(*************************************************************************) (** **) (* EUMEL - Debugger: (C) Michael Staubermann, Oktober/November '86 *) (* Ab EUMEL *) (* Stand: 01.12.86, 1.8.2: 26.07.88 *) (* Noch keine BOUND-Variablen-Zugriffe implementiert *) (** **) (*************************************************************************) PACKET address DEFINES ADD, (* 1.7.5 861006 *) SUB, (* 1.8.0 861022 *) MUL, (* M. Staubermann*) INC, DEC, ulseq, split word , make word , hex16, hex8 , integer , cdbint , cdbtext , get word , put word : (*********************** Hex-Konvertierung ********************************) LET hex digits = "0123456789ABCDEF" ; PROC paket initialisierung : (* Paketinitialisierung, wird nur einmal durchlaufen *) INT CONST ulseq addr :: getword (0, 512 + mod nr (BOOL PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) ulseq)) ADD 2 ; IF getword (3, ulseq addr) = integer ("B009") (* bei checkoff LSEQ *) THEN putword (3, ulseq addr, integer ("D409")) (* ULSEQ *) ELIF getword (3, ulseq addr ADD 1) = integer ("B009") (* bei checkon *) THEN putword (3, ulseq addr ADD 1, integer ("D409")) FI ENDPROC paket initialisierung ; INT PROC integer (TEXT CONST hex) : INT VAR summe := 0, i ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO min (4, LENGTH hex) REP rotate (summe, 4) ; summe INCR digit PER ; summe . digit : TEXT CONST char := hex SUB i ; IF char >= "a" THEN code (char) - 87 ELIF char >= "A" THEN code (char) - 55 ELSE code (char) - 48 FI ENDPROC integer ; TEXT PROC hex8 (INT CONST wert) : (hex digits SUB ((wert DIV 16) +1)) + (hex digits SUB ((wert AND 15) +1)) ENDPROC hex8 ; TEXT PROC hex16 (INT CONST wert) : TEXT VAR result := "" ; INT VAR i, w := wert ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO 4 REP rotate (w, 4) ; result CAT (hex digits SUB ((w AND 15)+1)) PER ; result ENDPROC hex16 ; (***************************** Adressarithmetik ***************************) PROC arith 15 : EXTERNAL 91 ENDPROC arith 15 ; PROC arith 16 : EXTERNAL 92 ENDPROC arith 16 ; OP INC (INT VAR a) : arith 16 ; a INCR 1 ENDOP INC ; OP DEC (INT VAR a) : arith 16 ; a DECR 1 ENDOP DEC ; INT OP ADD (INT CONST left, right) : arith 16 ; left + right ENDOP ADD ; INT OP SUB (INT CONST left, right) : arith16 ; left - right ENDOP SUB ; INT OP MUL (INT CONST left, right) : arith 16 ; left * right (* Multiplikation MOD 65536 im Gegensatz zu IMULT *) ENDOP MUL ; BOOL PROC ulseq (INT CONST left, right) : left <= right (* Muá leider(!!) auf ULSEQ Code gepatcht werden *) ENDPROC ulseq ; (*************************** Wortoperationen ******************************) PROC split word (INT VAR word and high byte, low byte) : EXTERNAL 15 ENDPROC split word ; PROC make word (INT VAR highbyte and resultword, INT CONST low byte) : EXTERNAL 16 ENDPROC make word ; (************************** DS4-Access ***********************************) INT PROC cdbint (INT CONST adr) : EXTERNAL 116 ENDPROC cdbint ; TEXT PROC cdbtext (INT CONST adr) : EXTERNAL 117 ENDPROC cdbtext ; PROC putword (INT CONST segment, adr, value) : EXTERNAL 119 ENDPROC put word ; INT PROC getword (INT CONST segment, adr) : EXTERNAL 120 ENDPROC getword ; INT PROC mod nr (BOOL PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) proc) : EXTERNAL 35 ENDPROC mod nr ; paket initialisierung ENDPACKET address ; (**************************************************************************) PACKET table routines DEFINES (* Fr eumel decoder 861017 *) (* 1.8.0 by M.Staubermann *) code segment , code address , packet name , module name and specifications , get module number , storage , hash , init module table, add modules , dump tables : LET end of hash table = 1023 , begin of permanent table = 22784 , begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 , end of permanent table = 32767 , permanent param const = 10000 , permanent param var = 20000 , permanent proc op = 30000 , permanent type = 30000 , permanent row = 10 , permanent struct = 11 , permanent param proc = 12 , permanent struct end = 0 , ptt limit = 10000 , void = 0 , const = 1 , var = 2 , sysgenoff module number = 1280 , start of module number link table = 512 , highest module number 1 = 2048 , max packets = 128 , max types = 64 ; LET MODULETABLE = ROW highest module number 1 STRUCT (TEXT name, specifications, INT packet link) , PACKETTABLE = ROW max packets STRUCT (TEXT name, INT permanent address), TYPETABLE = STRUCT (THESAURUS names, ROW max types INT storage), TABLETYPE = BOUND STRUCT (MODULETABLE module, PACKETTABLE packet, TYPETABLE types, INT number of packets, end of permanent table) ; TABLETYPE VAR table ; TEXT VAR type and mode, result ; BOOL VAR end of params ; INT VAR mode, paramlink, index ; (************************* Module- und Packettablezugriff **************) PROC init module table (TEXT CONST table name) : forget (table name, quiet) ; table := new (table name) ; table.number of packets := 0 ; table.end of permanent table := begin of permanent table ; table.types.names := empty thesaurus ; insert (table.types.names, "INT", index) ; table.types.storage (index) := 1 ; insert (table.types.names, "REAL", index) ; table.types.storage (index) := 4 ; insert (table.types.names, "BOOL", index) ; table.types.storage (index) := 1 ; insert (table.types.names, "TEXT", index) ; table.types.storage (index) := 8 ; insert (table.types.names, "DATASPACE", index) ; table.types.storage (index) := 1 ; scan permanent table (table.end of permanent table) ; scan hash table (begin of permanent table) ; ENDPROC init module table ; PROC add modules : INT CONST old end of permanent table := table.end of permanent table ; IF cdbint (table.end of permanent table) <> -3 THEN scan permanent table (table.end of permanent table) ; scan hash table (old end of permanent table) FI ENDPROC add modules ; PROC scan hash table (INT CONST minimum permanent address) : INT VAR hash table pointer ; FOR hash table pointer FROM 0 UPTO end of hash table REP IF cdbint (hash table pointer) <> 0 THEN cout (hash table pointer) ; list all name table objects with this hash code (hash table pointer, minimum permanent address) FI PER ENDPROC scan hash table ; PROC list all name table objects with this hash code (INT CONST link, minimum permanent address) : TEXT VAR object name ; INT VAR name table pointer := first link word, module nr, permanent pointer ; WHILE NOT end of name table chain REPEAT permanent pointer := cdb int (nametable pointer + 1) ; WHILE permanent pointer >= minimum permanent address REP object name := cdbtext (name table pointer + 2) ; IF permanent type definition THEN insert (table.types.names, object name, index) ; table.types.storage (index) := cdb int (permanent pointer + 2) ELSE get specifications (permanent pointer) ; module nr := cdb int (param link + 1) + 1; table.module (module nr).name := object name ; table.module (module nr).specifications := result; table.module (module nr).packet link := packetlink(permanentpointer) FI ; permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer) PER ; name table pointer := cdb int (name table pointer) END REPEAT . first link word : cdb int (link) . end of name table chain : name table pointer = 0 . permanent type definition : (object name SUB 1) <= "Z" AND (object name SUB 1) >= "A" AND cdbint (permanent pointer + 1) = permanent type END PROC list all name table objects with this hash code ; INT PROC packet link (INT CONST permanent address) : INT VAR packet pointer ; FOR packet pointer FROM 1 UPTO table.number of packets REP IF table.packet (packet pointer).permanent address > permanent address THEN LEAVE packet link WITH packet pointer -1 FI PER ; table.number of packets ENDPROC packet link ; PROC scan permanent table (INT VAR permanent pointer) : FOR permanent pointer FROM permanent pointer UPTO end of permanent table WHILE cdbint (permanent pointer) <> -3 REP IF cdbint (permanent pointer) = -2 THEN cout (permanent pointer) ; table.number of packets INCR 1 ; table.packet (table.number of packets).name := cdbtext (cdbint (permanent pointer +1) +2) ; table.packet (table.number of packets).permanent address := permanent pointer FI PER ENDPROC scan permanent table ; PROC dump tables (TEXT CONST file name) : INT VAR i ; forget (filename, quiet) ; FILE VAR f := sequentialfile (output, filename) ; maxline length (f, 1000) ; putline (f, "PACKETTABLE:") ; put (f, "End of Permanenttable:") ; put (f, hex16 (table.end of permanent table)) ; line (f) ; putline (f, "Nr. Packetname") ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO table.number of packets REP cout (i) ; put (f, text (i, 3)) ; put (f, hex16 (table.packet (i).permanent address)) ; putline (f, table.packet (i).name) PER ; line (f, 2) ; putline (f, "TYPETABLE:") ; putline (f, " Size Name") ; index := 0 ; get (table.types.names, type and mode, index) ; WHILE index > 0 REP put (f, text (table.types.storage (index), 5)) ; putline (f, type and mode) ; get (table.types.names, type and mode, index) PER ; line (f, 2) ; putline (f, "MODULETABLE:") ; putline (f, "Modnr.PNr.Name and Parameters") ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO highest module number 1 REP IF table.module (i).packet link <> -1 THEN cout (i) ; put (f, text (i-1, 5)) ; put (f, text (table.module (i).packet link, 3)) ; put (f, table.module (i).name) ; putline (f, table.module (i).specifications) ; FI PER ENDPROC dump tables ; INT PROC storage (TEXT CONST typename) : index := link (table.types.names, typename) ; IF index = 0 THEN 0 ELSE table.types.storage (index) FI ENDPROC storage ; TEXT PROC module name and specifications (INT CONST module number) : IF LENGTH table.module (module number + 1).name > 0 THEN table.module (module number + 1).name + " " + table.module (module number + 1).specifications ELSE "" FI ENDPROC module name and specifications ; TEXT PROC packet name (INT CONST module number) : IF table.module (module number + 1).packet link > 0 THEN table.packet (table.module (module number + 1).packet link).name