Building documentation ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. class:: nodoc > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > import Text.Pandoc > import Text.Pandoc.Error (handleError) > import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Styles (tango) > import Data.List (stripPrefix) > import System.FilePath (replaceFileName) > import qualified Data.Set as S The documentation is created from the source module Codec.Pesto, which includes the other modules. We use a slightly modified template. > main = do > tpl <- readFile "template.html" > doc <- readWithInclude "src/Codec/Pesto.lhs" > writeFile "_build/index.html" $ rstToHtml tpl doc Since pandoc currently does not support restructured text’s include directive, emulate it. > readWithInclude f = do > c <- readFile f > let l = lines c > linc <- mapM (\line -> case stripPrefix ".. include:: " line of > Just incfile -> readWithInclude $ replaceFileName f incfile > Nothing -> return line) l > return $ unlines linc The pass the resulting string to pandoc that builds a doctree, remove unwanted content and build a HTML page. > rstToHtml tpl = writeDoc tpl . dropNoDoc . handleError . readDoc > readDoc = readRST def { > readerExtensions = S.fromList [ > Ext_literate_haskell > , Ext_implicit_header_references > ] > , readerStandalone = True } Drop blocks that should not be visible in the documentation, like module definitions and imports. > dropNoDoc = topDown f > where > f (Div (_, classes, _) _) | "nodoc" `elem` classes = Null > f x = x > writeDoc tpl = writeHtmlString def { > writerStandalone = True > , writerTemplate = tpl > , writerHtml5 = True > , writerHighlight = True > , writerHighlightStyle = tango > , writerNumberSections = True > , writerSectionDivs = True > , writerTabStop = 4 > , writerHTMLMathMethod = MathJax "" > , writerVariables = [("css", "pesto.css"), ("lang", "en")] > }