PACKET lisp heap and oblist management (* Autor: J.Durchholz *) (* Datum: 09.05.1984 *) DEFINES (* Version 1.7.2 *) (* hey 25.2.83 *) initialize lisp system, dump lisp heap, lisp storage, collect lisp heap garbage, SYM, :=, nil, pname, head, set head, tail, set tail, cons, eq, equal, null, atom, is named atom, begin oblist dump, next atom, new atom, create atom, delete atom, begin property list dump, next property, add property, alter property, property, delete property, property exists, add flag, flag, delete flag, text, is text, character, is character, sym character, int 1, int 2, is int pair, sym: (* NOTE: All internal routines are prefixed by x *) (***************************** heap management ****************************) LET max size = 32767, NODE = STRUCT (INT status, head, tail); LET HEAP = STRUCT (INT size, ROW max size NODE node); BOUND HEAP VAR heap; PROC initialize lisp system (DATASPACE CONST ds): IF type (ds) < 0 THEN heap := ds; x initialize oblist and heap size; create atom ("NIL"); create atom ("PNAME"); ELSE heap := ds FI END PROC initialize lisp system; PROC dump lisp heap (FILE VAR f): put line (f, "Groesse :" + text (CONCR (heap).size)); line (f); put (CONCR (heap).size); BOOL VAR is char := FALSE; INT VAR i; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO CONCR (heap).size REP cout (i); dump ith node PER. dump ith node: put (f, text (i, 6)); put (f, status); put (f, head); put (f, tail); line (f). status: SELECT ith node.status OF CASE atomic : "ATOMIC............" CASE non atomic : "NON ATOMIC........" CASE oblist bone : "OBLIST BONE......." CASE property indicator : "PROPERTY INDICATOR" CASE property root : "PROPERTY ROOT....." CASE flag indicator : "FLAG INDICATOR...." CASE text data : "TEXT DATA........." CASE character data : is char := TRUE; "CHARACTER DATA...." CASE int data : "INT DATA.........." OTHERWISE "????." + text (ith node.status, 6) + ".????" END SELECT. head: maybe a code + text (ith node.head, 6). maybe a code: IF is char THEN is char := FALSE; IF ith node.head > 31 AND 128 > ith node.head THEN " " + code (ith node.head) + " " ELSE " " FI ELSE " " FI. tail: text (ith node.tail, 6). ith node: CONCR (heap).node (i). END PROC dump lisp heap; PROC lisp storage (INT VAR size, used): size := max size; used := CONCR (heap).size END PROC lisp storage; PROC collect lisp heap garbage: mark all used nodes; transfer all used high address nodes to unused low address nodes; adjust all pointers to cleared high address area and unmark all nodes; adjust size. mark all used nodes: INT VAR i; FOR i FROM 2 UPTO 28 REP x mark (i) PER. transfer all used high address nodes to unused low address nodes: INT VAR high address :: CONCR (heap).size + 1, low address :: 0; REP find next lower used high address node; IF no used high address node found THEN LEAVE transfer all used high address nodes to unused low address nodes FI; find next higher unused low address node; IF no unused low address node found THEN LEAVE transfer all used high address nodes to unused low address nodes FI; transfer high address node to low address node PER. find next lower used high address node: REP high address DECR 1 UNTIL high address node marked PER. high address node marked: high address node.status < 0. no used high address node found: low address = high address. find next higher unused low address node: REP low address INCR 1 UNTIL low address node not marked OR low address = high address PER. low address node not marked: low address node.status > 0. no unused low address node found : low address = high address. transfer high address node to low address node: low address node.status := high address node.status; low address node.head := high address node.head; low address node.tail := high address node.tail; high address node.head := low address. adjust all pointers to cleared high address area and unmark all nodes: (* 'high address' should now point to the last node of the used area *) FOR low address FROM 1 UPTO high address REP unmark low address node; SELECT low address node.status OF CASE oblist bone: adjust head CASE atomic, non atomic, property indicator, property root, flag indicator: adjust head; adjust tail CASE text data, character data: adjust tail CASE int data: OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Status " + text (low address node.status) + " gefunden bei pointer Justage") END SELECT PER. unmark low address node: low address node.status := - low address node.status. adjust head: IF low address node.head > high address THEN low address node.head := node (low address node.head).head FI. adjust tail: IF low address node.tail > high address THEN low address node.tail := node (low address node.tail).head FI. adjust size: CONCR (heap).size := high address. low address node: node (low address). high address node: node (high address). node: CONCR (heap).node. END PROC collect lisp heap garbage; PROC x mark (INT CONST ptr): IF node not yet marked THEN mark node; SELECT - ptr node.status OF CASE oblist bone: x mark (ptr node.head) CASE atomic, non atomic, property indicator, property root, flag indicator: x mark (ptr node.head); x mark (ptr node.tail) CASE text data, character data: x mark (ptr node.tail) CASE int data: OTHERWISE error stop ("Status " + text (- ptr node.status) + " gefunden beim Markieren") END SELECT FI. node not yet marked: ptr node.status > 0. mark node: ptr node.status := - ptr node.status. ptr node: CONCR (heap).node (ptr) END PROC x mark; TYPE SYM = INT; OP := (SYM VAR left, SYM CONST right): CONCR (left) := CONCR (right) END OP :=; LET atomic = 1, non atomic = 2, oblist bone = 3, property indicator = 4, property root = 5, flag indicator = 6, text data = 7, character data = 8, int data = 9; SYM CONST nil :: SYM :(35), (* 'x initialize oblist and heap size' will *) pname :: SYM :(44); (* place the atom NIL at node 35 and PNAME *) (* at node 44 *) (***************************** basic functions ****************************) SYM PROC head (SYM CONST sym): SELECT status of sym OF CASE atomic: error stop ("Atome haben keinen head"); nil CASE non atomic: SYM :(head of sym) CASE oblist bone, property indicator, property root, flag indicator : x lisp error ("Versteckter Knoten, Type:" + text (status of sym)); nil CASE text data, character data, int data : error stop ("Daten haben keinen head"); nil OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Illegaler Status " + text (status of sym)); nil END SELECT. status of sym: sym node.status. head of sym: sym node.head. sym node: CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)) END PROC head; SYM PROC x head (SYM CONST sym): SYM :(CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)).head) END PROC x head; PROC set head (SYM CONST sym, new head): SELECT status of sym OF CASE atomic: errorstop ("Atome haben keinen head") CASE non atomic: head of sym := CONCR (new head) CASE oblist bone, property indicator, property root, flag indicator : x lisp error ("Versteckter Knoten, Type:" + text (status of sym)) CASE text data, character data, int data : error stop ("Daten haben keinen head") OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Illegaler Status " + text (status of sym)) END SELECT. status of sym: sym node.status. head of sym: sym node.head. sym node: CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)). END PROC set head; PROC x set head (SYM CONST sym, new head): CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)).head := CONCR (new head) END PROC x set head; SYM PROC tail (SYM CONST sym): SELECT status of sym OF CASE atomic: error stop ("Atome haben keinen tail"); nil CASE non atomic: SYM :(tail of sym) CASE oblist bone, property indicator, flag indicator : x lisp error ("Versteckter Knoten:" + text (status of sym)); nil CASE text data, character data, int data : error stop ("Daten haben keinen tail"); nil OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Illegaler Status: "+ text (status of sym)); nil END SELECT. status of sym: sym node.status. tail of sym: sym node.tail. sym node: CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)). END PROC tail; SYM PROC x tail (SYM CONST sym): SYM :(CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)).tail) END PROC x tail; PROC set tail (SYM CONST sym, new tail): SELECT status of sym OF CASE atomic: error stop ("Atome haben keinen tail") CASE non atomic: tail of sym := CONCR (new tail) CASE oblist bone, property indicator, property root, flag indicator : x lisp error ("Versteckter Knoten, Type: " + text (status of sym)) CASE text data, character data, int data : error stop ("Daten tails sind unveraenderbar") OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Illegaler Status: " + text (status of sym)) END SELECT. status of sym: sym node.status. tail of sym: sym node.tail. sym node: CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)). END PROC set tail; PROC x set tail (SYM CONST sym, new tail): CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)).tail := CONCR (new tail) END PROC x set tail; SYM PROC cons (SYM CONST head, tail): SYM VAR result; search free node; result node.status := non atomic; result node.head := CONCR (head); result node.tail := CONCR (tail); result. search free node: IF CONCR (heap).size = max size THEN error stop ("LISP Heap Ueberlauf"); LEAVE cons WITH nil ELSE CONCR (heap).size INCR 1; CONCR (result) := CONCR (heap).size; cout(CONCR(result)) FI. result node: CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (result)). END PROC cons; BOOL PROC eq (SYM CONST sym 1, sym 2): CONCR (sym 1) = CONCR (sym 2) END PROC eq; BOOL PROC equal (SYM CONST sym 1, sym 2): eq (sym 1, sym 2) COR have same value. have same value: IF sym 1 node.status <> sym 2 node.status THEN FALSE ELSE SELECT sym 1 node.status OF CASE atomic: FALSE CASE non atomic: equal (head (sym 1), head (sym 2)) CAND equal (tail (sym 1), tail (sym 2)) CASE oblist bone, property indicator, property root, flag indicator: x lisp error ("Versteckter Knoten, Type: " + text (x status (sym 1))); FALSE CASE text data: equal texts CASE character data: sym 1 node.head = sym 2 node.head CASE int data: sym 1 node.head = sym 2 node.head AND sym 1 node.tail = sym 2 node.tail OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Ilegaler Status " + text (x status (sym 1))); FALSE END SELECT FI. equal texts: equal length CAND equal character sequence. equal length: eq (x head (sym 1), x head (sym 2)). equal character sequence: SYM VAR actual sym 1 character :: sym 1, actual sym 2 character :: sym 2; INT VAR i; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO sym 1 node. head REP actual sym 1 character := x tail (actual sym 1 character); actual sym 2 character := x tail (actual sym 2 character); IF eq (actual sym 1 character, actual sym 2 character) THEN LEAVE equal character sequence WITH TRUE FI; IF x status (actual sym 1 character) <> character data OR x status (actual sym 2 character) <> character data THEN x lisp error ("Ungueltiges Zeichen im text"); LEAVE equal character sequence WITH FALSE FI; IF CONCR (x head (actual sym 1 character)) <> CONCR (x head (actual sym 2 character)) THEN LEAVE equal character sequence WITH FALSE FI PER; TRUE. sym 1 node: CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym 1)). sym 2 node: CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym 2)). END PROC equal; BOOL PROC null (SYM CONST sym): CONCR (sym) = CONCR (nil) END PROC null; BOOL PROC atom (SYM CONST sym): SELECT x status (sym) OF CASE atomic, text data, character data, int data: TRUE CASE non atomic: FALSE CASE oblist bone, property indicator, property root, flag indicator : x lisp error ("Versteckter Knoten, Type:" + text (x status (sym))); TRUE OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Illegaler Status " + text (x status (sym))); TRUE END SELECT END PROC atom; BOOL PROC is named atom (SYM CONST sym): x status (sym) = atomic END PROC is named atom; (*------------------- internal heap management routines ------------------*) SYM PROC x new node (INT CONST status, head, tail): IF CONCR (heap).size = max size THEN error stop ("LISP Heap Ueberlauf"); nil ELSE CONCR (heap).size INCR 1; new node.status := status; new node.head := head; new node.tail := tail; SYM :(CONCR (heap).size) FI. new node: node (CONCR (heap).size). node: CONCR (heap).node. END PROC x new node; INT PROC x status (SYM CONST sym): CONCR (heap).node (CONCR (sym)).status END PROC x status; (**************************** oblist management ***************************) (* Oblist organization: (NOTE: +-----------------+ l l All nodes are represented as +--------+--------+ in all comments l l l of this packet. +--------+--------+ END OF NOTE) The 'oblist' (object list) is organized as follows: +-------------+ l oblist bone l +------+------+ +--> list of all atoms whose print names begin with "@" l o l XXXX l l +---+--+------+ l +------------+ +-------------+ l oblist bone l +------+------+ +--> list of all atoms whose print names begin with "A" l o l XXXX l l +---+--+------+ l +------------+ . . . +-------------+ l oblist bone l +------+------+ +--> list of all atoms whose print names begin with "Z" l o l XXXX l l +---+--+------+ l +------------+ These nodes with status 'oblist bone' form the oblist skeleton. As long as the lisp heap exists, they are stored contiguously in nodes 2 - 28; they cannot be changed directly by the user. This way of storing the oblist skeleton allows a hashing scheme to be applied when searching for an atom with a given name. The hash width of 27 is the smallest one thas distributes all atoms according to their character; with a smaller hash size, two or more lists would be merged, with the effect that some of the atom lists would contain atoms beginning with different characters. The list of all atoms whose print names begin with a certain character is organized as follows: +-------------+ l atomic l +------+------+ l o l o---+--> property list of first atom +---+--+------+ l V +-------------+ l atomic l +------+------+ l o l o---+--> property list of 2nd atom +---+--+------+ l V . . . l V +-------------+ l atomic l +------+------+ l o l o---+--> property list of last atom +---+--+------+ l V oblist bone where the atom list began These lists cannot be acessed directly by the user, too. *) PROC x initialize oblist and heap size: node (1).status := text data; node (1).head := 32 (* blank *); node (1).tail := 1; INT VAR i; FOR i FROM 2 UPTO 28 REP node (i).status := oblist bone; node (i).head := i PER; CONCR (heap).size := 28. node: CONCR (heap).node. END PROC x initialize oblist and heap size; (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ oblist dump +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) SYM VAR actual oblist bone :: SYM :(0), actual atom :: SYM :(0); PROC begin oblist dump: actual oblist bone := SYM :(2); actual atom := SYM :(2) END PROC begin oblist dump; SYM PROC next atom: actual atom := x head (actual atom); WHILE no more atoms in this atom list REP try next oblist bone PER; actual atom. no more atoms in this atom list: (* NIL is given as last atom when 'next atom' is called repeatedly, so *) (* it can serve as a terminator. So NIL "does not count" if it is *) (* encountered during one of the calls. *) IF null (actual atom) THEN actual atom := x head (actual atom) FI; eq (actual atom, actual oblist bone). try next oblist bone: IF actual oblist bone is last oblist bone THEN actual atom := SYM :(2); LEAVE next atom WITH nil FI; CONCR (actual oblist bone) INCR 1; actual atom := x head (actual oblist bone). actual oblist bone is last oblist bone: CONCR (actual oblist bone) = 28. END PROC next atom; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++ atom search and creation +++++++++++++++++++++++*) SYM VAR predecessor, result; (* Variables used for communication between the internal search *) (* procedures and the procedures calling them. *) SYM PROC atom (TEXT CONST name): x search atom (name); IF atom not already existing THEN nil ELSE result FI. atom not already existing: x status (result) = oblist bone. END PROC atom; SYM PROC new atom (TEXT CONST name): x search atom (name); IF atom not already existing THEN x create new atom (name); FI; result. atom not already existing: x status (result) = oblist bone. END PROC new atom; PROC create atom (TEXT CONST name): x search atom (name); IF atom already existing THEN error stop ("Atom " + name + " existiert bereits") ELSE x create new atom (name) FI. atom already existing: x status (result) <> oblist bone. END PROC create atom; PROC delete atom (SYM CONST atom): IF is named atom (atom) THEN IF null (atom) OR eq (atom, pname) THEN error stop ("Dies