INCLUDE "terminal plot"; INCLUDE "std primitives"; PLOTTER "VC 404",2,7,78,47,21.5,16.0; COLORS "000999"; PROC clear: IF plot THEN INT VAR vc i; FOR vc i FROM 1 UPTO 24 REP display [vc i] := empty line PER; page ELSE errorstop ("PROC clear : clear without plotmodus") FI END PROC clear; PROC prepare: break(quiet); REP disable stop; continue (channel(plotter)); clear error; enable stop; IF NOT online THEN pause (300) FI UNTIL online PER END PROC prepare; PROC initplot: plot := TRUE; cursor (x pos + 1, 24 - (y pos) DIV 2) END PROC initplot; PROC endplot: pause; plot := FALSE END PROC endplot; PROC home: move to (0,0) END PROC home; PROC moveto (INT CONST x,y): x pos := x ; y pos := y END PROC moveto; PROC drawto (INT CONST x,y): new x pos := x; new y pos := y; plot vector (new x pos - x pos, new y pos - y pos) ; END PROC drawto; PROC setpixel (INT CONST x,y): move to (x,y); point END PROC setpixel; PROC foreground (INT VAR type): type := 1 END PROC foreground; PROC background (INT VAR type): type := 0 END PROC background; PROC setpalette: END PROC setpalette; PROC circle (INT CONST x,y,rad,from,to): std circle (x,y,rad,from,to) END PROC circle; PROC box (INT CONST x1,y1,x2,y2,pattern): std box (x1,y1,x2,y2,pattern) END PROC box; PROC fill (INT CONST x,y,pattern): END PROC fill;