# Copyright (c) 2019 lulua contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import sys, re, unicodedata, copy from enum import IntEnum, unique from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from itertools import chain from typing import Text, FrozenSet, Iterator, List, Dict, Any, Tuple from pygtrie import CharTrie import pkg_resources import yaml from .util import first, YamlLoader @unique class Direction(IntEnum): LEFT = 1 RIGHT = 2 # shortcut binds LEFT = Direction.LEFT RIGHT = Direction.RIGHT @unique class FingerType(IntEnum): LITTLE = 1 RING = 2 MIDDLE = 3 INDEX = 4 THUMB = 5 # shortcut binds LITTLE = FingerType.LITTLE RING = FingerType.RING MIDDLE = FingerType.MIDDLE INDEX = FingerType.INDEX THUMB = FingerType.THUMB class Hand: __slots__ = ('position', 'fingers') def __init__ (self, position, fingers=None): self.position = position self.fingers = [] if fingers: for f in fingers: self.addFinger (f) def __repr__ (self): return f'Hand({self.position.name}, {self.fingers})' def __getitem__ (self, k): return next (filter (lambda x: x.number == k, self.fingers)) def addFinger (self, f): self.fingers.append (f) f.hand = self class Finger: __slots__ = ('number', 'hand') def __init__ (self, number): self.number = number self.hand = None def __repr__ (self): return f'Finger({self.number.name}) # {self.hand.position.name}' from .keyboard import Button class ButtonCombination: __slots__ = ('modifier', 'buttons', '_hash') def __init__ (self, modifier: FrozenSet[Button], buttons: FrozenSet[Button]): self.modifier = modifier self.buttons = buttons self._hash = hash ((self.modifier, self.buttons)) def __len__ (self) -> int: return len (self.modifier) + len (self.buttons) def __iter__ (self) -> Iterator[Button]: return chain (self.modifier, self.buttons) def __repr__ (self): return f'ButtonCombination({self.modifier!r}, {self.buttons!r})' def __hash__ (self): return self._hash def __eq__ (self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance (other, ButtonCombination): return NotImplemented return self.buttons == other.buttons and self.modifier == other.modifier def __getstate__ (self): return (self.modifier, self.buttons) def __setstate__ (self, state): self.__init__ (modifier=state[0], buttons=state[1]) Layer = namedtuple ('Layer', ['modifier', 'layout']) from .keyboard import PhysicalKeyboard class KeyboardLayout: """ Keyboard layout, i.e. physical button to character mapping """ __slots__ = ('name', 'bufferLen', 't', 'layers', '_modifierToLayer', 'keyboard') def __init__ (self, name: Text, layers: List[Layer], keyboard: PhysicalKeyboard): # XXX: add sanity checks (i.e. modifier are not used elsewhere, no duplicates, …) self.name = name self.layers = layers self.keyboard = keyboard self._modifierToLayer : Dict[FrozenSet[Button], Tuple[int, Layer]] = dict () self.bufferLen = 0 t = self.t = CharTrie () for i, l in enumerate (layers): for m in l.modifier: self._modifierToLayer[m] = (i, l) for button, v in l.layout.items (): if isinstance (v, str): t.setdefault (v, []) for m in l.modifier: comb = ButtonCombination (m, frozenset ([button])) t[v].append (comb) self.bufferLen = max (len (v), self.bufferLen) def __call__ (self, buf: Text): """ Lookup a string and find the key used to type it """ p = self.t.longest_prefix (buf) if p.key is None: raise KeyError () return (p.key, p.value) def __iter__ (self): return iter (self.t.items ()) def __eq__ (self, other): return self.layers == other.layers def __repr__ (self): return f'' def copy (self): layers = copy.deepcopy (self.layers) return self.