ELSE FOR index FROM module number DOWNTO 1 REP IF table.module (index).packet link > 0 THEN LEAVE packet name WITH table.packet (table.module (index).packet link).name FI PER ; "" FI ENDPROC packet name ; (************************ Modulnummern ***********************************) INT PROC code segment (INT CONST module number) : IF module number < sysgen off module number THEN 2 ELSE 3 FI ENDPROC code segment ; INT PROC code address (INT CONST module number) : get word (0, start of module number link table + module number) ENDPROC code address ; PROC get module number (INT VAR module number) : TEXT VAR object ; INT VAR anz objects, name table pointer, permanent pointer ; put ("Name oder Modulnummer der PROC/OP:") ; getline (object) ; changeall (object, " ", "") ; IF object = "" THEN LEAVE get module number FI ; disablestop ; module number := int (object) ; IF NOT iserror AND last conversion ok AND module number >= -1 AND module number < 2048 THEN LEAVE get module number FI ; clear error ; enablestop ; anz objects := 0 ; FILE VAR f := notefile ; maxlinelength (f, 1000) ; note ("Modulnummer des gewnschten Objekts merken und ESC q tippen.") ; noteline ; noteline ; module number := -1 ; scan permanent table chain with object name ; IF anz objects > 1 THEN note edit ; put ("Modulnummer der PROC/OP:") ; get (module number) ELSE type (""27"q") ; note edit FI . scan permanent table chain with object name : name table pointer := first link word ; WHILE NOT end of name table chain REP IF cdb text (name table pointer + 2) = object THEN permanent pointer := cdb int (nametable pointer + 1) ; IF NOT permanent type definition THEN run through permanent chain FI ; FI ; name table pointer := cdb int (name table pointer) PER . run through permanent chain : WHILE permanent pointer <> 0 REP anz objects INCR 1 ; cout (anz objects) ; get specifications (permanent pointer) ; IF anz objects = 1 THEN module number := module nr FI ; note (text (module nr, 4)) ; note (" ") ; note (object) ; note (" ") ; note (result) ; noteline ; permanent pointer := cdbint (permanent pointer) PER . module nr : cdb int (param link + 1) . first link word : cdb int (hash (object)) . end of name table chain : name table pointer = 0 . permanent type definition : (object SUB 1) <= "Z" AND (object SUB 1) >= "A" AND cdbint (permanent pointer + 1) = permanent type ENDPROC get module number ; (************************* Permanenttabellenzugriffe **********************) INT PROC hash (TEXT CONST obj name) : INT VAR i, hash code ; hash code := 0 ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH obj name REP addmult cyclic PER ; hash code . addmult cyclic : hash code INCR hash code ; IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ; hash code := (hash code + code (obj name SUB i)) AND end of hash table . wrap around : hash code DECR end of hash table ENDPROC hash ; PROC next pt param : mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ; param link INCR 1 ; IF mode = permanent row THEN skip over permanent row ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN skip over permanent struct FI ; set end marker if end of list . skip over permanent row : param link INCR 1 ; (* Skip row size *) next pt param . skip over permanent struct : mode := cdbint (param link) ; WHILE mode <> permanent struct end REP next pt param ; mode := cdbint (param link) PER ; param link INCR 1 (* skip permanent struct end *) ENDPROC next pt param ; PROC set end marker if end of list : mode := cdb int (param link) ; end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0 ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ; PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) : mode := cdb int (param link) ; IF mode = permanent param proc THEN type of param proc ELSE type of object FI . type of param proc : param link INCR 1 ; get type and mode (type) ; mode := permanent param proc . type of object : IF mode < 0 THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ; mode := 0 ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ; mode DECR type ; translate type if necessary ; translate mode if necessary FI . translate type if necessary : IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI . translate type : type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit . translate mode if necessary : IF mode = permanent param const THEN mode := const ELIF mode = permanent param var THEN mode := var FI . permanent row or struct : type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct ENDPROC get type and mode ; PROC get specifications (INT CONST permanent pointer) : result := "" ; to first param ; IF NOT end of params THEN put param list FI ; get result . to first param : param link := permanent pointer + 1 ; set end marker if end of list . get result : INT VAR type; get type and mode (type) ; IF type <> void THEN type and mode := " --> " ; name of type (type) ; result CAT type and mode FI ENDPROC get specifications ; PROC put param list : result CAT "(" ; REP INT VAR type; get type and mode (type) ; put type and mode ; maybe param proc ; next pt param ; IF end of params THEN result CAT ")" ; LEAVE put param list FI ; result CAT ", " ; PER . put type and mode : INT CONST mode1 :: mode ; type and mode := "" ; name of type (type) ; type and mode CAT name of mode ; result CAT type and mode . name of mode : IF mode1 = const THEN " CONST" ELIF mode1 = var THEN " VAR" ELIF type = void THEN "PROC" ELSE " PROC" FI . maybe param proc : IF mode = permanent param proc THEN put virtual params FI . put virtual params : skip over result type if complex type ; IF NOT end of virtual params THEN result CAT " " ; put param list FI . skip over result type if complex type : next pt param . end of virtual params : end of params ENDPROC put param list ; PROC name of type (INT CONST type) : LET int = 1 , real = 2 , string = 3 , bool = 5 , bool result = 6 , dataspace = 7 ; SELECT type OF CASE void : CASE int : type and mode CAT "INT" CASE real : type and mode CAT "REAL" CASE string : type and mode CAT "TEXT" CASE bool, bool result : type and mode CAT "BOOL" CASE dataspace : type and mode CAT "DATASPACE" OTHERWISE complex type ENDSELECT . complex type : IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row ELSE get complex type FI . perhaps permanent struct or row : index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ; mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ; IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct ELSE type and mode CAT "-" FI . get complex type : index := type + begin of permanent table ; IF is complex type THEN get name ELSE type and mode CAT "" FI . is complex type : permanent type definition mode = permanent type . get name : type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + 2) . link to type name : cdb int (index + 3) . permanent type definition mode : cdb int (index + 1) . get permanent row : INT VAR t; type and mode CAT "ROW " ; type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + 1)) ; type and mode CAT " " ; param link := index + 2 ; get type and mode (t) ; name of type (t) . get permanent struct : type and mode CAT "STRUCT (" ; param link := index + 1 ; WHILE within permanent struct REP get type and mode (t) ; name of type (t) ; next pt param ; IF within permanent struct THEN type and mode CAT ", " FI PER ; type and mode CAT ")" . within permanent struct : cdbint (param link) <> permanent struct end . ENDPROC name of type ; ENDPACKET table routines ; (*************************************************************************) PACKET eumel decoder DEFINES (* M. Staubermann, M„rz/April 86 *) (* 1.8.0 861201 *) (* 1.8.2 880726 *) lbase , pbase , set parameters , get parameters , default no runtime , bool result , line number , list file name , last actual parameter , with code words , with object address , next word , next module header , data representation , object representation , decode module , decode : LET packet data segment = 0 , local data segment = 1 , standard dataspace = 0 , (* ds = 4 *) first elan address = 13 584 , (* codeaddress (273) *) begin of stringtable = 1 024 , begin of nametable = 4 096 , end of nametable = 22 783 ; LET try type = 0 , {?} int addr = 10 , {I} real addr = 19 , {R} text addr = 20 , {S} dataspace addr = 5 , {D} task addr = 21 , {T} ref addr = 1 , {@} mod addr = 2 , {A} bool addr = 3 , {B} int value = 23 , {V} hexbyte value = 9 , {H} module nr value = 14 ; {M} LET OPN = STRUCT (TEXT mnemonic, params, BOOL bool result) , PRIMOP = ROW 31 OPN , SPECIALOP = ROW 6 OPN , ESCOP = ROW 130 OPN , rtnt opcode = 32513 , rtnf opcode = 32514 ; LET hex 3fff = 16 383 , hex 03ff = 1 023 , hex 0400 = 1 024 , hex 7c = 124 , hex 7f = 127 , hex f0 = 240 , hex fd = 253 , hex ff = 255 ; INT CONST hex 83ff :: -31745 , hex ff00 :: -256 , hex fff8 :: -8 , minus one :: -1 ; FILE VAR list file ; TEXT VAR file name := "" , text val := "" ; INT VAR file number := 0 , data base , ln := minus one , lbas := minus one , cmod := minus one ; BOOL VAR was bool result , echo , with statement line := TRUE , with object and address := TRUE ; INT PROC line number : ln ENDPROC line number ; TEXT PROC last actual parameter : text val ENDPROC last actual parameter ; PROC pbase (INT CONST i) : data base := i ; makeword (data base, 0) ENDPROC pbase ; INT PROC pbase : INT VAR lowbyte, highbyte := data base ; split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ; highbyte ENDPROC pbase ; PROC lbase (INT CONST i) : lbas := i ENDPROC lbase ; BOOL PROC bool result : was bool result ENDPROC bool result ; BOOL PROC with object address : with object and address ENDPROC with object address ; PROC with object address (BOOL CONST b) : with object and address := b ENDPROC with object address ; PROC with codewords (BOOL CONST b) : with statement line := b ENDPROC with codewords ; BOOL PROC with codewords : with statement line ENDPROC with codewords ; PROC bool result (BOOL CONST b) : was bool result := b ENDPROC bool result ; PROC list file name (TEXT CONST name) : file name := name ENDPROC list file name ; PROC set parameters (INT CONST lbase, pbas, line number, codmod) : lbas := lbase ; pbase (pbas) ; ln := line number ; cmod := codmod ENDPROC set parameters ; PROC get parameters (INT VAR lbase, pbas, line number, codmod) : lbase := lbas ; pbas := pbase ; line number := ln ; codmod := cmod ENDPROC get parameters ; PROC default no runtime : lbas := minus one ; ln := minus one ; database := minus one ; cmod := minus one ENDPROC default no runtime ; PRIMOP CONST primop := PRIMOP :( OPN :("LN ", "V", FALSE), (* 1 *) OPN :("LN1 ", "V", FALSE), OPN :("MOV ", "II", FALSE), OPN :("INC1 ", "I", FALSE), OPN :("DEC1 ", "I", FALSE), OPN :("INC ", "II", FALSE), OPN :("DEC ", "II", FALSE), OPN :("ADD ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("SUB ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("CLEAR", "I", FALSE), (* 10 *) OPN :("TEST ", "I", TRUE), OPN :("EQU ", "II", TRUE), OPN :("LSEQ ", "II", TRUE), OPN :("FMOV ", "RR", FALSE), OPN :("FADD ", "RRR", FALSE), OPN :("FSUB ", "RRR", FALSE), OPN :("FMUL ", "RRR", FALSE), OPN :("FDIV ", "RRR", FALSE), OPN :("FLSEQ", "RR", TRUE), OPN :("TMOV ", "SS", FALSE), OPN :("TEQU ", "SS", TRUE), OPN :("ULSEQ", "II", TRUE), OPN :("DSACC", "D?", FALSE), OPN :("REF ", "?