/* Style for printing with outlines instead of solid color faces */ /* inkscape-compatibility, explicitly apply font settings to .label */ svg, .label { font-family: "IBM Plex Sans Arabic"; font-size: 90px; font-weight: 400; } .unused { opacity: 0.6; } .label .layer-1 { } .modifier .label .layer-1 { font-size: 80%; } .label .layer-2, .label .layer-3, .label .layer-4 { font-size: 80%; font-weight: 100; } .label .controlchar { font-size: 40%; font-family: sans-serif; } .cap rect { fill: white; stroke: gray; stroke-width: 2; } .highlight circle { } .cap-shadow rect.finger-little, .cap-shadow rect.finger-ring, .cap-shadow rect.finger-middle, .cap-shadow rect.finger-index, .cap-shadow rect.finger-thumb { fill: white; } .label { fill: black; } .label.shadow { fill: white; } .controllabel { stroke: black; fill: none; } .controllabel.shadow { stroke: white; fill: none; } .marker line { stroke: gray; } .marker line.shadow { stroke: white; }