path: root/ttl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ttl')
11 files changed, 2992 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ttl/head.ttl b/ttl/head.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f857c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/head.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+@base <> .
+@prefix s: <> .
+<./> a s:Article ;
+ s:name "Not just a footnote of history: EUMEL" ;
+ s:dateCreated "2016-08-26" ;
+ s:dateModified "2016-10-09" ;
+ s:license <> ;
+ s:citation
+ <#praxis1>, <#praxis2>, <#praxis3>,
+ <#computerwoche83a>, <#computerwoche88>, <#computerwoche79a>,
+ <#computerwoche83b>, <#computerwoche87a>, <#computerwoche79b>,
+ <#computerwoche86a>, <#computerwoche85>, <#computerwoche91>,
+ <#computerwoche86b>, <#computerwoche87b>, <#computerwoche86c>,
+ <#happycomputer86>,
+ <#reuse08>,
+ <#carmony82>,
+ <#hahn78>,
+ <#rehder88>,
+ <#rechenanlagen79>, <#rechenanlagen83>,
+ <#danckwerts85>,
+ <#craemer87>,
+ <#software93>,
+ <#alwr82>,
+ <#koster87>,
+ <#it86>, <#at86>,
+ <#programmierung87>,
+ <#textverarbeitung86>,
+ <#korrekturen84>,
+ <#dasys86>, <#dynamo86>, <#hamster84>, <#lisp86>, <#moco84>,
+ <#msdosdat86>,
+ <#netz88>, <#source86>,
+ <#remis84>, <#remis86>,
+ <#sys86>, <#sys84>, <#sys85>,
+ <#taschenbuch>,
+ <#wordprocessing87>,
+ <#schuetz86>, <#iur86>,
+ <#ende87>,
+ <#chip84>, <#chip87>, <#chip88>, <#chip89>,
+ <#cr86>, <#cr87a>, <#cr87b>,
+ <#generalanzeiger85>, <#generalanzeiger86>, <#handelsblatt91>, <#jurpc94>,
+ <#koch80>, <#gmdstudien80a>, <#gmdstudien80b>, <#gmdstudien80c>,
+ <#klingen83>, <#ambros90b>, <#oppor85>, <#seyfert87>, <#ambros90a>, <#ambros90c>,
+ <#gmdbericht82>, <#gmdbericht83>, <#gmdbericht84>, <#gmdbericht85>, <#gmdbericht86a>, <#gmdbericht86b>,
+ <#heyderhoff76>, <#liedtke79>, <#kloeckner79>, <#gmdspiegel82>, <#gmdspiegel83>, <#gmdspiegel84a>, <#gmdspiegel84b>, <#gmdspiegel85a>, <#gmdspiegel85b>, <#gmdspiegel85c>, <#gmdspiegel85d>, <#gmdspiegel87a>, <#gmdspiegel87b>, <#gmdspiegel87c>, <#gmdspiegel88a>, <#gmdspiegel88b>, <#gmdspiegel88c>, <#gmdspiegel88d>, <#gmdspiegel88e>,
+ <#liedtke76>, <#bartling76>,
+ <#stc87a>, <#noltemeier87>, <#hahn79>, <#stc87c>,
+ <#klingen85>, <#kernel83>,
+ <#source84a>, <#source84b>,
+ <#hahn84>, <#hahn86>, <#shard86>,
+ <#zielke14>, <#höltgen12>,
+ <#craemer83>, <#liedtke93>,
+ <#wermelskirchen83>, <#görgen84>, <#viebeg84>, <#indenbirken84>,
+ <#heyderhoff82>, <#heyderhoff85a>, <#heyderhoff85b>,
+ <#ttpreis85>,
+ <#goossenaerts88>,
+ <#sinha82>,
+ <#hommel79>,
+ <#eumelinfos>, <#glossymap>, <#vertriebsinfos>,
+ <#ambros87a>, <#ambros87b>
+ ; .
diff --git a/ttl/keywords.ttl b/ttl/keywords.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc52d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/keywords.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+### Keywords/Topics ###
+_:thing_elan a s:ComputerLanguage ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:name "ELAN" .
+_:thing_eumel a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:applicationCategory "operating system" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL" .
diff --git a/ttl/library_chip.ttl b/ttl/library_chip.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fa6dab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/library_chip.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+### Chip ###
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "Chip" ;
+ .
+# not archived, no significantly new revelations
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-07" ;
+ s:issueNumber "7" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:chip ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "92" ;
+ s:pageEnd "95" ;
+ s:name "Große Zukunft für wenige" ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Die wichtigsten Betriebssysteme für Mikrocomputer" ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1987-12" ;
+ s:issueNumber "12" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:chip ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "126" ;
+ s:pageEnd "128" ;
+ s:name "Drei Betriebssysteme für den Atari ST" ;
+ s:url <library/chip_1987_12_127.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ # beilage zu chip
+ s:name "Chip Plus" ;
+ s:datePublished "1988-06" ;
+ s:issueNumber "6" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:chip ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "4" ;
+ s:pageEnd "6" ;
+ s:name "Mikro-Vernetzung über Eumel-Netz" ;
+ s:author [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Höfling" ;
+ s:givenName "J.";
+ ] ;
+ s:url <library/chip_plus_1988_6_4.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1989-08" ;
+ s:issueNumber "8" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:chip ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "120" ;
+ s:pageEnd "128" ;
+ s:name "Zehn Betriebssysteme" ;
+ s:author [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Dürr" ;
+ s:givenName "C.";
+ ] ;
+ s:url <library/chip_1989_8_122.djvu> ;
+ .