@", FALSE), OPN :("SUBS ", "VVI?@", FALSE), (* 25 *) OPN :("SEL ", "?V@", FALSE), (* 26 *) OPN :("PPV ", "?", FALSE), OPN :("PP ", "?", FALSE), OPN :("B ", "V", FALSE), OPN :("B1 ", "V", FALSE), OPN :("CALL ", "M", FALSE)) ; SPECIALOP CONST special op := SPECIALOP :( OPN :("EQUIM ", "HI", TRUE), OPN :("MOVi ", "HI", FALSE), OPN :("MOVx ", "HII", FALSE), OPN :("PUTW ", "HII", FALSE), OPN :("GETW ", "HII", FALSE), OPN :("PENTER ", "H", FALSE)) ; (* 7F = ESC, FF = LONGA *) ESCOP CONST esc op := ESCOP :( OPN :("RTN ", "", FALSE), (* 0 *) OPN :("RTNT ", "", FALSE), OPN :("RTNF ", "", FALSE), OPN :("???????", "", FALSE), (* was repair text 1.7.1 *) OPN :("STOP ", "", FALSE), (* TERM *) OPN :("GOSUB ", "V", FALSE), (* 1 ist Branch Address *) OPN :("KE ", "", FALSE), OPN :("GORET ", "", FALSE), OPN :("BCRD ", "II", FALSE), (* begin char read (pointer, length) *) OPN :("CRD ", "II", FALSE), (* char read (char, pointer) *) OPN :("ECWR ", "III", FALSE), (* end char write (pointer, length, next entry) *) OPN :("CWR ", "III", FALSE), (* char write (hash code, pointer, char) *) OPN :("CTT ", "?S", FALSE), (* REF d2:=REF compiler table text ) *) OPN :("GETC ", "SII", TRUE), (* INT := code (TEXT SUB INT), TRUE wenn INT <= length (TEXT) *) OPN :("FNONBL ", "ISI", TRUE), (* find non blank (char, line, pointer) *) OPN :("DREM256", "II", FALSE), (* := MOD 256, := DIV 256 *) OPN :("AMUL256", "II", FALSE), (* := * 256 + *) OPN :("???????", "", FALSE), OPN :("ISDIG ", "I", TRUE), OPN :("ISLD ", "I", TRUE), OPN :("ISLCAS ", "I", TRUE), OPN :("ISUCAS ", "I", TRUE), OPN :("GADDR ", "III", FALSE), (* IF >= 0 (Global) THEN := - (=pbase) ELIF bit (, 14) (Local Ref) THEN := ( AND $3FFF)*2 + 1 ELSE (Local) := ( AND $3FFF)*2 FI *) OPN :("GCADDR ", "III", TRUE), OPN :("ISSHA ", "I", TRUE), OPN :("SYSG ", "", FALSE), (* 25 *) OPN :("GETTAB ", "", FALSE), OPN :("PUTTAB ", "", FALSE), OPN :("ERTAB ", "", FALSE), OPN :("EXEC ", "M", FALSE), OPN :("PPROC ", "M", FALSE), OPN :("PCALL ", "A", FALSE), (* : icount Segment/Address *) OPN :("BRCOMP ", "IV", FALSE), OPN :("MOVxx ", "V??", FALSE), OPN :("ALIAS ", "VDD", FALSE), OPN :("MOVii ", "VI", FALSE), OPN :("FEQU ", "RR", TRUE), OPN :("TLSEQ ", "SS", TRUE), OPN :("FNEG ", "RR", FALSE), OPN :("NEG ", "II", FALSE), OPN :("IMULT ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("MUL ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("DIV ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("MOD ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("ITSUB ", "SII", FALSE), OPN :("ITRPL ", "SII", FALSE), OPN :("DECOD ", "SI", FALSE), OPN :("ENCOD ", "IS", FALSE), OPN :("SUBT1 ", "SIS", FALSE), OPN :("SUBTFT ", "SIIS", FALSE), OPN :("SUBTF ", "SIS", FALSE), OPN :("REPLAC ", "SIS", FALSE), OPN :("CAT ", "SS", FALSE), OPN :("TLEN ", "SI", FALSE), OPN :("POS ", "SSI", FALSE), OPN :("POSF ", "SSII", FALSE), OPN :("POSFT ", "SSIII", FALSE), OPN :("STRANL ", "IIISIII", FALSE), OPN :("POSIF ", "SSSII", FALSE), OPN :("???????", "", FALSE), OPN :("OUT ", "S", FALSE), (* 60 *) OPN :("COUT ", "I", FALSE), OPN :("OUTF ", "SI", FALSE), OPN :("OUTFT ", "SII", FALSE), OPN :("INCHAR ", "S", FALSE), OPN :("INCETY ", "S", FALSE), OPN :("PAUSE ", "I", FALSE), OPN :("GCPOS ", "II", FALSE), OPN :("CATINP ", "SS", FALSE), OPN :("NILDS ", "D", FALSE), OPN :("DSCOPY ", "DD", FALSE), OPN :("DSFORG ", "D", FALSE), OPN :("DSWTYP ", "DI", FALSE), OPN :("DSRTYP ", "DI", FALSE), OPN :("DSHEAP ", "DI", FALSE), OPN :("ESTOP ", "", FALSE), OPN :("DSTOP ", "", FALSE), OPN :("SETERR ", "I", FALSE), OPN :("ISERR ", "", TRUE), OPN :("CLRERR ", "", FALSE), OPN :("RPCB ", "II", FALSE), OPN :("INFOPW ", "SSI", FALSE), (* War vorher Writepcb *) OPN :("TWCPU ", "TR", FALSE), OPN :("ROTATE ", "II", FALSE), OPN :("CONTRL ", "IIII", FALSE), OPN :("BLKOUT ", "DIIII", FALSE), OPN :("BLKIN ", "DIIII", FALSE), OPN :("NXTDSP ", "DII", FALSE), OPN :("DSPAGS ", "ITI", FALSE), OPN :("STORAGE", "II", FALSE), OPN :("SYSOP ", "I", FALSE), (* 90 *) OPN :("ARITHS ", "", FALSE), OPN :("ARITHU ", "", FALSE), OPN :("HPSIZE ", "I", FALSE), OPN :("GARB ", "", FALSE), OPN :("TPBEGIN", "TTIA", FALSE), (* 1.8.0: privileged begin *) OPN :("FSLD ", "IRI", FALSE), OPN :("GEXP ", "RI", FALSE), OPN :("SEXP ", "IR", FALSE), OPN :("FLOOR ", "RR", FALSE), OPN :("RTSUB ", "SIR", FALSE), OPN :("RTRPL ", "SIR", FALSE), OPN :("CLOCK ", "IR", FALSE), OPN :("SETNOW ", "R", FALSE), OPN :("TRPCB ", "TII", FALSE), OPN :("TWPCB ", "TII", FALSE), (* 105 *) OPN :("TCPU ", "TR", FALSE), OPN :("TSTAT ", "TI", FALSE), OPN :("ACT ", "T", FALSE), OPN :("DEACT ", "T", FALSE), OPN :("THALT ", "T", FALSE), OPN :("TBEGIN ", "TA", FALSE), (* seg/addr icount *) OPN :("TEND ", "T", FALSE), OPN :("SEND ", "TIDI", FALSE), OPN :("WAIT ", "TID", FALSE), OPN :("SWCALL ", "TIDI", FALSE), OPN :("CDBINT ", "II", FALSE), (* 116 *) OPN :("CDBTXT ", "IS", FALSE), (* 117 *) OPN :("PNACT ", "I", FALSE), OPN :("PW ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("GW ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("XOR ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("PPCALL ", "TIDI", FALSE), (* pingpong call *) OPN :("EXTASK ", "T", TRUE), OPN :("AND ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("OR ", "III", FALSE), OPN :("SESSION", "I", FALSE), OPN :("SENDFT ", "TTIDI", FALSE), OPN :("DEFCOL ", "T", FALSE), OPN :("ID ", "II", FALSE)) ; (* 129 *) PROC decode : INT VAR mod nr ; get module number (mod nr) ; IF mod nr >= minus one THEN decode (mod nr) FI ENDPROC decode ; PROC decode module : INT VAR mod nr ; get module number (mod nr) ; IF mod nr >= minus one THEN decode module (mod nr) FI ENDPROC decode module ; PROC decode module (INT CONST mod nr) : INT VAR address :: code address (mod nr) ; default no runtime ; decode (code segment (mod nr), address, minus one, TRUE) ENDPROC decode module ; PROC decode (INT CONST mod nr) : INT VAR address :: code address (mod nr) ; default no runtime ; decode (code segment (mod nr), address, minus one, FALSE) ENDPROC decode ; PROC decode (INT CONST seg, from) : INT VAR address := from ; default no runtime ; decode (seg, address, minus one, FALSE) ENDPROC decode ; PROC decode (INT CONST seg, INT VAR addr, INT CONST to addr, BOOL CONST only one module) : TEXT VAR taste, opcode, codewords, hex addr ; BOOL VAR addr out := TRUE , output permitted := TRUE ; INT VAR size, used, mod nr, header address, start address := addr ; add modules ; storage (size, used) ; echo := TRUE ; file number := 0 ; cmod := minus one ; init list file ; next module header (seg, addr, header address, mod nr) ; was bool result := FALSE ; WHILE ulseq (addr, to addr) REP protocoll ; taste := incharety ; decode one statement ; analyze key ; IF (addr AND 31) = 0 THEN storage (size, used) ; FI ; UNTIL taste = ""27"" OR used > size PER ; IF used > size THEN list line ("Abbruch wegen Speicherengpass!") FI . protocoll : IF output permitted AND NOT echo (* Falls Decoder im Hintergrund laufen soll *) THEN IF addr out THEN out (" ") ; out (hex16 (addr)) ; out (" "8""8""8""8""8""8"") ; ELSE cout (ln) FI FI . analyze key : SELECT code (taste) OF {l} CASE 108 : addr out := FALSE (* Zeilennummern ausgeben *) {d} CASE 100 : get command ("Gib Kommando:") ; do command {f} CASE 102 : show filename and fileline {a} CASE 97 : addr out := TRUE (* Hexaddressen ausgeben *) {e} CASE 101 : echo := NOT echo (* Bildschirmausgabe zus. *) {s} CASE 115 : storage (size,used) ; out(""13""5"System-Storage: " + text (used) + " ") {m} CASE 109 : out (""13""5"Modulnr: " + text (mod nr-1) + " ") {Q,W}CASE 87,81:output permitted := TRUE (* L„uft nur im Vordergrund *) {S} CASE 83 : output permitted := FALSE (* L„uft auch im Hintergrund *) {ESC}CASE 27 : IF incharety <> "" THEN taste := "" ELSE list line ("Abbruch mit ESC") FI (* Wegen Steuertasten, wie ESC P *) ENDSELECT . show filename and fileline : out (""13""5"Filename: " + filename + "." + text (filenumber) + " Fileline: " + text (lines (list file)) + " ") . decode one statement : check if module head ; hex addr := hex16 (addr) ; codewords := "" ; opcode := "" ; decode (seg, addr, codewords, opcode, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; hex addr CAT " " ; hex addr CAT opcode ; IF with statement line THEN hex addr CAT " " ; WHILE LENGTH hex addr < 80 REP hex addr CAT " " PER ; hex addr CAT codewords ; FI ; list line (hex addr) . check if module head : IF addr = header address THEN IF only one module AND addr <> start address THEN LEAVE decode FI ; list line (" ") ; list line ("Module " + process module nr (mod nr)) ; list line (" ") ; IF output permitted AND NOT echo THEN put ("Module:") ; cout (mod nr) ; 8 TIMESOUT ""8"" FI ; calculate c8k ; codewords := "" ; hex addr := hex16 (addr) ; hex addr CAT " HEAD " ; hex addr CAT text (next word (seg, addr, codewords)) ; IF with statement line THEN hex addr CAT " " ; WHILE LENGTH hex addr < 80 REP hex addr CAT " " PER ; hex addr CAT code words ; FI ; list line (hex addr) ; next module header (seg, addr, header address, mod nr) ; FI . calculate c8k : INT VAR dummy ; cmod := addr ; splitword (cmod, dummy) ; cmod INCR 16 ; cmod := cmod AND 255 . ENDPROC decode ; PROC init list file : forget (filename + "." + text (filenumber), quiet) ; list file := sequentialfile (output, filename + "." + text (filenumber)) ; maxlinelength (list file, 2000) ; list line ("Addr Opcode Parameter") ; ENDPROC init list file ; PROC list line (TEXT CONST zeile) : IF lines (list file) > 4000 THEN file number INCR 1 ; init list file FI ; putline (list file, zeile) ; IF echo THEN outsubtext (zeile, 1, 79) ; line FI ENDPROC list line ; PROC decode (INT CONST segment, INT VAR address, TEXT VAR words, instruction, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) : INT VAR opcode, word, lowbyte, highbyte, opcode address := address ; BOOL VAR shorta opcode ; ln := minus one ; (* Wenn kein LN Befehl vorkam -1 *) word := next word (segment, address, words) ; highbyte := word ; split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ; opcode := highbyte AND hex 7c ; shorta opcode := TRUE ; IF opcode = hex 7c AND highbyte <> hex ff THEN esc or special instruction (* Kann kein LONGA sein *) ELSE IF highbyte = hex ff THEN longa instruction ELSE word := word AND hex 83ff FI ; primaer instruction FI . esc or special instruction : IF highbyte = hex 7f THEN esc instruction ELSE special instruction FI . longa instruction : IF lowbyte = hex ff THEN instruction CAT "-" ; LEAVE decode ELIF lowbyte = hex fd THEN instruction CAT "Block unlesbar" ; LEAVE decode ELSE instruction CAT "LONGA " ; shorta opcode := FALSE ; opcode := lowbyte ; word := next word (segment, address, words) ; highbyte := word ; splitword (highbyte, lowbyte) FI . special instruction : opcode := (highbyte AND 3) * 2 + 1 ; IF highbyte > hex 7f THEN opcode INCR 1 FI ; word := word AND hex ff ; instruction CAT special op (opcode).mnemonic ; instruction CAT " " ; (* ESC Ausgleich *) instruction CAT params0 (special op (opcode).params, word, segment, address, words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; was bool result := special op (opcode).bool result ; IF opcode = 6 (* PENTER *) THEN database := lowbyte ; makeword (database, 0) ; FI . esc instruction : opcode := lowbyte + 1 ; IF opcode < 1 OR opcode > 131 THEN instruction CAT "???????" ELSE instruction CAT "ESC " ; instruction CAT esc op (opcode).mnemonic ; instruction CAT " " ; instruction CAT params (esc op (opcode).params, segment, address, words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; was bool result := esc op (opcode).bool result FI . primaer instruction : rotate (opcode, -2) ; SELECT opcode OF CASE 0, 1 : process ln CASE 28, 29 : process br CASE 30 : process call OTHERWISE opcode INCR 1 ; instruction CAT prim op (opcode).mnemonic ; IF shorta opcode THEN instruction CAT " " ELSE instruction CAT " " FI ; instruction CAT params0 (prim op (opcode).params, word, segment, address, words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; IF opcode = 25 (* SUBS *) THEN instruction CAT "(ESiz,Lim-1,Idx,Base,Ref) " ELIF opcode = 26 (* SEL *) THEN instruction CAT "(Base,Offs,Ref) " FI ; was bool result := prim op (opcode).bool result ; ENDSELECT . process call : opcode INCR 1 ; word := word AND hex 03ff ; IF highbyte > hex 7f THEN word INCR hex 0400 FI ; instruction CAT prim op (opcode).mnemonic ; IF shorta opcode THEN instruction CAT " " ELSE instruction CAT " " FI ; was bool result := FALSE ; (* Wird von params0 ggf berschrieben *) instruction CAT params0 (prim op (opcode).params, word, segment, address, words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) . process ln : IF shorta opcode THEN word := short address (lowbyte, highbyte, opcode = 1) FI ; IF was bool result THEN instruction CAT "BT " ; IF shorta opcode THEN instruction CAT " " FI ; instruction CAT hex16 (branch address) ELSE IF segment = 2 THEN instruction CAT "HEAD " ELSE ln := word ; instruction CAT "LN " FI ; IF shorta opcode THEN instruction CAT " " FI ; instruction CAT text (word) FI ; was bool result := FALSE . process br : word := short address (lowbyte, highbyte, opcode = 29) ; IF was bool result THEN instruction CAT "BF " ; ELSE instruction CAT "B " ; FI ; IF shorta opcode THEN instruction CAT " " FI ; instruction CAT hex16 (branch address) ; was bool result := FALSE . branch address : INT VAR high address byte := opcode address ; split word (high address byte, lowbyte) ; highbyte := word ; split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ; high address byte INCR highbyte ; IF cmod <> minus one AND high address byte >= cmod THEN high address byte DECR 16 (* cms = 16 *) FI ; make word (high address byte, lowbyte) ; high address byte . ENDPROC decode ; INT PROC short address (INT CONST lowbyte, highbyte, BOOL CONST bit12) : (* Bit 7 des Highbytes in Bit 0 rotieren *) INT VAR effective address := (highbyte * 2) AND 6 ; IF highbyte > hex 7f THEN effective address INCR 1 FI ; make word (effective address, lowbyte) ; (* high and result, low *) IF bit12 THEN effective address INCR 2048 FI ; effective address ENDPROC short address ; INT PROC next word (INT CONST segment, INT VAR address, TEXT VAR words) : INT CONST word :: get word (segment, address) ; INC address ; words CAT hex16 (word) ; words CAT " " ; word ENDPROC next word ; PROC next module header (INT CONST segment, address, INT VAR header address, module number) : INT VAR first, last, mid ; IF segment = 2 THEN first := 0 ; last := 1275 ELSE first := 1282 ; (* 1280/1281 MAIN doagain & runagain modaddr *) last := 2047 FI ; REP mid := (first + last) DIV 2 ; IF ulseq (address, getword (0, 512 + mid)) THEN last := mid ELSE first := mid + 1 FI UNTIL first = last PER ; header address := getword (0, 512 + first) ; module number := first ENDPROC next module header ; TEXT PROC params (TEXT CONST types, INT CONST segment, INT VAR address, TEXT VAR words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) : INT VAR i, param addr, type ; TEXT VAR result ; IF types = "" THEN LEAVE params WITH "" FI ; result := "" ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH types REP param addr := next word (segment, address, words) ; type := code (types SUB i)-63 ; result CAT data representation (param addr, segment, address, type) ; IF i <> LENGTH types THEN result CAT ", " FI ; PER ; result ENDPROC params ; TEXT PROC params0 (TEXT CONST types, INT CONST word, segment, INT VAR address, TEXT VAR words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) : INT VAR i, param addr, type ; TEXT VAR result ; IF types = "" THEN LEAVE params0 WITH "" FI ; result := "" ; param addr := word ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH types REP type := code (types SUB i)-63 ; result CAT data representation (param addr, segment, address, type) ; IF i <> LENGTH types THEN result CAT ", " ; param addr := next word (segment, address, words) FI PER ; result ENDPROC params0 ; TEXT PROC data representation (INT CONST data addr, segment, address, type) : INT VAR stack offset, ds segment, ds number, ds address ; TEXT VAR result ; IF is data address THEN IF local data address THEN stack offset := data addr ; rotate (stack offset, minus one) ; stack offset := stack offset AND hex 3fff ; IF local reference address OR type = ref addr THEN get referenced representation ELSE get representation from stack FI ELSE get representation from packet data FI ELSE object representation (minus one, data addr, segment, address, type) FI . is data address : NOT (type = 23 OR type = 9 OR type = 14) . local data address : data addr < 0 . local reference address : (data addr AND 1) = 1 . is runtime : lbas <> minus one . get representation from packet data : IF with object and address THEN result := "" ELSE result := "" FI ; result CAT object representation (packet data segment, data addr ADD data base, segment, address, type) ; result . get representation from stack : result := "" ; IF is runtime THEN IF NOT with object and address THEN result := "" FI ; result CAT object representation (local data segment, lbas ADD stack offset, segment, address, type) FI ; result . get referenced representation : IF is runtime THEN ds address := getword (local data segment, lbas ADD stack offset) ; ds number := getword (local data segment, lbas ADD stack offset ADD 1) ; split word (ds number, ds segment) ; IF ds number = standard dataspace THEN IF with object and address THEN result := "" ELSE result := "" FI ; IF ds segment <= local data segment THEN result CAT object representation (ds segment, ds address, segment, address, type) ELIF ds segment > 3 (* Illegal! *) THEN result := "" ELSE (* PROC-Addresse *) result CAT object representation (ds segment, ds address, segment, address, mod addr) FI ; result ELSE "" FI ELSE "" FI . ENDPROC data representation ; INT VAR anzahl zeros, anzahl steuerzeichen ; TEXT PROC object representation (INT CONST data segment, data address, segment, address, type) : TEXT VAR t, result ; INT VAR i, zeichen, highbyte, lowbyte, first word ; SELECT type OF CASE try type,refaddr: try representation CASE int addr : int representation CASE real addr : real representation CASE text addr : text representation CASE dataspace addr : dataspace representation CASE task addr : task representation CASE mod addr : module address representation CASE bool addr : bool representation CASE int value : integer value CASE hexbyte value : integer hexbyte CASE module nr value : module nr representation OTHERWISE "unbek. Typ: " + code (type + 63) ENDSELECT . module nr representation : text val := text (data address) ; process module nr (data address) . bool representation : IF getword (data segment, data address) = 0 THEN text val := "TRUE" ELSE text val := "FALSE" FI ; text val . reference address : highbyte := getword (data segment, data address ADD 1) ; splitword (highbyte, lowbyte) ; result := "@" + hex8 (highbyte) + "-" + hex8 (lowbyte) ; result CAT hex16 (getword (data segment, data address)) ; text val := result ; result . int representation : i := get word (data segment, data address) ; text val := text (i) ; result := text (i) ; IF i < 0 THEN result CAT "|" ; result CAT hex16 (i) ; result CAT "H" ELIF i >= 256 THEN result CAT "|" ; result CAT hex16 (i) ; result CAT "H" ; FI ; result . integer value : text val := text (data address) ; text (data address) . integer hexbyte : text val := text (data address) ; IF (data address AND hex ff00) = 0 THEN hex8 (data address) + "H" ELSE hex16 (data address) + "H" FI . real representation : result := "12345678" ; FOR i FROM 0 UPTO 3 REP replace (result, i + 1, get word (data segment, data address ADD i)) PER ; disablestop ; result := compress (text (result RSUB 1, 20)) ; IF iserror THEN clear error ; result := "undefined REAL" FI ; text val := result ; result . text representation : t := copied text var (data segment, data address) ; result := """" ; anzahl steuerzeichen := 0 ; anzahl zeros := 0 ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (t) REP zeichen := code (t SUB i) ; IF zeichen = 34 THEN result CAT """""" ELIF zeichen = 251 OR zeichen > 31 AND zeichen < 127 OR zeichen > 213 AND zeichen < 224 THEN result CAT code (zeichen) ELSE result CAT """" ; result CAT text (zeichen) ; result CAT """" ; anzahl steuerzeichen INCR 1 ; IF zeichen = 0 THEN anzahl zeros INCR 1 FI FI PER ; result CAT """" ; text val := result ; result . task representation : INT CONST index := get word (data segment, data address) , version := get word (data segment, data address ADD 1) ; IF index < 256 THEN result := hex8 (index) ELSE result := hex16 (index) ; insertchar (result, "-", 3) FI ; result CAT "-" ; result CAT hex16 (version) ; result CAT "/" ; result CAT taskname (index, version) ; text val := result ; result . dataspace representation : highbyte := get word (data segment, data address) ; splitword (highbyte, lowbyte) ; result := hex8 (highbyte) ; result CAT "-" ; result CAT hex8 (lowbyte) ; IF (highbyte AND lowbyte) = 255 THEN result CAT ":not init" ELIF (highbyte OR lowbyte) = 0 THEN result CAT ":nilspace" FI ; text val := result ; result . module address representation : (* Hier: lowbyte = mod nr, highbyte = mod addr *) next module header (data segment, data address, highbyte, lowbyte) ; IF highbyte <> data address THEN linear search (* Adresse muá doch zu finden sein *) FI ; text val := text (lowbyte) ; process module nr (lowbyte) . linear search : IF data segment = 2 THEN FOR i FROM 512 UPTO 767 REP IF getword (packet data segment, i) = data address THEN lowbyte := i-512 ; LEAVE linear search FI PER ELSE FOR i FROM 1792 UPTO 3839 REP IF getword (packet data segment, i) = data address THEN lowbyte := i-512 ; LEAVE linear search FI PER FI ; (* Moduleaddress nicht gefunden, da stimmt doch was nicht! *) LEAVE module address representation WITH reference address . try representation : first word := getword (data segment, data address) ; result := text (first word) ; IF first word < 0 OR first word >= 256 THEN result CAT "|" ; result CAT hex16 (first word) ; result CAT "H" FI ; IF first word = 0 THEN result CAT "|TRUE" ELIF first word = 1 THEN result CAT "|FALSE" FI ; IF vorzeichen ok AND nur digits (* real *) THEN result CAT "|" ; disablestop ; TEXT CONST txt :: compress (text (t RSUB 1, 20)) ; IF is error THEN clear error ELSE result CAT txt FI ; FI ; IF within compiler THEN IF first word >= begin of stringtable CAND first word <= end of nametable THEN string pointer (* first word wird ggf veraendert! *) ELIF first word > 9 AND first word < 32 THEN result CAT "|""""" + text (first word) + """""" (* Char *) ELIF first word = 34 THEN result CAT "|""""" ELIF first word >= 32 AND first word < 127 THEN result CAT "|""" + code (first word) + """" (* Code-Char *) FI ; ELIF text sinnvoll THEN result CAT "|" ; result CAT t FI ; text val := result ; result . text sinnvoll : keine steuerzeichen AND (getword (data segment, data address ADD 1) AND 255) < 80 . within compiler : segment = 2 AND ulseq (address, first elan address-1) . string pointer : IF first word >= begin of name table THEN first word INCR 2 FI ; IF (cdbint (first word) AND 255) < 100 THEN t := cdbtext (first word) ; IF pos (t, ""0"", ""31"", 1) = 0 CAND pos (t, ""127"", ""213"", 1) = 0 CAND pos (t, ""220"", ""255"", 1) = 0 THEN result CAT "|""" ; result CAT t ; result CAT """" FI FI . keine steuerzeichen : t := object representation (data segment, data address, segment, address, text addr) ; anzahl steuerzeichen < 4 AND anzahl zeros < 2 AND getword (data segment, data address ADD 1) <> minus one . vorzeichen ok : (first word AND hex f0) = 0 OR (first word AND hex f0) = 128 . nur digits : t := "12345678" ; FOR i FROM 0 UPTO 3 REP replace (t, i + 1, get word (data segment, data address ADD i)) PER ; IF (first word AND 15) > 9 THEN FALSE ELSE FOR i FROM 2 UPTO 7 REP lowbyte := code (t SUB i) ; IF (lowbyte AND hex f0) > 249 OR (lowbyte AND 15) > 9 THEN LEAVE nur digits WITH FALSE FI PER ; TRUE FI . ENDPROC object representation ; TEXT PROC process module nr (INT CONST module number) : TEXT VAR object specification ; was bool result := modules last word is bool return ; IF is elan module number THEN object specification := module name and specifications (module number) ; IF object specification = "" THEN object specification := "Hidden: PACKET " ; object specification CAT packet name (module number) ; IF was bool result THEN object specification CAT " --> BOOL" FI ELSE was bool result := pos (object specification, "--> BOOL") > 0 ; FI ELIF one of compilers own module numbers THEN object specification := "CDL (" ; object specification CAT text ((getword (2, code address (module number)) - 4) DIV 2) ; object specification CAT ")" ; IF was bool result THEN object specification CAT " --> BOOL" FI ELIF elan defined internal THEN SELECT module number - 255 OF CASE 1 : object specification := "compiler (INT CONST, FILE VAR, TEXT CONST, INT VAR, BOOL CONST ins, BOOL CONST lst, BOOL CONST rtc, BOOL CONST ser)" CASE 2 : object specification := "outtext (TEXT CONST, INT CONST)" CASE 3 : object specification := "outline (INT CONST)" CASE 4 : object specification := "syntaxerror (TEXT CONST)" CASE 5 : object specification := ":= (FILE VAR, FILE CONST)" OTHERWISE object specification := "INTERNAL " + text (module number) ENDSELECT ELSE object specification := "Modulnummer ohne Code!" ; was bool result := FALSE FI ; IF with object and address OR one of compilers own module numbers THEN object specification CAT " (" ; object specification CAT text (module number) ; object specification CAT ":$" ; object specification CAT text (code segment (module number)) ; object specification CAT hex16 (code address (module number)) ; object specification CAT ")" ; FI ; object specification . modules last word is bool return : INT CONST last word :: getword (code segment (module number), code address (module number + 1) SUB 1) ; last word = rtnt opcode OR last word = rtnf opcode . one of compilers own module numbers : module number < 244 . elan defined internal : module number >= 256 AND module number < 272 . is elan module number : module number >= 272 . ENDPROC process module nr ; TEXT PROC copied text var (INT CONST segment, addr) : TEXT VAR result, t ; INT VAR laenge, first char, address, heap segment ; address := addr ADD 1 ; first char := getword (segment, address) ; splitword (first char, laenge) ; IF laenge = 0 THEN "" ELIF laenge = 255 THEN copy text from heap ELSE copy text from data segment FI . copy text from data segment : result := code (first char) ; laenge DECR 1 ; t := " " ; INC address ; WHILE laenge > 1 REP replace (t, 1, getword (segment, address)) ; result CAT t ; laenge DECR 2 ; INC address ; PER ; IF laenge = 1 THEN result CAT code (getword (segment, address) AND 255) FI ; result . copy text from heap : address := get word (segment, addr) ; rotate (address, minus one) ; heap segment := address AND 7 ; address := address AND hex fff8 ; (* In Vielfachen von 8 *) laenge := getword (segment, addr ADD 2) AND 255 ; makeword (laenge, first char) ; (* 16 Bit Laenge ber Wortgrenze *) laenge := min (laenge, 256) ; (* Mehr ist im Listing nicht sinnvoll *) IF getword (heap segment, address) = minus one (* Standard DS *) THEN address INCR 3 ; (* Kann nicht ber 8000H Grenze gehen *) ELSE INC address (* Im Frei-Datenraum nur Wort Laenge *) FI ; result := "" ; WHILE laenge > 1 REP result CAT getword (heap segment, address) ; laenge DECR 2 ; INC address PER ; IF laenge = 1 THEN result CAT code (getword (heap segment, address) AND 255) FI ; result . ENDPROC copied text var ; PROC push (INT CONST a, b) : INT VAR dummy1 := a, dummy2 := b ENDPROC push ; PROC pop (TASK VAR a, INT CONST dummy) : TASK VAR x ; a := x ENDPROC pop ; TEXT PROC task name (INT CONST id, vers) : TASK VAR t ; IF id = 0 THEN "niltask" ELSE push (id, vers) ; pop (t, 0) ; IF exists (t) THEN """" + name (t) + """" ELSE "-" FI FI ENDPROC task name ; ENDPACKET eumel decoder ; (**************************************************************************) PACKET tracer DEFINES (* M. Staubermann *) (* 20.04.86 *) list breakpoints , (* 1.8.0, 861107 15:45 *) set breakpoint , reset breakpoint , source file , prot file , tracer channel , trace , reset breakpoints : LET local base field = 25 , packet data segment = 0 , local data segment = 1 , code segment 3 = 3 , begin of module nr link table = 512 , previous local base offset = 0 , return address offset = 1 , return segment offset = 2 , c8k offset = 3 , opcode mask = 31744 , bt opcode = 0 , btlong opcode = 1024 , bf opcode = 28672 , bflong opcode = 29696 , br opcode = 28672 , brlong opcode = 29696 , brcomp opcode = 32544 , ln opcode = 0 , ln long opcode = 1024 , call opcode = 30720 , pcall opcode = 32543 , pp opcode = 27648 , ppv opcode = 26624 , pproc opcode = 32542 , rtn opcode = 32512 , rtnt opcode = 32513 , rtnf opcode = 32514 , hex 7f00 = 32512 ; INT CONST longa opcode :: -256 , longa ppv opcode :: longa opcode + 104 , longa pp opcode :: longa opcode + 108 , hex 83ff :: -31745 , minus one :: -1 ; LET nr of breakpoints = 2 , (* Max. Anzahl unvorhersehbare Verzweigungen/Branch *) BREAKPOINT = STRUCT (BOOL set, INT address, saved word) ; ROW nr of breakpoints BREAKPOINT VAR breakpoints ; BREAKPOINT CONST init breakpoint :: BREAKPOINT:(FALSE, -5, 0) ; FOR actual linenumber FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP breakpoints (actual line number) := init breakpoint PER ; BOOL VAR auto trace := FALSE , forward trace := TRUE , source lines neu := TRUE ; INT VAR previous instruction address , prot file number , trace channel := minus one , actual line number := minus one , handler module := 339 ; (* Dummy: PROC stop *) TEXT VAR prot file name := "" , source line := "" , source file name := "" ; FILE VAR source, protocoll ; INT PROC tracer channel : trace channel ENDPROC tracer channel ; PROC tracer channel (INT CONST c) : IF c < 17 AND c > minus one THEN trace channel := c ELSE errorstop ("PROC tracer channel: Kanalnummer unzul„ssig") FI ENDPROC tracer channel ; PROC trace : TEXT VAR name ; forward trace := TRUE ; set breakpoint ; get command ("PROC/OP-Aufruf eingeben:") ; out (""13"") ; put (" Sourcefilename (falls keine Sourcefile RETURN) :") ; getline (name) ; source file (name) ; put (" Protokollfilename (falls kein Protokoll RETURN):") ; getline (name) ; prot file (name) ; put (" Tracekanal (Ausfhrung an diesem Kanal: RETURN):") ; name := "0" ; editget (name) ; line ; tracer channel (int (name)) ; do command ENDPROC trace ; PROC source file (TEXT CONST file name) : IF exists (file name) THEN source := sequentialfile (modify, file name) ; source file name := file name ; IF actual line number >= 0 CAND actual line number <= lines (source) THEN toline (source, actual line number) ; readrecord (source, source line) ELSE source line := "" FI ELSE source file name := "" FI ENDPROC source file ; TEXT PROC source file : source file name ENDPROC source file ; TEXT PROC prot file : prot file name ENDPROC prot file ; PROC prot file (TEXT CONST file name) : IF file name = "" THEN prot file name := "" ELSE forget (file name, quiet) ; prot file number := 0 ; protocoll := sequentialfile (output, file name) ; max line length (protocoll, 1000) ; prot file name := file name ; FI ENDPROC prot file ; PROC protocoll line : IF prot file name <> "" THEN line (protocoll) ; IF lines (protocoll) > 4000 THEN prot file number INCR 1 ; TEXT CONST file name :: prot file name + "." + text (prot file number) ; putline (protocoll, "Fortsetzung in Datei " + file name) ; forget (file name, quiet) ; protocoll := sequentialfile (output, file name) ; max line length (protocoll, 1000) FI FI ENDPROC protocoll line ; PROC write protocoll (TEXT CONST t) : IF prot file name <> "" THEN write (protocoll, t) FI ENDPROC write protocoll ; PROC breakpoint handler : ROW 32 INT VAR offset fuer inter call stack variablen ; BOOL VAR was bool result , ueberschrift neu , code lines neu ; TEXT VAR key, previous key, old error message , statement line, opcode, previous opcode, next opcode ; INT VAR i, x, y , actual opcode, actual word, op word, next instruction, following word, saved word, lbas, this local base, st ptr, old channel, old error code, old error line, user address, branch address, address, lowbyte, c8k, packet base, actual instruction address, previous actual address, next instruction address, return segment, return address, breakpoint address, breakpoint nr ; determine return address and breakpoint nr ; reset breakpoints ; getcursor (x, y) ; next instruction address := breakpoint address ; IF NOT forward trace AND previous instruction address <> minus one THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address, previous actual address, previous opcode, FALSE) ; ELSE previous opcode := "" FI ; decode instruction (next instruction address, actual instruction address, next opcode, TRUE) ; was bool result := bool result ; IF forward trace THEN write protocoll (" " + hex16 (actual instruction address) + " ") ; write protocoll (next opcode) ; protocoll line ELSE write protocoll ("*" + hex16 (previous actual address) + " ") ; write protocoll (previous opcode) ; protocoll line FI ; actual word := getword (code segment 3, actual instruction address) ; actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ; following word := getword (code segment 3, actual instruction address ADD 1) ; next instruction := getword (code segment 3, next instruction address) ; out (""1""10""5""10""5"") ; IF NOT auto trace THEN out (""6""6""0"") ; putline ("Auto, Bpnt, Clrr, Dstp, Estp, File, Go, Prot, Rslt, Step(CR), Term, - + < >"5"") ; putline ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"5"") ; FI ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE ; code lines neu := TRUE ; previous key := "" ; REP kopf schreiben ; IF auto trace THEN IF incharety = "" THEN key := "S" ELSE auto trace := FALSE FI FI ; IF NOT auto trace THEN REP inchar (key) UNTIL pos (""13"abcdefgprst +-<>", key) > 0 PER ; IF key >= "a" THEN key := code (code (key)-32) FI ; analyze key FI ; previous key := key UNTIL pos ("GST!", key) > 0 PER ; IF key <> "T" THEN execute saved instruction FI ; IF key = "T" THEN write protocoll (" Terminated") ; protocoll line ; resetbreakpoints ; term ELIF key = "G" THEN write protocoll (" Go") ; protocoll line ELIF key = "S" THEN singlestep FI ; previous instruction address := breakpoint address ; cursor (x, y) ; IF trace channel > 0 THEN IF old channel = 0 THEN break (quiet) ELSE continue (old channel) FI FI ; IF bit (return segment, 7) THEN disablestop ; set line nr (old error line) ; error stop (old error code, old error message) ; set line nr (0) FI . analyze key : IF previous key = "B" THEN IF key = ""13"" OR key = "S" (* Sicherheitsabfrage *) THEN key := "!" ; (* Exit-Key *) write protocoll (" Skip") ; protocoll line ; write protocoll (" " + hex16 (user address) + " ") ; write protocoll (opcode) ; protocoll line ; set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, user address) ELSE code lines neu := TRUE FI ELIF key = ""13"" THEN key := "S" ELIF key = " " THEN code lines neu := TRUE ; source lines neu := TRUE ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE ; ELSE SELECT code (key)-43 OF (* Um die Anzahl Branches klein zu halten*) CASE 0 {+} : stptr := stptr ADD 2 ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE CASE 2 {-} : stptr := stptr SUB 2 ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE CASE 17 {<} : with object address (TRUE) ; IF forward trace THEN decode instruction (breakpoint address, actual instruction address, next opcode, FALSE) ELIF previous instruction address <> minus one THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address, previous actual address, previous opcode, FALSE) FI ; code lines neu := TRUE CASE 19 {>} : with object address (FALSE) ; IF forward trace THEN decode instruction (breakpoint address, actual instruction address, next opcode, FALSE) ELIF previous instruction address <> minus one THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address, previous actual address, previous opcode, FALSE) FI ; code lines neu := TRUE ; CASE 22 {A} : auto trace := TRUE ; key := "S" CASE 23 {B} : get breakpoint address from user CASE 24 {C} : resetbit (return segment, 7) ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE CASE 25 {D} : setbit (return segment, 6) ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE CASE 26 {E} : resetbit (return segment, 6) ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE CASE 27 {F} : out (""6""5""0"Sourcefile:"5"") ; editget (source file name) ; source file (source file name) ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE ; source lines neu := TRUE CASE 37 {P} : out (""6""5""0"Protokollfile:"5"") ; editget (prot file name) ; prot file (prot file name) CASE 39 {R} : forward trace := NOT forward trace ; IF NOT forward trace AND previous opcode = "" AND previous instruction address <> minus one THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address, previous actual address, previous opcode, FALSE) FI ; ueberschrift neu := TRUE ; code lines neu := TRUE ENDSELECT FI . kopf schreiben : out (""6""5""0""5"") ; IF ueberschrift neu THEN schreibe ueberschrift ; ueberschrift neu := FALSE FI ; IF source lines neu THEN schreibe source lines ; source lines neu := FALSE FI ; IF code lines neu THEN IF forward trace THEN show decoded opcode (next opcode, actual instruction address, TRUE, TRUE) ELIF previous instruction address <> minus one THEN show decoded opcode (previous opcode, previous actual address, TRUE, TRUE) ELSE out (""6""5""0"Kein vorhergehender Befehl") FI ; code lines neu := FALSE FI . schreibe ueberschrift : out (""1"") ; put (breakpoint nr) ; IF forward trace THEN put ("F") (* forward *) ELSE put ("R") (* result *) FI ; IF bit (return segment, 4) THEN out ("u") (* ARITHU *) ELSE out ("s") FI ; IF bit (return segment, 6) THEN out ("d") (* Disablestop *) ELSE out ("e") FI ; IF bit (return segment, 7) THEN put ("E") (* iserror *) ELSE put (" ") FI ; put ("lbas:") ; put (hex16 (lbas)) ; out ("stack(") ; out (hex16 (stptr)) ; put ("):") ; out (hex16 (getword (local data segment, stptr))) ; out ("-") ; put (hex16 (getword (local data segment, stptr ADD 1))) ; put ("pbas:") ; put (hex8 (packet base)) ; put ("c8k:") ; put (hex8 (c8k)) ; IF valid source THEN out ("""") ; outsubtext (source file name, 1, 19) ; put ("""") FI ; out (""5"") . schreibe source lines : out (""1""10"") ; IF valid source AND source line <> "" THEN put (text (actual line number, 4)) ; put ("|") ; outsubtext (source line, 1, 72) ; out (""5"") ; line ; IF LENGTH source