path: root/src/Codec/Pesto
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diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 511adca..0000000
--- a/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-.. _language-semantics:
-Language semantics
-.. class:: nodoc
-> module Codec.Pesto.Graph (
-> toGraph
-> , walkRoot
-> , outgoingEdges
-> , outgoingNodes
-> , incomingEdges
-> , incomingNodes
-> , firstNodeId
-> , resolveReferences
-> , test
-> , extract
-> , NodeId
-> , Node
-> , Nodes
-> , Edge
-> , Edges
-> ) where
-> import Data.Char (toLower)
-> import Data.List (sort, nub)
-> import Test.HUnit hiding (test, Node)
-> import Codec.Pesto.Parse hiding (test)
-The parser’s output, a stream of instructions, may contain multiple recipes. A
-recipe must start with the directive “pesto” and may end with “buonappetito”.
-This function extracts all recipes from the stream and removes both directives.
-- easily embed recipes into other documents
-> startDirective = Directive "pesto"
-> endDirective = Directive "buonappetito"
-> extract [] = []
-> extract (s:stream) | s == startDirective = between:extract next
-> where
-> isEnd x | x `elem` [startDirective, endDirective] = True
-> isEnd _ = False
-> (between, next) = break isEnd stream
-> extract (_:xs) = extract xs
-Start and end directive are removed from the extracted instructions. The
-directive “buonappetito” is optional at the end of a stream.
-> testExtract = [
-> extract [startDirective, endDirective] ~?= [[]]
-> , extract [startDirective, Action "foobar", endDirective] ~?= [[Action "foobar"]]
-> , extract [startDirective] ~?= [[]]
-> , extract [startDirective, Directive "foobar"] ~?= [[Directive "foobar"]]
-Instructions surrounding the start and end directive are removed.
-> , extract [Unknown "Something", startDirective] ~?= [[]]
-> , extract [Unknown "Something", Action "pour", startDirective] ~?= [[]]
-> , extract [startDirective, endDirective, Annotation "something"] ~?= [[]]
-The stream may contain multiple recipes. The start directive also ends the
-previous recipe and starts a new one.
-> , extract [startDirective, Action "pour", endDirective, Action "foobar", startDirective, Annotation "something"] ~?= [[Action "pour"], [Annotation "something"]]
-> , extract [startDirective, Action "heat", startDirective, Annotation "something"] ~?= [[Action "heat"], [Annotation "something"]]
-> , extract [startDirective, Annotation "foobar", startDirective, endDirective] ~?= [[Annotation "foobar"], []]
-> ]
-Each recipe’s stream of instructions drives a stack-based machine that transforms
-it into a directed graph. Think of the stack as your kitchen’s workspace that
-is used to prepare the food’s components. You can add new ingredients, perform
-actions on them, put them aside and add them again.
-This function processes a list of nodes, that is instructions uniquely identified
-by an integer and returns the edges of the directed graph as a list of tuples.
-> toGraph nodes = third $ foldl f (Nothing, [[]], []) nodes
-> where
-Ingredients are simply added to the current workspace. They should for example
-appear on the shopping list.
-> f ctx (i, Ingredient _) = addToStack ctx i
-The same happens for for tools. However they are not part of the final product,
-but used in the process of making it. For instance they do not appear on the
-shopping list. `Time is a tool <time-is-a-tool_>`_.
-> f ctx (i, Tool _) = addToStack ctx i
-Actions take all ingredients and tools currently on the workspace, perform some
-action with them and put the product back onto the workspace.
-> f (_, stack:sx, edges) (i, Action _) = (Just i, [i]:stack:sx, edgesTo i stack ++ edges)
-> f (_, [], _) (_, Action _) = undefined -- never reached
-Results add a label to the current workspace’s contents and move them out of
-the way. It should be a meaningful name, not just A and B obviously.
-Consecutive Results add different labels to the same workspace. That’s useful
-when an action yields multiple results at once that are processed in different
-> f ctx (i, Result _) = consumeStack ctx i
-Alternatives too add a label to the current workspace’s content, but they pick
-one of things on the workspace and throw everything else away. This allows
-adding optional or equivalent ingredients to a recipe (i.e. margarine or butter).
-> f ctx (i, Alternative _) = consumeStack ctx i
-References are similar to ingredients. They are used to add items from a
-workspace labeled with Result or Alternative. More on that `in the next section
-> f ctx (i, Reference _) = addToStack ctx i
-Annotations add a description to any of the previous instructions. They can be
-used to provide more information about ingredients (so “hot water” becomes
-“+water (hot)”, tools (“&oven (200 °C)”) or actions (“[cook] (XXX)”).
-> f ctx@(Nothing, _, _) (_, Annotation _) = ctx
-> f (Just prev, s, edges) (i, Annotation _) = (Just prev, s, (i, prev):edges)
-Unused directives or unknown instructions are danging nodes with no connection to
-other nodes.
-> f ctx (_, Directive _) = ctx
-> f ctx (_, Unknown _) = ctx
-These are helper functions:
-> addToStack (_, stack:sx, edges) i = (Just i, (i:stack):sx, edges)
-> addToStack (_, [], _) _ = undefined -- never reached
-> consumeStack (_, s, edges) i =
-> let
-> stack = dropWhile null s
-> (top:sx) = if null stack then [[]] else stack
-> in (Just i, []:top:sx, edgesTo i top ++ edges)
-> edgesTo i = map (\x -> (x, i))
-Here are a few example of how this stack-machine works. Each edge is a tuple of
-two integer numbers. These are the nodes it connects, starting with zero.
