# Copyright (c) 2017–2018 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ Controller classes, handling actions required for archival """ import time import tempfile, asyncio, json, os from itertools import islice from datetime import datetime from operator import attrgetter from . import behavior as cbehavior from .browser import SiteLoader, Item from .util import getFormattedViewportMetrics, getSoftwareInfo from .behavior import ExtractLinksEvent class ControllerSettings: __slots__ = ('idleTimeout', 'timeout') def __init__ (self, idleTimeout=2, timeout=10): self.idleTimeout = idleTimeout self.timeout = timeout def toDict (self): return dict (idleTimeout=self.idleTimeout, timeout=self.timeout) defaultSettings = ControllerSettings () class EventHandler: """ Abstract base class for event handler """ __slots__ = () def push (self, item): raise NotImplementedError () class StatsHandler (EventHandler): __slots__ = ('stats', ) def __init__ (self): self.stats = {'requests': 0, 'finished': 0, 'failed': 0, 'bytesRcv': 0} def push (self, item): if isinstance (item, Item): self.stats['requests'] += 1 if item.failed: self.stats['failed'] += 1 else: self.stats['finished'] += 1 self.stats['bytesRcv'] += item.encodedDataLength class LogHandler (EventHandler): """ Handle items by logging information about them """ __slots__ = ('logger', ) def __init__ (self, logger): self.logger = logger.bind (context=type (self).__name__) def push (self, item): if isinstance (item, ExtractLinksEvent): # limit number of links per message, so json blob won’t get too big it = iter (item.links) limit = 100 while True: limitlinks = list (islice (it, 0, limit)) if not limitlinks: break self.logger.info ('extracted links', context=type (item).__name__, uuid='8ee5e9c9-1130-4c5c-88ff-718508546e0c', links=limitlinks) class ControllerStart: __slots__ = ('payload', ) def __init__ (self, payload): self.payload = payload class SinglePageController: """ Archive a single page url. Dispatches between producer (site loader and behavior scripts) and consumer (stats, warc writer). """ __slots__ = ('url', 'service', 'behavior', 'settings', 'logger', 'handler') def __init__ (self, url, logger, \ service, behavior=cbehavior.available, \ settings=defaultSettings, handler=[]): self.url = url self.service = service self.behavior = behavior self.settings = settings self.logger = logger.bind (context=type (self).__name__, url=url) self.handler = handler def processItem (self, item): for h in self.handler: h.push (item) async def run (self): logger = self.logger async def processQueue (): async for item in l: self.processItem (item) async with self.service as browser, SiteLoader (browser, self.url, logger=logger) as l: handle = asyncio.ensure_future (processQueue ()) start = time.time () # not all behavior scripts are allowed for every URL, filter them enabledBehavior = list (filter (lambda x: self.url in x, map (lambda x: x (l, logger), self.behavior))) version = await l.tab.Browser.getVersion () payload = { 'software': getSoftwareInfo (), 'browser': { 'product': version['product'], 'useragent': version['userAgent'], 'viewport': await getFormattedViewportMetrics (l.tab), }, 'tool': 'crocoite-single', # not the name of the cli utility 'parameters': { 'url': self.url, 'idleTimeout': self.settings.idleTimeout, 'timeout': self.settings.timeout, 'behavior': list (map (attrgetter('name'), enabledBehavior)), }, } self.processItem (ControllerStart (payload)) await l.start () for b in enabledBehavior: async for item in b.onload (): self.processItem (item) # wait until the browser has a) been idle for at least # settings.idleTimeout or b) settings.timeout is exceeded timeoutProc = asyncio.ensure_future (asyncio.sleep (self.settings.timeout)) idleTimeout = None while True: idleProc = asyncio.ensure_future (l.idle.wait ()) try: finished, pending = await asyncio.wait([idleProc, timeoutProc, handle], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=idleTimeout) except asyncio.CancelledError: idleProc.cancel () timeoutProc.cancel () break if not finished: # idle timeout idleProc.cancel () timeoutProc.cancel () break elif handle in finished: # something went wrong while processing the data idleProc.cancel () timeoutProc.cancel () handle.result () assert False # previous line should always raise Exception elif timeoutProc in finished: # global timeout idleProc.cancel () timeoutProc.result () break elif idleProc in finished: # idle state change isIdle = idleProc.result () if isIdle: # browser is idle, start the clock idleTimeout = self.settings.idleTimeout else: idleTimeout = None for b in enabledBehavior: async for item in b.onstop (): self.processItem (item) await l.tab.Page.stopLoading () await asyncio.sleep (1) for b in enabledBehavior: async for item in b.onfinish (): self.processItem (item) # wait until loads from behavior scripts are done await asyncio.sleep (1) if not l.idle.get (): while not await l.idle.wait (): pass if handle.done (): handle.result () else: handle.cancel () class RecursionPolicy: """ Abstract recursion policy """ __slots__ = () def __call__ (self, urls): raise NotImplementedError class DepthLimit (RecursionPolicy): """ Limit recursion by depth. depth==0 means no recursion, depth==1 is the page and outgoing links """ __slots__ = ('maxdepth', ) def __init__ (self, maxdepth=0): if maxdepth < 0 or maxdepth > 1: raise ValueError ('Unsupported') self.maxdepth = maxdepth def __call__ (self, urls): if self.maxdepth <= 0: return {} else: self.maxdepth -= 1 return urls def __repr__ (self): return ''.format (self.maxdepth) class PrefixLimit (RecursionPolicy): """ Limit recursion by prefix i.e. prefix=http://example.com/foo ignored: http://example.com/bar http://offsite.example/foo accepted: http://example.com/foobar http://example.com/foo/bar """ __slots__ = ('prefix', ) def __init__ (self, prefix): self.prefix = prefix def __call__ (self, urls): return set (filter (lambda u: u.startswith (self.prefix), urls)) class RecursiveController: """ Simple recursive controller Visits links acording to policy """ __slots__ = ('url', 'output', 'command', 'logger', 'policy', 'have', 'pending', 'stats', 'prefix', 'tempdir', 'running', 'concurrency') SCHEME_WHITELIST = {'http', 'https'} def __init__ (self, url, output, command, logger, prefix='{host}-{date}-', tempdir=None, policy=DepthLimit (0), concurrency=1): self.url = url self.output = output self.command = command self.prefix = prefix self.logger = logger.bind (context=type(self).__name__, seedurl=url) self.policy = policy self.tempdir = tempdir # tasks currently running self.running = set () # max number of tasks running self.concurrency = concurrency # keep in sync with StatsHandler self.stats = {'requests': 0, 'finished': 0, 'failed': 0, 'bytesRcv': 0, 'crashed': 0, 'ignored': 0} async def fetch (self, url): """ Fetch a single URL using an external command command is usually crocoite-grab """ logger = self.logger.bind (url=url) def formatCommand (e): return e.format (url=url, dest=dest.name) def formatPrefix (p): return p.format (host=url.host, date=datetime.utcnow ().isoformat ()) def logStats (): logger.info ('stats', uuid='24d92d16-770e-4088-b769-4020e127a7ff', **self.stats) if url.scheme not in self.SCHEME_WHITELIST: self.stats['ignored'] += 1 logStats () self.logger.warning ('scheme not whitelisted', url=url, uuid='57e838de-4494-4316-ae98-cd3a2ebf541b') return dest = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile (dir=self.tempdir, prefix=formatPrefix (self.prefix), suffix='.warc.gz', delete=False) destpath = os.path.join (self.output, os.path.basename (dest.name)) command = list (map (formatCommand, self.command)) logger.info ('fetch', uuid='1680f384-744c-4b8a-815b-7346e632e8db', command=command, destfile=destpath) try: process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec (*command, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL, stdin=asyncio.subprocess.DEVNULL, start_new_session=True) while True: data = await process.stdout.readline () if not data: break data = json.loads (data) uuid = data.get ('uuid') if uuid == '8ee5e9c9-1130-4c5c-88ff-718508546e0c': links = set (self.policy (map (lambda x: x.with_fragment(None), data.get ('links', [])))) links.difference_update (self.have) self.pending.update (links) elif uuid == '24d92d16-770e-4088-b769-4020e127a7ff': for k in self.stats.keys (): self.stats[k] += data.get (k, 0) logStats () except asyncio.CancelledError: # graceful cancellation process.send_signal (signal.SIGINT) finally: code = await process.wait() if code == 0: # atomically move once finished os.rename (dest.name, destpath) else: self.stats['crashed'] += 1 logStats () async def run (self): def log (): self.logger.info ('recursing', uuid='5b8498e4-868d-413c-a67e-004516b8452c', pending=len (self.pending), have=len (self.have), running=len (self.running)) try: self.have = set () self.pending = set ([self.url]) while self.pending: # since pending is a set this picks a random item, which is fine u = self.pending.pop () self.have.add (u) t = asyncio.ensure_future (self.fetch (u)) self.running.add (t) log () if len (self.running) >= self.concurrency or not self.pending: done, pending = await asyncio.wait (self.running, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) self.running.difference_update (done) except asyncio.CancelledError: self.logger.info ('cancel', uuid='d58154c8-ec27-40f2-ab9e-e25c1b21cd88', pending=len (self.pending), have=len (self.have), running=len (self.running)) finally: done = await asyncio.gather (*self.running, return_exceptions=True) self.running = set () log ()