# Copyright (c) 2019 lulua contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. import sys, operator, pickle, argparse, logging, yaml from operator import itemgetter from itertools import chain, groupby, product from collections import defaultdict from .layout import * from .keyboard import defaultKeyboards from .writer import SkipEvent, Writer from .carpalx import Carpalx, models from .plot import letterfreq, triadfreq from .util import displayText def updateDictOp (a, b, op): """ Update dict a by adding items from b using op """ for k, v in b.items (): if k not in a: # simple a[k] = v else: if isinstance (v, dict): # recursive assert isinstance (a[k], dict) updateDictOp (a[k], v, op) elif isinstance (v, list): assert False else: a[k] = op (a[k], v) class Stats: name = 'invalid' class RunlenStats (Stats): __slots__ = ('lastHand', 'perHandRunlenDist', 'curPerHandRunlen', 'fingerRunlen', 'lastFinger', 'fingerRunlenDist', 'writer') name = 'runlen' def __init__ (self, writer): self.writer = writer self.lastHand = None self.perHandRunlenDist = dict ((x, defaultdict (int)) for x in Direction) self.curPerHandRunlen = 0 self.lastFinger = None self.fingerRunlenDist = dict (((x, y), defaultdict (int)) for x, y in product (iter (Direction), iter (FingerType))) self.fingerRunlen = 0 def process (self, event): if isinstance (event, ButtonCombination): assert len (event.buttons) == 1 thisHand, thisFinger = self.writer.getHandFinger (first (event.buttons)) if self.lastHand and thisHand != self.lastHand: self.perHandRunlenDist[self.lastHand][self.curPerHandRunlen] += 1 self.curPerHandRunlen = 0 self.curPerHandRunlen += 1 self.lastHand = thisHand fingerKey = (thisHand, thisFinger) if self.lastFinger and fingerKey != self.lastFinger: self.fingerRunlenDist[fingerKey][self.fingerRunlen] += 1 self.fingerRunlen = 0 self.fingerRunlen += 1 self.lastFinger = fingerKey elif isinstance (event, SkipEvent): # reset state, we don’t know which button to press self.lastHand = None self.curPerHandRunlen = 0 self.lastFinger = None self.fingerRunlen = 0 def update (self, other): updateDictOp (self.perHandRunlenDist, other.perHandRunlenDist, operator.add) class SimpleStats (Stats): __slots__ = ('buttons', 'combinations', 'unknown') name = 'simple' def __init__ (self, writer): # single buttons self.buttons = defaultdict (int) # button combinations self.combinations = defaultdict (int) self.unknown = defaultdict (int) def process (self, event): if isinstance (event, SkipEvent): self.unknown[event.char] += 1 elif isinstance (event, ButtonCombination): for b in event: self.buttons[b] += 1 self.combinations[event] += 1 def update (self, other): updateDictOp (self.buttons, other.buttons, operator.add) updateDictOp (self.combinations, other.combinations, operator.add) updateDictOp (self.unknown, other.unknown, operator.add) class TriadStats (Stats): """ Button triad stats with an overlap of two. Whitespace buttons are ignored. """ __slots__ = ('_triad', 'triads', '_writer', '_ignored') name = 'triads' def __init__ (self, writer): self._writer = writer self._triad = [] self.triads = defaultdict (int) keyboard = self._writer.layout.keyboard self._ignored = frozenset (keyboard[x] for x in ('Fl_space', 'Fr_space', 'CD_ret', 'Cl_tab')) def process (self, event): if isinstance (event, SkipEvent): # reset self._triad = [] elif isinstance (event, ButtonCombination): assert len (event.buttons) == 1 btn = first (event.buttons) if btn not in self._ignored: self._triad.append (event) if len (self._triad) > 3: self._triad = self._triad[1:] assert len (self._triad) == 3 if len (self._triad) == 3: k = tuple (self._triad) self.triads[k] += 1 def update (self, other): updateDictOp (self.triads, other.triads, operator.add) allStats = [SimpleStats, RunlenStats, TriadStats] def unpickleAll (fd): while True: try: yield pickle.load (fd) except EOFError: break def combine (args): keyboard = defaultKeyboards[args.keyboard] layout = defaultLayouts['null'].specialize (keyboard) w = Writer (layout) combined = dict ((cls.name, cls(w)) for cls in allStats) for r in unpickleAll (sys.stdin.buffer): for s in allStats: combined[s.name].update (r[s.name]) pickle.dump (combined, sys.stdout.buffer, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) def pretty (args): stats = pickle.load (sys.stdin.buffer) keyboard = defaultKeyboards[args.keyboard] layout = defaultLayouts[args.layout].specialize (keyboard) writer = Writer (layout) buttonPresses = sum (stats['simple'].buttons.values ()) for k, v in sorted (stats['simple'].buttons.items (), key=itemgetter (1)): print (f'{k} {v:10d} {v/buttonPresses*100:5.1f}%') print ('combinations') combinationTotal = sum (stats['simple'].combinations.values ()) for k, v in sorted (stats['simple'].combinations.items (), key=itemgetter (1)): t = displayText (layout.getText (k)) print (f'{t:4s} {k} {v:10d} {v/combinationTotal*100:5.1f}%') print ('unknown') for k, v in sorted (stats['simple'].unknown.items (), key=itemgetter (1)): print (f'{k!r} {v:10d}') combined = defaultdict (int) for hand, dist in stats['runlen'].perHandRunlenDist.items (): print (hand) total = sum (dist.values ()) for k, v in sorted (dist.items (), key=itemgetter (0)): print (f'{k:2d} {v:10d} {v/total*100:5.1f}%') combined[k] += v print ('combined') total = sum (combined.values ()) for k, v in combined.items (): print (f'{k:2d} {v:10d} {v/total*100:5.1f}%') for triad, count in sorted (stats['triads'].triads.items (), key=itemgetter (1)): print (f'{triad} {count:10d}') effort = Carpalx (models['mod01'], writer) effort.addTriads (stats['triads'].triads) print ('total effort (carpalx)', effort.effort) def keyHeatmap (args): stats = pickle.load (sys.stdin.buffer) keyboard = defaultKeyboards[args.keyboard] layout = defaultLayouts[args.layout].specialize (keyboard) writer = Writer (layout) buttons = {} buttonPresses = sum (stats['simple'].buttons.values ()) data = {'total': buttonPresses, 'buttons': buttons} for k, v in sorted (stats['simple'].buttons.items (), key=itemgetter (1)): assert k.name not in data buttons[k.name] = v yaml.dump (data, sys.stdout) def fingerHand (args): stats = pickle.load (sys.stdin.buffer) keyboard = defaultKeyboards[args.keyboard] layout = defaultLayouts[args.layout].specialize (keyboard) writer = Writer (layout) hands = defaultdict (int) fingers = defaultdict (int) buttonPresses = sum (stats['simple'].buttons.values ()) for btn, count in stats['simple'].buttons.items (): hand, finger = writer.getHandFinger (btn) hands[hand] += count fingers[(hand, finger)] += count print ('