path: root/crocoite/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2019-10-13devtools: Remove explicit loop parameterLars-Dominik Braun1-5/+4
aiohttp removed it with release 4.0.0a1: and we weren’t using it anyway.
2019-07-13Cookie injection supportLars-Dominik Braun1-0/+25
Add command-line options injecting individual cookies or cookie file into Chrome. Provide default cookie file. This changes the IRC bot’s command splitting to shlex.split, which allows shell-like argument quoting. Fixes #7.
2019-07-11devtools: Add more crash error handlingLars-Dominik Braun1-6/+23
In case the whole browser crashes (rare) we will neither be able to close the tab on __aexit__, nor send SIGTERM to it. Make sure we still terminate gracefully.
2019-07-04devtools: Prefix temp directoriesLars-Dominik Braun1-1/+1
2019-05-13devtools: Try to delete temp Chrome data dir – hardLars-Dominik Braun1-1/+11
Fixes #17.
2018-12-24Use f-strings where possibleLars-Dominik Braun1-11/+12
Replaces str.format, which is less readable due to its separation of format and arguments.
2018-12-21Parse URLs by defaultLars-Dominik Braun1-1/+3
Use library yarl (already pulled in by aiohttp). No URL processed should be a string.
2018-11-19Coding styleLars-Dominik Braun1-8/+6
Fix a few random issues pointed out by pylint, mainly unused imports.
2018-11-17devtools: Update browser flagsLars-Dominik Braun1-0/+12
Add a few more that seem reasonable.
2018-11-14Async chrome process startupLars-Dominik Braun1-0/+74
Move it to .devtools. Seems more fitting.
2018-11-08devtools: Disable websocket pings to ChromeLars-Dominik Braun1-1/+2
Chrome does not like that.
2018-11-06Add simple asyncio-based DevTool communicationLars-Dominik Braun1-0/+253
Inspired by pychrome/aiochrome, but includes crash handling and async get() instead of callbacks.