# Copyright (c) 2019 lulua contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import sys, argparse, json, unicodedata, pickle, logging, math from operator import itemgetter from .layout import * from .keyboard import defaultKeyboards from .util import limit, displayText from .writer import Writer from .carpalx import Carpalx, models def setPlotStyle (p): """ Set common plot styles """ # Suppress warnings from bokeh if the legend is empty. if p.legend: p.legend.location = "top_left" # Hide glyph on click on legend p.legend.click_policy = "hide" p.legend.label_text_font = 'IBM Plex Sans Arabic' p.legend.border_line_color = None p.legend.background_fill_color = None p.legend.inactive_fill_color = 'black' p.legend.inactive_fill_alpha = 0.1 # no border fill p.border_fill_color = None p.background_fill_alpha = 0.5 def letterfreq (args): """ Map key combinations to their text, bin it and plot sorted distribution """ from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, LinearAxis, Range1d from bokeh.embed import json_item # show unicode class "letters other" only whitelistCategory = {'Lo'} stats = pickle.load (sys.stdin.buffer) # XXX: add layout to stats? keyboard = defaultKeyboards['ibmpc105'] layout = defaultLayouts[args.layout].specialize (keyboard) # letter-based binning, in case multiple buttons are mapped to the same # letter. binned = defaultdict (int) for k, v in stats['simple'].combinations.items (): # assuming multiple characters have the same category text = layout.getText (k) category = unicodedata.category (text[0]) if category in whitelistCategory: binned[text] += v combinationTotal = sum (binned.values ()) logging.info (f'total binned combinations {combinationTotal}') xdata = [] xlabel = [] ydata = [] ydataAbs = [] ydataCumAbs = [] ydataCumRel = [] cumSum = combinationTotal for i, (k, v) in enumerate (sorted (binned.items (), key=itemgetter (1))): xdata.append (i) xlabel.append (k) ydata.append (v/combinationTotal) ydataAbs.append (v) # cumulative ydataCumAbs.append (cumSum) ydataCumRel.append (cumSum/combinationTotal) cumSum -= v source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdata, letters=xlabel, rel=ydata, abs=ydataAbs, cum=ydataCumAbs, cumRel=ydataCumRel)) p = figure( plot_width=1000, plot_height=500, x_range=xlabel, y_range=(0, 1), sizing_mode='scale_both', tooltips=[('frequency', '@rel'), ('cumulative', '@cumRel'), ('count', '@abs')], ) p.line ('letters', 'cumRel', source=source, line_width=2) p.extra_y_ranges = {"single": Range1d (0, max (ydata))} p.vbar(x='letters', width=0.5, top='rel', color="#dc322f", source=source, y_range_name='single') p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="single"), 'right') setPlotStyle (p) # styling p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None for axis, size, font in ((p.xaxis, '1.5em', 'IBM Plex Sans Arabic'), (p.yaxis, '1em', 'IBM Plex Sans')): axis.major_label_text_font_size = size axis.major_label_text_font = font json.dump (json_item (p), sys.stdout) return 0 def triadfreq (args): """ Dump triad frequency stats to stdout """ sorter = dict ( weight=lambda x: x['weight'], effort=lambda x: x['effort'].effort, # increase impact of extremely “bad” triads using math.pow combined=lambda x: (x['weight']/weightSum)*math.pow (x['effort'].effort, 2) ) def noLimit (l, n): yield from l limiter = limit if args.limit > 0 else noLimit stats = pickle.load (sys.stdin.buffer) # XXX: add layout to stats? keyboard = defaultKeyboards['ibmpc105'] layout = defaultLayouts[args.layout].specialize (keyboard) writer = Writer (layout) # letter-based binning, in case multiple buttons are mapped to the same # letter. binned = defaultdict (lambda: dict (weight=0, effort=Carpalx (models['mod01'], writer), textTriad=None)) weightSum = 0 for triad, weight in stats['triads'].triads.items (): textTriad = tuple (layout.getText (t) for t in triad) data = binned[textTriad] data['weight'] += weight data['effort'].addTriad (triad, weight) data['textTriad'] = textTriad data['layers'] = tuple (layout.modifierToLayer (x.modifier)[0] for x in triad) weightSum += weight # triads that contribute to x% of the weight topTriads = list () topTriadsWeight = 0 for data in sorted (binned.values (), key=lambda x: x['weight'], reverse=True): if