# Copyright (c) 2017–2018 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import asyncio from yarl import URL from aiohttp import web import pytest from .logger import Logger from .controller import ControllerSettings, SinglePageController, SetEntry, \ IdleStateTracker from .browser import PageIdle from .devtools import Process from .test_browser import loader @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_controller_timeout (): """ Make sure the controller terminates, even if the site keeps reloading/fetching stuff """ async def f (req): return web.Response (body="""


""", status=200, content_type='text/html', charset='utf-8') url = URL.build (scheme='http', host='localhost', port=8080) app = web.Application () app.router.add_route ('GET', '/', f) runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, url.host, url.port) await site.start() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop () try: logger = Logger () settings = ControllerSettings (idleTimeout=1, timeout=5) controller = SinglePageController (url=url, logger=logger, service=Process (), behavior=[], settings=settings) # give the controller a little more time to finish, since there are # hard-coded asyncio.sleep calls in there right now. # XXX fix this before = loop.time () await asyncio.wait_for (controller.run (), timeout=settings.timeout*2) after = loop.time () assert after-before >= settings.timeout, (settings.timeout*2, after-before) finally: # give the browser some time to close before interrupting the # connection by destroying the HTTP server await asyncio.sleep (1) await runner.cleanup () @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_controller_idle_timeout (): """ Make sure the controller terminates, even if the site keeps reloading/fetching stuff """ async def f (req): return web.Response (body="""


""", status=200, content_type='text/html', charset='utf-8') url = URL.build (scheme='http', host='localhost', port=8080) app = web.Application () app.router.add_route ('GET', '/', f) runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite(runner, url.host, url.port) await site.start() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop () try: logger = Logger () settings = ControllerSettings (idleTimeout=1, timeout=60) controller = SinglePageController (url=url, logger=logger, service=Process (), behavior=[], settings=settings) before = loop.time () await asyncio.wait_for (controller.run (), settings.timeout*2) after = loop.time () assert settings.idleTimeout <= after-before <= settings.idleTimeout*2+3 finally: await runner.cleanup () def test_set_entry (): a = SetEntry (1, a=2, b=3) assert a == a assert hash (a) == hash (a) b = SetEntry (1, a=2, b=4) assert a == b assert hash (a) == hash (b) c = SetEntry (2, a=2, b=3) assert a != c assert hash (a) != hash (c) @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_idle_state_tracker (): # default is idle loop = asyncio.get_event_loop () idle = IdleStateTracker (loop) assert idle._idle # idle change await idle.push (PageIdle (False)) assert not idle._idle # nothing happens for other objects await idle.push ({}) assert not idle._idle # no state change -> wait does not return with pytest.raises (asyncio.TimeoutError): await asyncio.wait_for (idle.wait (0.1), timeout=1) # wait at least timeout delta = 0.2 timeout = 1 await idle.push (PageIdle (True)) assert idle._idle start = loop.time () await idle.wait (timeout) end = loop.time () assert (timeout-delta) < (end-start) < (timeout+delta) @pytest.fixture async def recordingServer (): """ Simple HTTP server that records raw requests """ url = URL ('http://localhost:8080') reqs = [] async def record (request): reqs.append (request) return web.Response(text='ok', content_type='text/plain') app = web.Application() app.add_routes([web.get(url.path, record)]) runner = web.AppRunner(app) await runner.setup() site = web.TCPSite (runner, url.host, url.port) await site.start() yield url, reqs await runner.cleanup () from .test_devtools import tab, browser from http.cookies import Morsel, SimpleCookie @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_set_cookies (tab, recordingServer): """ Make sure cookies are set properly and only affect the domain they were set for """ logger = Logger () url, reqs = recordingServer cookies = [] c = Morsel () c.set ('foo', 'bar', '') c['domain'] = 'localhost' cookies.append (c) c = Morsel () c.set ('buz', 'beef', '') c['domain'] = 'nonexistent.example' settings = ControllerSettings (idleTimeout=1, timeout=60, cookies=cookies) controller = SinglePageController (url=url, logger=logger, service=Process (), behavior=[], settings=settings) await asyncio.wait_for (controller.run (), settings.timeout*2) assert len (reqs) == 1 req = reqs[0] reqCookies = SimpleCookie (req.headers['cookie']) assert len (reqCookies) == 1 c = next (iter (reqCookies.values ())) assert c.key == cookies[0].key assert c.value == cookies[0].value