PACKET clipping DEFINES set range, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *) get range, (*Stand: 27.06.85/12:39 *) clip: (*Änderung: 11.08.86/15:02 *) INT VAR x min :: 0, x max :: 1024, y min :: 0, y max :: 1024; PROC set range (INT CONST h min, v min, h max, v max): IF h min >= h max OR v min >= v max THEN errorstop ("Incorrect Range") FI; x min := h min; x max := h max; y min := v min; y max := v max END PROC set range; PROC get range (INT VAR h min, v min, h max, v max): h min := x min; h max := x max; v min := y min; v max := y max END PROC get range; PROC clip (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) move, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) draw): INT VAR x, y; calculate parts of line; IF both points inside THEN draw (from x, from y); (* Macke im SHARD *) draw (to x, to y) ELIF both points outside THEN ELIF first point outside THEN intersection (to x, to y, from x, from y, from part, x, y); move (x, y); draw (x, y); (* Macke im SHARD *) draw (to x, to y) ELIF second point outside THEN intersection (from x, from y, to x, to y, to part, x, y); draw (x, y) ELSE intersection (to x, to y, from x, from y, from part, x, y); move (x, y); draw (x, y); (* Macke im SHARD *) clip (x, y, to x, to y, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) move, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) draw) FI . calculate parts of line: INT CONST from part :: part (from x, from y), to part :: part (to x, to y) . both points inside: from part = 0 AND to part = 0 . both points outside: (from part AND to part) <> 0 . first point outside: from part <> 0 AND to part = 0 . second point outside: to part <> 0 AND from part = 0 . END PROC clip; INT PROC part (INT CONST x, y): INT VAR index :: 0; IF x > x max THEN set bit (index, 0) ELIF x < x min THEN set bit (index, 1) FI; IF y > y max THEN set bit (index, 2) ELIF y < y min THEN set bit (index, 3) FI; index END PROC part; PROC intersection (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, to part, INT VAR x, y): SELECT to part OF CASE 1: right side CASE 2: left side CASE 4: up side CASE 5: upright side CASE 6: upleft side CASE 8: down side CASE 9: downright side CASE 10: downleft side OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong partno.:" + text (to part)) ENDSELECT . right side: y := from y + int (real (x max-from x)*(dy/dx)); x := x max . left side: y := from y + int (real (x min-from x)*(dy/dx)); x := x min . up side: x := from x + int (real (y max-from y)*(dx/dy)); y := y max . down side: x := from x + int (real (y min-from y)*(dx/dy)); y := y min . upright side: right side; IF y > y max THEN up side FI . downright side: right side; IF y < y min THEN down side FI . upleft side: left side; IF y > y max THEN up side FI . downleft side: left side; IF y < y min THEN down side FI . dx: real (to x-from x) . dy: real (to y-from y) . END PROC intersection; END PACKET clipping; PACKET thick line DEFINES thick: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *) (*Stand: 02.07.85/15:07 *) (*Änderung: 05.08.86/15:52 *) PROC thick (INT CONST x0, y0, x1, y1, thick, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): IF is point THEN draw point ELIF is horizontal line THEN horizontal line (PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line, x0, y0, x1, y1, thick) ELSE vertical line (PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line, x0, y0, x1, y1, thick) FI . is point: x0 = x1 AND y0 = y1 . is horizontal line: abs (x0-x1) >= abs (y0-y1) . draw point: INT VAR i; FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick REP line (x0-thick, y0+i, x0+thick, y0+i) PER . END PROC thick; PROC horizontal line (PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line, INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, thick): IF from x > to x THEN horizontal line (PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line, to x, to y, from x, from y, thick) ELSE draw line FI . draw line: INT VAR i; calculate increase; calculate limit points; FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick REP calculate delta x; line (x start+delta x, y start+i, x end+delta x, y end+i) PER . calculate increase: REAL VAR increase :: -dy / dx . calculate limit points: INT CONST x start :: from x - thick, x end :: to x + thick, y start :: from y + int (increase * real (thick)), y end :: to y - int (increase * real (thick)) . calculate delta x: INT CONST delta x :: int (increase*real (i)) . dx: real (to x-from x) . dy: real (to y-from y) . END PROC horizontal line; PROC vertical line (PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line, INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, thick): IF