diff --git a/ttl/library_computerwoche.ttl b/ttl/library_computerwoche.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..489a9ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/library_computerwoche.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+### Computerwoche ###
+_:thing_computerwoche a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "Computerwoche" ;
+ s:issn "0170-5121" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1983-04-22" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "17" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1178576> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche83a.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Betriebssystem Eumel für die Schulausbildung" ;
+ s:name "16-Bit-Version auf Ollivetti-M20" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1988-04-15" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "16" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1154834> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche88.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "GMD startet Test für Schulsoftware" ;
+ s:name "Eumel und Schulis auf dem Prüfstand" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1979-06-22" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "25" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1193086> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche79a.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "„Eumel“ mit „Elan“" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1983-10-21" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "43" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1180815> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche83b.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "GMD Bonn" ;
+ s:name "Ausbildungs-Eumel" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1987-08-28" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1160959> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "GMD zeigt Eumel-System in Theorie und Praxis" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1979-10-26" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "43" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1194195> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche79b.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Präsentation eines ÁP - Multi - User - Betriebssystems auf der GI - 79" ;
+ s:name "Vier Tage Härtetest für „Eumel“" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-03-14" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "11" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1163651> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche86a.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Japaner zeigen Interesse an „Eumel“" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1985-11-08" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "45" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1171648> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche85.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Bonner Juristenorganisation selektiert Anbieterkreis" ;
+ s:name "DV-Transparenz für Anwälte angepeilt" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1991-06-21" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "25" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1140549> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche91.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "GMD fördert Computereinsatz im Bildungswesen" ;
+ s:name "Lizenzfreie Programme für Schulen und Universitäten" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-01-24" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1162976> ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche86b.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Würdigung des Forschungstransfers in die Wirtschaft" ;
+ s:name "Technologiepreis für Eumel verliehen" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-03-14" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "11" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche86c.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "32-Bit-„Maximikro“ von Proteus" ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1987-03-13" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "11" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <library/computerwoche87a.html> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Softwareprodukte laufen unter Eumel" .
diff --git a/ttl/library_gmd.ttl b/ttl/library_gmd.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eefbc6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/library_gmd.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,577 @@
+### GMD Arbeitspapiere ###
+_:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere a s:Periodical ;
+ s:issn "0723-0508" ;
+ s:name "Arbeitspapiere der GMD" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "DYNAMO auf dem EUMEL-System" ;
+ s:author _:person_craemer ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "52" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:issueNumber "17" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "40";
+ s:datePublished "1984-09" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:issueNumber "107" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:author _:person_goergen ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-X.25: Realisierung der CCITT-Schnittstelle X.25 (Schicht 3) auf einem EUMEL-System" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_arbeitspapiere_107.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "16" ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-11" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:issueNumber "114" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Viebeg" ;
+ s:givenName "Ursula" ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL.X29: Realisierung eines Software-PAD auf einem EUMEL-System" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_arbeitspapiere_114.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anschluss eines EUMEL an die IBM 3083" ;
+ s:author _:person_wermelskirchen ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1983-11" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "17" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:issueNumber "65" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_arbeitspapiere_65.djvu> ;
+ .
+### GMD Jahresbericht ###
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "GMD Jahresbericht"
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_jahresbericht ;
+ s:datePublished "1982" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "Offizielle Einführung eines Schulverwaltungsrechners im Rhein-Sieg-Gymnasium in Sankt Augustin" ;
+ s:pageStart "159" ;
+ s:pageEnd "160" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_jahresbericht_1982_159.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_breiling , _:person_schmidt-belz ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_jahresbericht ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SCHULIS – ein Informationssystem zur Unterstützung der Verwaltungsaufgaben in Schulen" ;
+ s:pageStart "32" ;
+ s:pageEnd "41" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_jahresbericht_1983_32.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_kloeckner ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_jahresbericht ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL – ein zukunftsweisendes Betriebssystem für die Softwareentwicklung" ;
+ s:pageStart "98" ;
+ s:pageEnd "109" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_jahresbericht_1984_98.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Report ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_jahresbericht ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:pageStart "175" ;
+ s:pageEnd "176" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_jahresbericht_1985_175.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Report ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_jahresbericht ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:pageStart "193" ;
+ s:pageEnd "194" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_jahresbericht_1986_193.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_jahresbericht ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:pageStart "222" ;
+ s:pageEnd "222" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Workshop ’86: Neue Perspektiven für das Mikrocomputer-Betriebssystem der GMD" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_jahresbericht_1986_222.djvu> ;
+ .