line <= 72 THEN put (text (actual line number +1, 4)) ; put ("|") ; toline (source, actual line number +1) ; out (subtext (source, 1, 72)) ; out (""5"") ; toline (source, actual line number) ; line ELSE put ("_____|") ; outsubtext (source line, 73, 144) ; out (""5"") ; line FI FI . valid source : exists (source file name) . get breakpoint address from user : put ("N„chste Breakpointaddresse (hex) in Segment 3:") ; statement line := hex16 (next instruction address) ; editget (statement line) ; user address := integer (statement line) ; opcode := "" ; statement line := "" ; address := user address ; bool result (FALSE) ; decode (code segment 3, address, statement line, opcode, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; show decoded opcode (opcode, user address, TRUE, TRUE) ; code lines neu := FALSE . singlestep : IF is return opcode THEN set breakpoint behind previous call ELIF was bool result AND NOT is call opcode THEN set first breakpoint behind branch instruction ; set second breakpoint at branch address ELIF is bool return opcode THEN set first breakpoint behind branch instruction at return address ; set second breakpoint at branch address of branch instruction at return address ELIF is brcomp opcode THEN set computed branch breakpoint ELIF is branch instruction THEN set breakpoint at branch address ELIF is call opcode AND NOT auto trace CAND segment 3 module CAND ask if subroutine trace THEN write protocoll (" Subroutine Trace") ; protocoll line ; calculate subroutine segment and address ; set breakpoint behind next instruction ELSE set breakpoint behind next instruction FI . ask if subroutine trace : IF forward trace THEN yes (""6""5""0"Subroutine Trace") ELSE show decoded opcode (next opcode, actual instruction address, FALSE, FALSE) ; yes (""6""6""0"Subroutine Trace"5"") FI . is line number : actual opcode = ln opcode OR (* Kein LONGA, da ln < 4095 *) actual opcode = lnlong opcode . is branch instruction : actual opcode = br opcode OR actual opcode = brlong opcode . is conditional branch : op word = bf opcode OR op word = bflong opcode OR op word = bt opcode OR op word = btlong opcode . is brcomp opcode : actual word = brcomp opcode . is return opcode : actual word = rtn opcode . is bool return opcode : actual word = rtnt opcode OR actual word = rtnf opcode . is call opcode : actual opcode = call opcode OR actual word = pcall opcode . read source line : actual line number := actual word ; split word (actual line number, lowbyte) ; actual line number := (actual line number * 2) AND 6 ; IF actual word < 0 THEN actual line number INCR 1 FI ; IF actual opcode = lnlong opcode THEN actual line number INCR 8 FI ; makeword (actual line number, lowbyte) ; actual line number DECR 1 ; source lines neu := TRUE ; IF valid source THEN IF lineno (source) = actual line number CAND source line <> "" THEN (* nichts*) ELIF actual line number >= 0 AND actual line number <= lines(source) THEN toline (source, actual line number) ; readrecord (source, source line) ELSE source line := "" FI ELSE source line := "" FI . set first breakpoint behind branch instruction : op word := next instruction AND opcode mask ; IF is conditional branch THEN write protocoll (" ") ; write protocoll (hex16 (next instruction address) + " ") ; bool result (TRUE) ; statement line := "" ; opcode := "" ; address := next instruction address ; decode (code segment 3, next instruction address, statement line, opcode, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; write protocoll (opcode) ; protocoll line ; show decoded opcode (opcode, address, FALSE, FALSE) ; IF NOT auto trace THEN pause (20) FI ; next free breakpoint ; set breakpoint (i, next instruction address) ; ELSE putline ("Interner Fehler: Nach BOOL-Result folgt kein Branch"5""); LEAVE singlestep FI . set second breakpoint at branch address : calculate branch address ; next free breakpoint ; set breakpoint (i, branch address) . set breakpoint at branch address : next instruction := actual word ; next instruction address := actual instruction address ; calculate branch address ; set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, branch address) . set first breakpoint behind branch instruction at return address : IF (getword (local data segment, lbas + return segment offset) AND 7) = code segment 3 THEN next instruction address := getword (local data segment, lbas + return address offset) ; next instruction := getword (code segment 3, next instruction address) ; c8k := getword (local data segment, lbas + c8k offset) AND 255 ; set first breakpoint behind branch instruction ELSE putline ("Trace bei Vorw„rtssprung beendet."5"") FI . set second breakpoint at branch address of branch instruction at return address : set second breakpoint at branch address . set computed branch breakpoint : address := following word ; IF address < 0 (* Local/Local Ref *) THEN rotate (address, minus one) ; address := (address AND 16 383) ADD lbas ; IF bit (following word, 0) THEN branch address := getword (getword (local data segment, address ADD 1) AND 7, getword (local data segment, address)) ELSE branch address := getword (local data segment, address) FI ELSE branch address := getword (packet data segment, address ADD packet base) FI ; IF switch out of range THEN branch address := actual instruction address ADD 3 ELSE branch address := actual instruction address ADD branch address ADD 4 FI ; set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, branch address) . switch out of range : branch address < 0 OR branch address > getword (code segment 3, actual instruction address ADD 2) . determine return address and breakpoint nr : FOR x FROM 1 UPTO 10 REP determine return address ; determine breakpoint nr ; PER ; line ; put ("Returnaddresse nicht gefunden:"5"") ; out (text (return segment AND 3)) ; putline (hex16 (return address)) ; list breakpoints ; reset breakpoints ; enablestop ; errorstop ("Falsche Returnaddresse") . determine return address : fix local base ; (* Fix pcb's: RAM --> Leitblock *) this local base := getword (local data segment, pcb (local base field)) ; lbas := getword (local data segment, this local base + previous local base offset) ; c8k := getword (local data segment, this local base + c8k offset) AND 255 ; return segment := getword (local data segment, this local base + return segment offset) ; return address := getword (local data segment, this local base + return address offset) ; packet base := HIGH return segment ; (* Wort besteht aus zwei Teilen!*) set parameters (lbas, packet base, minus one, c8k) ; stptr := lbas ADD 4 ; DEC return address ; (* auf CALL breakpointhandler (ein Wort zurck) *) IF bit (return segment, 7) (* ISERR *) THEN old error line := error line ; old error code := error code ; old error message := error message FI ; clear error ; enablestop ; IF trace channel > 0 AND trace channel <> channel THEN old channel := channel ; disablestop ; continue (trace channel) ; clear error ; enablestop FI . determine breakpoint nr : FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP IF breakpoints (i).set CAND breakpoints (i).address = return address THEN breakpoint nr := i ; breakpoint address := breakpoints (i).address ; saved word := breakpoints (i).saved word ; LEAVE determine return address and breakpoint nr FI PER . segment 3 module : IF actual word = pcall opcode THEN op word := following word ; rotate (op word, minus one) ; op word := (op word AND 16 383) ADD lbas ; LEAVE segment 3 module WITH (getword (local data segment, op word ADD 1) AND 7) = code segment 3 ELSE op word := actual word AND 1023 ; IF actual word < 0 THEN op word INCR 1024 FI ; FI ; op word >= 1280 . calculate subroutine segment and address : IF actual word = pcall opcode THEN next instruction address := getword (local data segment, op word) ELSE next instruction address := getword (packet data segment, begin of module nr link table + op word) FI ; INC next instruction address . (* Ab PENTER tracen *) calculate branch address : branch address := next instruction ; split word (branch address, low byte) ; branch address := (branch address * 2) AND 6 ; IF next instruction < 0 THEN branch address INCR 1 FI ; IF branch long THEN branch address INCR 8 FI ; branch address INCR HIGH next instruction address ; IF branch address >= c8k THEN branch address DECR 16 FI ; makeword (branch address, lowbyte) . branch long : bit (next instruction, 10) . execute saved instruction : putword (local data segment, this local base + return address offset, return address) ; putword (local data segment, this local base + return segment offset, return segment) . set breakpoint behind next instruction : IF is line number THEN read source line FI ; set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, next instruction address) . set breakpoint behind previous call : return segment := getword (local data segment, lbas + return segment offset) AND 3 ; return address := getword (local data segment, lbas + return address offset) ; IF return segment = code segment 3 THEN set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, return address) ELSE putline ("Trace bei Rcksprung beendet."5"") FI . next free breakpoint : FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP IF NOT breakpoints (i).set THEN LEAVE next free breakpoint FI PER ; putline ("Alle " + text(nr of breakpoints) + " Breakpoints sind belegt"5"") ; LEAVE singlestep ENDPROC breakpoint handler ; PROC show decoded opcode (TEXT CONST opcode, INT CONST address, BOOL CONST zweizeilig, oben) : IF oben THEN out (""6""3""0"") ELSE out (""6""5""0"") FI ; put (hex16 (address)) ; put ("|") ; outsubtext (opcode, 1, 72) ; out (""5"") ; line ; IF zweizeilig THEN put (" |") ; outsubtext (opcode, 73, 144) ; out (""5"") ; line FI ENDPROC show decoded opcode ; PROC decode instruction (INT VAR address, actual address, TEXT VAR opcode, BOOL CONST var) : INT VAR actual word, actual opcode, temp address ; TEXT VAR statement line := "" ; opcode := "" ; temp