# Copyright (c) 2017 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ Module for Sopel IRC bot """ import os, logging from sopel.module import nickname_commands, require_chanmsg, thread, example, require_privilege, VOICE from sopel.tools import Identifier, SopelMemory import celery, celery.exceptions from celery.result import AsyncResult from urllib.parse import urlsplit from threading import Thread from queue import Queue import queue from crocoite import behavior, cli, defaults def prettyTimeDelta (seconds): """ Pretty-print seconds to human readable string 1d 1h 1m 1s """ seconds = int(seconds) days, seconds = divmod(seconds, 86400) hours, seconds = divmod(seconds, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60) s = [(days, 'd'), (hours, 'h'), (minutes, 'm'), (seconds, 's')] s = filter (lambda x: x[0] != 0, s) return ' '.join (map (lambda x: '{}{}'.format (*x), s)) def prettyBytes (b): """ Pretty-print bytes """ prefixes = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB'] while b >= 1024 and len (prefixes) > 1: b /= 1024 prefixes.pop (0) return '{:.1f} {}'.format (b, prefixes[0]) def setup (bot): m = bot.memory['crocoite'] = {} q = m['q'] = Queue () t = m['t'] = Thread (target=celeryWorker, args=(bot, q)) t.start () def shutdown (bot): m = bot.memory['crocoite'] q = m['q'] t = m['t'] q.put_nowait (None) t.join () def isValidUrl (s): url = urlsplit (s) return url.scheme and url.netloc and url.scheme in {'http', 'https'} def checkCompletedJobs (bot, jobs): delete = set () for i, data in jobs.items (): handle = data['handle'] trigger = data['trigger'] args = data['args'] url = args['url'] channel = trigger.sender user = trigger.nick if Identifier (channel) not in bot.channels: continue try: result = handle.get (timeout=0.1) stats = result['stats'] bot.msg (channel, '{}: {} ({}) finished. {} requests, {} failed, {} received.'.format (user, url, handle.id, stats['requests'], stats['failed'], prettyBytes (stats['bytesRcv']))) delete.add (handle.id) except celery.exceptions.TimeoutError: pass except Exception as e: # json serialization does not work well with exceptions. If their class # names are unique we can still distinguish them. ename = type (e).__name__ if ename == 'TaskRevokedError': bot.msg (channel, '{}: {} ({}) was revoked'.format (user, url, handle.id)) else: bot.msg (channel, '{} ({}) failed'.format (user, url, handle.id)) logging.exception ('{} ({}) failed'.format (url, handle.id)) delete.add (handle.id) for d in delete: del jobs[d] def celeryWorker (bot, q): """ Serialize celery operations in a single thread. This is a workaround for https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/4480 """ jobs = {} while True: try: item = q.get (timeout=1) except queue.Empty: checkCompletedJobs (bot, jobs) continue if item is None: break action, trigger, args = item if action == 'ao': handle = cli.archive.delay (**args) j = jobs[handle.id] = {'handle': handle, 'trigger': trigger, 'args': args} # pretty-print a few selected args showargs = { 'idleTimeout': prettyTimeDelta (args['idleTimeout']), 'timeout': prettyTimeDelta (args['timeout']), 'maxBodySize': prettyBytes (args['maxBodySize']), } strargs = ', '.join (map (lambda x: '{}={}'.format (*x), showargs.items ())) bot.msg (trigger.sender, '{}: {} has been queued as {} with {}'.format (trigger.nick, args['url'], handle.id, strargs)) elif action == 'status': if args and args in jobs: j = jobs[args] jtrigger = j['trigger'] handle = j['handle'] bot.msg (trigger.sender, '{}: {}, queued {}, by {}'.format (handle.id, handle.status, jtrigger.time, jtrigger.nick)) else: bot.msg (trigger.sender, "Job not found.") elif action == 'revoke': if args and args in jobs: j = jobs[args] handle = j['handle'] handle.revoke (terminate=True) # response is handled above else: bot.msg (trigger.sender, "Job not found.") q.task_done () @nickname_commands ('ao', 'archiveonly') @require_chanmsg () @require_privilege (VOICE) @example ('ao http://example.com') def archive (bot, trigger): """ Archive a single page (no recursion) to WARC """ url = trigger.group(2) if not url: bot.reply ('Need a URL') return if not isValidUrl (url): bot.reply ('{} is not a valid URL'.format (url)) return blacklistedBehavior = {'domSnapshot', 'screenshot'} args = { 'url': url, 'output': None, 'enabledBehaviorNames': list (behavior.availableNames-blacklistedBehavior), 'browser': None, 'logBuffer': defaults.logBuffer, 'maxBodySize': defaults.maxBodySize, 'idleTimeout': 10, 'timeout': 1*60*60, # 1 hour } q = bot.memory['crocoite']['q'] q.put_nowait (('ao', trigger, args)) @nickname_commands ('s', 'status') @example ('s c251f09e-3c26-481f-96e0-4b5f58bd1170') @require_chanmsg () def status (bot, trigger): """ Retrieve status for a job """ i = trigger.group(2) q = bot.memory['crocoite']['q'] q.put_nowait (('status', trigger, i)) @nickname_commands ('r', 'revoke') @example ('r c251f09e-3c26-481f-96e0-4b5f58bd1170') @require_privilege (VOICE) @require_chanmsg () def revoke (bot, trigger): """ Cancel (revoke) a job """ i = trigger.group(2) q = bot.memory['crocoite']['q'] q.put_nowait (('revoke', trigger, i))