topTriadsWeight < weightSum*args.cutoff: topTriads.append (data) topTriadsWeight += data['weight'] logging.info (f'{len (topTriads)}/{len (stats["triads"].triads)} triads ' f'contribute to {args.cutoff*100}% of the typing') # final output sortByEffort = sorted (iter (topTriads), key=sorter[args.sort], reverse=args.reverse) for data in limiter (sortByEffort, args.limit): print (''.join (map (displayText, data['textTriad'])), data['weight'], data['effort'].effort) return 0 def triadEffortData (args): """ Plot cumulated triad frequency vs cumulative effort. More frequent triads should be easier to type and thus we expect an exponential distribution for optimized layouts and linear distribution for everything else. """ import numpy as np stats = pickle.load (sys.stdin.buffer) # XXX: add layout to stats? keyboard = defaultKeyboards['ibmpc105'] layout = defaultLayouts[args.layout].specialize (keyboard) writer = Writer (layout) # letter-based binning, in case multiple buttons are mapped to the same # letter. binned = defaultdict (lambda: dict (weight=0, effort=Carpalx (models['mod01'], writer), textTriad=None)) weightSum = 0 for triad, weight in stats['triads'].triads.items (): textTriad = tuple (layout.getText (t) for t in triad) data = binned[textTriad] data['weight'] += weight data['effort'].addTriad (triad, weight) data['textTriad'] = textTriad data['layers'] = tuple (layout.modifierToLayer (x.modifier)[0] for x in triad) weightSum += weight # Now bin into equally-sized buckets to reduce amount of data nBins = 200 binWidth = weightSum//nBins cumulativeWeight = 0 cumulativeEffort = 0 x = [] y = [] for data in sorted (binned.values (), key=lambda x: x['weight'], reverse=True): cumulativeWeight += data['weight'] cumulativeEffort += data['effort'].effort * data['weight'] if not x or x[-1] + binWidth <= cumulativeWeight: x.append (cumulativeWeight) y.append (cumulativeEffort) x.append (cumulativeWeight) y.append (cumulativeEffort) x = np.true_divide (x, cumulativeWeight) y = np.true_divide (y, cumulativeEffort) pickle.dump (dict (x=x, y=y, layout=layout), sys.stdout.buffer, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def triadEffortPlot (args): """ Plot concatenated pickled data from triadEffortData """ from .stats import unpickleAll # Initializing bokeh is an expensive operation and this module is imported # alot, so only do it when necessary. from bokeh.palettes import Set3 from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.models import RadioButtonGroup, CustomJS, Slope from bokeh.embed import json_item from bokeh.layouts import column p = figure( plot_width=1000, plot_height=500, sizing_mode='scale_both', x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(0, 1), output_backend="webgl", ) data = list (unpickleAll (sys.stdin.buffer)) colors = Set3[len(data)] lines = dict () for o, color in zip (data, colors): name = o['layout'].name assert name not in lines lines[name] = p.line (o['x'], o['y'], line_width=1, color=color, legend_label=name, name=name) # color: base1 slope = Slope(gradient=1, y_intercept=0, line_color='#93a1a1', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1) p.add_layout(slope) setPlotStyle (p) for axis, size, font in ((p.xaxis, '1em', 'IBM Plex Sans'), (p.yaxis, '1em', 'IBM Plex Sans')): axis.major_label_text_font_size = size axis.major_label_text_font = font LABELS = ["All", "Standard", "Usable"] visible = { 0: list (lines.keys ()), 1: ['ar-asmo663', 'ar-linux', 'ar-osx'], 2: ['ar-lulua', 'ar-ergoarabic', 'ar-malas', 'ar-linux', 'ar-osx'], } ranges = { 0: [(0, 1), (0, 1)], 1: [(0, 0.5), (0, 0.4)], 2: [(0, 0.5), (0, 0.4)], } presets = RadioButtonGroup (labels=LABELS, active=0) # Set visibility and x/yranges on click. Not sure if there’s a more pythonic way. presets.js_on_click(CustomJS( args=dict(lines=lines, plot=p, visible=visible, ranges=ranges), code=""" for (const [k, line] of Object.entries (lines)) { line.visible = visible[this.active].includes (k); } const xrange = plot.x_range; xrange.start = ranges[this.active][0][0]; xrange.end = ranges[this.active][0][1]; const yrange = plot.y_range; yrange.start = ranges[this.active][1][0]; yrange.end = ranges[this.active][1][1]; """)) json.dump (json_item (column (p, presets)), sys.stdout) return 0