Development ----------- Generally crocoite provides reasonable defaults for Google Chrome via :py:mod:`crocoite.devtools`. When debugging this software it might be necessary to open a non-headless instance of the browser by running .. code:: bash google-chrome-stable --remote-debugging-port=9222 --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs and then passing the option :option:`--browser=http://localhost:9222` to :program:`crocoite-single`. This allows human intervention through the browser’s builtin console. Release guide ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ crocoite uses `semantic versioning`_. To create a new release, bump the version number in ```` according to the linked guide, create distribution packages:: python sdist bdist_wheel Verify them:: twine check dist/* Try to install and use them in a separate sandbox. And finally sign and upload a new version to pypi_:: gpg --detach-sign --armor dist/*.tar.gz twine upload dist/* Then update the documentation using :program:`sphing-doc` and upload it as well. .. _semantic versioning: .. _pypi: