# Copyright (c) 2018 crocoite contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import json, urllib from operator import itemgetter from warcio.archiveiterator import ArchiveIterator from yarl import URL from multidict import CIMultiDict from hypothesis import given, reproduce_failure import hypothesis.strategies as st import pytest from .warc import WarcHandler from .logger import Logger, WarcHandlerConsumer from .controller import ControllerStart from .behavior import Script, ScreenshotEvent, DomSnapshotEvent from .browser import RequestResponsePair, Base64Body, UnicodeBody from .test_browser import requestResponsePair, urls def test_log (): logger = Logger () with NamedTemporaryFile() as fd: with WarcHandler (fd, logger) as handler: warclogger = WarcHandlerConsumer (handler) logger.connect (warclogger) golden = [] assert handler.log.tell () == 0 golden.append (logger.info (foo=1, bar='baz', encoding='äöü⇔ΓΨ')) assert handler.log.tell () != 0 handler.maxLogSize = 0 golden.append (logger.info (bar=1, baz='baz')) # should flush the log assert handler.log.tell () == 0 fd.seek (0) for it in ArchiveIterator (fd): headers = it.rec_headers assert headers['warc-type'] == 'resource' assert headers['warc-target-uri'].endswith (':log') assert headers['content-type'] == f'text/plain; encoding={handler.logEncoding}' while True: l = it.raw_stream.readline () if not l: break data = json.loads (l.strip ()) assert data == golden.pop (0) def jsonObject (): """ JSON-encodable objects """ return st.dictionaries (st.text (), st.one_of (st.integers (), st.text ())) def viewport (): return st.builds (lambda x, y: f'{x}x{y}', st.integers (), st.integers ()) def event (): return st.one_of ( st.builds (ControllerStart, jsonObject ()), st.builds (Script.fromStr, st.text (), st.one_of(st.none (), st.text ())), st.builds (ScreenshotEvent, urls (), st.integers (), st.binary ()), st.builds (DomSnapshotEvent, urls (), st.builds (lambda x: x.encode ('utf-8'), st.text ()), viewport()), requestResponsePair (), ) @pytest.mark.asyncio @given (st.lists (event ())) async def test_push (golden): def checkWarcinfoId (headers): if lastWarcinfoRecordid is not None: assert headers['WARC-Warcinfo-ID'] == lastWarcinfoRecordid lastWarcinfoRecordid = None # null logger logger = Logger () with open('/tmp/test.warc.gz', 'w+b') as fd: with WarcHandler (fd, logger) as handler: for g in golden: await handler.push (g) fd.seek (0) it = iter (ArchiveIterator (fd)) for g in golden: if isinstance (g, ControllerStart): rec = next (it) headers = rec.rec_headers assert headers['warc-type'] == 'warcinfo' assert headers['warc-target-uri'].endswith (':warcinfo') data = json.load (rec.raw_stream) assert data == g.payload lastWarcinfoRecordid = headers['warc-record-id'] assert lastWarcinfoRecordid elif isinstance (g, Script): rec = next (it) headers = rec.rec_headers assert headers['warc-type'] == 'metadata' checkWarcinfoId (headers) path = g.path or '-' goldenpath = f':script/{urllib.parse.quote (path)}' assert headers['warc-target-uri'].endswith (goldenpath), (g.path, path, goldenpath) data = rec.raw_stream.read ().decode ('utf-8') assert data == g.data elif isinstance (g, ScreenshotEvent): # XXX: check refers-to header rec = next (it) headers = rec.rec_headers assert headers['warc-type'] == 'conversion' checkWarcinfoId (headers) assert URL (headers['warc-target-uri']) == g.url, (headers['warc-target-uri'], g.url) assert headers['warc-refers-to'] is None assert int (headers['X-Crocoite-Screenshot-Y-Offset']) == g.yoff assert rec.raw_stream.read () == g.data elif isinstance (g, DomSnapshotEvent): rec = next (it) headers = rec.rec_headers assert headers['warc-type'] == 'conversion' checkWarcinfoId (headers) assert URL (headers['warc-target-uri']) == g.url assert headers['warc-refers-to'] is None assert headers['X-DOM-Snapshot'] == 'True' assert rec.raw_stream.read () == g.document elif isinstance (g, RequestResponsePair): rec = next (it) # request headers = rec.rec_headers assert headers['warc-type'] == 'request' checkWarcinfoId (headers) assert URL (headers['warc-target-uri']) == g.url assert headers['x-chrome-request-id'] == g.id assert CIMultiDict (rec.http_headers.headers) == g.request.headers if g.request.hasPostData: if g.request.body is not None: assert rec.raw_stream.read () == g.request.body assert str (headers['x-chrome-base64body'] or False) == str (isinstance (g.request.body, Base64Body)), (headers['x-chrome-base64body'], g.request.body) else: # body fetch failed assert headers['warc-truncated'] == 'unspecified' assert not rec.raw_stream.read () else: assert not rec.raw_stream.read () # response if g.response: rec = next (it) headers = rec.rec_headers httpheaders = rec.http_headers assert headers['warc-type'] == 'response' checkWarcinfoId (headers) assert URL (headers['warc-target-uri']) == g.url assert headers['x-chrome-request-id'] == g.id # these are checked separately filteredHeaders = CIMultiDict (httpheaders.headers) for b in {'content-type', 'content-length'}: if b in g.response.headers: g.response.headers.popall (b) if b in filteredHeaders: filteredHeaders.popall (b) assert filteredHeaders == g.response.headers expectedContentType = g.response.mimeType if expectedContentType is not None: assert httpheaders['content-type'].startswith (expectedContentType) if g.response.body is not None: assert rec.raw_stream.read () == g.response.body assert str (headers['x-chrome-base64body'] or False) == str (isinstance (g.response.body, Base64Body)) assert httpheaders['content-length'] == str (len (g.response.body)) # body is never truncated if it exists assert headers['warc-truncated'] is None # unencoded strings are converted to utf8 if isinstance (g.response.body, UnicodeBody) and httpheaders['content-type'] is not None: assert httpheaders['content-type'].endswith ('; charset=utf-8') else: # body fetch failed assert headers['warc-truncated'] == 'unspecified' assert not rec.raw_stream.read () # content-length header should be kept intact else: assert False, f"invalid golden type {type(g)}" # pragma: no cover # no further records with pytest.raises (StopIteration): next (it)