Atom darf nicht geloescht werden") ELSE search predecessor; delete atom from atom list FI ELSE error stop ("Nur benannte Atome k”nnen geloescht werden") FI. search predecessor: predecessor := x head (atom); WHILE NOT eq (x head (predecessor), atom) REP predecessor := x head (predecessor) PER. delete atom from atom list: x set head (predecessor, x head (atom)). END PROC delete atom; PROC x search atom (TEXT CONST name): CONCR (result) := (code (name SUB 1) + 17) MOD 27 + 2; (* This formula places the list of atoms beginning with "@" at the *) (* first oblist bone, the list of atoms beginning with "A" at the *) (* at the second one, and so on. (See also the big comment in lines *) (* 600 - 700) *) REP predecessor := result; result := x head (predecessor); UNTIL end of atom list reached COR right atom found PER. end of atom list reached: x status (result) = oblist bone. right atom found: SYM VAR actual character node := property (result, pname); IF NOT is text (actual character node) THEN x lisp error ("Namen erwartet"); LEAVE right atom found WITH FALSE FI; IF CONCR (x head (actual character node)) <> length (name) THEN FALSE ELSE INT VAR i; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (name) REP to next character node; check wether is character data node; check wether character matches; PER; TRUE FI. to next character node: actual character node := x tail (actual character node). check wether is character data node: IF x status (actual character node) <> character data THEN x lisp error ("Zeichenkette erwartet"); LEAVE right atom found WITH FALSE FI. check wether character matches: IF code (name SUB i) <> CONCR (x head (actual character node)) THEN LEAVE right atom found WITH FALSE FI. END PROC x search atom; PROC x create new atom (TEXT CONST name): (* It is necessary that 'x search atom' has been executed before *) (* calling 'x create new atom' because this procedure relies on the *) (* value of 'predecessor'. *) enable stop; SYM CONST sym name :: sym (name); IF CONCR (heap).size + 3 > max size THEN error stop ("LISP Heap Ueberlauf") FI; result := newly created atom; x set head (predecessor, result). newly created atom: x new node (atomic, CONCR (oblist bone node), CONCR (property list)). oblist bone node: x head (predecessor). property list: x new node (property indicator, CONCR (pname), property root node). property root node: CONCR (x new node (property root, CONCR (sym name), CONCR (nil))). END PROC x create new atom; (************************* property list handling *************************) (* The property lists consist of chained units of the structure +--------------------+ +---------------+ l property indicator l l property root l +----------+---------+ +-------+-------+ l o l o----+-->l o l o---+--> . . . +----+-----+---------+ +---+---+-------+ l l V V property id property or +----------------+ l flag indicator l +--------+-------+ l o l o---+--> . . . +---+----+-------+ l V flag id The property lists cannot be altered or read directly, too. For property list handling there exist procedures that insert, change, read and delete properties resp. flags. Thus, the only thing that can be done with any property of an atom without using these special procedures, is comparing to or 'cons'ing with some other S-expression. At any given time the property list of any atom (including 'NIL') contains the property 'PNAME' giving the print name of the atom, stored as a list of characters. This special property cannot be altered, overwritten by 'add property' or deleted. *) (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++ property list dump ++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) SYM VAR actual property list node :: nil; PROC begin property list dump (SYM CONST atom): actual property list node := x tail (atom) END PROC begin property list dump; PROC next property (SYM VAR property id, property): IF null (actual property list node) THEN property id := nil; property := nil ELSE SELECT x status (actual property list node) OF CASE flag indicator: get flag id CASE property indicator: get property id and property OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Flagge