__class__ (self.name[:], layers) def getText (self, comb: ButtonCombination) -> Text: """ Get input text for combination """ return self.modifierToLayer (comb.modifier)[1].layout[first (comb.buttons)] def getButtonText (self, button: Button) -> Iterator[Text]: """ Get text from all layers for a single button """ for l in self.layers: yield l.layout.get (button, None) def modifierToLayer (self, mod: FrozenSet[Button]) -> Tuple[int, Layer]: """ Look up (layer number, layer) for a given modifier combination mod """ return self._modifierToLayer[mod] def isModifier (self, mod: FrozenSet[Button]) -> bool: """ Check if a given set of buttons is a modifier key """ return mod in self._modifierToLayer class GenericLayout: """ Layout for _any_ kind of keyboard, i.e. not specialized """ __slots__ = ('name', 'layers') def __init__ (self, name: Text, layers: List): self.name = name self.layers = layers def __eq__ (self, other): return self.layers == other.layers def __len__ (self): return sum (len (layer.layout) for layer in self.layers) def buttons (self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Button, Text]]: """ Iterate over all layers and buttons """ for l in self.layers: yield from l.layout.items () @classmethod def deserialize (cls, data: Dict): layout = [] layerSwitches = {} for layer in data['layout']: layout.append (Layer (modifier=[frozenset (x) for x in layer['modifier']], layout=layer['layer'])) return cls (data['name'], layout) def serialize (self): def convertLayer (l): modifier = [list (x) for x in l.modifier] return dict (layer=l.layout, modifier=modifier) data = dict (name=self.name, layout=[convertLayer (x) for x in self.layers]) return data def specialize (self, keyboard: PhysicalKeyboard) -> KeyboardLayout: """ Adapt this layout to an actual keyboard """ def findButton (args): name, value = args return keyboard.find (name), value layers = [] for l in self.layers: modifier = [] for m in l.modifier: modifier.append (frozenset (keyboard.find (x) for x in m)) layers.append (Layer (modifier=modifier, layout=dict (map (findButton, l.layout.items ())))) return KeyboardLayout (self.name, layers, keyboard=keyboard) @classmethod def fromKlc (cls, fd): """ Parse Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator project file """ def codeToText (c): # two symbols for NULL? Seriously Microsoft? if c == '%%': return None n = int (c, 16) if n == -1: return None return unicodedata.normalize ('NFD', chr (n)) vkToButton = { 'OEM_3': 'Bl2', '1': 'Bl2', '2': 'Bl3', '3': 'Bl4', '4': 'Bl5', '5': 'Bl6', '6': 'Bl7', '7': 'Br6', '8': 'Br5', '9': 'Br4', '0': 'Br3', 'OEM_MINUS': 'Br2', 'OEM_PLUS': 'Br1', 'Q': 'Cl1', 'W': 'Cl2', 'E': 'Cl3', 'R': 'Cl4', 'T': 'Cl5', 'Y': 'Cr7', 'U': 'Cr6', 'I': 'Cr5', 'O': 'Cr4', 'P': 'Cr3', 'OEM_4': 'Cr2', 'OEM_6': 'Cr1', 'OEM_5': 'Cr0', 'A': 'Dl1', 'S': 'Dl2', 'D': 'Dl3', 'F': 'Dl4', 'G': 'Dl5', 'H': 'Dr7', 'J': 'Dr6', 'K': 'Dr5', 'L': 'Dr4', 'OEM_1': 'Dr3', 'OEM_7': 'Dr2', #Dr1 'OEM_102': 'El1', 'Z': 'El2', 'X': 'El3', 'C': 'El4', 'V': 'El5', 'B': 'El6', 'N': 'Er5', 'M': 'Er4', 'OEM_COMMA': 'Er3', 'OEM_PERIOD': 'Er2', 'OEM_2': 'Er1', 'SPACE': 'Fl_space', } with fd: mode = None layers = [{} for i in range (6)] for line in fd: # strip comments try: line = line[:line.index ('//')] line = line[:line.index (';')] except ValueError: pass line = line.strip () if line.startswith ('LAYOUT'): mode = 'layout' elif line == 'LIGATURE': mode = None elif mode == 'layout': try: scancode, virtKey, cap, *code = re.split (r'\s+', line) except ValueError: continue code = list (map (codeToText, code)) try: button = vkToButton[virtKey] for i, c in enumerate (code): if c is not None: layers[i][button] = c except KeyError: assert virtKey == 'DECIMAL' pass layerSwitches = { 0: [tuple ()], 1: [('El_shift', ), ('Er_shift', )], 2: [('Fl_ctrl', ), ('Fr_ctrl', )], 3: [('El_shift', 'Fl_ctrl'), ('Er_shift', 'Fr_ctrl')], 4: [('Er_altgr', )], 5: [('El_shift', 'Er_altgr')], } return layers, layerSwitches defaultLayouts = YamlLoader ('data/layouts', GenericLayout.deserialize) def importKlc (): with open (sys.argv[1], 'r', encoding='utf16') as fd: layers, layerSwitches = Layout.fromKlc (fd) data = {'name': None, 'layout': [{'layer': l, 'modifier': [list (x) for x in layerSwitches[i]]} for i, l in enumerate (layers)]} yaml.dump (data, sys.stdout)