from y > to y THEN vertical line (PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line, to x, to y, from x, from y, thick) ELSE draw line FI . draw line: INT VAR i; calculate increase; calculate limit points; FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick REP calculate delta y; line (x start+i, y start+delta y, x end+i, y end+delta y) PER . calculate increase: REAL VAR increase :: -dx / dy . calculate limit points: INT CONST x start :: from x + int (increase * real (thick)), x end :: to x - int (increase * real (thick)), y start :: from y - thick, y end :: to y + thick . calculate delta y: INT CONST delta y :: int (increase*real (i)) . dx: real (to x-from x) . dy: real (to y-from y) . END PROC vertical line; END PACKET thick line; PACKET graphik text DEFINES draw char, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *) zeichensatz: (*Stand: 27.06.85/16:03 *) (*Änderung: 28.06.85/19:06 *) (*Änderung: 05.08.86/16:00 *) LET ZEICHENSATZ = ROW 255 TEXT; ZEICHENSATZ VAR zeichen; INT CONST char x :: 6, char y :: 10; zeichensatz ("ZEICHENSATZ"); PROC zeichensatz (TEXT CONST name): IF exists (name) THEN BOUND ZEICHENSATZ VAR new zeichen :: old (name); zeichen := new zeichen; ELSE errorstop ("Der Zeichensatz """ + name + """ existiert nicht") FI END PROC zeichensatz; PROC draw char (INT CONST char no, INT CONST x, y, x size, y size, direction, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): TEXT CONST character :: zeichen [char no]; INT VAR n :: 1, x0, y0, x1, y1; INT CONST len :: length (character); WHILE n < len REP value (character, n, x0, y0, x1, y1); transform (x0, y0, x, y, x size, y size, direction); transform (x1, y1, x, y, x size, y size, direction); line (x0, y0, x1, y1); n INCR 4 PER . END PROC draw char; PROC value (TEXT CONST char, INT CONST n, INT VAR x0, y0, x1, y1): x0 := val (code (char SUB n)); y0 := val (code (char SUB n+1)); x1 := val (code (char SUB n+2)); y1 := val (code (char SUB n+3)); END PROC value; INT PROC val (INT CONST n): IF n > 127 THEN -256 OR n ELSE n FI END PROC val; PROC transform (INT VAR x, y, INT CONST x0, y0, x size, y size, direction): INT CONST old x :: x, old y :: y; SELECT direction OF CASE 0: x := x0 + x vektor; y := y0 + y vektor CASE 1: x := x0 - y vektor; y := y0 + x vektor CASE 2: x := x0 - x vektor; y := y0 - y vektor CASE 3: x := x0 + y vektor; y := y0 - x vektor ENDSELECT . x vektor: IF x size = 0 THEN old x ELSE (old x*x size) DIV char x FI . y vektor: IF y size = 0 THEN old y ELSE (old y*y size) DIV char y FI . END PROC transform; END PACKET graphik text; PACKET graphik text DEFINES draw text: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *) (*Stand: 03.07.85/11:55 *) (*Änderung: 05.08.86/16:04 *) PROC draw text (INT CONST x pos, y pos, TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, INT CONST height, width, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw char): INT CONST dir :: int (((angle MOD 360.0)+45.0) / 90.0); INT VAR i; REAL VAR x :: real (x pos), y :: real (y pos), x step :: cosd (angle)*real (width), y step :: sind (angle)*real (width); FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (msg) REP IF control char THEN execute control char ELSE execute normal char FI PER . control char: akt char < ""32"" . execute control char: SELECT code (akt char) OF CASE 1: home CASE 2: right CASE 3: up CASE 7: out (""7"") CASE 8: left CASE 10: down CASE 13: return ENDSELECT . home: x := real (x pos); y := real (y pos) . right: x INCR x step; y INCR y step . up: x INCR y step; y INCR x step . left: x DECR x step; y DECR y step . down: x DECR y step; y DECR x step . return: x := real (x pos) . execute normal char: draw char (code (akt char), dir, int (x+0.5), int (y+0.5), height, width); x INCR x step; y INCR y step . akt char: msg SUB i . END PROC draw text; END PACKET graphik text; PACKET comercial plot DEFINES bar, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *) circle: (*Stand: 03.04.1985 *) (*Änderung: 03.07.85/15:37 *) PROC bar (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): IF from x > to x THEN bar (to x, from y, from x, to y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) ELIF from y > to y THEN bar (from x, to y, to x, from y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) ELSE draw frame; fill frame with pattern FI . draw frame: line (from x, from y, from x, to y); line (from x, to y, to x, to y); line (to x, to y, to x, from y); line (to x, from y, from x, from y) . fill frame with pattern: SELECT pattern OF CASE 1: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 2, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) CASE 