oder Eigenschaft erwartet und nicht: " + text (x status (actual property list node))) END SELECT FI. get flag id: property id := x head (actual property list node); actual property list node := x tail (actual property list node); property := nil. get property id and property: property id := x head (actual property list node); actual property list node := x tail (actual property list node); IF x status (actual property list node) = property root THEN property := x head (actual property list node); actual property list node := x tail (actual property list node) ELSE x lisp error ("Eigenschaftswurzel erwartet, nicht:" + text (x status (actual property list node))); property := nil FI. END PROC next property; (*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ properties +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) SYM VAR last atom :: SYM :(0), p list predecessor, p list result; PROC add property (SYM CONST atom, property id, property): IF eq (property id, pname) THEN errorstop ("Der PNAME eines Atoms darf nicht versteckt sein") ELSE IF CONCR (heap).size + 2 > max size THEN error stop ("LISP Heap Ueberlauf"); LEAVE add property FI; x set tail (atom, new property plus old property list); IF eq (atom, last atom) AND eq (property id, x head (p list result)) THEN p list predecessor := atom; p list result := x tail (atom) FI FI. new property plus old property list: x new node (property indicator, CONCR (property id), CONCR (property root plus old property list)). property root plus old property list: x new node (property root, CONCR (property), CONCR (old property list)). old property list: x tail (atom) END PROC add property; PROC alter property (SYM CONST atom, property id, new property): IF eq (property id, pname) THEN error stop ("Namen kann man nicht aendern") ELSE x search property id (atom, property id); IF null (p list result) THEN error stop ("Eigenschaft existiert nicht") ELSE x set head (x tail (p list result), new property) FI FI END PROC alter property; SYM PROC property (SYM CONST atom, property id): x search property id (atom, property id); IF null (p list result) THEN nil ELSE x head (x tail (p list result)) FI END PROC property; PROC delete property (SYM CONST atom, property id): IF eq (property id, pname) THEN errorstop ("Der Name eines Atoms darf nicht geloescht werden") ELSE x search property id (atom, property id); IF NOT null (p list result) THEN x set tail (p list predecessor, x tail (x tail (p list result))); last atom := SYM :(0) FI FI END PROC delete property; BOOL PROC property exists (SYM CONST atom, property id): x search property id (atom, property id); NOT null (p list result) END PROC property exists; PROC x search property id (SYM CONST atom, property id): IF eq (last atom, atom) AND eq (x head (p list result), property id) THEN LEAVE x search property id FI; last atom := atom; p list predecessor := atom; REP p list result := x tail (p list predecessor); IF end of property list THEN last atom := SYM :(0); LEAVE x search property id FI; SELECT x status (p list result) OF CASE flag indicator: p list predecessor := p list result CASE property indicator: check wether property root node follows; IF correct property id found THEN LEAVE x search property id ELSE p list predecessor := xtail (p list result) FI CASE property root: xlisperror("Unordentliche Eigenschaftwurzel"); p list result := nil; last atom := SYM :(0); LEAVE x search property id OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Eigenschaften erwartet und nicht: " + text (x status (p list result))); p list result := nil; last atom := SYM :(0); LEAVE x search property id END SELECT PER. end of property list: null (p list result). check wether property root node follows: IF x status (x tail (p list result)) <> property root THEN x lisp error ("Eigenschaftswurzel erwartet"); p list result := nil; last atom := SYM :(0); LEAVE x search property id FI. correct property id found: eq (x head (p list result), property id). END PROC x search property id; (*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ flags +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*) PROC add flag (SYM CONST