# Copyright (c) 2019 lulua contributors # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. 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""" Text/corpus handling tools """ import sys, argparse, pickle, json, logging, xml.dom.minidom, queue from io import StringIO, BytesIO from functools import partial from itertools import chain from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, cpu_count, current_process from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from tqdm import tqdm import ebooklib from ebooklib import epub import html5lib from html5lib.filters.base import Filter import brotli from .keyboard import defaultKeyboards from .layout import defaultLayouts from .writer import Writer from .stats import allStats, makeCombined def iterchar (fd): batchsize = 1*1024*1024 while True: c = fd.read (batchsize) if not c: break yield from c class Select (Filter): def __init__ (self, source, f): Filter.__init__ (self, source) self.inside = None self.f = f def __iter__(self): isScript = None for token in Filter.__iter__(self): ttype = token['type'] if ttype == 'StartTag': tname = token['name'] tdata = token['data'] if self.f (token): self.inside = 0 if tname in {'script', 'style'}: isScript = 0 if isScript is not None: if ttype == 'EndTag': isScript -= 1 if isScript <= 0: isScript = None elif self.inside is not None: if ttype == 'StartTag': self.inside += 1 if ttype == 'EndTag': self.inside -= 1 if self.inside <= 0: self.inside = None yield token class HTMLSerializer(object): def serialize(self, treewalker): for token in treewalker: type = token["type"] if type == "Doctype": pass elif type == "Characters": yield token['data'] elif type == "SpaceCharacters": yield ' ' elif type in ("StartTag", "EmptyTag"): name = token["name"] pass elif type == "EndTag": name = token["name"] if name in ('p', 'div'): yield '\n\n' elif type == "Comment": pass elif type == "Entity": name = token["name"] key = name + ";" if key not in html5lib.constants.entities: self.serializeError("Entity %s not recognized" % name) yield entities[key] else: assert False class BrotliFile: __slots__ = ('decompressor', 'readchunk', 'fd', 'buf') def __init__ (self, fd, readchunk=100*1024): self.fd = fd self.readchunk = readchunk self.decompressor = brotli.Decompressor () self.buf = b'' def __enter__ (self): return self def __exit__ (self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return True def read (self, num=None): while not self.decompressor.is_finished (): if num is not None and len (self.buf) >= num: break self.buf += self.decompressor.process (self.fd.read (self.readchunk)) if num is not None: b = self.buf[0:num] self.buf = self.buf[num:] else: b = self.buf self.buf = b'' return b def seekable (self): return False def close (self): self.decompressor = None def filterTar (fd): # Python’s tarfile module is painfully slow. We can do better. pos = 0 blocksize = 512 emptyblock = b'\0'*blocksize while True: # read header header = fd.read (blocksize) pos += blocksize if header == b'' or header == emptyblock: break assert header[256:256+8] == b'\0ustar ', (header[256:256+8]) size = int (header[124:124+12].rstrip (b'\0'), base=8) # read body if size > 0: yield BytesIO (fd.read (size)) pos += size # align to next 512 byte block into = pos%blocksize if into != 0: pad = blocksize-into fd.read (pad) pos += pad def filterBrotli (fd): yield BrotliFile (fd) def filterHtml (selectFunc, fd): document = html5lib.parse (fd) walker = html5lib.getTreeWalker("etree") stream = walker (document) s = HTMLSerializer() yield ''.join (s.serialize(Select (stream, selectFunc))) def filterEpub (item): """ epub reader """ book = epub.read_epub (item.rstrip ()) logging.debug (f'reading ebook {item}') for item in book.get_items_of_type (ebooklib.ITEM_DOCUMENT): logging.debug (f'got item {item.get_name ()}') # XXX: in theory html5lib should be able to detect the encoding of # bytes(), but it does not. document = html5lib.parse (item.get_content ().decode ('utf-8')) walker = html5lib.getTreeWalker("etree") stream = walker (document) s = HTMLSerializer() yield ''.join (s.serialize (stream)) def filterText (fd): yield fd.read ().decode ('utf-8') def filterLines (item): """ Read items (i.e. lines) as is """ yield item def filterJson (item): yield json.loads (item) def filterFile (item): with open (item.rstrip (), 'rb') as fd: yield fd def filterXml (fd): try: yield xml.dom.minidom.parse (fd) except Exception: logging.error (f'invalid xml document {fd}') def getText (nodelist): """ Helper to retrieve text from an XML node list """ rc = [] for node in nodelist: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: rc.append(node.data) return ''.join(rc) def filterTEI2 (doc): """ TEI.2 format used for United Nations parallel corpus """ out = [] for text in doc.getElementsByTagName ('text'): for body in text.getElementsByTagName ('body'): for p in body.getElementsByTagName ('p'): for s in p.getElementsByTagName ('s'): out.append (getText (s.childNodes)) out.append ('') yield '\n'.join (out) def filterOpenSubtitles (doc): """ XML-based format used by the (raw!) OpenSubtitles dump found here: http://opus.nlpl.eu/OpenSubtitles-v2018.php """ out = [] for s in doc.getElementsByTagName ('s'): # strip newlines, which are mostly unintentional due to # pretty-printed xml structure out.append (getText (s.childNodes).strip ()) yield '\n'.join (out) def filterMediawikiMarkdown (text): """ Convert mediawiki to markdown """ p = subprocess.Popen (['pandoc', '-f', 'mediawiki', '-t', 'markdown'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) p.stdin.write (text.encode ('utf-8')) p.stdin.close () text = p.stdout.read ().decode ('utf-8') ret = p.wait () # make sure we’re not leaking fd’s p.stdout.close () del p if ret != 0: logging.error ('pandoc rejected document') else: yield text f = dict( aljazeera=lambda x: x['name'] == 'div' and x['data'].get ((None, 'id')) == 'DynamicContentContainer', bbcarabic=lambda x: x['name'] == 'div' and x['data'].get ((None, 'property')) == 'articleBody', ) filterAvail = dict( aljazeera=partial(filterHtml, f['aljazeera']), bbcarabic=partial(filterHtml, f['bbcarabic']), text=filterText, json=filterJson, epub=filterEpub, tei2=filterTEI2, opensubtitles=filterOpenSubtitles, lines=filterLines, xml=filterXml, file=filterFile, tar=filterTar, mediawikimarkdown=filterMediawikiMarkdown, brotli=filterBrotli, ) charMap = { 'ﻻ': 'لا', 'أ': 'أ', 'إ': 'إ', 'ئ': 'ئ', 'ؤ': 'ؤ', ',': '،', 'آ': 'آ', '%': '٪', '0': '٠', '1': '١', '2': '٢', '3': '٣', '4': '٤', '5': '٥', '6': '٦', '7': '٧', '8': '٨', '9': '٩', '?': '؟', ';': '؛', 'ﻹ': 'لإ', 'ﻷ': 'لأ', # nbsp '\u00a0': ' ', } def mapChars (text, m): """ For all characters in text, replace if found in map m or keep as-is """ return ''.join (map (lambda x: m.get (x, x), text)) def apply (fs, items): """ Apply the first function fs[0] to all items, flatten the result and repeat """ if not fs: return items else: return apply (fs[1:], chain.from_iterable (map (fs[0], items))) def writeWorker (layout, funcs, inq, outq, statusq, benchmark): try: keyboard = defaultKeyboards['ibmpc105'] combined = makeCombined (keyboard) itemsProcessed = 0 while True: item = inq.get () if item is None: break # extract (can be multiple texts per item) i = 0 for text in apply (funcs, [item]): if benchmark: i += 1 continue # map chars; make sure we’re using unix line endings, which is # only one character text = mapChars (text, charMap).replace ('\r\n', '\n') logging.debug (text) # init a new writer for every item w = Writer (layout) # stats stats = [cls(w) for cls in allStats] for match, event in w.type (StringIO (text)): for s in stats: s.process (event) for s in stats: combined[s.name].update (s) i += 1 # only update ocasionally, this is an expensive operation statusq.put (i) itemsProcessed += i if itemsProcessed > 0: outq.put (combined) else: outq.put (None) except Exception as e: # async exceptions outq.put (e) def statusWorker (statusq): with tqdm (unit='item', smoothing=0) as bar: while True: try: num = statusq.get (block=True, timeout=1) if num is None: break bar.update (n=num) except queue.Empty: bar.update (n=0) def write (): """ Extract corpus source file, convert to plain text, map chars and create stats """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Import text and create stats.') parser.add_argument('--benchmark', action='store_true', help='Benchmark filter, no stats') parser.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', metavar='NUM', default=cpu_count (), type=int, help='Number of parallel jobs') parser.add_argument('-k', '--keyboard', metavar='KEYBOARD', default='ibmpc105', help='Physical keyboard name') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Enable debugging output') parser.add_argument('layout', metavar='LAYOUT', help='Keyboard layout name') parser.add_argument('filter', metavar='FILTER', choices=filterAvail.keys(), nargs='+', help='Data filter') args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig (level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig (level=logging.INFO) keyboard = defaultKeyboards[args.keyboard] layout = defaultLayouts[args.layout].specialize (keyboard) filterSel = [filterAvail[x] for x in args.filter] # limit queue sizes to limit memory usage inq = Queue (args.jobs*2) outq = Queue (args.jobs+1) statusq = Queue (args.jobs+1) logging.info (f'using {args.jobs} workers') workers = [] for i in range (args.jobs): p = Process(target=writeWorker, args=(layout, filterSel, inq, outq, statusq, args.benchmark), daemon=True, name=f'worker-{i}') p.start() workers.append (p) statusp = Process(target=statusWorker, args=(statusq,), daemon=True, name=f'status') statusp.start() try: for l in sys.stdin: inq.put (l) # something is wrong if not outq.empty (): break except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # exit workers # every one of them will consume exactly one item and write one in return for w in workers: inq.put (None) item = outq.get () if isinstance (item, Exception): raise item if item is not None: pickle.dump (item, sys.stdout.buffer, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) assert outq.empty () statusq.put (None) statusp.join () # and then we can kill them for w in workers: w.join () return 0 import bz2, sys, json, subprocess from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse def extractMediawiki (): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extract raw wikitext from mediawiki dump.') parser.add_argument('file', metavar='FILE', help='bzip2-compressed dump') args = parser.parse_args() with bz2.open (args.file, 'r') as fd: for event, elem in iterparse (fd, ['start', 'end']): if event == 'end' and elem.tag == '{http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.10/}text': text = ''.join (elem.itertext ()) json.dump (text, sys.stdout, ensure_ascii=False) sys.stdout.write ('\n')