+### GMD Spiegel ###
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "GMD-Spiegel"
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "3" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1976" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:name "Programmieren mit ELAN" ;
+ s:pageStart "4" ;
+ s:pageEnd "14" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1976_3_4.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "2" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1979" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL – ein neues Mikroprozessor-Betriebssystem wird vorgestellt" ;
+ s:pageStart "18" ;
+ s:pageEnd "31" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1979_2_18.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_kloeckner ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "2" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1979" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL im Härtetest – GMD-Präsentation eines μP-Multi-User-Betriebssystems" ;
+ s:pageStart "81" ;
+ s:pageEnd "83" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1979_4_81.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Report ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "1" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1982" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SCHULIS – Konzeption und Realisierung eines schulinternen Informationssystems mit Hilfe einer partizipativen Vorgehensweise" ;
+ s:pageStart "46" ;
+ s:pageEnd "68" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1982_1_46.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "2" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "Informationssystem SCHULIS wird dem Schulausschuß der Stadt Sankt Augustin vorgestellt" ;
+ s:pageStart "28" ;
+ s:pageEnd "28" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1983_2_28.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "1" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "Computer in Unterricht und Verwaltung – Informationssystem SCHULIS im Rhein-Sieg-Gymnasium Sankt Augustin" ;
+ s:pageStart "41" ;
+ s:pageEnd "41" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1984_1_41.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "2" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel, _:thing_elan ;
+ s:name "Informatikunterricht in der Schule mit ELAN und EUMEL – Bundespräsident Carstens besucht Bonner Helmholtz-Gymnasium" ;
+ s:pageStart "49" ;
+ s:pageEnd "49" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1984_2_49.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_kloeckner ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "1" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Betriebssystem EUMEL: Softwareentwicklung auf Mikrocomputern" ;
+ s:pageStart "32" ;
+ s:pageEnd "39" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1985_1_32.djvu>;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_breiling , _:person_schmidt-belz ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "1" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "schulis – ein Softwaresystem für Schulen" ;
+ s:pageStart "40" ;
+ s:pageEnd "48" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1985_1_40.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "3/4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL erobert neue Anwendergruppen" ;
+ s:pageStart "42" ;
+ s:pageEnd "43" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1985_3-4_42.djvu> ;
+ s:author _:person_starcke ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "3/4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Technologie-Transfer-Preis 1985 für Mikrocomputer-Betriebssystem EUMEL" ;
+ s:pageStart "6" ;
+ s:pageEnd "8" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1985_3-4_6.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "2/3" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "Forschung für Schüler und Schule: schulis – das Softwaresystem aus einem Guß" ;
+ s:pageStart "6" ;
+ s:pageEnd "8" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1987_2-3_6.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Workshop 1987: Neue Perspektiven für das Mikrocomputer-Betriebssystem der GMD" ;
+ s:pageStart "54" ;
+ s:pageEnd "55" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1987_4_54.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "ERGOS – ein junges Unternehmen vermarktet das Mikrocomputer-Betriebssystem EUMEL" ;
+ s:pageStart "71" ;
+ s:pageEnd "72" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1987_4_71.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "1" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1988" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "L3 – ein neues Betriebssystem der GMD für die neunziger Jahre" ;
+ s:pageStart "29" ;
+ s:pageEnd "32" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1988_1_29.djvu> ;
+ s:author _:person_metterhausen, _:person_petersen ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "1" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1988" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "Integrierte Software für Schulverwaltung und Unterricht" ;
+ s:pageStart "63" ;
+ s:pageEnd "63" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1988_1_63.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1988" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "L3 hautnah" ;
+ s:pageStart "61" ;
+ s:pageEnd "62" ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1988_4_61.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1988" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "schulis, EUMEL und L3 auf dem Weg in die praktische Anwendung" ;
+ s:pageStart "62" ;
+ s:pageEnd "63" ;
+ s:author _:person_starcke ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1988_4_61.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_spiegel ;
+ s:datePublished "1988" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "schulis auf dem Prüfstand" ;
+ s:pageStart "63" ;
+ s:pageEnd "64" ;
+ s:author _:person_starcke ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_spiegel_1988_4_61.djvu> ;
+ .
+### GMD Studien ###
+ a s:BookSeries ;
+ s:name "GMD-Studien" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:issn "0343-723X" ;
+ .
+ a s:PublicationVolume ;
+ s:volumeNumber "52" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmdstudien ;
+ s:datePublished "1980" ;
+ s:name "Software-Erstellung für Mikroprozessoren" ;
+ s:editor _:person_kloeckner ;
+ s:isbn "3-88457-007-2" ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmdstudien_52 ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:name "ELAN – Eine Programmiersprache für die Ausbildung" ;
+ s:pageStart "97" ;
+ s:pageEnd "112" ;
+ s:author _:person_koch , _:person_jaehnichen ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_studien_52_97.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmdstudien_52 ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Das MP-Betriebssystem EUMEL (Überblick)" ;
+ s:pageStart "171" ;
+ s:pageEnd "184" ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_studien_52_171.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmdstudien_52 ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Entwurf der Benutzerschnittstelle des EUMEL-Editors" ;
+ s:pageStart "185" ;
+ s:pageEnd "191" ;
+ s:author _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_studien_52_185.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmdstudien_52 ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Das MP-Betriebssystem EUMEL (Systemprogrammierung)" ;
+ s:pageStart "193" ;
+ s:pageEnd "201" ;
+ s:author _:person_heinrichs , _:person_liedtke ;
+ s:url <library/gmd_studien_52_193.djvu> ;
+ .
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+### Log In ###
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "LOG IN"
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_klingen ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "3" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_log_in ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:name "ELAN" ;
+ s:pageStart "34" ;
+ s:pageEnd "37" ;
+ s:url <library/log_in_3_1983_34.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_oppor ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "5" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_log_in ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:name "Spielend programmieren lernen mit dem Hamstermodell für ELAN" ;
+ s:pageStart "32" ;
+ s:pageEnd "35" ;
+ s:url <library/log_in_5_1985_32.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_seyfert ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "7" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_log_in ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:name "Laßt den EUMEL in die Schulen!" ;
+ s:pageStart "30" ;
+ s:pageEnd "33" ;
+ s:url <library/log_in_7_1987_30.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "10" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_log_in ;
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan, _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "ITG mit EUMEL und ELAN" ;
+ s:pageStart "55" ;
+ s:pageEnd "58" ;
+ s:url <library/log_in_10_1990_55.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "10" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_log_in ;
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan, _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Das Betriebssystem EUMEL" ;
+ s:pageStart "86" ;
+ s:pageEnd "88" ;
+ s:url <library/log_in_10_1990_86.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros ;
+ # incorrect?
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "5" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_log_in ;
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Zur Akzeptanz der EUMEL-Software"
+ .
diff --git a/ttl/library_manuals.ttl b/ttl/library_manuals.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e23e96e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/library_manuals.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+### Manuals ###
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Benutzerhandbuch: Programmierung" ;
+ s:datePublished "1987-07-01" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_ley , _:person_metterhausen ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/benutzerhandbuch-programmierung-1987.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Benutzerhandbuch: Textverarbeitung" ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-12-19" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_fey-mcclean, _:person_kloeckner, _:person_metterhausen ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/benutzerhandbuch-textverarbeitung-1986.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Korrekturen und Nachträge I zum EUMEL-Benutzerhandbuch 1.7" ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-05-09" ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/korrekturen-1984.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Netz-Beschreibung" ;
+ s:author _:person_heinrichs ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1988-08-08" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "20" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/netz-1988.pdf> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-11-10" ;
+ s:name "Quellcode der insertierten ELAN-Pakete" ;
+ s:alternateName "source86" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/source86.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:name "REMIS: Programmier-Handbuch" ;
+ s:author _:person_schneider ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:numberOfPages "117" ;
+ # 2. auflage
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-10" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/remis-programmierhandbuch-1984.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "REMIS: Programmier-Handbuch" ;
+ s:author _:person_schneider ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:numberOfPages "117" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-08-08" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/remis-programmierhandbuch-1986.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-08-08" ;
+ s:name "Systemhandbuch" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "153" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_hahn ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/systemhandbuch-1986.pdf> ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-05-16" ;
+ s:name "Systemhandbuch" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "105" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_hahn ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/systemhandbuch-1984.pdf> ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd, _:org_hrz ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Systemhandbuch, Version 1.7, Stand 13.3.85" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "116" ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_hahn ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Taschenbuch, Version 1.6" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "43" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_hrz ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/taschenbuch.pdf>;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1987-06-01" ;
+ s:name "User Manual: Part 1: Word Processing" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "116" ;
+ s:author _:person_fey-mcclean ,
+ _:person_kloeckner ,
+ _:person_metterhausen ;
+ s:translator _:person_bernhard , _:person_fey-mcclean ;
+ s:inLanguage "en-US" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/word-processing-1987.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Beyer" ],
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_kloeckner ,
+ _:person_liedtke,
+ [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Szalay" ],
+ [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Wegener" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Systemkern, Entwurf zur Systemdokumentation" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-05-16" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Quellcode der insertierten ELAN-Pakete" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-10-01" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Quellcode der insertierten ELAN-Pakete" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd, _:org_hrz ;
+ s:url <library/quelltext-1.7.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Benutzerhandbuch, Version 1.7" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "452" ;
+ # are those the same? first one is 500 pages
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ # another one?
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_hrz , _:org_gmd ;
+ s:url <library/handbuch-1.7.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Benutzerhandbuch, Version 1.7" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "252" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_hrz, _:org_gmd ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:name "Betriebssystem EUMEL. Der EUMEL-SHard. Version 5.0" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+### Anwerdersoftwareklasse 2 (manuals) ###
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Anwendersoftwareklasse 2" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "DASYS-Handbuch" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_anwendersoftware ;
+ s:author _:person_bendisch ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-08-08" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "44" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/dasys-handbuch-86.pdf> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "DYNAMO-Compiler" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_anwendersoftware ;
+ s:author _:person_craemer , _:person_keil ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-08-08" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "13" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/dynamo-compiler-1986.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_anwendersoftware ;
+ s:name "Hamster-Modell" ;
+ s:author _:person_oppor ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ # XXX: sure?
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "12" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/hamster-modell-1984.pdf> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "LISP-Handbuch" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_anwendersoftware ;
+ s:author _:person_maccarthy ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:editor _:person_durchholz , _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-08-08" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "60" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/lisp-handbuch-1986.pdf> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Modellcomputer MOCO" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_anwendersoftware ;
+ s:author _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:namberOfPages "21" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/modellcomputer-moco-1984.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "MS-DOS-DAT" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_anwendersoftware ;
+ s:author _:person_klapper ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-08-08" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "12" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/ms-dos-dat-1986.pdf> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Compilerhandbuch BASIC" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_anwendersoftware ;
+ s:author _:person_indenbirken ;
+ s:publisher _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984-07" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "71" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/compilerhandbuch-basic-1984.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
diff --git a/ttl/library_random.ttl b/ttl/library_random.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2249ab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/library_random.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,804 @@
+### Random literature ###
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-03" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:pageStart "20" ;
+ s:pageEnd "20" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:Periodical; s:name "Happy Computer" ] ;
+ s:name "Technologie-Transfer-Preis 1985 für „Eumel“" .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "2008" ;
+ s:name "Informatikforschung in Deutschland" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "332" ;
+ s:url <library/reuse08.pdf> ;
+ s:author
+ [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Reuse" ;
+ s:givenName "Bernd" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Vollmar" ;
+ s:givenName "Roland" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:isbn "978-3-540-76549-3";
+ s:publisher _:org_springer .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Proceedings of the Thirteenth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education" ;
+ s:isbn "0-89791-067-2" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1982" ;
+ s:name "ELAN: An Elementary Language That Promotes Godd Programming" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "4" ;
+ s:url <library/carmony82.pdf> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:publisher _:org_acm ;
+ s:pageStart "163" ;
+ s:pageEnd "166" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:author
+ [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Carmony" ;
+ s:givenName "Lowell A." ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1978" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:number "4" ;
+ s:name "Das Rechenzentrum" ;
+ s:issn "0343-317X" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:name "Die Ausbildung an einem Hochschulrechenzentrum" ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn ;
+ s:pageStart "204" ;
+ s:pageEnd "208" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "4" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <library/hahn78.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Rehder" ;
+ s:givenName "S." ;
+ ] ;
+ s:name "A Shell for Microcomputer Exploration Software Used in Developing Countries" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Quantitative Analysis of Mineral and Energy Resources" ;
+ s:datePublished "1988" ;
+ s:isbn "978-94-009-4029-1" ;
+ s:publisher "Springer Netherlands" ;
+ s:location "Dordrecht" ;
+ s:editor [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Chung" ;
+ s:givenName "C. F." ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Fabbri" ;
+ s:givenName "A. G." ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Sinding-Larsen" ;
+ s:givenName "R." ;
+ ] ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "625" ;
+ s:pageEnd "631" ;
+ s:sameAs <> .