-Ingredient, Tool and Reference itself do not create any edges:
-> testGraph = [
-> cmpGraph "+ketchup &spoon *foobar" []
-But Action, Alternative and Result do in combination with them:
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar [barbaz]" [(0, 1)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz" [(0, 1)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar +B >barbaz" [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz +foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1), (2, 3)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar [barbaz] +foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3)]
-> , cmpGraph "&foobar [barbaz] [C] >D" [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
-If the stack is empty, i.e. it was cleared by a Result or Alternative
-instruction, consecutive results or alternatives operate on the *previous*,
-non-empty stack.
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz >C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz |C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz |C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
-Unless that stack too is empty. Then they do nothing:
-> , cmpGraph ">foobar >foobar" []
-> , cmpGraph "|foobar |foobar" []
-> , cmpGraph "(foobar) (foobar)" []
-> , cmpGraph "[foobar]" []
-The Annotation instruction always creates an edge to the most-recently processed
-node that was not an annotation. Thus two consecutive annotations create edges
-to the same node.
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz)" [(1, 0)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz) (C)" [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz) >barbaz" [(1, 0), (0, 2)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz (C)" [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
-> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz (C)" [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
-> , cmpGraph "*foobar (C)" [(1, 0)]
-Unknown directives or instructions are never connected to other nodes.
-> , cmpGraph "%invalid" []
-> , cmpGraph "invalid" []
-> ]
-Results and alternatives can be referenced with the Reference instruction.
-Resolving these references does not happen while buiding the graph, but
-afterwards. This allows referencing an a result or alternative before its
-definition with regard to the their processing order.
-Resolving references is fairly simple: For every reference its object name a
-case-insensitive looked is performed in a table containing all results and
-alternatives. If it succeeds an edge from every result and alternative returned
-to the reference in question is created.
-> resolveReferences nodes = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> f edges (i, ref@(Reference _)) = map (\x -> (x, i)) (findTarget nodes ref) ++ edges
-> f edges _ = edges
-> findTarget nodes (Reference (Quantity _ _ a)) = map fst $ filter (isTarget a) nodes
-> where
-> lc = map toLower
-> isTarget dest (_, Result (Quantity _ _ x)) = lc x == lc dest
-> isTarget dest (_, Alternative (Quantity _ _ x)) = lc x == lc dest
-> isTarget _ _ = False
-> findTarget _ _ = []
-References works before or after the result instruction.
-> testRef = [
-> cmpGraphRef ">foobar *foobar" [(0, 1)]
-> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar |foobar *foobar" [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
-> , cmpGraphRef "+A >foobar +B >barbaz *foobar *barbaz" [(1, 4), (3, 5)]
-> , cmpGraphRef "*foobar >foobar" [(1, 0)]
-Nonexistent references do not create an edge.
-> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar *barbaz" []
-References can use amounts and units.
-> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar *1 _ foobar *2 _ foobar" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
-There are a few cases that do not make sense here (like loops or multiple
-results with the same name). They are permitted at this stage, but rejected
-`later <reject-loops_>`_.
-> , cmpGraphRef "*foobar |foobar >foobar" [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
-> , cmpGraphRef "|foobar *foobar >foobar *foobar" [(0, 1), (0, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3)]
-> ]
-> runGraphWith f doc expect = sort edges ~?= sort expect
-> where
-> (Right op) = (head . extract . snd . unzip) <$> parse ("%pesto " ++ doc)
-> nodes = zip [firstNodeId..] op
-> edges = f nodes
-> cmpGraph = runGraphWith toGraph
-> cmpGraphRef = runGraphWith resolveReferences
-> type NodeId = Int
-> type Node a = (NodeId, a)
-> type Nodes a = [Node a]
-> type Edge = (NodeId, NodeId)
-> type Edges = [Edge]
-> firstNodeId = 0 :: NodeId
-Find graph’s root node(s), that is a node without outgoing edges:
-> walkRoot nodes edges = let out = nub $ map fst edges
-> in filter (\(x, _) -> notElem x out) nodes
-Get all nodes with edges pointing towards nodeid
-> incomingEdges edges (nodeid, _) = filter ((==) nodeid . snd) edges
-> incomingNodes nodes edges n = map ((!!) nodes . fst) $ incomingEdges edges n
-> outgoingEdges edges (nodeid, _) = filter ((==) nodeid . fst) edges
-> outgoingNodes nodes edges n = map ((!!) nodes . snd) $ outgoingEdges edges n
-> test = ["graph" ~: testGraph, "ref" ~: testRef, "extract" ~: testExtract]
-> third (_, _, x) = x
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 81cb5d6..0000000
--- a/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-.. class:: nodoc
-> module Codec.Pesto.Lint (lint
-> , test
-> , parseMetadata
-> , extractMetadata
-> , Metadata(..)
-> , LintResult(..)) where
-> import Test.HUnit hiding (test, Node)
-> import Data.List (sort, isPrefixOf)
-> import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
-> import Data.Char (isSpace)
-> import Data.Ratio ((%))
-> import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-> import Codec.Pesto.Graph hiding (test)
-> import Codec.Pesto.Parse hiding (test)
-Not every graph generated in the previous section is a useful recipe. Some
-instruction sequences just do not make sense. The tests in this section can
-detect those. Failing any of them does not render a stream of instructions or
-graph invalid. They just does not describe a *useful* recipe. Thus
-implementations must not generate or export such documents. However they should
-accept input that fails any of the tests and warn the user about the failure.
-Additionally this section provides guidance on how to use the instructions
-provided by the Pesto language properly.
-Graph properties
-- weakly connected, no dangling nodes/subgraphs
-- acyclic
-The graph must have exactly one root node (i.e. a node with incoming edges
-only). This also requires all results and alternatives to be referenced
-somewhere. Directives are either consumed when parsing, generating a graph and
-linting. Otherwise they are dangling as well. Unknown instructions are always
-> rootIsResult nodes edges = case walkRoot nodes edges of
-> [] -> [LintResult NoRootNode []]
-> (_, Result _):[] -> []
-> (i, _):[] -> [LintResult NonResultRootNode [i]]
-> xs -> [LintResult MoreThanOneRootNode (map fst xs)]
-Empty recipes or circular references have no root node:
-> testConnectivity = [
-> cmpLint "" [LintResult NoRootNode [], LintResult NoMetadata []]
-> , cmpLint "*foobar >foobar"
-> [LintResult NoRootNode [], LintResult NoMetadata []]
-> , cmpLint "+foobar"
-> [LintResult NonResultRootNode [0], LintResult NoMetadata []]
-Directives and unknown instructions are dangling and thus root nodes.
-> , cmpLint "invalid %invalid +foo >bar"
-> [LintResult MoreThanOneRootNode [0,1,3], LintResult NoMetadata []]
-> ]
-.. _resultsused:
-.. class:: todo
-root node can be alternative too?
-The graph’s root node must be a result. It contains yield (amount and unit) and
-title (object) of the recipe.
-> extractMetadata nodes edges = case walkRoot nodes edges of
-> [n@(i, Result q@(Quantity _ _ title))] ->
-> Just $ (i, ("title", MetaStr title))
-> :(i, ("yield", MetaQty q))
-> :foldl f [] (incomingNodes nodes edges n)
-> _ -> Nothing
-> where
-Additional key-value metadata for the whole recipe can be added as annotations
-to the root node. If multiple annotations with the same key exist the key maps
-to a list of those values. Annotations that are unparseable key-value pairs are
-added as recipe description instead.
-> f xs (i, Annotation s) = case parseMetadata s of
-> Left _ -> (i, ("description", MetaStr s)):xs
-> Right (k, v) -> (i, (k, MetaStr v)):xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-Key and value are separated by a colon. Keys must not contain whitespace or the
-colon char. A value may be empty.
-> parseMetadata = runParser metadata () ""
-> metadata = let keychars = satisfy (\x -> not (isSpace x) && x /= ':') in (,)
-> <$> many1 keychars
-> <*> (char ':' *> spaces *> many anyChar)
-> lintMetadata nodes edges = case extractMetadata nodes edges of
-> Just result -> foldl checkKey [] result
-> Nothing -> [LintResult NoMetadata []]
-> where
-> checkKey xs (_, (k, _)) | isKeyKnown k = xs
-> checkKey xs (i, _) = LintResult UnknownMetadataKey [i]:xs
-Valid metadata keys are listed below. Additionally applications may add keys by
-prefixing them with “x-myapp-”, thus an application called “basil” adding
-“some-key” would use the full key “x-basil-some-key”.
-> isKeyKnown k = k `elem` knownKeys || "x-" `isPrefixOf` k
-The following metadata keys are permitted:
-> knownKeys = [
-Both, title and description, are implicit.
-> "title"
-> , "description"
-The recipe’s language, as 2 character code (`ISO 639-1`__).
-> , "language"
-Yield and time both must be a quantity.
-> , "yield"
-> , "time"
-An image can be a relative file reference or URI
-> , "image"
-> , "author"
-> ]
-.. class:: todo
-Check the metadata’s value format. I.e. yield/time must be quantity
-For instance a german language recipe for one person would look like this:
-> testMetadata = [
-> cmpLintMeta "+foo >1 ml foobar (language: de) (x-app-key: value)"
-> []
-> (Just [(1, ("title", MetaStr "foobar"))
-> , (1, ("yield", MetaQty (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (1%1))) "ml" "foobar")))
-> , (2, ("language", MetaStr "de"))
-> , (3, ("x-app-key", MetaStr "value"))])
-Unparseable annotations or unknown keys are linting errors:
-> , cmpLintMeta "+foo >foobar (unknown-key: value)"
-> [LintResult UnknownMetadataKey [2]]
-> (Just [(1, ("title", MetaStr "foobar"))
-> , (1, ("yield", MetaQty (strQuantity "foobar")))
-> , (2, ("unknown-key", MetaStr "value"))])
-Root node annotations not containing a parseable key-value pair are assigned
-the key “description”.
-> , cmpLintMeta "+foo >foobar ( some description ) (another one: with colon) (another: valid key-value)"
-> [LintResult UnknownMetadataKey [4]]
-> (Just [(1, ("title", MetaStr "foobar"))
-> , (1, ("yield", MetaQty (strQuantity "foobar")))
-> , (2, ("description", MetaStr " some description "))
-> , (3, ("description", MetaStr "another one: with colon"))
-> , (4, ("another", MetaStr "valid key-value"))])
-> ]
-.. _time-is-a-tool:
-Time is a tool
-By definition time is a tool and not an ingredient.
-> timeUnits = ["s", "min", "h", "d"]
-> isTime (Quantity _ unit "") | unit `elem` timeUnits = True
-> isTime _ = False
-> timeIsATool nodes _ = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> f xs (nodeid, Ingredient q) | isTime q = LintResult TimeIsATool [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-> testLintQuantity = [
-> cmpLint "+10 min >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+10-12 h >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+90/120 s >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+~12 s >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
-> , cmpLint "&10 min [bar] >foo" []
-> ]
-Only actions can be annotated with a time. It can be used to indicate how long
-a certain action is *expected* to take (i.e. peeling potatoes takes two
-minutes) or how long the action is supposed to be executed (i.e. cook five
-minutes). More time annotations improve the software’s scheduling capabilities.
-> timeAnnotatesAction nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Tool q) | isTime q && (not . allActions) (outgoingEdges edges n) = LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-> toNodelist = (!!) nodes . snd
-> allActions = all (isAction . snd . toNodelist)
-For example “cook 10 minutes” can be expressed with
-> testTimeAnnotatesAction = [
-> cmpLint "&10 min [cook] >soup" []
-> , cmpLint "&10 min [cook] &5-6 h [cook again] >soup" []
-> , cmpLint "&10 min >soup" [LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [0]]
-> , cmpLint "&10 min &15 min |time *time [cook] >soup"
-> [LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [0], LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [1]]
-> ]
-.. _well-known-units:
-Well-known units
-Units can be an arbitrary strings, but implementations should recognize the
-common metric units g (gram), l (litre) and m (metre). One of these prefixes
-may be used with each of them: m (milli-), c (centi-), d (dezi-) and k (kilo-).
-Additionally time in s (second), min (minute), h (hour), d (day) should be
-> wellKnownUnit nodes _ = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> extractQty (Ingredient q) = Just q
-> extractQty (Tool q) = Just q
-> extractQty (Result q) = Just q
-> extractQty (Alternative q) = Just q
-> extractQty (Reference q) = Just q
-> extractQty _ = Nothing
-> f xs (nodeid, instr) | fromMaybe False (extractQty instr >>= (return . not . known)) =
-> LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-> known (Quantity _ unit _) = unit `elem` knownUnits
-> knownUnits = [
-> ""
-> , "mg", "g", "kg"
-> , "ml", "cl", "dl", "l"
-> , "cm", "dm", "m"
-> ] ++ timeUnits
-Usage of imperial units (inch, pound, …) as well as non-XXX units like
-“teaspoon”, “cup”, … is discouraged because the former is used by just three
-countries in the world right now and the latter is language- and
-country-dependent. The implementation may provide the user with a conversion
-.. class:: todo
-- example: 1 oz ~= 28.349523125 g, can only be approximated by rational number, for instance 29767/1050 g
-- 15 oz would are :math:`\frac{29767}{70} \mathrm{g} = 425+\frac{17}{70} \mathrm{g}`, since nobody sells 17/70 g the implementation would round down to ~425 g (although <1g is not really enough to justify adding approx)
-> testLintWellKnownUnit = [
-> cmpLint "+1 in foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+2 teaspoons foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+3 cups foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+1 ml foobar >bar" []
-> , cmpLint "+1 cl foobar >bar" []
-> , cmpLint "+1 dl foobar >bar" []
-> , cmpLint "+1 l foobar >bar" []
-> , cmpLint "+2 _ something >bar" []
-> , cmpLint "&1 min [foo] >bar" []
-The unit is case-sensitive, thus
-.. class:: todo
-Should we allow case-insensitive units? References are case-insensitive as
-> , cmpLint "+1 Mg foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+1 kG foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
-> , cmpLint "&1 MIN [foo] >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
-> ]
-All references must be resolved. An `earlier check <resultsused_>`_ makes sure
-all results and alternatives are referenced at some point.
-> referencesResolved nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Reference _) | null (incomingEdges edges n) =
-> LintResult UndefinedReference [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-> testLintRefs = [
-> cmpLint "*foobar >foobar >barbaz" []
-> , cmpLint "*foobar >foo" [LintResult UndefinedReference [0]]
-> ]
-A result must have at least one incoming edge. This is a special case and can
-only occur at the beginning of a recipe.
-> resultNonempty nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Result _) | null (incomingEdges edges n) =
-> LintResult TooFewChildren [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-> testLintResultNonempty = [
-> cmpLint ">bar *bar >baz" [LintResult TooFewChildren [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+A >bar *bar >baz" []
-> , cmpLint "+A >bar >foo *bar *foo >baz" []
-> ]
-Alternatives must have at least two incoming edges since a smaller amount would
-make the alternative pointless.
-> twoAlternatives nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Alternative _) | length (incomingEdges edges n) < 2 =
-> LintResult TooFewChildren [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-> testLintTwoAlternatives = [
-> cmpLint "+A |foo *foo >bar" [LintResult TooFewChildren [1]]
-> , cmpLint "+A +B |foo *foo >bar" []
-.. class:: todo
-should we allow this? it does not make sense imo
-> , cmpLint "+A &B |foo *foo >bar" []
-> ]
-.. _reject-loops:
-.. class:: todo
-- reject loops
-- reject multiple results/alternatives with the same name
-The first amount of a range ratio must be strictly smaller than the second.
-This limitation is not enforced for ranges containing strings.
-> rangeFromLargerThanTo nodes _ = foldl f [] nodes
-> where
-> f xs (nodeid, Ingredient q) | not $ rangeOk q =
-> LintResult RangeFromLargerThanTo [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs (nodeid, Reference q) | not $ rangeOk q =
-> LintResult RangeFromLargerThanTo [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs _ = xs
-> rangeOk (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio a) (AmountRatio b)) _ _) = a < b
-> rangeOk _ = True
-> testRangeFromLargerThanTo = [
-> cmpLint "+2-3 l water >bar" []
-> , cmpLint "+3-2 l water >bar" [LintResult RangeFromLargerThanTo [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+2/3-1/3 l water >bar" [LintResult RangeFromLargerThanTo [0]]
-> , cmpLint "+some-many _ eggs >bar" []
-> , cmpLint "+1-\"a few\" _ eggs >bar" []
-> ]
-> data LintResult = LintResult LintStatus [NodeId] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-> data LintStatus =
-> NoRootNode
-> | NonResultRootNode
-> | MoreThanOneRootNode
-> | UndefinedReference
-> | TooFewChildren
-> | TimeIsATool
-> | TimeAnnotatesAction
-> | UnitNotWellKnown
-> | InvalidNode
-> | RangeFromLargerThanTo
-> | NoMetadata
-> | UnknownMetadataKey
-> deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-Every lint test checks a single aspect of the graph.
-> lint nodes edges = concatMap (\f -> f nodes edges) lintTests
-> lintTests = [
-> rootIsResult
-> , referencesResolved
-> , resultNonempty
-> , twoAlternatives
-> , timeIsATool
-> , timeAnnotatesAction
-> , wellKnownUnit
-> , lintMetadata
-> , rangeFromLargerThanTo
-> ]
-> withGraph doc f = f nodes edges
-> where
-> (Right op) = (head . extract . snd . unzip) <$> parse ("%pesto " ++ doc)
-> nodes = zip [firstNodeId..] op
-> edges = toGraph nodes ++ resolveReferences nodes
-> cmpLint doc expect = withGraph doc (\nodes edges -> doc ~: sort (lint nodes edges) ~?= sort expect)
-> data Metadata = MetaQty Quantity | MetaStr String deriving (Show, Eq)
-> cmpLintMeta doc expectLint expectMeta = withGraph doc (\nodes edges -> doc ~: [
-> sort (lint nodes edges) ~?= sort expectLint
-> , extractMetadata nodes edges ~?= expectMeta
-> ])
-> strQuantity = Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) ""
-> test = [
-> testConnectivity
-> , testMetadata
-> , testLintRefs
-> , testLintQuantity
-> , testLintWellKnownUnit
-> , testTimeAnnotatesAction
-> , testLintTwoAlternatives
-> , testLintResultNonempty
-> , testRangeFromLargerThanTo
-> ]
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 518b866..0000000
--- a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-.. _language-syntax:
-Language syntax
-.. class:: nodoc
-> module Codec.Pesto.Parse (
-> parse
-> , test
-> , Instruction(..)
-> , Quantity(..)
-> , Unit
-> , Object
-> , Approximately(..)
-> , Amount(..)
-> , isResult
-> , isReference
-> , isAlternative
-> , isAnnotation
-> , isAction
-> , isDirective
-> , isUnknown
-> , spaces1
-> , notspace
-> ) where
-> import Data.Char (isSpace)
-> import Data.Ratio ((%))
-> import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
-> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Pos (newPos)
-> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error (newErrorUnknown)
-> import Test.HUnit hiding (test)
-> import Codec.Pesto.Serialize (serialize)
-Pesto parses UTF-8_ encoded input data consisting of space-delimited
-instructions. Every character within the Unicode whitespace class is
-considered a space.
-.. _UTF-8:
-.. _spaces1:
-> stream = ((,) <$> getPosition <*> instruction) `sepEndBy` spaces1
-> <?> "stream"
-> spaces1 = many1 space
-The following instructions are supported:
-> data Instruction =
-> Annotation String
-> | Ingredient Quantity
-> | Tool Quantity
-> | Action String
-> | Reference Quantity
-> | Result Quantity
-> | Alternative Quantity
-> | Directive String
-> | Unknown String
-> deriving (Show, Eq)
-> instruction =
-> try annotation
-> <|> try ingredient
-> <|> try tool
-> <|> try action
-> <|> try result
-> <|> try alternative
-> <|> try reference
-> <|> try directive
-> <|> try unknown
-> <?> "instruction"
-The pesto grammar has two instruction types: The first one begins with a
-start symbol (``start``) and consumes any character up to and including a
-terminating symbol (``end``), which can be escaped with a backslash (``\``).
-> betweenEscaped :: Char -> Char -> Parsec String () String
-> betweenEscaped start end =
-> char start
-> *> many (try (char '\\' *> char end) <|> satisfy (/= end))
-> <* char end
-Annotations and actions both are of this kind:
-> annotation = Annotation <$> betweenEscaped '(' ')'
-> action = Action <$> betweenEscaped '[' ']'
-Here are examples for both:
-> testOpterm = [cmpInstruction "(skinless\nboneless)" (Right (Annotation "skinless\nboneless"))
-> , cmpInstruction "[stir together]" (Right (Action "stir together"))
-> , cmpInstruction "[stir\\]together]" (Right (Action "stir]together"))]
-The second one starts with one identifying character, ignores the following
-whitespace characters and then consumes an object or a quantity.
-> oparg :: Char -> Parsec String () Instruction -> Parsec String () Instruction
-> oparg ident cont = char ident *> spaces *> cont
-> ingredient = oparg '+' (Ingredient <$> quantity)
-> tool = oparg '&' (Tool <$> quantity)
-> result = oparg '>' (Result <$> quantity)
-> alternative = oparg '|' (Alternative <$> quantity)
-> reference = oparg '*' (Reference <$> quantity)
-Additionally there are two special instructions. Directives are similar to the
-previous instructions, but consume a qstr.
-> directive = oparg '%' (Directive <$> qstr)
-Unknown instructions are the fallthrough-case and accept anything. They must
-not be discarded at this point. The point of accepting anything is to fail as
-late as possible while processing input. This gives the parser a chance to
-print helpful mesages that provide additional aid to the user who can then fix
-the problem.
-> unknown = Unknown <$> many1 notspace
-Below are examples for these instructions:
-> testOparg = [
-> cmpInstruction "+100 g flour"
-> (Right (Ingredient (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (100%1))) "g" "flour")))
-> , cmpInstruction "&oven"
-> (Right (Tool (strQuantity "oven")))
-> , cmpInstruction ">dough" (Right (Result (strQuantity "dough")))
-> , cmpInstruction "|trimmings" (Right (Alternative (strQuantity "trimmings")))
-> , cmpInstruction "*fish"
-> (Right (Reference (strQuantity "fish")))
-> , cmpInstruction3 "% invalid" (Right (Directive "invalid")) "%invalid"
-> , cmpInstruction3 "* \t\n 1 _ cheese"
-> (Right (Reference (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (1%1))) "" "cheese")))
-> "*1 _ cheese"
-> ]
-Before introducing quantities we need to have a look at qstr, which is used by
-them. A qstr, short for quoted string, can be – you guessed it already – a
-string enclosed in double quotes, a single word or the underscore character
-that represents the empty string.
-> qstr = try (betweenEscaped '"' '"')
-> <|> word
-> <|> char '_' *> return ""
-A word always starts with a letter, followed by any number of non-space
-> word = (:) <$> letter <*> many notspace
-> notspace = satisfy (not . isSpace)
-The empty string can be represented by two double quotes or the underscore, but
-not the empty string itself.
-> testQstr = [
-> cmpQstr3 "\"\"" (Right "") "_"
-> , cmpQstr "_" (Right "")
-> , cmpQstr "" parseError
-Any Unicode character with a General_Category major class L (i.e. a letter, see
-`Unicode standard section 4.5
-<>`_ for example) is
-accected as first character of a word. That includes german umlauts as well as
-greek or arabic script. Numbers, separators, punctuation and others are not
-> , cmpQstr "water" (Right "water")
-> , cmpQstr "Äpfel" (Right "Äpfel")
-> , cmpQstr "τυρί" (Right "τυρί")
-> , cmpQstr "جبن" (Right "جبن")
-> , cmpQstr "1sugar" parseError
-> , cmpQstr "+milk" parseError
-> , cmpQstr "∀onion" parseError
-The remaining letters of a word can be any character, including symbols,
-numbers, …
-> , cmpQstr "rump-roast" (Right "rump-roast")
-> , cmpQstr "v1negar" (Right "v1negar")
-> , cmpQstr "mush\"rooms" (Right "mush\"rooms")
-…but not spaces.
-> , cmpQstr " tomatoes" parseError
-> , cmpQstr "tomatoes " parseError
-> , cmpQstr "lemon juice" parseError
-> , cmpQstr "sour\tcream" parseError
-> , cmpQstr "white\nwine" parseError
-If a string contains spaces or starts with a special character it must be
-enclosed in double quotes.
-> , cmpQstr3 "\"salt\"" (Right "salt") "salt"
-> , cmpQstr "\"+milk\"" (Right "+milk")
-> , cmpQstr "\"soy sauce\"" (Right "soy sauce")
-> , cmpQstr "\"1sugar\"" (Right "1sugar")
-> , cmpQstr "\"chicken\tbreast\nmeat\"" (Right "chicken\tbreast\nmeat")
-Double quotes within a string can be quoted by prepending a backslash. However
-the usual escape codes like \\n, \\t, … will *not* be expanded.
-> , cmpQstr "\"vine\"gar\"" parseError
-> , cmpQstr3 "\"vine\\\"gar\"" (Right "vine\"gar") "vine\"gar"
-> , cmpQstr "\"oli\\ve oil\"" (Right "oli\\ve oil")
-> , cmpQstr "\"oli\\\\\"ve oil\"" (Right "oli\\\"ve oil")
-> , cmpQstr3 "\"sal\\tmon\"" (Right "sal\\tmon") "sal\\tmon"
-> ]
-The instructions Ingredient, Tool and Reference accept a *quantity*, that is a
-triple of Approximately, Unit and Object as parameter.
