# Copyright (c) 2017 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ Chrome browser interactions. """ import logging from urllib.parse import urlsplit from base64 import b64decode from collections import deque from threading import Event from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler import pychrome class Item: """ Simple wrapper containing Chrome request and response """ __slots__ = ('tab', 'chromeRequest', 'chromeResponse', 'chromeFinished', 'isRedirect', 'failed') def __init__ (self, tab): self.tab = tab self.chromeRequest = {} self.chromeResponse = {} self.chromeFinished = {} self.isRedirect = False self.failed = False def __repr__ (self): return ''.format (self.request['url']) @property def request (self): return self.chromeRequest['request'] @property def response (self): assert not self.failed, "you must not access response if failed is set" return self.chromeResponse['response'] @property def initiator (self): return self.chromeRequest['initiator'] @property def id (self): return self.chromeRequest['requestId'] @property def encodedDataLength (self): return self.chromeFinished['encodedDataLength'] @property def url (self): return self.response['url'] @property def parsedUrl (self): return urlsplit (self.url) @property def body (self): """ Return response body or None """ try: body = self.tab.Network.getResponseBody (requestId=self.id, _timeout=10) rawBody = body['body'] base64Encoded = body['base64Encoded'] if base64Encoded: rawBody = b64decode (rawBody) else: rawBody = rawBody.encode ('utf8') return rawBody, base64Encoded except (pychrome.exceptions.CallMethodException, pychrome.exceptions.TimeoutException): raise ValueError ('Cannot fetch response body') @property def requestBody (self): """ Get request/POST body """ req = self.request postData = req.get ('postData') if postData: return postData.encode ('utf8'), False elif req.get ('hasPostData', False): try: return b64decode (self.tab.Network.getRequestPostData (requestId=self.id, _timeout=10)['postData']), True except (pychrome.exceptions.CallMethodException, pychrome.exceptions.TimeoutException): raise ValueError ('Cannot fetch request body') return None, False @property def requestHeaders (self): # the response object may contain refined headers, which were # *actually* sent over the wire return self._unfoldHeaders (self.response.get ('requestHeaders', self.request['headers'])) @property def responseHeaders (self): return self._unfoldHeaders (self.response['headers']) @property def statusText (self): text = self.response.get ('statusText') if text: return text text = BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses.get (self.response['status']) if text: return text[0] return 'No status text available' @property def resourceType (self): return self.chromeResponse.get ('type', self.chromeRequest.get ('type', None)) @staticmethod def _unfoldHeaders (headers): """ A host may send multiple headers using the same key, which Chrome folds into the same item. Separate those. """ items = [] for k in headers.keys (): for v in headers[k].split ('\n'): items.append ((k, v)) return items def setRequest (self, req): self.chromeRequest = req def setResponse (self, resp): self.chromeResponse = resp def setFinished (self, finished): self.chromeFinished = finished class BrowserCrashed (Exception): pass class SiteLoader: """ Load site in Chrome and monitor network requests Chrome’s raw devtools events are preprocessed here (asynchronously, in a different thread, spawned by pychrome) and put into a deque. There are two reasons for this: First of all, it makes consumer exception handling alot easier (no need to propagate them to the main thread). And secondly, browser crashes must be handled before everything else, as they result in a loss of communication with the browser itself (i.e. we can’t fetch a resource’s body any more). XXX: track popup windows/new tabs and close them """ __slots__ = ('requests', 'browser', 'url', 'logger', 'queue', 'notify', 'tab') allowedSchemes = {'http', 'https'} def __init__ (self, browser, url, logger=logging.getLogger(__name__)): self.requests = {} self.browser = pychrome.Browser (url=browser) self.url = url self.logger = logger self.queue = deque () self.notify = Event () def __enter__ (self): tab = self.tab = self.browser.new_tab() # setup callbacks tab.Network.requestWillBeSent = self._requestWillBeSent tab.Network.responseReceived = self._responseReceived tab.Network.loadingFinished = self._loadingFinished tab.Network.loadingFailed = self._loadingFailed tab.Log.entryAdded = self._entryAdded tab.Page.javascriptDialogOpening = self._javascriptDialogOpening tab.Inspector.targetCrashed = self._targetCrashed # start the tab tab.start() # enable events tab.Log.enable () tab.Network.enable() tab.Page.enable () tab.Inspector.enable () tab.Network.clearBrowserCache () if tab.Network.canClearBrowserCookies ()['result']: tab.Network.clearBrowserCookies () return self def __exit__ (self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.tab.Page.stopLoading () self.tab.stop () self.browser.close_tab(self.tab) return False def __len__ (self): return len (self.requests) def __iter__ (self): return iter (self.queue) def start (self): self.tab.Page.navigate(url=self.url) # use event to signal presence of new items. This way the controller # can