2: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 1, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) CASE 3: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) CASE 4: fill vert (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) CASE 5: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line); fill vert (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) CASE 6: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) CASE 7: fill left (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) CASE 8: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line); fill left (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line) ENDSELECT . END PROC bar; PROC fill hor (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): INT VAR y :: from y; REP line (from x, y, to x, y); y INCR step UNTIL y > to y PER . END PROC fill hor; PROC fill vert (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): INT VAR x :: from x; REP line (x, from y, x, to y); x INCR step UNTIL x > to x PER . END PROC fill vert; PROC fill right (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): INT CONST width :: to x - from x, height :: to y - from y, length :: width + height, height step :: height + step, width step :: width + step; INT VAR t :: step, left :: from x, right :: from x, lower :: from y, upper :: from y; (* Ausfüllen von links unten nach rechts oben *) WHILE t < length REP calc start point; calc end point; line (left, upper, right, lower); t INCR step PER . calc start point: IF t < height THEN upper INCR step ELIF t < height step THEN left := from x + t - height; upper := to y ELSE left INCR step FI . calc end point: IF t < width THEN right INCR step ELIF t < width step THEN lower := from y + t - width; right := to x ELSE lower INCR step FI . END PROC fill right; PROC fill left (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): INT CONST width :: to x - from x, height :: to y - from y, length :: width + height, height step :: height + step, width step :: width + step; INT VAR t :: step, left :: to x, right :: to x, lower :: from y, upper :: from y; (* Ausfüllen von rechts unten nach links oben *) WHILE t < length REP calc start point; calc end point; line (right, upper, left, lower); t INCR step PER . calc start point: IF t < height THEN upper INCR step ELIF t < height step THEN right := to x - t + height; upper := to y ELSE right DECR step FI . calc end point: IF t < width THEN left DECR step ELIF t < width step THEN lower := from y + t - width; left := from x ELSE lower INCR step FI . END PROC fill left; PROC circle (INT CONST x, y, rad, REAL CONST from, to, INT CONST pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line): REAL VAR t :: from; INT VAR last x :: x, last y :: y; WHILE t <= to REP calc circle; draw step; t INCR 5.0 PER; line (x rad, y rad, x, y) . draw step: IF pattern = 0 THEN line (last x, last y, x rad, y rad); last x := x rad; last y := y rad ELSE line (x, y, x rad, y rad) FI . calc circle: INT CONST x rad :: int (cosd (t)*real (rad)+0.5)+x, y rad :: int (sind (t)*real (rad)+0.5)+y . END PROC circle; END PACKET comercial plot; PACKET pc plot DEFINES drawing area, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *) begin plot, (*Stand: 20.05.85 *) end plot, (*Änderung: 27.06.85/16:17 *) clear, (*Änderung: 03.07.85/15:59 *) (*Änderung: 06.08.86/10:03 *) graphik, set pen, get pen, move, draw, draw line, marker, bar, circle, where: LET POS = STRUCT (INT x, y); LET PEN = STRUCT (INT back, fore, thick, line); INT CONST back code :: -4, modus code :: -5, draw code :: -6, move code :: -7, pen code :: -8, full line :: -1; INT VAR d, y, pause time :: 10, resolution :: 4, max x :: 319, max y :: 199; BOOL VAR is clear := FALSE; POS VAR old :: POS : (0, 0); PEN VAR pen :: PEN : (0, 1, 0, full line); PROC drawing area (REAL VAR x cm, y cm, INT VAR x pixel, y pixel) : x cm := 22.0; y cm := 13.7; x pixel := max x; y pixel := max y; END PROC drawing area; PROC graphik (INT CONST modus, pause): pause time := pause; SELECT modus OF CASE 0: resolution := 3; CASE 1: resolution := 72; max x := 639; max y := 399 CASE 2: resolution := 64; max x := 639; max y := 399 CASE 3: resolution := 6; max x := 639; max y := 199 CASE 4: resolution := 4; max x := 319; max y := 199 OTHERWISE errorstop ("Nur Modi 0-4") ENDSELECT; set range (0, 0, max x, max y); END PROC graphik; PROC begin plot : control (modus code, resolution, 0, d); is clear := TRUE; ENDPROC begin plot ; PROC end plot : IF pause time > 0 THEN indicate end plot FI; control (modus code, 3, 0, d) . indicate end plot: control (pen code, full line, full line, d); REP set indicator; UNTIL incharety (pause