# Copyright (c) 2017 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import asyncio, socket from operator import itemgetter from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler from datetime import datetime from yarl import URL from aiohttp import web from multidict import CIMultiDict from hypothesis import given import hypothesis.strategies as st from hypothesis.provisional import domains import pytest from .browser import RequestResponsePair, SiteLoader, VarChangeEvent, Request, \ UnicodeBody, ReferenceTimestamp, Base64Body, UnicodeBody, Request, \ Response, NavigateError from .logger import Logger, Consumer from .devtools import Crashed, Process # if you want to know what’s going on: #import logging #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class AssertConsumer (Consumer): def __call__ (self, **kwargs): assert 'uuid' in kwargs assert 'msg' in kwargs assert 'context' in kwargs return kwargs @pytest.fixture def logger (): return Logger (consumer=[AssertConsumer ()]) @pytest.fixture async def loader (logger): async with Process () as browser, SiteLoader (browser, logger) as l: yield l @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_crash (loader): with pytest.raises (Crashed): await loader.tab.Page.crash () @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_invalidurl (loader): host = 'nonexistent.example' # make sure the url does *not* resolve (some DNS intercepting ISP’s mess # with this) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop () try: resolved = await loop.getaddrinfo (host, None) except socket.gaierror: url = URL.build (scheme='http', host=host) with pytest.raises (NavigateError): await loader.navigate (url) else: pytest.skip (f'host {host} resolved to {resolved}') @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_varchangeevent (): e = VarChangeEvent (True) assert e.get () == True # no change at all w = asyncio.ensure_future (e.wait ()) finished, pending = await asyncio.wait ([w], timeout=0.1) assert not finished and pending # no change e.set (True) finished, pending = await asyncio.wait ([w], timeout=0.1) assert not finished and pending # changed e.set (False) await asyncio.sleep (0.1) # XXX: is there a yield() ? assert w.done () ret = w.result () assert ret == False assert e.get () == ret timestamp = st.one_of ( st.integers(min_value=0, max_value=2**32-1), st.floats (min_value=0, max_value=2**32-1), ) @given(timestamp, timestamp, timestamp) def test_referencetimestamp (relativeA, absoluteA, relativeB): ts = ReferenceTimestamp (relativeA, absoluteA) absoluteA = datetime.utcfromtimestamp (absoluteA) absoluteB = ts (relativeB) assert (absoluteA < absoluteB and relativeA < relativeB) or \ (absoluteA >= absoluteB and relativeA >= relativeB) assert abs ((absoluteB - absoluteA).total_seconds () - (relativeB - relativeA)) < 10e-6 def urls (): """ Build http/https URL """ scheme = st.sampled_from (['http', 'https']) # Path must start with a slash pathSt = st.builds (lambda x: '/' + x, st.text ()) args = st.fixed_dictionaries ({ 'scheme': scheme, 'host': domains (), 'port': st.one_of (st.none (), st.integers (min_value=1, max_value=2**16-1)), 'path': pathSt, 'query_string': st.text (), 'fragment': st.text (), }) return st.builds (lambda x: URL.build (**x), args) def urlsStr (): return st.builds (lambda x: str (x), urls ()) asciiText = st.text (st.characters (min_codepoint=32, max_codepoint=126)) def chromeHeaders (): # token as defined by https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7230#section-3.2.6 token = st.sampled_from('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!#$%&\'*+-.^_`|~') # XXX: the value should be asciiText without leading/trailing spaces return st.dictionaries (token, token) def fixedDicts (fixed, dynamic): return st.builds (lambda x, y: x.update (y), st.fixed_dictionaries (fixed), st.lists (dynamic)) def chromeRequestWillBeSent (reqid, url): methodSt = st.sampled_from (['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']) return st.fixed_dictionaries ({ 'requestId': reqid, 'initiator': st.just ('Test'), 'wallTime': timestamp, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'request': st.fixed_dictionaries ({ 'url': url, 'method': methodSt, 'headers': chromeHeaders (), # XXX: postData, hasPostData }) }) def chromeResponseReceived (reqid, url): mimeTypeSt = st.one_of (st.none (), st.just ('text/html')) remoteIpAddressSt = st.one_of (st.none (), st.just ('')) protocolSt = st.one_of (st.none (), st.just ('h2')) statusCodeSt = st.integers (min_value=100, max_value=999) typeSt = st.sampled_from (['Document', 'Stylesheet', 'Image', 'Media', 'Font', 'Script', 'TextTrack', 'XHR', 'Fetch', 'EventSource', 'WebSocket', 'Manifest', 'SignedExchange', 'Ping', 'CSPViolationReport', 'Other']) return st.fixed_dictionaries ({ 'requestId': reqid, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'type': typeSt, 'response': st.fixed_dictionaries ({ 'url': url, 'requestHeaders': chromeHeaders (), # XXX: make this optional 'headers': chromeHeaders (), 'status': statusCodeSt, 'statusText': asciiText, 'mimeType': mimeTypeSt, 'remoteIPAddress': remoteIpAddressSt, 'protocol': protocolSt, }) }) def chromeReqResp (): # XXX: will this gnerated the same url for all testcases? reqid = st.shared (st.text (), 'reqresp') url = st.shared (urlsStr (), 'reqresp') return st.tuples (chromeRequestWillBeSent (reqid, url), chromeResponseReceived (reqid, url)) def requestResponsePair (): def f (creq, cresp, hasPostData, reqBody, respBody): i = RequestResponsePair () i.fromRequestWillBeSent (creq) i.request.hasPostData = hasPostData if hasPostData: i.request.body = reqBody if cresp is not None: i.fromResponseReceived (cresp) if respBody is not None: i.response.body = respBody return i bodySt = st.one_of ( st.none (), st.builds (UnicodeBody, st.text ()), st.builds (Base64Body.fromBytes, st.binary ()) ) return st.builds (lambda reqresp, hasPostData, reqBody, respBody: f (reqresp[0], reqresp[1], hasPostData, reqBody, respBody), chromeReqResp (), st.booleans (), bodySt, bodySt) @given(chromeReqResp ()) def test_requestResponsePair (creqresp): creq, cresp = creqresp item = RequestResponsePair () assert item.id is None assert item.url is None assert item.request is None assert item.response is None item.fromRequestWillBeSent (creq) assert item.id == creq['requestId'] url = URL (creq['request']['url']) assert item.url == url assert item.request is not None assert item.request.timestamp == datetime.utcfromtimestamp (creq['wallTime']) assert set (item.request.headers.keys ()) == set (creq['request']['headers'].keys ()) assert item.response is None item.fromResponseReceived (cresp) # url will not be overwritten assert item.id == creq['requestId'] == cresp['requestId'] assert item.url == url assert item.request is not None assert set (item.request.headers.keys ()) == set (cresp['response']['requestHeaders'].keys ()) assert item.response is not None assert set (item.response.headers.keys ()) == set (cresp['response']['headers'].keys ()) assert (item.response.timestamp - item.request.timestamp).total_seconds () - \ (cresp['timestamp'] - creq['timestamp']) < 10e-6 @given(chromeReqResp ()) def test_requestResponsePair_eq (creqresp): creq, cresp = creqresp item = RequestResponsePair () item2 = RequestResponsePair () assert item == item assert item == item2 item.fromRequestWillBeSent (creq) assert item != item2 item2.fromRequestWillBeSent (creq) assert item == item assert item == item2 item.fromResponseReceived (cresp) assert item != item2 item2.fromResponseReceived (cresp) assert item == item assert item == item2 # XXX: test for inequality with different parameters ### Google Chrome integration tests ### serverUrl = URL.build (scheme='http', host='localhost', port=8080) items = [ RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/encoding/utf-8'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=200, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]), body=UnicodeBody ('äöü'), mimeType='text/html') ), RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/encoding/latin1'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=200, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=latin1')]), body=UnicodeBody ('äöü'), mimeType='text/html') ), RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/encoding/utf-16'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=200, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-16')]), body=UnicodeBody ('äöü'), mimeType='text/html') ), RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/encoding/ISO-8859-1'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=200, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1')]), body=UnicodeBody ('äöü'), mimeType='text/html') ), RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/status/200'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=200, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'text/plain')]), body=b'', mimeType='text/plain'), ), # redirects never have a response body RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/status/301'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=301, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Location', str (serverUrl.with_path ('/status/301/redirected')))]), body=None, mimeType='text/plain'), ), RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/image/png'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=200, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'image/png')]), body=Base64Body.fromBytes (b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00:~\x9bU\x00\x00\x00\nIDAT\x08\x1dc\xf8\x0f\x00\x01\x01\x01\x006_g\x80\x00\x00\x00\x00IEND\xaeB`\x82'), mimeType='image/png'), ), RequestResponsePair ( url=serverUrl.with_path ('/script/alert'), request=Request (method='GET'), response=Response (status=200, headers=CIMultiDict ([('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8')]), body=UnicodeBody (''''''), mimeType='text/html') ), ] @pytest.mark.asyncio # would be nice if we could use hypothesis here somehow @pytest.mark.parametrize("golden", items) async def test_integration_item (loader, golden): async def f (req): body = golden.response.body contentType = golden.response.headers.get ('content-type', '') if golden.response.headers is not None else '' charsetOff = contentType.find ('charset=') if isinstance (body, UnicodeBody) and charsetOff != -1: encoding = contentType[charsetOff+len ('charset='):] body = golden.response.body.decode ('utf-8').encode (encoding) return web.Response (body=body, status=golden.response.status, headers=golden.response.headers) app = web.Application () app.router.add_route (golden.request.method, golden.url.path, f) runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, serverUrl.host, serverUrl.port) await site.start() try: await loader.navigate (golden.url) it = loader.__aiter__ () item = await it.__anext__ () # we do not know this in advance item.request.initiator = None item.request.headers = None item.remoteIpAddress = None item.protocol = None item.resourceType = None if item.response: assert item.response.statusText is not None item.response.statusText = None del item.response.headers['server'] del item.response.headers['content-length'] del item.response.headers['date'] assert item == golden finally: await runner.cleanup ()