
pianobar is a console client for the personalized web radio pandora
(http://www.pandora.com). It features these functionalities:

- play and manage (create, add more music, delete, rename, ...) your stations
- rate played songs and let pandora explain why they were selected
- show upcoming songs
- configure key bindings
- last.fm scrobbling support
- proxy support for listeners outside the USA

Your can get recent versions of this software at
http://github.com/PromyLOPh/pianobar/tree/master or

Are you pandora.com? Read this!

"Why are you doing this?" you might ask. This is my anwer: I love your service
(recommendations are much better than those from last.fm, audio quality is much
better, stationS that actually *learn* what I like, ...), but your flashplayer
is the worst thing I've ever seen (25% CPU load and a browser window are too
much for playing music). So I decided to write a free-to-use (even you could
use it commercially!) library and player to access your service.

I know you have to pay your bills using ads on your website. At the moment this
client is ad-free, but I would show text ads to support you. All I need is a
api to retrieve those ads :)

By the way: It's useless to change the encryption/decryption key. It won't take
a week to get it working again, because the key is visible to every decompiler
and debugger.