time) <> "" PER . set indicator: control (move code, 0, max y, d); control (draw code, max x, max y, d) . ENDPROC end plot ; PROC clear: INT VAR x0, x1, y0, y1; new values (22.0, 13.7, max x, max y, x0, x1, y0, y1); set range (x0, y0, x1, y1); clear screen; clear pen; clear pos; is clear := FALSE . clear screen: IF is clear OR full screen THEN control (modus code, resolution, 0, d) ELSE draw frame; clear frame FI . full screen: x0 < 10 AND x1 > (max x-10) AND y0 < 10 AND y1 > (max y-10) . draw frame: control (move code, x0, y0, d); control (draw code, x1, y0, d); control (draw code, x1, y1, d); control (draw code, x0, y1, d); control (draw code, x0, y0, d) . clear frame: control (pen code, full line, 0, d); FOR y FROM max y-y1 UPTO max y-y0 REP control (move code, x0, y, d); control (draw code, x1, y, d); PER . clear pen: pen := PEN : (0, 1, 0, full line); control (pen code, full line, 1, d) . clear pos: old := POS : (x0, y0); control (move code, x0, max y-y0, d) . END PROC clear; PROC set pen (INT CONST back, fore, thick, type): set background; set foreground and linetype; set thickness . set background: pen.back := back; (*Hintergrund über niederwertiges *) control (back code, 0, back no, d) .(*Byte von colour code *) (*Höherwetiges Byte regelt die *) back no: (*Farbpalette *) IF back = 0 THEN std background ELSE back FI . std background: IF resolution = 4 THEN 16 ELSE 15 FI . set foreground and linetype: (*0, 1, 2, 3 Farben: löschend,*) pen.fore := possible colour; (*ändernd oder überschreibend *) pen.line := type; (* in allen Linientypen. *) control (pen code, line (type), pen.fore, d) . possible colour: IF fore <= full line THEN full line ELIF fore > 3 OR (fore > 1 AND resolution <> 4) THEN 1 ELSE fore FI . set thickness: pen.thick := thick DIV 10 . END PROC set pen; PROC get pen (INT VAR back, fore, thick, line): back := pen.back; fore := pen.fore; thick := pen.thick; line := pen.line END PROC get pen; INT PROC line (INT CONST type): SELECT type OF CASE 0: 0 CASE 1: full line CASE 2: 21845 CASE 3: 3855 CASE 4: 255 CASE 5: 4351 OTHERWISE type END SELECT END PROC line; PROC int move (INT CONST x, y): control (move code, x, max y-y, d); END PROC int move; PROC int draw (INT CONST x, y): control (draw code, x, max y-y, d); END PROC int draw; PROC draw line (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y): control (move code, from x, max y-from y, d); clip (from x, from y, to x, to y, PROC int move, PROC int draw) END PROC draw line; PROC move (INT CONST x, y) : control (move code, x, max y-y, d); old := POS : (x, y) END PROC move; PROC draw (INT CONST x, y): IF std thickness THEN clip (old.x, old.y, x, y, PROC int move, PROC int draw) ELSE thick (old.x, old.y, x, y, pen.thick, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw line) FI; old := POS : (x, y) . std thickness: pen.thick = 0 . END PROC draw; PROC draw (TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, INT CONST height, width): control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d); draw text (old.x, old.y, msg, angle, y size, x size, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw char); control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d); control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) . x size: IF width = 0 THEN 6 ELSE width FI . y size: IF height = 0 THEN 10 ELSE height FI . END PROC draw; PROC draw char (INT CONST char, direction, x, y, INT CONST height, width): draw char (char, x, y, width, height, direction, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw line) END PROC draw char; PROC bar (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern): control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d); bar (from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw line); control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d); control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) . END PROC bar; PROC circle (INT CONST x, y, rad, REAL CONST from, to, INT CONST pattern): control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d); circle (x, y, rad, from, to, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw line); control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d); control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) . END PROC circle; PROC marker (INT CONST x, y, no, size): control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d); draw char (no, 0, x, y, size, size); control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d); control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) . END PROC marker; PROC where (INT VAR x, y): x := old.x; y := old.y END PROC where; END PACKET pc plot