# Copyright (c) 2017 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ Chrome browser interactions. """ import asyncio from base64 import b64decode, b64encode from datetime import datetime, timedelta from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from yarl import URL from multidict import CIMultiDict from .logger import Level from .devtools import Browser, TabException # These two classes’ only purpose is so we can later tell whether a body was # base64-encoded or a unicode string class Base64Body (bytes): def __new__ (cls, value): return bytes.__new__ (cls, b64decode (value)) @classmethod def fromBytes (cls, b): """ For testing """ return cls (b64encode (b)) class UnicodeBody (bytes): def __new__ (cls, value): if type (value) is not str: raise TypeError ('expecting unicode string') return bytes.__new__ (cls, value.encode ('utf-8')) class Request: __slots__ = ('headers', 'body', 'initiator', 'hasPostData', 'method', 'timestamp') def __init__ (self, method=None, headers=None, body=None): self.headers = headers self.body = body self.hasPostData = False self.initiator = None # HTTP method self.method = method self.timestamp = None def __repr__ (self): return f'Request({self.method!r}, {self.headers!r}, {self.body!r})' def __eq__ (self, b): if b is None: return False if not isinstance (b, Request): raise TypeError ('Can only compare equality with Request.') # do not compare hasPostData (only required to fetch body) and # timestamp (depends on time) return self.headers == b.headers and \ self.body == b.body and \ self.initiator == b.initiator and \ self.method == b.method class Response: __slots__ = ('status', 'statusText', 'headers', 'body', 'bytesReceived', 'timestamp', 'mimeType') def __init__ (self, status=None, statusText=None, headers=None, body=None, mimeType=None): self.status = status self.statusText = statusText self.headers = headers self.body = body # bytes received over the network (not body size!) self.bytesReceived = 0 self.timestamp = None self.mimeType = mimeType def __repr__ (self): return f'Response({self.status!r}, {self.statusText!r}, {self.headers!r}, {self.body!r}, {self.mimeType!r})' def __eq__ (self, b): if b is None: return False if not isinstance (b, Response): raise TypeError ('Can only compare equality with Response.') # do not compare bytesReceived (depends on network), timestamp # (depends on time) and statusText (does not matter) return self.status == b.status and \ self.statusText == b.statusText and \ self.headers == b.headers and \ self.body == b.body and \ self.mimeType == b.mimeType class ReferenceTimestamp: """ Map relative timestamp to absolute timestamp """ def __init__ (self, relative, absolute): self.relative = timedelta (seconds=relative) self.absolute = datetime.utcfromtimestamp (absolute) def __call__ (self, relative): if not isinstance (relative, timedelta): relative = timedelta (seconds=relative) return self.absolute + (relative-self.relative) class RequestResponsePair: __slots__ = ('request', 'response', 'id', 'url', 'remoteIpAddress', 'protocol', 'resourceType', '_time') def __init__ (self, id=None, url=None, request=None, response=None): self.request = request self.response = response self.id = id self.url = url self.remoteIpAddress = None self.protocol = None self.resourceType = None self._time = None def __repr__ (self): return f'RequestResponsePair({self.id!r}, {self.url!r}, {self.request!r}, {self.response!r})' def __eq__ (self, b): if not isinstance (b, RequestResponsePair): raise TypeError (f'Can only compare with {self.__class__.__name__}') # do not compare id and _time. These depend on external factors and do # not influence the request/response *content* return self.request == b.request and \ self.response == b.response and \ self.url == b.url and \ self.remoteIpAddress == b.remoteIpAddress and \ self.protocol == b.protocol and \ self.resourceType == b.resourceType def fromRequestWillBeSent (self, req): """ Set request data from Chrome Network.requestWillBeSent event """ r = req['request'] self.id = req['requestId'] self.url = URL (r['url']) self.resourceType = req.get ('type') self._time = ReferenceTimestamp (req['timestamp'], req['wallTime']) assert self.request is None, req self.request = Request () self.request.initiator = req['initiator'] self.request.headers = CIMultiDict (self._unfoldHeaders (r['headers'])) self.request.hasPostData = r.get ('hasPostData', False) self.request.method = r['method'] self.request.timestamp = self._time (req['timestamp']) if self.request.hasPostData: postData = r.get ('postData') if postData is not None: self.request.body = UnicodeBody (postData) def fromResponse (self, r, timestamp=None, resourceType=None): """ Set response data from Chrome’s