atom, flag id): enable stop; x set tail (atom, new flag plus old property list). new flag plus old property list: x new node (flag indicator, CONCR (flag id), old property list). old property list: CONCR (x tail (atom)) END PROC add flag; BOOL PROC flag (SYM CONST atom, flag id): x search flag id (atom, flag id); NOT null (result) END PROC flag; PROC delete flag (SYM CONST atom, flag id): x search flag id (atom, flag id); IF NOT (is error COR null (result)) THEN x set tail (predecessor, x tail (result)) FI END PROC delete flag; PROC x search flag id (SYM CONST atom, flag id): predecessor := atom; REP result := x tail (predecessor); IF end of property list THEN LEAVE x search flag id FI; SELECT x status (result) OF CASE property root, property indicator: predecessor := result CASE flag indicator: IF correct flag id found THEN LEAVE x search flag id ELSE predecessor := result FI OTHERWISE x lisp error ("Eigenschaften erwartet und nicht:" + text (x status (result))); result := nil; LEAVE x search flag id END SELECT PER. end of property list: null (result). correct flag id found: eq (x head (result), flag id). END PROC x search flag id; (****** Conversion of non-LISP data to LISP structures and vice versa *****) TEXT PROC text (SYM CONST sym): IF is text (sym) THEN TEXT VAR result := ""; SYM VAR actual node :: sym; INT VAR i; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO CONCR (x head (sym)) REP actual node := x tail (actual node); result CAT actual character PER; result ELSE error stop ("ist kein text"); "" FI. actual character: IF x status (actual node) <> character data THEN x lisp error ("Zeichenfolge erwartet"); LEAVE text WITH result FI; code (CONCR (x head (actual node))). END PROC text; BOOL PROC is text (SYM CONST sym): x status (sym) = text data END PROC is text; SYM PROC sym (TEXT CONST text): SYM VAR result :: x new node (text data, length (text), CONCR (nil)), actual character node :: result; INT VAR length of text; ignore blanks at end of text; INT VAR i; FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length of text REP x set tail (actual character node, new next character node); actual character node := x tail (actual character node) PER; result. ignore blanks at end of text: FOR length of text FROM length (text) DOWNTO 0 REP IF (text SUB length of text) <> " " THEN LEAVE ignore blanks at end of text FI PER; length of text := 0. new next character node: x new node (character data, code (text SUB i), 1). END PROC sym; INT PROC character (SYM CONST sym): IF x status (sym) = character data THEN CONCR (x head (sym)) ELSE error stop ("ist kein Charakter"); -1 FI END PROC character; BOOL PROC is character (SYM CONST sym): x status (sym) = character data END PROC is character; SYM PROC sym character (INT CONST char): x new node (character data, char MOD 256, 1) END PROC sym character; INT PROC int 1 (SYM CONST sym): IF x status (sym) = int data THEN CONCR (x head (sym)) ELSE error stop ("ist keine Zahl"); -1 FI END PROC int 1; INT PROC int 2 (SYM CONST sym): IF x status (sym) = int data THEN CONCR (x tail (sym)) ELSE error stop ("ist keine Zahl"); -1 FI END PROC int 2; BOOL PROC is int pair (SYM CONST sym): x status (sym) = int data END PROC is int pair; SYM PROC sym (INT CONST int 1, int 2): x new node (int data, int 1, int 2) END PROC sym; (********************* internal error routine *****************************) PROC x lisp error (TEXT CONST error message): error stop (""13"LISP SYSTEM FEHLER: " + error message ) END PROC x lisp error; END PACKET lisp heap and oblist management; PACKET name (* Autor: J.Durchholz *) (* Datum: 15.06.1982 *) DEFINES (* Version 1.1.1 *) name: TEXT PROC name (SYM CONST sym): IF is named atom (sym) THEN text (property (sym, pname)) ELSE ""15"IST_KEIN_ATOM"14"" FI END PROC name; END PACKET name; PACKET lisp storage info (* Autor: J.Durchholz *) (* Datum: 23.08.1982 *) DEFINES (* Version 1.1.1 *) lisp storage info: PROC lisp storage info: INT VAR size, used; lisp storage (size, used); out (""13""10" "); put (used); put ("Knoten von"); put (size); put line ("Knoten des LISP-Heaps sind belegt!") END PROC lisp storage info; END PACKET lisp storage info;