Building documentation ++++++++++++++++++++++ .. class:: nodoc > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} > import Text.Pandoc > import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (tango) > import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO > import System.Directory (setCurrentDirectory) > import Data.Map as M > import Text.DocTemplates (ToContext(toVal), Context(..)) > import Data.Text (pack) > import Data.Either.Combinators (rightToMaybe) The documentation can be generated running ``cabal run pesto-doc``. It is exclusively based on the restructuredText inside this packages’ literal Haskell source code. .. _restructuredText: > readDoc = readRST def { > readerExtensions = extensionsFromList [ > Ext_literate_haskell > , Ext_implicit_header_references > ] > , readerStandalone = True } `Pandoc `_ outputs a single HTML5 page with syntax highlighting and MathJax for formulas. > writeDoc tpl = writeHtml5String def { > writerTemplate = tpl > , writerHighlightStyle = Just tango > , writerNumberSections = True > , writerSectionDivs = True > , writerTabStop = 4 > , writerHTMLMathMethod = MathJax "" > , writerVariables = Context $ M.fromList [ > ("css", toVal $ pack "pesto.css") > , ("lang", toVal $ pack "en") > , ("include-before", toVal $ pack "
") > , ("include-after", toVal $ pack "
") > ] > } > > main = do The module Codec.Pesto serves as starting point and it includes every other module in a sensible order. For the relative includes to work, we need to change our current working directory. > tpl <- runIO $ compileDefaultTemplate "html5" > setCurrentDirectory "src/lib/Codec" > doc <- TIO.readFile "Pesto.lhs" > result <- runIO $ readDoc doc >>= writeDoc (rightToMaybe tpl) > setCurrentDirectory "../../../" > html <- handleError result Output is written to the directory ``_build``, which contains the corresponding stylesheet. > TIO.writeFile "_build/index.html" html