Response object. Request must exist. Updates if response was set before. Sometimes fromResponseReceived is triggered twice by Chrome. No idea why. """ assert self.request is not None, (self.request, r) if not timestamp: timestamp = self.request.timestamp self.remoteIpAddress = r.get ('remoteIPAddress') self.protocol = r.get ('protocol') if resourceType: self.resourceType = resourceType # a response may contain updated request headers (i.e. those actually # sent over the wire) if 'requestHeaders' in r: self.request.headers = CIMultiDict (self._unfoldHeaders (r['requestHeaders'])) self.response = Response () self.response.headers = CIMultiDict (self._unfoldHeaders (r['headers'])) self.response.status = r['status'] self.response.statusText = r['statusText'] self.response.timestamp = timestamp self.response.mimeType = r['mimeType'] def fromResponseReceived (self, resp): """ Set response data from Chrome Network.responseReceived """ return self.fromResponse (resp['response'], self._time (resp['timestamp']), resp['type']) def fromLoadingFinished (self, data): self.response.bytesReceived = data['encodedDataLength'] def fromLoadingFailed (self, data): self.response = None @staticmethod def _unfoldHeaders (headers): """ A host may send multiple headers using the same key, which Chrome folds into the same item. Separate those. """ items = [] for k in headers.keys (): for v in headers[k].split ('\n'): items.append ((k, v)) return items async def prefetchRequestBody (self, tab): if self.request.hasPostData and self.request.body is None: try: postData = await tab.Network.getRequestPostData (requestId=self.id) self.request.body = UnicodeBody (postData['postData']) except TabException: self.request.body = None else: self.request.body = None async def prefetchResponseBody (self, tab): """ Fetch response body """ try: body = await tab.Network.getResponseBody (requestId=self.id) if body['base64Encoded']: self.response.body = Base64Body (body['body']) else: self.response.body = UnicodeBody (body['body']) except TabException: self.response.body = None class VarChangeEvent: """ Notify when variable is changed """ __slots__ = ('_value', 'event') def __init__ (self, value): self._value = value self.event = asyncio.Event() def set (self, value): if value != self._value: self._value = value # unblock waiting threads self.event.set () self.event.clear () def get (self): return self._value async def wait (self): await self.event.wait () return self._value class SiteLoader: """ Load site in Chrome and monitor network requests XXX: track popup windows/new tabs and close them """ __slots__ = ('requests', 'browser', 'logger', 'tab', '_iterRunning', 'idle', '_framesLoading') allowedSchemes = {'http', 'https'} def __init__ (self, browser, logger): self.requests = {} self.browser = Browser (url=browser) self.logger = logger.bind (context=type (self).__name__) self._iterRunning = [] self.idle = VarChangeEvent (True) self._framesLoading = set () async def __aenter__ (self): tab = self.tab = await self.browser.__aenter__ () # enable events await asyncio.gather (*[ tab.Log.enable (), tab.Network.enable(), tab.Page.enable (), tab.Inspector.enable (), tab.Network.clearBrowserCache (), tab.Network.clearBrowserCookies (), ]) return self async def __aexit__ (self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): for task in self._iterRunning: # ignore any results from stuff we did not end up using anyway if not task.done (): task.cancel () self._iterRunning = [] await self.browser.__aexit__ (exc_type, exc_value, traceback) self.tab = None return False def __len__ (self): return len (self.requests) async def __aiter__ (self): """ Retrieve network items """ tab = self.tab assert tab is not None handler = { tab.Network.requestWillBeSent: self._requestWillBeSent, tab.Network.responseReceived: self._responseReceived, tab.Network.loadingFinished: self._loadingFinished, tab.Network.loadingFailed: self._loadingFailed, tab.Log.entryAdded: self._entryAdded, tab.Page.javascriptDialogOpening: self._javascriptDialogOpening, tab.Page.frameStartedLoading: self._frameStartedLoading, tab.Page.frameStoppedLoading: self._frameStoppedLoading, } # The implementation is a little advanced. Why? The goal here is to # process events from the tab as quickly as possible (i.e. # asynchronously). We need to make sure that JavaScript dialogs are # handled immediately for instance. Otherwise they stall every # other request. Also, we don’t want to use an unbounded queue, # since the items yielded can get quite big (response body). Thus # we need to block (yield) for every item completed, but not # handled by the consumer (caller). running = self._iterRunning running.append (asyncio.ensure_future (self.tab.get ())) while True: done, pending = await asyncio.wait (running, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) for t in done: result = t.result () if result is None: pass elif isinstance (result, RequestResponsePair): yield result else: method, data = result f = handler.get (method, None) if f is not None: task = asyncio.ensure_future (f (**data)) pending.add (task) pending.add (asyncio.ensure_future (self.tab.get ())) running = pending self._iterRunning = running async def navigate (self, url): await self.tab.Page.navigate(url=url) # internal chrome callbacks async def _requestWillBeSent (self, **kwargs): reqId = kwargs['requestId'] req = kwargs['request'] url = URL (req['url']) logger = self.logger.bind (reqId=reqId, reqUrl=url) if url.scheme not in self.allowedSchemes: return ret = None item = self.requests.get (reqId) if item: # redirects never “finish” loading, but yield another requestWillBeSent with this key set redirectResp = kwargs.get ('redirectResponse') if redirectResp: if item.url != url: # this happens for unknown reasons. the docs simply state # it can differ in case of a redirect. Fix it and move on. logger.warning ('redirect url differs', uuid='558a7df7-2258-4fe4-b16d-22b6019cc163', expected=item.url) redirectResp['url'] = str (item.url) item.fromResponse (redirectResp) logger.info ('redirect', uuid='85eaec41-e2a9-49c2-9445-6f19690278b8', target=url) # XXX: queue this? no need to wait for it await item.prefetchRequestBody (self.tab) # cannot fetch response body due to race condition (item id reused) ret = item else: logger.warning ('request exists', uuid='2c989142-ba00-4791-bb03-c2a14e91a56b') item = RequestResponsePair () item.fromRequestWillBeSent (kwargs) self.requests[reqId] = item logger.debug ('request', uuid='55c17564-1bd0-4499-8724-fa7aad65478f') return ret async def _responseReceived (self, **kwargs): reqId = kwargs['requestId'] item = self.requests.get (reqId) if item is None: return resp = kwargs['response'] url = URL (resp['url']) logger = self.logger.bind (reqId=reqId, respUrl=url) if item.url != url: logger.error ('url mismatch', uuid='7385f45f-0b06-4cbc-81f9-67bcd72ee7d0', respUrl=url) if url.scheme in self.allowedSchemes: logger.debug ('response', uuid='84461c4e-e8ef-4cbd-8e8e-e10a901c8bd0') item.fromResponseReceived (kwargs) else: logger.warning ('scheme forbidden', uuid='2ea6e5d7-dd3b-4881-b9de-156c1751c666') async def _loadingFinished (self, **kwargs): """ Item was fully loaded. For some items the request body is not available when responseReceived is fired, thus move everything here. """ reqId = kwargs['requestId'] item = self.requests.pop (reqId, None) if item is None: # we never recorded this request (blacklisted scheme, for example) return req = item.request logger = self.logger.bind (reqId=reqId, reqUrl=item.url) if item.url.scheme in self.allowedSchemes: logger.info ('finished', uuid='5a8b4bad-f86a-4fe6-a53e-8da4130d6a02') item.fromLoadingFinished (kwargs) # XXX queue both await asyncio.gather (item.prefetchRequestBody (self.tab), item.prefetchResponseBody (self.tab)) return item async def _loadingFailed (self, **kwargs): reqId = kwargs['requestId'] logger = self.logger.bind (reqId=reqId) logger.warning ('loading failed', uuid='68410f13-6eea-453e-924e-c1af4601748b', errorText=kwargs['errorText'], blockedReason=kwargs.get ('blockedReason')) item = self.requests.pop (reqId, None) if item is not None: item.fromLoadingFailed (kwargs) return item async def _entryAdded (self, **kwargs): """ Log entry added """ entry = kwargs['entry'] level = {'verbose': Level.DEBUG, 'info': Level.INFO, 'warning': Level.WARNING, 'error': Level.ERROR}.get (entry.pop ('level'), Level.INFO) entry['uuid'] = 'e62ffb5a-0521-459c-a3d9-1124551934d2' self.logger (level, 'console', **entry) async def _javascriptDialogOpening (self, **kwargs): t = kwargs.get ('type') if t in {'alert', 'confirm', 'prompt'}: self.logger.info ('js dialog', uuid='d6f07ce2-648e-493b-a1df-f353bed27c84', action='cancel', type=t, message=kwargs.get ('message')) await self.tab.Page.handleJavaScriptDialog (accept=False) elif t == 'beforeunload': # we must accept this one, otherwise the page will not unload/close self.logger.info ('js dialog', uuid='96399b99-9834-4c8f-bd93-cb9fa2225abd', action='proceed', type=t, message=kwargs.get ('message')) await self.tab.Page.handleJavaScriptDialog (accept=True) else: # pragma: no cover self.logger.warning ('js dialog unknown', uuid='3ef7292e-8595-4e89-b834-0cc6bc40ee38', **kwargs) async def _frameStartedLoading (self, **kwargs): self._framesLoading.add (kwargs['frameId']) self.idle.set (False) async def _frameStoppedLoading (self, **kwargs): self._framesLoading.remove (kwargs['frameId']) if not self._framesLoading: self.idle.set (True)