+ a s:Article ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_rechenanlagen ;
+ ] ;
+ s:name "EUMEL - ein Schulrechnerbetriebssystem auf der Basis der Programmiersprache ELAN" ;
+ s:url <library/rechenanlagen83.pdf> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "Elektronische Rechenanlagen" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Elementare Methoden der Kombinatorik" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:url <library/danckwerts85.pdf> ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ s:isbn "978-3-519-02529-0" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "208" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_vieweg_teubner ;
+ s:author [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Rainer" ;
+ s:familyName "Danckwerts";
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Dankwart" ;
+ s:familyName "Vogel" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Klaus" ;
+ s:familyName "Bovermann" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Walter" ;
+ s:familyName "Deuber" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Roland" ;
+ s:familyName "Stowasser" ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "BOXDYN - eine komfortable Benutzeroberfläche für das DYNAMO-System im Betriebssystem EUMEL" ;
+ s:author _:person_craemer ;
+ s:pageStart "214" ;
+ s:pageEnd "221" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Simulationstechnik: 4. Symposium Simulationstechnik Zürich, 9.-11. September 1987 Proceeding" ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isbn "978-3-642-73000-9" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_springer ;
+ s:editor [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Halin";
+ s:givenName "Jürgen" ;
+ ] ;
+ ] ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <library/craemer87.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Software-Führer ’93/’94 Lehre und Forschung: Ingenieurwissenschaften" ;
+ s:datePublished "1993" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_springer ;
+ s:sameAs <>;
+ s:isbn "978-3-540-56286-3";
+ s:numberOfPages "701" ;
+ s:url <library/software93.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis , _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:Report ;
+ s:name "ALWR Kommissionsbericht: Mikrocomputer: Einsatz im Hochschulbereich" ;
+ s:datePublished "1982-10-22" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:publisher _:org_hrz ;
+ s:url <library/alwr82.pdf> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Top-Down Programming with ELAN" ;
+ s:publisher [
+ a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "Ellis Horwood" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:author _:person_koster ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isbn "0-7458-0187-0" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/> ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:name "EUMEL – ein Mikroprozessor Betriebssystem der GMD" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1979" ;
+ s:issueNumber "5" ;
+ s:volumeNumber "21" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_rechenanlagen ;
+ ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/rechenanlagen79.pdf> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:pageStart "252" ;
+ s:pageEnd "252" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:name "EUMEL: Softwareentwicklung auf Personal Computern" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:issueNumber "3" ;
+ s:volumeNumber "28" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "Informationstechnik it" ;
+ ] ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "186" ;
+ s:pageEnd "186" ;
+ s:url <library/it86.pdf> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:name "Betriebssystem EUMEL auf Personal Computern" ;
+ s:pageStart "174" ;
+ s:pageEnd "174" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/at86.pdf> ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:issueNumber "5" ;
+ s:volumeNumber "34" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "Automatisierungstechnik at" ;
+ ] ;
+ ] ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ .
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "IuR" ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:issueNumber "2" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:iur ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "92" ;
+ s:pageEnd "96" ;
+ s:name "Text- und Datenverarbeitung in der Anwaltskanzlei" ;
+ s:author [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Schütz" ;
+ s:givenName "Harald ";
+ ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/schuetz86.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:issueNumber "4" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:iur ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "175" ;
+ s:pageEnd "178" ;
+ s:name "Anwalts- und Notarprogramme auf der CEBIT 1986" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/iur86.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1987-06-11" ;
+ s:issueNumber "24" ;
+ s:name "Deutsches Ärzteblatt" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "A-1774" ;
+ s:pageEnd "A-1775" ;
+ s:author [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Ende" ;
+ s:givenName "Werner";
+ ] ;
+ s:name "LABORIS – zukunftsweisende Software für Ärzte" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/ende87.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:Newspaper ;
+ s:name "Bonner General-Anzeiger, Stadtausgabe Bonn" ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:name "Technologie-Preise für GMD-‚Eumel‘" ;
+ s:datePublished "1985-12-10" ;
+ s:pageStart "7" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:generalanzeiger ;
+ s:url <library/generalanzeiger85.html> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:name "Deutsches Computersystem für die japanische Schrift" ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "EUMEL kann auf verschiedene Fabrikate übertragen werden." ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-03-06" ;
+ s:pageStart "27" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:generalanzeiger ;
+ s:url <library/generalanzeiger86.html> ;
+ .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:name "Computer-Notizen: Ausbildungsauftrag" ;
+ s:pageStart "24" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "Handelsblatt" ;
+ s:issueNumber "40" ;
+ s:datePublished "1991-02-26" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:url <library/handelsblatt91.html> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "Die Automation in der Anwaltskanzlei" ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Eine empirische Untersuchung über die Automation in hannoverschen Anwaltskanzleien" ;
+ s:pageStart "2784" ;
+ s:pageEnd "2787" ;
+ s:author [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Gureck" ;
+ s:givenName "Ralph" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Refflinghaus" ;
+ s:givenName "Dirk" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "JurPC" ;
+ s:issueNumber "9" ;
+ s:datePublished "1994" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/jurpc94.pdf> ;
+ .
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "Computer und Recht" ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "Nixdorf mit neuem Anwalts-PC" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:issueNumber "9" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:cr ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "613" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/cr86.html> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "Olivetti und Kienzle übernehmen Advodat-Paket" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:issueNumber "3" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:cr ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "206" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/cr87a.html> ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "Jetzt DFÜ-Software für Advodat-Nutzer" ;
+ s:isPartOf [
+ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:issueNumber "5" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:cr ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "332" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/cr87b.html> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ;
+ s:datePublished "1976" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:numberOfPages "230" ;
+ s:url <library/slan-compiler-teil-1.djvu> ;
+ s:name "Implementation eines SLAN-Compilers, Teil 1" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_bartling ;
+ s:datePublished "1976" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "145" ;
+ s:url <library/slan-compiler-teil-2.djvu> ;
+ s:name "Implementation eines SLAN-Compilers, Teil 2" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ .
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "ST-Computer" ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_stc ;
+ s:alternateName "stc87a" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL: Ein neues Betriebssystem für den Atari ST (Teil 1)" ;
+ .
+# Where is part 2?
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_stc ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL - Ein neues Betriebssystem für den Atari ST (Teil 3)" ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_noltemeier ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "German-Chinese Electronics Week, Proceedings of Congress, Part 4: Data Processing" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "148" ;
+ s:publisher "VDE-Verlag" ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isbn "3-8007-1527-9" ] ;
+ s:pageStart "43" ;
+ s:pageEnd "55" ;
+ s:inLanguage "en-US" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Goals and principles of the EUMEL operating system" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn, _:person_stock ;
+ s:datePublished "1979" ;
+ s:isbn "3-400-00386-7" ;
+ s:name "ELAN-Handbuch" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/elan-handbuch-1979.djvu> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "155" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:publisher _:org_akademische_verlagsgesellschaft ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_hommel , _:person_jaeckel , _:person_jaehnichen ,
+ _:person_kleine , _:person_koch , _:person_koster ;
+ s:datePublished "1979" ;
+ s:name "ELAN-Sprachbeschreibung" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:numberOfPages "95" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_akademische_verlagsgesellschaft ;
+ s:isbn "3-400-00384-0" ;
+ s:url <library/elan-sprachbeschreibung.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke, _:person_klingen ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ s:name "ELAN in 100 Beispielen" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "239" ;
+ s:isbn "978-3-519-02521-4" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:publisher [ a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "B. G. Teubner" ] ;
+ .
+ a s:BlogPosting ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Zielke" ;
+ s:givenName "Elmar" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "2014-11-03" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:name "Restauration eines Olivetti M20" ;
+ .
+ a s:BlogPosting ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:name "Mit ELAN die Hardware vergessen (machen)" ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ; s:givenName "Stefan" ; s:familyName "Höltgen" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "2012-01-05" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ .
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "A Persistent System in Real Use – Experiences of the First 13 Years" ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ;
+ s:datePublished "1993" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "International Workshop on Object-Orientation in Operating Systems" ] ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:url <library/> ;
+ s:inLanguage "en-US" ;
+ .
+# likely lost in time, author does not have a copy, see
+ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "Implementation of X25 on the microcomputer system EUMEL for connection to public communication network" ;
+ s:author _:person_sinha , _:person_heyderhoff , _:person_hoens ;
+ s:datePublished "1982" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "Golden Jubilee Conference on Advances in Information Science and Technology, ISI, Calcutta" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "en-US" ;
+ .
+# unpublished works
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "My Lecture Notes" ;
+ s:author _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:dateCreated "1982" ;
+ s:url <library/heyderhoff_lecture_1982.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Report ;
+ s:name "Der EUMEL-Ansatz zur Softwaretechnologie: eine Stellungnahme der GMD zum SIGMA—Projekt" ;
+ s:author _:person_heyderhoff , _:person_kloeckner ;
+ s:dateCreated "1985-03-25" ;
+ s:url <library/stellungnahme_sigma_1985.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Report ;
+ s:name "Reisebericht Japan" ;
+ s:author _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:dateCreated "1985" ;
+ s:url <library/heyderhoff_reisebericht_japan_1985.djvu> ;
+ .
+# not sure about authors of this one:
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Das Mehrplatz-Betriebssystem EUMEL für Mikrorechner" ;
+ s:author _:person_kammerer , _:person_noltemeier ;
+ s:dateCreated "1985-04" ;
+ s:url <library/preisbewerbung_1985.djvu> ;
+ .
+# magazine is lost, but existed from 1986 (first known reference) to 1989 (see
+ a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-aktuell" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:author [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Goossenaerts" ;
+ s:givenName "Jan" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Janssens" ;
+ s:givenName "Dirk" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:name "Object-Oriented Programming in EUMEL/ELAN" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:datePublished "1988" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_eumelaktuell ;
+ s:issueNumber "1/88" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:pageStart "45" ;
+ s:pageEnd "66" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ .
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:name "EUMEL: Das Betriebssystem für Mikrocomputer. Produktinformation. Für Anwender und Hersteller" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ # contains a copy of gmdspiegel85a as well
+ .
+# just a bunch of pages
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_produktinfos ;
+ s:name "Informationen über EUMEL" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "18" ;
+ s:dateCreated "1984" ;
+ s:url <library/produktinfos.djvu> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+# glossy product info map
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_produktinfos ;
+ s:name "EUMEL: Das Mehrplatz-Betriebssystem" ;
+ s:dateCreated "1985-11" ;
+ s:url <library/produktinfos.djvu> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_produktinfos ;
+ s:name "Preisblatt für die Software-Lizenz des Betriebssystems EUMEL" ;
+ # other pages created 1986-01
+ s:dateCreated "1985-11-08" ;
+ s:url <library/produktinfos.djvu> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Der Hamster – Programmieren lernen in einer Modellwelt" ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_jbmetzler ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-20378-6" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "213" ;
+ s:url <library/der-hamster.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:name "Der Hamster – Programmieren lernen in einer Modellwelt – Lehrerband" ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_jbmetzler ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-70187-5" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "165" ;
+ s:url <library/der-hamster-lehrerband.djvu> ;
+ .
+### EUMEL-Praxis ###
+_:thing_eumel-praxis a s:Book ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Praxis" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ .
+ a s:PublicationVolume ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros,
+ _:person_aschemann,
+ _:person_diehl ;
+ s:datePublished "1989" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_eumel-praxis ;
+ s:volumeNumber "1" ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-30313-6" ;
+ s:name "Für Einsteiger" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "205" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <library/eumel-praxis-1.djvu> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_j_b__metzler ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel .
+ a s:PublicationVolume ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros,
+ _:person_aschemann,
+ _:person_diehl ;
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_eumel-praxis ;
+ s:volumeNumber "2" ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-30314-4" ;
+ s:name "Für Programmierer" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "195" ;
+ s:sameAs <>;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <library/eumel-praxis-2.djvu> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_j_b__metzler .
+ a s:PublicationVolume ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros,
+ _:person_aschemann,
+ _:person_diehl ;
+ s:datePublished "1991" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_eumel-praxis ;
+ s:volumeNumber "3" ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-30315-2" ;
+ s:name "Für Anwender" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "224" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <library/eumel-praxis-3.djvu> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_j_b__metzler .
diff --git a/ttl/organizations.ttl b/ttl/organizations.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b356abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/organizations.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+### Organizations ###
+_:org_j_b__metzler a s:Organization ;
+ s:location "Stuttgart" ;
+ s:name "J.B. Metzler" .
+_:org_springer a s:Organization ;
+ s:location "Berlin" ;
+ s:name "Springer" .
+_:org_acm a s:Organization ;
+ s:location "New York" ;
+ s:name "ACM" .
+_:org_vieweg_teubner a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "Vieweg+Teubner" .
+ a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH" ;
+ s:alternateName "GMD" ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:postOfficeBoxNumber "1240" ;
+ #s:addressLocality "Schloß Birlinghoven" ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:postalCode "5205" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Sankt Augustin 1" ;
+ ]
+ .
+ a s:EducationalOrganization ;
+ s:name "Universität Bielefeld" ;
+ s:url <> .
+ a s:EducationalOrganization ;
+ s:name "Hochschulrechenzentrum" ;
+ s:department _:org_unibi .
+ a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft" ;
+ s:location [ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressLocality "Wiesbaden" ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ ]
+ .
+### Companies ###
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Siegburg" ;
+ s:postalCode "5200" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Bergstraße 7" ] ;
+ s:telephone "02241/63075" ; # source?
+ s:faxNumber "02241/63078" ; # source?
+ s:name "ERGOS Ergonomic Office Software GmbH" .
+# atari port?
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Bielefeld" ;
+ s:postalCode "33699" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Gustav-Winkler-Straße 22" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:name "BICOS COMPUTER GmbH" .
+# Atari port?
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Dortmund" ;
+ s:postalCode "4600" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Watermannberg 3" ] ;
+ s:name "Cadre" .
+# X86 port
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Spenge" ;
+ s:postalCode "4905" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Rabeneck 23" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:name "Martin Schönbeck Beratungen GmbH" .
+# siehe <#stcXXX>
+# Whois:
+# Siegfried Fronzek
+# ISP GmbH
+# Fliednerstr. 3
+# 40489
+# Duesseldorf
+# DE
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Dortmund 1" ;
+ s:postalCode "4600" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Emil-Figge-Straße 76" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:telephone "0211-4059540" ;
+ s:faxNumber "0211-4059541" ;
+ s:name "ISP GmbH Individuelle Softwareprodukte" .
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Bielefeld 1" ;
+ s:postalCode "4800 " ;
+ s:streetAddress "Mühlenstraße 47" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:telephone "0521-65136" ;
+ s:name "digitron GmbH" .
+# L3
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Sankt Augustin" ;
+ s:postalCode "53757 " ;
+ s:streetAddress "Rathausallee 10" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:telephone "(02241) 92530" ;
+ s:name "ACCOMMODAT GmbH" .
+# multiline (siehe computerwoche)
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Mannheim 61" ;
+ s:postalCode "6800" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Wildbader Straße 7" ] ;
+ s:telephone "06 21/4 70 06-0" ;
+ s:name "Webidata Softwareentwicklung GmbH" .
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "München" ;
+ s:postalCode "8000" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Arabellastraße 15" ] ;
+ s:name "Advodat GmbH" ;
+ .
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Bonn 1" ;
+ s:postalCode "5300" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Bonngasse 4–6" ] ;
+ s:name "Modsoft – Organisation für Software und Computer-Anwendung GmbH" ;
+ .
diff --git a/ttl/people.ttl b/ttl/people.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfe667e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/people.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+### People ###
+_:person_aschemann a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Aschemann" ;
+ s:givenName "Gerd" ;
+ s:url <> .
+_:person_diehl a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Diehl" ;
+ s:givenName "Michael" .
+_:person_ambros a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Ambros" ;
+ s:givenName "Wolfgang" .
+_:person_liedtke a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Liedtke" ;
+ s:givenName "Jochen" ;
+ s:deathDate "2001-06-10" ;
+ s:alumni _:org_unibi ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ .
+_:person_heinrichs a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Heinrichs" ;
+ s:givenName "Dietmar" ;
+ s:employee _:org_hrz ;
+ s:sameAs <> .
+_:person_heyderhoff a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Heyderhoff" ;
+ s:givenName "Peter" .
+_:person_oppor a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Oppor" ;
+ s:givenName "Lothar" .
+_:person_craemer a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Craemer" ;
+ s:givenName "Dieter" .
+_:person_maccarthy a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "MacCarthy" ;
+ s:givenName "John" .
+_:person_bendisch a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Bendisch" ;
+ s:givenName "Jürgen" .
+_:person_indenbirken a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Indenbirken" ;
+ s:givenName "Heiko" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Bartling" ;
+ s:givenName "Ulrich" ;
+ s:alumni _:org_unibi .
+ a s:Person;
+ s:familyName "Nolting" ;
+ s:givenName "Reinhard" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Roland" ;
+ s:givenName "Rudolf" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Möller" ;
+ s:givenName "Renate" ;
+ s:sameAs <>.