wait for them without polling. def _append (self, item): self.queue.append (item) self.notify.set () def _appendleft (self, item): self.queue.appendleft (item) self.notify.set () # internal chrome callbacks def _requestWillBeSent (self, **kwargs): reqId = kwargs['requestId'] req = kwargs['request'] url = urlsplit (req['url']) if url.scheme not in self.allowedSchemes: return item = self.requests.get (reqId) if item: # redirects never “finish” loading, but yield another requestWillBeSent with this key set redirectResp = kwargs.get ('redirectResponse') if redirectResp: # create fake responses resp = {'requestId': reqId, 'response': redirectResp, 'timestamp': kwargs['timestamp']} item.setResponse (resp) resp = {'requestId': reqId, 'encodedDataLength': 0, 'timestamp': kwargs['timestamp']} item.setFinished (resp) item.isRedirect = True self.logger.info ('redirected request {} has url {}'.format (reqId, req['url'])) self._append (item) else: self.logger.warning ('request {} already exists, overwriting.'.format (reqId)) item = Item (self.tab) item.setRequest (kwargs) self.requests[reqId] = item def _responseReceived (self, **kwargs): reqId = kwargs['requestId'] item = self.requests.get (reqId) if item is None: return resp = kwargs['response'] url = urlsplit (resp['url']) if url.scheme in self.allowedSchemes: self.logger.info ('response {} {}'.format (reqId, resp['url'])) item.setResponse (kwargs) else: self.logger.warning ('response: ignoring scheme {}'.format (url.scheme)) def _loadingFinished (self, **kwargs): """ Item was fully loaded. For some items the request body is not available when responseReceived is fired, thus move everything here. """ reqId = kwargs['requestId'] item = self.requests.pop (reqId, None) if item is None: # we never recorded this request (blacklisted scheme, for example) return req = item.request resp = item.response assert req['url'] == resp['url'], 'req and resp urls are not the same {} vs {}'.format (req['url'], resp['url']) url = urlsplit (resp['url']) if url.scheme in self.allowedSchemes: self.logger.info ('finished {} {}'.format (reqId, req['url'])) item.setFinished (kwargs) self._append (item) def _loadingFailed (self, **kwargs): reqId = kwargs['requestId'] self.logger.warning ('failed {} {}'.format (reqId, kwargs['errorText'], kwargs.get ('blockedReason'))) item = self.requests.pop (reqId, None) item.failed = True self._append (item) def _entryAdded (self, **kwargs): """ Log entry added """ entry = kwargs['entry'] level = {'verbose': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'error': logging.ERROR}[entry['level']] self.logger.log (level, 'console: {}: {}'.format (entry['source'], entry['text']), extra={'raw': entry}) def _javascriptDialogOpening (self, **kwargs): t = kwargs.get ('type') if t in {'alert', 'confirm', 'prompt'}: self.logger.info ('javascript opened a dialog: {}, {}, canceling'.format (t, kwargs.get ('message'))) self.tab.Page.handleJavaScriptDialog (accept=False) elif t == 'beforeunload': # we must accept this one, otherwise the page will not unload/close self.logger.info ('javascript opened a dialog: {}, {}, procceeding'.format (t, kwargs.get ('message'))) self.tab.Page.handleJavaScriptDialog (accept=True) else: self.logger.warning ('unknown javascript dialog type {}'.format (t)) def _targetCrashed (self, **kwargs): self.logger.error ('browser crashed') # priority message self._appendleft (BrowserCrashed ()) import subprocess, os, time from tempfile import mkdtemp import shutil class ChromeService: """ Start Google Chrome listening on a random port """ __slots__ = ('binary', 'windowSize', 'p', 'userDataDir') def __init__ (self, binary='google-chrome-stable', windowSize=(1920, 1080)): self.binary = binary self.windowSize = windowSize self.p = None def __enter__ (self): assert self.p is None self.userDataDir = mkdtemp () args = [self.binary, '--window-size={},{}'.format (*self.windowSize), '--user-data-dir={}'.format (self.userDataDir), # use temporory user dir '--no-default-browser-check', '--no-first-run', # don’t show first run screen '--disable-breakpad', # no error reports '--disable-extensions', '--disable-infobars', '--disable-notifications', # no libnotify '--headless', '--disable-gpu', '--hide-scrollbars', # hide scrollbars on screenshots '--mute-audio', # don’t play any audio '--remote-debugging-port=0', # pick a port. XXX: we may want to use --remote-debugging-pipe instead '--homepage=about:blank', 'about:blank'] # start new session, so ^C does not affect subprocess self.p = subprocess.Popen (args, start_new_session=True, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) port = None # chrome writes its current active devtools port to a file. due to the # sleep() this is rather ugly, but should work with all versions of the # browser. for i in range (100): try: with open (os.path.join (self.userDataDir, 'DevToolsActivePort'), 'r') as fd: port = int (fd.readline ().strip ()) break except FileNotFoundError: time.sleep (0.2) if port is None: raise Exception ('Chrome died on us.') return 'http://localhost:{}'.format (port) def __exit__ (self, *exc): self.p.terminate () self.p.wait () shutil.rmtree (self.userDataDir) self.p = None class NullService: __slots__ = ('url') def __init__ (self, url): self.url = url def __enter__ (self): return self.url def __exit__ (self, *exc): pass