dnl -*- shell-script -*- dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. dnl we need autoconf >= 2.50 AC_PREREQ(2.50) AC_INIT(libmpio/src/mpio.c) dnl AM_CONFIG_HEADER(src/config.h) AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM() AC_MSG_RESULT(Building for a ${host} host.) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mpio, 0.7.1_pre2-1) dnl build release variable RELEASE=`echo $VERSION | cut -d- -f2` VERSION=`echo $VERSION | cut -d- -f1` AC_SUBST(RELEASE) dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_PROG_CC AM_PROG_LIBTOOL dnl Check for endianess AC_LANG_C AC_C_BIGENDIAN dnl Checks for header files. AC_CHECK_HEADER(getopt.h,HAVE_GETOPT_H=1,HAVE_GETOPT_H=0) AC_SUBST(HAVE_GETOPT_H) dnl --- checking for readline AC_CHECK_HEADER(readline/readline.h,, AC_ERROR(could not find readline header files)) dnl --- include mplib if not disabled manually AC_DEFUN([TEST_MPLIB], [AC_ARG_WITH([mplib], AC_HELP_STRING([--without-mplib], [disable use of mplib]), [ac_cv_use_mplib=$withval], [ac_cv_use_mplib=yes]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether to use mplib], [ac_cv_use_mplib], [ac_cv_use_mplib=yes])]) TEST_MPLIB if test "$ac_cv_use_mplib" = yes; then MPLIB_INCLUDE=-Implib MPLIB_CFLAGS=-DMPLIB fi AC_SUBST(MPLIB_INCLUDE) AC_SUBST(MPLIB_CFLAGS) dnl -- check for libusb dnl -- this is stolen from libgphoto2 AC_PATH_PROG(LIBUSB_CONFIG,libusb-config) if test -n "${LIBUSB_CONFIG}"; then CPPFLAGS_save="$CPPFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS `$LIBUSB_CONFIG --cflags`" AC_CHECK_HEADER(usb.h,[ LDFLAGS_orig="$LDFLAGS" LDFLAGS="`$LIBUSB_CONFIG --libs`" AC_CHECK_LIB(usb,usb_busses,[ usb_msg="yes" IOLIB_SUBDIRS="$IOLIB_SUBDIRS usb" USB_LIBS="`$LIBUSB_CONFIG --libs`" USB_CFLAGS="`$LIBUSB_CONFIG --cflags`" LIBUSB_VER="`$LIBUSB_CONFIG --version`"],[ usb_msg="no (available version too old)"]) LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS_orig"]) CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS_save" fi # This 'test' call uses non-standard syntax and will fail on most # systems, but it's just informational so any warning can be ignored. if test "$LIBUSB_VER" \< "0.1.7"; then AC_MSG_WARN([ *** You need at least version 0.1.7 of the libusb library for USB support *** http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb/ *** If you cannot find the appropriate version, try CVS ]) exit 1 fi case "$usb_msg" in yes*) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_USB,1,[Whether you have USB support enabled]);; *) ;; esac AC_SUBST(USB_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(USB_LIBS) dnl --- check/set user and permissions for accessing the player dnl 1. user AC_DEFUN([TEST_USER], [AC_ARG_WITH([user], AC_HELP_STRING([--with-user=USER], [user to access the player]), [ac_cv_use_user=$withval], [ac_cv_use_user=root]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([user to access the player], [ac_cv_use_user], [ac_cv_use_user=root])]) TEST_USER MPIOUSER=$ac_cv_use_user AC_SUBST(MPIOUSER) dnl 2. group AC_DEFUN([TEST_GROUP], [AC_ARG_WITH([group], AC_HELP_STRING([--with-group=GROUP], [group to access the player]), [ac_cv_use_group=$withval], [ac_cv_use_group=root]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([group to access the player], [ac_cv_use_group], [ac_cv_use_group=root])]) TEST_GROUP MPIOGROUP=$ac_cv_use_group AC_SUBST(MPIOGROUP) dnl 3. permissions AC_DEFUN([TEST_PERM], [AC_ARG_WITH([perm], AC_HELP_STRING([--with-perm=PERM], [permissions for accessing the player]), [ac_cv_use_perm=$withval], [ac_cv_use_perm=0666]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([permissions for accessing the player], [ac_cv_use_perm], [ac_cv_use_perm=0666])]) TEST_PERM MPIOPERM=$ac_cv_use_perm AC_SUBST(MPIOPERM) dnl --- only use deprecated kernel module if requested AC_DEFUN([TEST_KERNEL], [AC_ARG_WITH([kernel-module], AC_HELP_STRING([--with-kernel-module], [enable the deprecated kernel module for 2.2.x and 2.4.x]), [ac_cv_use_kernel=$withval], [ac_cv_use_kernel=no]) AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether to build the kernel module], [ac_cv_use_kernel], [ac_cv_use_kernel=no])]) TEST_KERNEL if test "$ac_cv_use_kernel" = yes; then MPIO_KERNEL=kernel dnl --- check for kernel version kernel_version=`uname -r 2>&1` echo -n "checking for kernel version ... " case "$kernel_version" in '') kernel_version="?.??"; _k_verc_fail=yes;; [[0-1]].[[0-9]].[[0-9]]*|2.[[0-1]].[[0-9]]*|2.[[5-9]].[[0-9]]*|3.[[0-9]]*.[[0-9]]*) _k_verc_fail=yes;; *) k_ver_fail=no;; esac echo $kernel_version if test "$_k_verc_fail" ; then echo " Your kernel version does not match." echo " The kernel module only works for kernel 2.2.x and 2.4.x." AC_ERROR(wrong kernel version) unset MPIO_KERNEL fi MODULE_PATH="/lib/modules/${kernel_version}" if test -d "${MODULE_PATH}/kernel/drivers/usb"; then MODULE_PATH="${MODULE_PATH}/kernel/drivers/usb" SPEC_PATH="kernel/drivers/usb" else MODULE_PATH="${MODULE_PATH}/misc" SPEC_PATH="misc" fi AC_MSG_RESULT(Using module path ${MODULE_PATH}.) AC_SUBST(MODULE_PATH) AC_SUBST(SPEC_PATH) KERNEL_INCLUDE= if test -d "/lib/modules/${kernel_version}/build/include"; then KERNEL_INCLUDE="/lib/modules/${kernel_version}/build/include" elif test -d "/usr/src/linux-2.4/include"; then KERNEL_INCLUDE="/usr/src/linux-2.4/include" elif test -d "/usr/include/linux"; then KERNEL_INCLUDE="/usr/include/linux" elif test -d "/usr/src/linux/include"; then KERNEL_INCLUDE="/usr/src/linux/include" fi if test -z ${KERNEL_INCLUDE}; then AC_ERROR(could not find directory of kernel include files) else AC_MSG_RESULT(Using kernel includes from ${KERNEL_INCLUDE}) AC_DEFINE(USE_KMODULE,1,[Whether you want support for the deprecated kernel module]) fi AC_SUBST(KERNEL_INCLUDE) fi AC_SUBST(MPIO_KERNEL) dnl ------------------------------------------------------------ AC_OUTPUT( Makefile libmpio/Makefile mpiosh/Makefile etc/Makefile tools/Makefile hotplug/libmpio hotplug/Makefile mpio.spec )