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Puhlmann" ;
+ s:givenName "Axel" ;
+ s:employee _:com_schoenbeck .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Hahn" ;
+ s:givenName "Rainer" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Cornelis Hermanns Antonius";
+ s:familyName "Koster" ;
+ # source:
+ s:deathDate "2013-03-21" ;
+ s:birthDate "1943-07-13" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Ley" ;
+ s:givenName "Irmgard" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Metterhausen" ;
+ s:givenName "Werner" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Fey-McClean" ;
+ s:givenName "Monika" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Klöckner" ;
+ s:givenName "Konrad" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Keil" ;
+ s:givenName "Robert" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Durchholz" ;
+ s:givenName "J." .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Klapper" ;
+ s:givenName "Frank" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Schneider" ;
+ s:givenName "Udo" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Bernhard" ;
+ s:givenName "Ursula" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Klingen" ;
+ s:givenName "Leo H." ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Seyfert" ;
+ s:givenName "Wolfgang" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Breiling" ;
+ s:givenName "Adolf" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Schmidt-Belz" ;
+ s:givenName "Barbara" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Jähnichen" ;
+ s:givenName "Stefan" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Koch" ;
+ s:givenName "Wilfried" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Starcke" ;
+ s:givenName "Karl Wilhelm" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Petersen" ;
+ s:givenName "Ulrike" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Noltemeier" ;
+ s:givenName "Albert" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Stock" ;
+ s:givenName "H. Peter" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Kammerer" ;
+ s:givenName "E." ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Sinha" ;
+ s:givenName "Bhabani P." ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Hoens" ;
+ s:givenName "G." ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Hommel" ;
+ s:givenName "Günter" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Jäckel" ;
+ s:givenName "Joachim" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Kleine" ;
+ s:givenName "Karl" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Wermelskirchen" ;
+ s:givenName "Clemens" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Klaus" ;
+ s:familyName "Görgen" ;
+ .
diff --git a/ttl/software.ttl b/ttl/software.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82dd713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttl/software.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+### Software ###
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "EUMEL" ;
+ s:softwareVersion "1.7" ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:offers _:offer_eumelmulti , _:offer_eumelsingle, _:offer_eumelpd ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "EUMEL" ;
+ s:softwareVersion "1.8" ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-10" ;
+ s:offers _:offer_eumelmulti , _:offer_eumelsingle ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:name "Multi-User-Version" ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "750" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:name "Single-User-Version" ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "250" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:name "Public Domain" ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "50" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1989-11-09" ;
+ s:offeredBy _:com_schoenbeck ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "MS-DOS-DAT" ;
+ s:description "MS-DOS interoperability layer" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "200" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-01-01" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "Texteditor" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "850" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "BASIC P 6066 compiler" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "400" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "M-BASIC" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "400" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-03" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Netz" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "200" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "DYNAMO" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "200" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "LISP" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "0" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "DASYS" ;
+ s:description "Statistics software" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "200" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "REMIS" ;
+ s:description "Relational database with SQL support" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "200" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:validThrough "1987" ; # seyfert87
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "BAISY" ;
+ s:description "Database" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "EUDAS" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "MOCO" ;
+ s:description "Modellcomputer MOCO" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "0" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "HAMSTER" ;
+ s:author _:org_gmd ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "0" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "False" ;
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1985-11-08" ; # vertriebsinfos
+ s:offeredBy _:org_gmd ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "Multiline Superbase" ;
+ s:applicationCategory "database" ;
+ s:author _:com_webidata ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "Multiline Orga Pac" ;
+ s:description "Organisationspaket" ;
+ s:author _:com_webidata ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "Multiline BTX" ;
+ s:description "BTX-Inhouse-Lösung" ;
+ s:author _:com_webidata ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "Multiline Inkasso" ;
+ s:description "software for debt collecting agencies" ;
+ s:author _:com_webidata ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "Multiline HGB Par.89ff." ;
+ s:description "Branchenpaket für Handelsvertreter" ;
+ s:author _:com_webidata ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "dgs Digitron-Grafik-System" ;
+ s:author _:com_digitron ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "450" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "True" ; # ?
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1990" ; # ambros90b
+ s:validThrough "1990" ;
+ s:offeredBy _:com_digitron ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "dgs SUPER VISION" ;
+ s:author _:com_digitron ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "dgs Super Chart" ;
+ s:author _:com_digitron ;
+ s:offers [
+ a s:Offer ;
+ s:priceSpecification [
+ a s:UnitPriceSpecification ;
+ s:price "1200" ;
+ s:priceCurrency "DEM" ;
+ s:valueAddedTaxIncluded "True" ; # ?
+ ] ;
+ s:validFrom "1990" ; # ambros90b
+ s:validThrough "1990" ;
+ s:offeredBy _:com_digitron ;
+ ] ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "EUMELbase" ;
+ s:description "Relational database" ;
+ s:applicationCategory "database" ;
+ s:author _:com_isp ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "EUMELcalc" ;
+ s:applicationCategory "spreadsheet" ;
+ s:author _:com_isp ;
+ .
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "EUMELwriter" ;
+ s:applicationCategory "text processing" ;
+ s:author _:com_isp ;
+ .
+# see ende87
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "LABORIS" ;
+ s:description "Software suite for doctors" ;
+ s:author _:com_isp ;
+ .
+# see iur86
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "Ergo JUR" ;
+ s:author _:com_modsoft ;
+ s:operatingSystem "EUMEL" ;
+ # see iur86
+ s:memoryRequirements "512 KB" ;
+ s:storageRequirements "0.5 MB" ;
+ s:dateCreated "1986" ;
+ .
+# ~120 installs in 1986 [schuetz86]_
+ a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:name "advodat" ;
+ s:author _:com_advodat ;
+ s:operatingSystem "EUMEL" ;
+ # see iur86
+ s:memoryRequirements "512 KB" ;
+ s:storageRequirements "3 MB" ;
+ s:dateCreated "1984" ;
+ .