/* * $Id: id3.c,v 1.2 2003/04/27 11:01:29 germeier Exp $ * * Library for accessing Digit@lways MPIO players * Copyright (C) 2003 Markus Germeier * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc.,g 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "id3.h" #include "debug.h" #include "mplib.h" #include "mpio.h" #ifdef MPLIB /* local declarations */ void mpio_id3_get_content(id3_tag *, id3_tag *, int, BYTE[INFO_LINE]); void mpio_id3_copy_tag(BYTE *, BYTE *, int *); BYTE mpio_id3_get(mpio_t *); BYTE mpio_id3_set(mpio_t *, BYTE); void mpio_id3_get_content(id3_tag *tag, id3_tag *tag2, int field, BYTE out[INFO_LINE]) { id3_content *content; id3_text_content *text_content; content = mp_get_content(tag, field); if (!content) content = mp_get_content(tag2, field); if (content) { text_content = mp_parse_artist(content); debugn(2, "Found (%d): %s\n", field, text_content->text); strncpy(out, text_content->text, INFO_LINE); } else { strcpy(out,""); } } void mpio_id3_copy_tag(BYTE *src, BYTE *dest, int *offset) { int i=0; int last=0; /* find last non-space character, so we can strip */ /* trailing spaces */ while(src[i]) if (src[i++]!=0x20) last=i; i=0; while((*offset<(INFO_LINE-1)) && (src[i]) && (iid3 = value; return m->id3; #else return 0; #endif /* MPLIB */ } /* query ID3 rewriting support */ BYTE mpio_id3_get(mpio_t *m) { #ifdef MPLIB return m->id3; #else return 0; #endif /* MPLIB */ } /* ID3 rewriting: do the work */ /* context, src filename, uniq filename template */ int mpio_id3_do(mpio_t *m, BYTE *src, BYTE *tmp) { #ifdef MPLIB int fd, in; BYTE buf[BLOCK_SIZE]; int r, w; int i, j, t; id3_tag *tag, *tag2, *new_tag; id3_tag_list *tag_list; id3_tag_list new_tag_list; id3_content new_content; id3v2_tag *v2_tag; BYTE data_artist[INFO_LINE]; BYTE data_title[INFO_LINE]; BYTE data_album[INFO_LINE]; BYTE data_year[INFO_LINE]; BYTE data_genre[INFO_LINE]; BYTE data_comment[INFO_LINE]; BYTE data_track[INFO_LINE]; BYTE mpio_tag[INFO_LINE]; char *mpio_tag_unicode; iconv_t ic; int fin, fout; char *fback, *back; if (!m->id3) return 0; snprintf(tmp, INFO_LINE, "/tmp/MPIO-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); fd = mkstemp(tmp); if (fd==-1) return 0; sprintf(m->id3_temp, tmp, INFO_LINE); in = open(src, O_RDONLY); if (in==-1) return 0; do { r=read(in, buf, BLOCK_SIZE); if (r>0) w=write(fd, buf, r); } while (r>0); close (in); tag_list = mp_get_tag_list_from_fd(fd); if (!tag_list) { debug("no tag list found!\n"); return 0; } tag = tag_list->tag; tag2 = NULL; if (tag_list->next) tag2 = tag_list->next->tag; /* read tags from file */ mpio_id3_get_content(tag, tag2, MP_ARTIST, data_artist); mpio_id3_get_content(tag, tag2, MP_TITLE, data_title); mpio_id3_get_content(tag, tag2, MP_ALBUM, data_album); mpio_id3_get_content(tag, tag2, MP_GENRE, data_genre); mpio_id3_get_content(tag, tag2, MP_COMMENT, data_comment); mpio_id3_get_content(tag, tag2, MP_YEAR, data_year); mpio_id3_get_content(tag, tag2, MP_TRACK, data_track); /* build new tag */ mpio_tag[0]=0x00; i=j=t=0; while ((t<(INFO_LINE-1) && m->id3_format[i]!=0)) { if (m->id3_format[i] == '%') { i++; switch(m->id3_format[i]) { case 'p': mpio_id3_copy_tag(data_artist, mpio_tag, &t); break; case 't': mpio_id3_copy_tag(data_title, mpio_tag, &t); break; case 'a': mpio_id3_copy_tag(data_album, mpio_tag, &t); break; case 'g': mpio_id3_copy_tag(data_genre, mpio_tag, &t); break; case 'c': mpio_id3_copy_tag(data_comment, mpio_tag, &t); break; case 'y': mpio_id3_copy_tag(data_year, mpio_tag, &t); break; case 'n': mpio_id3_copy_tag(data_track, mpio_tag, &t); break; default: mpio_tag[t] = m->id3_format[i]; } } else { mpio_tag[t] = m->id3_format[i]; t++; } i++; } mpio_tag[t]=0x00; debugn(2, "new_tag: %s\n", mpio_tag); /* convert tag to UNICODELITTLE */ fin = strlen(mpio_tag) + 1; fout = fin*2 + 2; ic = iconv_open("UNICODELITTLE", "ASCII"); fback = mpio_tag; mpio_tag_unicode = (char *)malloc(2*INFO_LINE+3); back = (char *)mpio_tag_unicode; *back=0x01; back++; *back=0xff; back++; *back=0xfe; back++; debugn(2,"iconv before %s %d %d\n", fback, fin, fout); iconv(ic, (char **)&fback, &fin, (char **)&back, &fout); debugn(2,"iconv after %s %d %d\n", fback, fin, fout); iconv_close(ic); hexdumpn(2, mpio_tag, strlen(mpio_tag)); hexdumpn(2, (char *)mpio_tag_unicode, (2*strlen(mpio_tag))+3); /* build new ID3 v2 tag with only TXXX field */ new_content.length=(2*strlen(mpio_tag))+3; new_content.data = (char *)malloc(new_content.length); new_content.compressed=0; new_content.encrypted=0; memcpy(new_content.data, mpio_tag_unicode, new_content.length); new_tag = mp_alloc_tag_with_version (2); mp_set_custom_content(new_tag, "TXXX", &new_content); v2_tag = (id3v2_tag *)new_tag->tag; v2_tag->header->unsyncronization=0; v2_tag->header->is_experimental=0; new_tag_list.tag = new_tag; new_tag_list.next = NULL; new_tag_list.first = NULL; /* delete ID3 v2 tag from file */ mp_del_tags_by_ver_from_fd(fd, 2); close (fd); /* write new ID3 v2 tag to file */ mp_write_to_file(&new_tag_list, tmp); free(mpio_tag_unicode); return 1; #else return 0; #endif /* MPLIB */ } int mpio_id3_end(mpio_t *m) { #ifdef MPLIB if (m->id3_temp[0]) unlink(m->id3_temp); m->id3_temp[0] = 0x00; return 1; #else return 0; #endif /* MPLIB */ } void mpio_id3_format_set(mpio_t *m, BYTE *format) { strncpy(m->id3_format, format, INFO_LINE); } /* get format string for rewriting*/ void mpio_id3_format_get(mpio_t *m, BYTE *format) { strncpy(format, m->id3_format, INFO_LINE); }