address := address ; actual address := address ; actual word := getword (code segment 3, temp address) ; actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ; bool result (FALSE) ; IF is param push opcode THEN opcode := module with actual params (temp address, actual address) ; ELSE decode (code segment 3, temp address, statement line, opcode, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; FI ; IF var THEN address := temp address FI . is param push opcode : actual opcode = pp opcode OR actual word = pproc opcode OR actual word = longa pp opcode OR actual word = longa ppv opcode OR actual opcode = ppv opcode . ENDPROC decode instruction ; TEXT PROC module with actual params (INT VAR address, actual address) : TEXT VAR result, statement line, symbol, type text ; INT VAR end address, start address := address, module nr, actual word, actual opcode ; BOOL VAR known paramtypes, was bool result ; skip until next call opcode ; determine module name and module nr ; collect actual parameters ; perhaps result type ; bool result (was bool result) ; address := end address ; result . skip until next call opcode : actual word := getword (code segment 3, address) ; REP IF (actual word AND hex 7f00) = hex 7f00 (* LONGA oder ESC *) THEN INC address FI ; INC address ; actual word := getword (code segment 3, address) ; actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ; UNTIL is call opcode PER . determine module name and module nr : result := "" ; statement line := "" ; actual address := address ; (* Addresse des CALL/PCALL Befehls *) decode (code segment 3, address, statement line, result, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; was bool result := bool result ; bool result (FALSE) ; end address := address ; module nr := int (last actual parameter) ; statement line := module name and specifications (module nr) ; scan (statement line) ; IF statement line = "" THEN symbol := "(" ; known paramtypes := FALSE ; actual word := getword (code segment 3, start address) ; actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ; IF is call opcode (* Hidden ohen Result und Parameter *) THEN LEAVE module with actual params WITH result ELSE result CAT " (" (* Result wird als VAR Parameter betr.*) FI ELSE nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* Skip Name *) nextsymbol (symbol) ; known paramtypes := TRUE ; IF symbol = "" (* Weder Parameter, noch Result *) THEN LEAVE module with actual params WITH result ELIF symbol = "(" THEN result := subtext (result, 1, pos (result, "(")) ; ELSE result := subtext (result, 1, pos (result, "-->")-2) FI ; FI ; address := start address . (* Rcksetzen auf ersten param push *) collect actual parameters : IF symbol <> "(" THEN LEAVE collect actual parameters FI ; REP nextsymbol (symbol) ; IF symbol = "ROW" THEN typetext := "ROW..." ; nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* ROW-Size *) skip until end of type (symbol) ; ELIF symbol = "STRUCT" THEN typetext := "STRUCT..." ; nextsymbol (symbol) ; skip over brackets (symbol) ; ELIF symbol = "<" (* HIDDEN *) THEN typetext := "" ; nextsymbol (symbol) ; nextsymbol (symbol) ; nextsymbol (symbol) ; ELIF symbol <> "PROC" THEN typetext := symbol ; nextsymbol (symbol) FI ; (* symbol jetzt 'PROC', 'CONST' oder 'VAR' *) IF getword (code segment 3, address) = pproc opcode THEN result CAT "PROC " ; type text := "" ; decode (code segment 3, address, statement line, type text, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ; result CAT subtext (type text, 13) ; next symbol (symbol) ; IF symbol = "(" THEN skip over brackets (symbol) FI ELSE IF statement line <> "" (* Keine Hidden PROC *) THEN result CAT typetext ; result CAT " " ; result CAT symbol ; (* CONST oder VAR *) result CAT ":" ; typetext := ":" + typetext ; (* Fr Pos-Suche *) nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* Jetzt auf ',' oder ')' *) FI ; IF (getword (code segment 3, address) AND hex 7f00) = hex 7f00 (* ESC OR LONGA *) THEN result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3, address ADD 1), code segment 3, address, object type) ; INC address ELSE result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3, address) AND hex 83ff, code segment 3, address, object type) FI ; INC address FI ; actual word := getword (code segment 3, address) ; actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ; IF symbol <> ")" AND NOT is call opcode THEN result CAT ", " FI ; UNTIL symbol = ")" OR is call opcode PER ; result CAT ")" . perhaps result type : WHILE symbol <> "" REP nextsymbol (symbol) UNTIL symbol = ">" PER ; (* --> *) IF symbol <> "" THEN nextsymbol (symbol) ; IF symbol = "ROW" THEN symbol := "ROW..." ; ELIF symbol = "STRUCT" THEN symbol := "STRUCT..." ; ELIF symbol = "<" (* HIDDEN *) THEN symbol := "" ; FI ; type text := ":" ; type text CAT symbol ; result CAT " --> " ; result CAT symbol ; IF symbol = "BOOL" (* BOOl-Result nicht mit PP *) THEN LEAVE perhaps result type FI ; result CAT ":" ; IF (getword (code segment 3, address) AND hex 7f00) = hex 7f00 (* ESC OR LONGA *) THEN result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3, address ADD 1), code segment 3, address, object type) ; INC address ELSE result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3, address) AND hex 83ff, code segment 3, address, object type) FI ; INC address FI . object type : IF known paramtypes THEN INT CONST p := pos (types, type text) ; IF p = 0 THEN 0 (* Try Type auch bei STRUCT/ROW *) ELSE code (types SUB (p-1))-63 FI ELSE 0 (* Try all types *) FI . types : "B:BOOL I:INT R:REAL S:TEXT T:TASK D:DATASPACE D:FILE S:THESAURUS" . is call opcode : actual opcode = call opcode OR actual word = pcall opcode . ENDPROC module with actual params ; PROC skip until end of type (TEXT VAR symbol) : nextsymbol (symbol) ; IF symbol = "ROW" THEN nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* ROW-Size *) skip until end of type (symbol) ELIF symbol = "STRUCT" THEN next symbol (symbol) ; skip over brackets (symbol) ELSE nextsymbol (symbol) (* steht auf ',' oder ')' *) FI ENDPROC skip until end of type ; PROC skip over brackets (TEXT VAR symbol) : REP next symbol (symbol) ; IF symbol = "(" THEN skip over brackets (symbol) FI UNTIL symbol = ")" PER ; nextsymbol (symbol) ENDPROC skip over brackets ; INT OP HIGH (INT CONST word) : INT VAR highbyte := word, lowbyte ; split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ; highbyte ENDOP HIGH ; PROC fix local base : (* Kein direkter EXTERNAL-Aufruf, da bei 'CALL' lbas auf Stack gelegt wird*) REP UNTIL incharety = "" PER ; (* Damit pause ausgefhrt wird *) internal pause (0) (* ^ War Grund fr 'falsche Returnaddresse'*) ENDPROC fix local base ; PROC reset breakpoints : INT VAR i ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP IF breakpoints (i).set THEN reset breakpoint (i) ELSE breakpoints (i) := init breakpoint FI PER ENDPROC reset breakpoints ; PROC reset breakpoint (INT CONST nr) : IF nr < 1 OR nr > nr of breakpoints THEN errorstop ("Unzulaessige Breakpoint Nummer") ELIF NOT breakpoints (nr).set THEN display ("Warnung: Breakpoint " + text (nr) + " war nicht gesetzt") ELSE putword (code segment 3, breakpoints (nr).address, breakpoints (nr).saved word) ; breakpoints (nr) := init breakpoint FI ENDPROC reset breakpoint ; PROC set breakpoint (INT CONST nr, address) : INT VAR new word ; IF nr < 1 OR nr > nr of breakpoints THEN errorstop ("Unzulaessige Breakpoint Nummer") ELIF breakpoints (nr).set THEN errorstop ("Breakpoint " + text (nr) + " ist bereits gesetzt") ELSE breakpoints (nr).address := address ; breakpoints (nr).saved word := get word (code segment 3, address) ; new word := call opcode + (handler module AND 1023) ; IF handler module >= 1024 THEN setbit (new word, 15) FI ; putword (code segment 3, address, new word) ; IF getword (code segment 3, address) <> new word THEN errorstop ("Addresse Schreibgeschuetzt") ELSE breakpoints (nr).set := TRUE FI FI ENDPROC set breakpoint ; PROC handlers module nr (INT CONST module nr) : handler module := module nr ENDPROC handlers module nr ; INT PROC handlers module nr : handler module ENDPROC handlers module nr ; INT PROC module number (PROC proc) : EXTERNAL 35 ENDPROC module number ; PROC internal pause (INT CONST time) : EXTERNAL 66 ENDPROC internal pause ; PROC term : EXTERNAL 4 ENDPROC term ; PROC set breakpoint : INT VAR i ; handlers module nr (module number (PROC breakpointhandler)) ; auto trace := FALSE ; source lines neu := TRUE ; (* Zum L”schen *) source file ("") ; prot file ("") ; actual line number := minus one ; previous instruction address := minus one ; with object address (FALSE) ; INT VAR module nr ; add modules ; get module number (module nr) ; IF code segment (module nr) <> code segment 3 THEN errorstop ("PROC/OP liegt nicht im Codesegment 3") FI ; naechsten freien breakpoint setzen ; put ("Breakpoint") ; put (i) ; putline ("wurde gesetzt.") . naechsten freien breakpoint setzen : FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP IF NOT breakpoints (i).set THEN set breakpoint (i, code address (module nr) ADD 1) ; LEAVE naechsten freien breakpoint setzen FI PER ; errorstop ("Alle " + text (nr of breakpoints) + " Breakpoints sind belegt"). ENDPROC set breakpoint ; PROC list breakpoints : INT VAR header address, mod nr, i ; line ; putline (" Nr Set Address Word Module") ; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP put (text (i, 2)) ; IF breakpoints (i).set THEN put (" Y ") ELSE put (" N ") FI ; out ("3") ; put (hex16 (breakpoints (i).address)) ; put (" ") ; put (hex16 (breakpoints (i).saved word)) ; IF breakpoints (i).set THEN next module header (code segment 3, breakpoints (i).address, header address, mod nr) ; IF module name and specifications (modnr - 1) = "" THEN put ("Hidden: PACKET") ; put (packet name (modnr -1)) ; ELSE put (module name and specifications (modnr -1)) FI FI ; line PER ENDPROC list breakpoints ; ENDPACKET tracer ; init module table ("table.module") ; type (""27"q") ; note ("") ;