/* configuration */ let socket = "ws://localhost:6789/", urllogMax = 100; function formatSize (bytes) { let prefixes = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB']; while (bytes >= 1024 && prefixes.length > 1) { bytes /= 1024; prefixes.shift (); } return bytes.toFixed (1) + ' ' + prefixes[0]; } class Job { constructor (id, url, user, queued) { this.id = id; this.url = url; this.user = user; this.status = undefined; this.stats = {'pending': 0, 'have': 0, 'running': 0, 'requests': 0, 'finished': 0, 'failed': 0, 'bytesRcv': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'ignored': 0}; this.urllog = []; this.queued = queued; this.started = undefined; this.finished = undefined; this.aborted = undefined; } addUrl (url) { if (this.urllog.push (url) > urllogMax) { this.urllog.shift (); } } } let jobs = {}; /* list of ignored job ids, i.e. those the user deleted from the dashboard */ let ignored = []; let ws = new WebSocket(socket); ws.onmessage = function (event) { var msg = JSON.parse (event.data); let msgdate = new Date (Date.parse (msg.date)); var j = undefined; console.log (msg); if (msg.job) { if (ignored.includes (msg.job)) { console.log ("job ignored", msg.job); return; } j = jobs[msg.job]; if (j === undefined) { j = new Job (msg.job, 'unknown', '<unknown>', new Date ()); Vue.set (jobs, msg.job, j); } } if (msg.uuid == '36cc34a6-061b-4cc5-84a9-4ab6552c8d75') { j = new Job (msg.job, msg.url, msg.user, msgdate); /* jobs[msg.job] = j does not work with vue, see https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/list.html#Object-Change-Detection-Caveats */ Vue.set (jobs, msg.job, j); j.status = 'pending'; } else if (msg.uuid == '46e62d60-f498-4ab0-90e1-d08a073b10fb') { j.status = 'running'; j.started = msgdate; } else if (msg.uuid == '7b40ffbb-faab-4224-90ed-cd4febd8f7ec') { j.status = 'finished'; j.finished = msgdate; } else if (msg.uuid == '865b3b3e-a54a-4a56-a545-f38a37bac295') { j.status = 'aborted'; j.aborted = msgdate; } else if (msg.uuid == '5c0f9a11-dcd8-4182-a60f-54f4d3ab3687') { /* forwarded job message */ let rmsg = msg.data; if (rmsg.uuid == '24d92d16-770e-4088-b769-4020e127a7ff') { /* job status */ Object.assign (j.stats, rmsg); } else if (rmsg.uuid == '5b8498e4-868d-413c-a67e-004516b8452c') { /* recursion status */ Object.assign (j.stats, rmsg); } else if (rmsg.uuid == '1680f384-744c-4b8a-815b-7346e632e8db') { /* fetch */ j.addUrl (rmsg.url); } } }; ws.onopen = function (event) { }; ws.onerror = function (event) { }; Vue.component('job-item', { props: ['job', 'jobs', 'ignored'], template: '<div class="job box" :id="job.id"><ul class="columns"><li class="jid column is-narrow"><a :href="\'#\' + job.id">{{ job.id }}</a></li><li class="url column"><a :href="job.url">{{ job.url }}</a></li><li class="status column is-narrow"><job-status v-bind:job="job"></job-status></li><li class="column is-narrow"><a class="delete" v-on:click="del(job.id)"></a></li></ul><job-stats v-bind:job="job"></job-stats></div>', methods: { del: function (id) { Vue.delete(this.jobs, id); this.ignored.push (id); } } }); Vue.component('job-status', { props: ['job'], template: '<span v-if="job.status == \'pending\'">queued on {{ job.queued.toLocaleString() }}</span><span v-else-if="job.status == \'aborted\'">aborted on {{ job.aborted.toLocaleString() }}</span><span v-else-if="job.status == \'running\'">running since {{ job.started.toLocaleString() }}</span><span v-else-if="job.status == \'finished\'">finished since {{ job.finished.toLocaleString() }}</span>' }); Vue.component('job-stats', { props: ['job'], template: '<div><progress class="progress is-info" :value="job.stats.have" :max="job.stats.have+job.stats.pending+job.stats.running"></progress><ul class="stats columns"><li class="column">{{ job.stats.have }} <small>have</small></li><li class="column">{{ job.stats.running }} <small>running</small></li><li class="column">{{ job.stats.pending }} <small>pending</small></li><li class="column">{{ job.stats.requests }} <small>requests</small><li class="column"><filesize v-bind:value="job.stats.bytesRcv"></filesize></li></ul><job-urls v-bind:job="job"></job-urls></div>' }); Vue.component('job-urls', { props: ['job'], template: '<ul class="urls"><li v-for="u in job.urllog">{{ u }}</li></ul>' }); Vue.component('filesize', { props: ['value'], template: '<span class="filesize">{{ fvalue }}</span>', computed: { fvalue: function () { return formatSize (this.value); } } }); let app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { jobs: jobs, } });