# Copyright (c) 2018 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from operator import itemgetter from io import BytesIO import pytest from warcio.archiveiterator import ArchiveIterator from warcio.warcwriter import WARCWriter from warcio.statusandheaders import StatusAndHeaders from pkg_resources import parse_version from .tools import mergeWarc, Errata, FixableErrata from .util import packageUrl @pytest.fixture def writer(): return WARCWriter (NamedTemporaryFile(), gzip=True) def recordsEqual(golden, underTest): for a, b in zip (golden, underTest): # record ids are not predictable, so we cannot compare them. Dito for # dates. Content-* seems to be added when writing to file. for x in {'WARC-Record-Id', 'WARC-Block-Digest', 'WARC-Date', 'Content-Length', 'Content-Type'}: a.rec_headers.remove_header(x) b.rec_headers.remove_header(x) aheader = sorted(a.rec_headers.headers, key=itemgetter(0)) bheader = sorted(b.rec_headers.headers, key=itemgetter(0)) assert aheader == bheader assert a.http_headers == b.http_headers def makeGolden(writer, records): # additional warcinfo is written. Content does not matter. record = writer.create_warc_record (packageUrl ('warcinfo'), 'warcinfo', payload=b'', warc_headers_dict={'Content-Type': 'text/plain; encoding=utf-8'}) records.insert (0, record) return records def test_unmodified(writer): """ Single request/response pair, no revisits """ records = [] httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('GET / HTTP/1.1', {}, is_http_request=True) warcHeaders = {} record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'request', payload=BytesIO(b'foobar'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', {}, protocol='HTTP/1.1') record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'response', payload=BytesIO(b'data'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) for r in records: writer.write_record (r) output = NamedTemporaryFile() mergeWarc ([writer.out.name], output) output.seek(0) recordsEqual (makeGolden (writer, records), ArchiveIterator (output)) def test_different_payload(writer): """ Duplicate URL, but different payload """ records = [] for i in range (2): httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('GET / HTTP/1.1', {}, is_http_request=True) warcHeaders = {} record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'request', payload=BytesIO(b'foobar'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', {}, protocol='HTTP/1.1') record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'response', payload=BytesIO('data{}'.format(i).encode ('utf8')), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) for r in records: writer.write_record (r) output = NamedTemporaryFile() mergeWarc ([writer.out.name], output) output.seek(0) recordsEqual (makeGolden (writer, records), ArchiveIterator (output)) def makeRevisit(writer, ref, dup): """ Make revisit record for reference """ dupHeaders = dup.rec_headers refHeaders = ref.rec_headers record = writer.create_revisit_record (dupHeaders.get_header('WARC-Target-URI'), digest=refHeaders.get_header('WARC-Payload-Digest'), refers_to_uri=refHeaders.get_header('WARC-Target-URI'), refers_to_date=refHeaders.get_header('WARC-Date'), http_headers=dup.http_headers) record.rec_headers.add_header ('WARC-Refers-To', refHeaders.get_header('WARC-Record-ID')) record.rec_headers.add_header ('WARC-Truncated', 'length') return record def test_resp_revisit_same_url(writer): """ Duplicate record for the same URL, creates a revisit """ records = [] for i in range (2): httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('GET / HTTP/1.1', {}, is_http_request=True) warcHeaders = {} record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'request', payload=BytesIO(b'foobar'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', {}, protocol='HTTP/1.1') record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'response', payload=BytesIO(b'data'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) for r in records: writer.write_record (r) dup = records.pop () ref = records[1] records.append (makeRevisit (writer, ref, dup)) output = NamedTemporaryFile() mergeWarc ([writer.out.name], output) output.seek(0) recordsEqual (makeGolden (writer, records), ArchiveIterator (output)) def test_resp_revisit_other_url(writer): """ Duplicate record for different URL, creates a revisit """ records = [] httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('GET / HTTP/1.1', {}, is_http_request=True) warcHeaders = {} record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'request', payload=BytesIO(b'foobar'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', {}, protocol='HTTP/1.1') record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/', 'response', payload=BytesIO(b'data'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('GET / HTTP/1.1', {}, is_http_request=True) warcHeaders = {} record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/one', 'request', payload=BytesIO(b'foobar'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) httpHeaders = StatusAndHeaders('200 OK', {}, protocol='HTTP/1.1') record = writer.create_warc_record ('http://example.com/one', 'response', payload=BytesIO(b'data'), warc_headers_dict=warcHeaders, http_headers=httpHeaders) records.append (record) for r in records: writer.write_record (r) dup = records.pop () ref = records[1] records.append (makeRevisit (writer, ref, dup)) output = NamedTemporaryFile() mergeWarc ([writer.out.name], output) output.seek(0) recordsEqual (makeGolden (writer, records), ArchiveIterator (output)) def test_errata_contains(): """ Test version matching """ e = Errata('some-uuid', 'description', ['a<1.0']) assert {'a': parse_version('0.1')} in e assert {'a': parse_version('1.0')} not in e assert {'b': parse_version('1.0')} not in e e = Errata('some-uuid', 'description', ['a<1.0,>0.1']) assert {'a': parse_version('0.1')} not in e assert {'a': parse_version('0.2')} in e assert {'a': parse_version('1.0')} not in e # a AND b e = Errata('some-uuid', 'description', ['a<1.0', 'b>1.0']) assert {'a': parse_version('0.1')} not in e assert {'b': parse_version('1.1')} not in e assert {'a': parse_version('0.1'), 'b': parse_version('1.1')} in e def test_errata_fixable (): e = Errata('some-uuid', 'description', ['a<1.0', 'b>1.0']) assert not e.fixable e = FixableErrata('some-uuid', 'description', ['a<1.0', 'b>1.0']) assert e.fixable