crocoite ======== Archive websites using `headless Google Chrome`_ and its DevTools protocol. .. image:: :target: .. _headless Google Chrome: Dependencies ------------ - Python 3 - pychrome_ - warcio_ - html5lib_ - Celery_ .. _pychrome: .. _warcio: .. _html5lib: .. _Celery: Usage ----- One-shot commandline interface and pywb_ playback:: crocoite-grab --output rm -rf collections && wb-manager init test && wb-manager add test wayback & $BROWSER http://localhost:8080 .. _pywb: Behavior scripts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A lot of sites need some form of interaction to dynamically load more content. Twitter for instance continously loads new posts when scrolling to the bottom of the page. crocoite can emulate these user interactions (and more) by combining control code written in Python and injecting JavaScript into the page. The code can be limited to certain URLs or apply to every page loaded. By default all scripts available are enabled, see command line flag ``--behavior``. Caveats ------- - Original HTTP requests/responses are not available. They are rebuilt from parsed data. Character encoding for text documents is changed to UTF-8. - Some sites request assets based on screen resolution, pixel ratio and supported image formats (webp). Replaying those with different parameters won’t work, since assets for those are missing. Example: - Some fetch different scripts based on user agent. Example: - Requests containing randomly generated JavaScript callback function names won’t work. Example: - Range requests (Range: bytes=1-100) are captured as-is, making playback difficult - Content body of HTTP redirects cannot be retrived due to race condition Most of these issues can be worked around by using the DOM snapshot, which is also saved. This causes its own set of issues though: - JavaScript-based navigation does not work. Distributed crawling -------------------- Configure using .. code:: python broker_url = 'pyamqp://' result_backend = 'rpc://' warc_filename = '{domain}-{date}-{id}.warc.gz' temp_dir = '/tmp/' finished_dir = '/tmp/finished' Start a Celery worker:: celery -A crocoite.task worker -Q crocoite.archive,crocoite.controller --loglevel=info Then queue archive job:: crocoite-grab --distributed The worker will create a temporary file named according to ``warc_filename`` in ``/tmp`` while archiving and move it to ``/tmp/finished`` when done. IRC bot ^^^^^^^ Configure sopel_ (``~/.sopel/default.cfg``) to use the plugin located in ``contrib/`` .. code:: ini [core] nick = chromebot host = port = 6667 owner = someone extra = /path/to/crocoite/contrib enable = celerycrocoite channels = #somechannel Then start it by running ``sopel``. The bot must be addressed directly (i.e. ``chromebot: ``). The following commands are currently supported: a Archives and all of its resources (images, css, …). A unique UID (UUID) is assigned to each job. s Get status of job with r Revoke job with . If it started already the job will be killed. .. _sopel: Related projects ---------------- brozzler_ Uses Google Chrome as well, but intercepts traffic using a proxy. Supports distributed crawling and immediate playback. Squidwarc_ Communicates with headless Google Chrome and uses the Network API to retrieve requests like crocoite. Supports recursive crawls and page scrolling, but neither custom JavaScript nor distributed crawling. .. _brozzler: .. _Squidwarc: