Presentation ------------ .. class:: nodoc > module Codec.Pesto.Dot (toDot) where > import Codec.Pesto.Serialize (serialize) Since each recipe is just a directed graph (digraph), we can use the dot language to represent it as well. This in turnXXX can be transformed into an image, for example. > toDot nodes edges = unlines $ ["digraph a {\nnode [fontname=\"Roboto Semi-Light\"];"] ++ n ++ e ++ ["}"] > where > f (a, b) = show a ++ " -> " ++ show b ++ ";" > e = map f edges > n = map (\(a, b) -> show a ++ " [label=\"" ++ dotEncodeString (serialize b) ++ "\"];") nodes > dotEncodeString = concatMap dotEncodeChar > dotEncodeChar '\n' = "\\n" > dotEncodeChar '"' = "\\\"" > dotEncodeChar x = [x]