] ""
extjs "script.js"
render f db attribution = renderToFile f (page db attribution)