-> data Quantity = Quantity Approximately Unit Object deriving (Show, Eq)
-The syntactic construct is overloaded and accepts one to three arguments. If
-just one is given it is assumed to be the Object and Approximately and Unit are
-empty. Two arguments set Approximately and Unit, which is convenient when the
-unit implies the object (minutes usually refer to the object time, for
-> quantity = try quantityA <|> quantityB
-> quantityA = Quantity
-> <$> approximately
-> <* spaces1
-> <*> unit
-> <*> (try (spaces1 *> object) <|> return "")
-> quantityB = Quantity
-> <$> return (Exact (AmountStr ""))
-> <*> return ""
-> <*> object
-> testQuantityOverloaded = [
-> cmpQuantity "oven" (exactQuantity (AmountStr "") "" "oven")
-> , cmpQuantity "10 min" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (10%1)) "min" "")
-> , cmpQuantity "100 g flour" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (100%1)) "g" "flour")
-The first two are equivalent to
-> , cmpQuantity3 "_ _ oven" (exactQuantity (AmountStr "") "" "oven") "oven"
-> , cmpQuantity3 "10 min _" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (10%1)) "min" "") "10 min"
-Missing units must not be ommited. The version with underscore should be prefered.
-> , cmpQuantity3 "1 \"\" meal" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (1%1)) "" "meal") "1 _ meal"
-> , cmpQuantity "1 _ meal" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (1%1)) "" "meal")
-> ]
-Units and objects are just strings. However units should be limited to
-`well-known metric units <well-known-units_>`_ and `some guidelines
-<objects-and-annotations_>`_ apply to Objects as well.
-> type Unit = String
-> unit = qstr
-> type Object = String
-> object = qstr
-Approximately is a wrapper for ranges, that is two amounts separated by a dash,
-approximate amounts, prepended with a tilde and exact amounts without modifier.
-> data Approximately =
-> Range Amount Amount
-> | Approx Amount
-> | Exact Amount
-> deriving (Show, Eq)
-> approximately = try range <|> try approx <|> exact
-> range = Range <$> amount <*> (char '-' *> amount)
-> approx = Approx <$> (char '~' *> amount)
-> exact = Exact <$> amount
-> testQuantityApprox = [
-> cmpQuantity "1-2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio (1%1)) (AmountRatio (2%1))) "" "bananas"))
-> , cmpQuantity "1 - 2 _ bananas" parseError
-> , cmpQuantity "1- 2 _ bananas" parseError
-> , cmpQuantity "1 -2 _ bananas" parseError
-> , cmpQuantity "~2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Approx (AmountRatio (2%1))) "" "bananas"))
-> , cmpQuantity "~ 2 _ bananas" parseError
-> ]
-Amounts are limited to rational numbers and strings. There are no real numbers
-by design and implementations should avoid representing rational numbers as
-IEEE float. They are not required and introduce ugly corner cases when
-rounding while converting units for example.
-> data Amount =
-> AmountRatio Rational
-> | AmountStr String
-> deriving (Show, Eq)
-> amount = try ratio <|> AmountStr <$> qstr
-> testQuantityAmount = [
-> cmpQuantity "some _ pepper" (exactQuantity (AmountStr "some") "" "pepper")
-> , cmpQuantity3 "\"some\"-\"a few\" _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountStr "some") (AmountStr "a few")) "" "bananas")) "some-\"a few\" _ bananas"
-> , cmpQuantity "~\"the stars in your eyes\" _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Approx (AmountStr "the stars in your eyes")) "" "bananas"))
-> ]
-Rational numbers can be an integral, numerator and denominator, each separated
-by a forward slash, just the numerator and denominator, again separated by a
-forward slash or just a numerator with the default denominator 1 (i.e. ordinary
-integral number).
-> ratio = let toRatio i num denom = AmountRatio ((i*denom+num)%denom) in
-> try (toRatio <$> int <*> (char '/' *> int) <*> (char '/' *> int))
-> <|> try (toRatio <$> return 0 <*> int <*> (char '/' *> int))
-> <|> try (toRatio <$> return 0 <*> int <*> return 1)
-These are all equal.
-> testQuantityRatio = [
-> cmpQuantity "3 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%1)) "" "bananas")
-> , cmpQuantity3 "3/1 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%1)) "" "bananas") "3 _ bananas"
-> , cmpQuantity3 "3/0/1 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%1)) "" "bananas") "3 _ bananas"
-XXtwo is num and denom
-> , cmpQuantity "3/5 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%5)) "" "bananas")
-three is int, num and denom
-> , cmpQuantity "3/5/7 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio ((3*7+5)%7)) "" "bananas")
-> , cmpQuantity3 "10/3 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (10%3)) "" "bananas") "3/1/3 _ bananas"
-Can be used with ranges and approximate too. and mixed with strings
-> , cmpQuantity "1-\"a few\" _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio (1%1)) (AmountStr "a few")) "" "bananas"))
-> , cmpQuantity "1/1/2-2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio (3%2)) (AmountRatio (4%2))) "" "bananas"))
-> , cmpQuantity "~1/1/2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Approx (AmountRatio (3%2))) "" "bananas"))
-> ]
-> int = read <$> many1 digit
-> parse = runParser stream () ""
-Test helpers:
-> isLeft (Left _) = True
-> isLeft _ = False
-A generic parser error:
-> parseError = Left (newErrorUnknown (newPos "" 0 0))
-Compare output of parser ``f`` for string ``str`` with ``expected``. The
-expected result can be a parser error, which matches any actual parse error
-(first case).
-> cmpParser f str (Left _) = TestCase $ assertBool str $ isLeft $ runParser (f <* eof) () "" str
-> cmpParser f str expected = str ~: runParser (f <* eof) () "" str ~?= expected
-> cmpParseSerialize f str expectp@(Left _) _ = [cmpParser f str expectp]
-> cmpParseSerialize f str expectp@(Right expectpval) expects = [
-> cmpParser f str expectp
-> , serialize expectpval ~?= expects]
-Wrap qstr test in AmountStr to aid serialization test
-> cmpQstr input expectp = cmpQstr3 input expectp input
-> cmpQstr3 input (Left expect) _ = [cmpParser (AmountStr <$> qstr) input (Left expect)]
-> cmpQstr3 input (Right expect) expects = cmpParseSerialize (AmountStr <$> qstr) input (Right (AmountStr expect)) expects
-> cmpQuantity a b = cmpQuantity3 a b a
-> cmpQuantity3 = cmpParseSerialize quantity
-> cmpInstruction a b = cmpInstruction3 a b a
-> cmpInstruction3 = cmpParseSerialize instruction
-> exactQuantity a b c = Right (Quantity (Exact a) b c)
-> strQuantity = Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) ""
-> test = [
-> "quantity" ~: testQuantityOverloaded ++ testQuantityApprox ++ testQuantityAmount ++ testQuantityRatio
-> , "qstr" ~: testQstr
-> , "oparg" ~: testOparg
-> , "opterm" ~: testOpterm
-> ]
-> isResult (Result _) = True
-> isResult _ = False
-> isReference (Reference _) = True
-> isReference _ = False
-> isAlternative (Alternative _) = True
-> isAlternative _ = False
-> isAnnotation (Annotation _) = True
-> isAnnotation _ = False
-> isAction (Action _) = True
-> isAction _ = False
-> isDirective (Directive _) = True
-> isDirective _ = False
-> isUnknown (Unknown _) = True
-> isUnknown _ = False
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs-boot b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs-boot
deleted file mode 100644
index 9096ad7..0000000
--- a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs-boot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-> module Codec.Pesto.Parse where
-> data Instruction =
-> Annotation String
-> | Ingredient Quantity
-> | Tool Quantity
-> | Action String
-> | Reference Quantity
-> | Result Quantity
-> | Alternative Quantity
-> | Directive String
-> | Unknown String
-> data Quantity = Quantity Approximately Unit Object
-> type Unit = String
-> type Object = String
-> data Approximately =
-> Range Amount Amount
-> | Approx Amount
-> | Exact Amount
-> data Amount =
-> AmountRatio Rational
-> | AmountStr String
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Serialize.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Serialize.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index f07e871..0000000
--- a/src/Codec/Pesto/Serialize.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-.. class:: nodoc
-> module Codec.Pesto.Serialize (serialize) where
-> import Data.Char (isSpace, isLetter)
-> import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)
-> import {-# SOURCE #-} Codec.Pesto.Parse
-> class Serializeable a where
-> serialize :: a -> String
-.. class:: todo
-- Add instance for graph
-- use :math:`\mathcal{O}(1)` string builder
-Finally transform linear stream of instructions into a string again:
-> instance Serializeable a => Serializeable [a] where
-> serialize ops = unlines $ map serialize ops
-> instance Serializeable Instruction where
-> serialize (Annotation s) = quote '(' ')' s
-> serialize (Ingredient q) = '+':serialize q
-> serialize (Tool q) = '&':serialize q
-> serialize (Action s) = quote '[' ']' s
-> serialize (Reference q) = '*':serialize q
-> serialize (Result q) = '>':serialize q
-> serialize (Alternative q) = '|':serialize q
-> serialize (Directive s) = '%':serializeQstr s
-> serialize (Unknown s) = s
-> instance Serializeable Quantity where
-> serialize (Quantity a b "") = serialize a ++ " " ++ serializeQstr b
-> serialize (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" c) = serializeQstr c
-> serialize (Quantity a "" c) = serialize a ++ " _ " ++ serializeQstr c
-> serialize (Quantity a b c) = serialize a ++ " " ++ serializeQstr b ++ " " ++ serializeQstr c
-> instance Serializeable Approximately where
-> serialize (Range a b) = serialize a ++ "-" ++ serialize b
-> serialize (Approx a) = '~':serialize a
-> serialize (Exact a) = serialize a
-There are two special cases here, both for aesthetic reasons:
-1) If the denominator is one we can just skip printing it, because
- :math:`\frac{2}{1} = 2` and
-2) if the numerator is larger than the denominator use mixed fraction notation,
- because :math:`\frac{7}{2} = 3+\frac{1}{2}`
-> instance Serializeable Amount where
-> serialize (AmountRatio a) | denominator a == 1 = show (numerator a)
-> serialize (AmountRatio a) | numerator a > denominator a =
-> show full ++ "/" ++ show num ++ "/" ++ show denom
-> where
-> full = numerator a `div` denom
-> num = numerator a - full * denom
-> denom = denominator a
-> serialize (AmountRatio a) = show (numerator a) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator a)
-> serialize (AmountStr s) = serializeQstr s
-> serializeQstr "" = "_"
-> serializeQstr s | (not . isLetter . head) s || hasSpaces s = quote '"' '"' s
-> serializeQstr s = s
-> hasSpaces = any isSpace
-> quote start end s = [start] ++ concatMap (\c -> if c == end then ['\\', end] else [c]) s ++ [end]