{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Db where import System.FilePath ((<.>), splitExtension) import Data.List (nub, sort, sortBy, isPrefixOf) import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Yaml import Text.Parsec.Error import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim import Text.BibTeX.Parse import Text.BibTeX.Entry as E import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Map as M import Util -- |A MAC protocol/algorithm data Protocol = Protocol { -- |Short protocol name, usually its abbreviation pname :: String -- |Long protocol name , plongname :: Maybe String -- |Free-text protocol description , pdescription :: Maybe String -- |List of publication references describing this protocol , pref :: [String] -- |Feature references of this protocol , pfeatures :: M.Map String (Maybe String) -- |List of references to other protocols, usually from the paper’s -- “related work” section , prelated :: [String] -- |Relevance of this protocol, calculated (pun intended) , prank :: Float } deriving Show -- |A MAC protocol feature data Feature = Feature { -- |Referenceable name fname :: String -- |Its description , fdescription :: Maybe String } deriving Show -- |The whole database data Database = Database { -- |Key-value pair for each protocol dalgos :: M.Map String Protocol -- |Global list of available features , dfeatures :: M.Map String Feature -- |Global list of available publications , dpublications :: [T] } deriving Show instance FromJSON Protocol where parseJSON (Object v) = Protocol <$> v .: "name" <*> v .:? "longname" <*> v .:? "description" <*> v .:? "ref" .!= [] <*> v .:? "features" .!= M.empty <*> v .:? "related" .!= [] <*> return 0 parseJSON _ = mzero instance FromJSON Feature where parseJSON (Object v) = Feature <$> v .: "name" <*> v .:? "description" parseJSON _ = mzero instance FromJSON Database where parseJSON (Object v) = Database <$> v .: "algos" <*> v .: "features" <*> pure [] parseJSON _ = mzero -- |Find publication with identifier `ident` findPublication db ident = safeHead $ filter (\x -> ident == E.identifier x) $ dpublications db -- |Get a list of all publications referenced by proto @p@ protoPublications db p = map (findPublication db) (pref p) -- |Find all referenced features’ names referencedFeatures db = nub $ sort $ concat $ map (M.keys . pfeatures) $ M.elems $ dalgos db -- |Get all features at `level`, starting with 0 getFeaturesByLevel db level = M.filterWithKey (\k v -> countDots k == level) $ dfeatures db where countDots = length . filter ((==) '.') -- |Get features by `base` feature getFeaturesByBase db base = M.filterWithKey (\k v -> (base ++ ".") `isPrefixOf` k) $ dfeatures db -- |Get number of algorithms in database algorithmCount db = M.size $ dalgos db split :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]] split delim s = let (a, b:bs) = span (/= delim) s in a:split delim bs -- |Get base of feature getFeatureBase :: String -> String getFeatureBase feature = head $ split '.' feature minMaxPublicationYears db = (firstyear, lastyear) where pubyears = catMaybes $ map (lookup "year" . E.fields) $ dpublications db firstyear = foldr min (head pubyears) (tail pubyears) lastyear = foldr max (head pubyears) (tail pubyears) -- |Read protocol and bib database from file readDb :: String -> IO Database readDb f = do yamlres <- decodeFileEither f --print yamlres let (Right yamldb) = yamlres (basename, _) = splitExtension f bibres <- parseFromFile file (basename <.> "bib") --print bibres let (Right bibdb) = bibres return $ calcRank $ yamldb { dpublications = bibdb } -- |Protocol rank/popularity, uses the pagerank algorithm calcRank db = let initalgos = M.mapWithKey initial $ dalgos db n = fromIntegral $ M.size $ dalgos db d = 0.85 initial ident p = p { prank = 1.0/n } -- Get all incoming references pincoming algos ident = filter (\(_, x) -> ident `elem` prelated x) $ M.toList algos -- Calculate new rank for p modify algos ident p = p { prank = (1-d)/n + d*sum (map inrank (pincoming algos ident)) } -- Incoming rank for p inrank (_, p) = prank p / fromIntegral (length (prelated p)) absdiff :: M.Map String Protocol -> (String, Protocol) -> Float absdiff b (ident, p) = abs (prank (b M.! ident) - prank p) rankdiff :: M.Map String Protocol -> M.Map String Protocol -> Float rankdiff a b = 1/n * M.foldlWithKey (\x ident p -> x + absdiff b (ident, p)) 0 a iterateUntil fiter fcmp a = let b = fiter a in if fcmp a b then iterateUntil fiter fcmp b else b run algos = M.mapWithKey (modify algos) algos stop prevalgos algos = rankdiff prevalgos algos > 0.00001 in db { dalgos = (iterateUntil run stop initalgos) }